September 30, 2024

Updated help pages!

Help pages have been redesigned and more content was added to guide UMONS researchers.

Discover them by clicking on the "Help" menu.

Step by step

Discover ORBi

First steps on ORBi? Learn more about the project and the UMONS mandate, the functionalities of the public interface and everything you need to add your publications on ORBi.

Boost your visibility!

Be seen to be read! - Are the references deposited on ORBi "really" visible? How can I improve the visibility of my researches and my presence on the web?

Activate your ORCID

ORCID is an international unique identifier that makes it possible to clearly identify a researcher, link him to his publications and solve homonymic problems. Learn how to create it and connect ORBi information with ORCID.

Key figures
deposits per year (last 12 months)
20 %
have Open Access full text
downloads per year (last 12 months)
downloads (total)
Contact ORBi UMONS