Deposit charter

ORBi Deposit Charter


ORBi's mission is to reliably reflect the scientific output of the researchers at the University of Mons. Therefore, it is essential that the deposits made by authors strictly correspond to the publications and communications they represent. This is a matter of ethics and scientific integrity that impacts the credibility of both the authors and the institution itself.

Depositors on ORBi agree to adhere to the following principles :

  • Deposits on ORBi are limited to scientific productions, which aim to create or disseminate knowledge. This includes published scientific works, unpublished scientific productions, or scientific outreach materials. ORBi is not a platform for personal opinions, propaganda, or content not backed by genuine scientific methodology. The University of Mons reserves the right to remove any document that violates ethical standards or scientific integrity without prior notice (see Board of Directors - CA 131 - Point 14 - Annex 23 - CEIS Regulation.pdf - All documents (
  • ORBi publication lists are used in internal and external evaluations (notably F.R.S.-FNRS applications). Therefore, depositors should be aware that ORBi deposits cannot be deleted, except by the ORBi team in truly exceptional circumstances (e.g., publisher retraction, duplication).
  • Authors remain fully responsible for deposits made in their name, even if the deposit work was delegated to an agent or co-author. If any irregularities are identified during or after validation, the authors must correct or arrange for corrections to ensure full compliance with reality.
  • In the case of collective works, deposits on ORBi must be transparent and respect the respective authors' rights, including the right of attribution[1]. In case of disputes, UMONS authorities (Ethics and Scientific Integrity Council) will resolve the issue.
  • The choice of document type on ORBi must accurately represent the actual publication.
  • Only documents that have been officially accepted for publication can be deposited on ORBi as published works. A submitted but not yet accepted article should be classified as an unpublished e-print.
  • For oral communications at conferences, if they were published in proceedings without significant reworking (only formal or minor changes were made), they should appear only once under "Published Communication in a Journal" or "Published Communication in a Book," as appropriate. However, if the oral communication was significantly reworked into the published version, both texts can be considered different works and appear in both sections.
  • Authors must respect intellectual property and image rights, using only images that are either in the public domain or for which they have obtained usage rights. Authors will be responsible for any complaints from rights holders.


During the deposit process, special attention should be given to the following points :


  • The document type must accurately match the reality of the publication. For example, a simple abstract published in a journal is not a scientific journal article. If a communication was presented but not published, it is classified as an oral communication. Similarly, an article in a general public magazine cannot be categorized as a "Scientific Journal Article."
  • All authors of a publication must be listed in the exact order they appear in the publication. Only authors actually appearing in the publication can be included. UMONS members must be selected from the list of university members provided by ORBi.
  • The term "co-first" or "co-last" author can only be used if explicitly indicated in the publication that these authors played an equivalent role.
  • The status of author/co-author must reflect the actual role in the creation of the work. Individuals who contributed indirectly (e.g., participating in related research activities) can be listed as "Other Collaborator" on ORBi, provided they are explicitly mentioned in the work.
  • To indicate that a publication is "peer-reviewed", it must have undergone validation by a review committee of scientists who are experts in the same field and independent of the journal's editorial board. If the reviewers are part of the editorial board, the publication should be marked as "editorial reviewed". The depositor is responsible for choosing or modifying the review status of a document on ORBi.
  • The publication year must be correct for proper identification. Publications archived as "in press" should be updated with the exact date once known.
  • The title of the reference on ORBi must be identical to the title in the publication as stated by the publisher.
  • Information provided must be precise enough to identify the publication without ambiguity. For example, provide complete details for an event (title, organizer, date, etc.).
  • When depositing the full text, whether mandatory or voluntary, the document must contain the entire text of the published work, not just a summary or other partial content.
  • If the publication is released under a Creative Commons license, the full text must be deposited with the appropriate Creative Commons license mentioned.
  • Adding keywords, abstracts, or other metadata is not mandatory but enhances the visibility of the publication and its authors.

The ORBi team at UMONS is available to authors and depositors for any questions regarding this charter and any queries related to depositing on ORBi.


[1] The right of attribution means that the author has the right to demand and claim at any time the mention of their name and their contributions on any mode of publication of their work

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