Legal Information

UMONS Member

What are my rights?

Open access submission authorisation

In order to submit publications for Open Access on ORBi, the author must have the necessary permissions. This is the case if:

  • The author has not transferred their copyright for electronic distribution to the publisher, unless the agreement with the publisher was renegotiated later.  
    • This is, in principle, the case for all publications published before 1993.
    • This is the case for publications published under a free license such as Creative Commons
  • The publisher of the work authorises the submission to an institutional database. To find out, you can consult the publisher's website (or contact them directly) or SHERPA/RoMEO, which lists editorial policies, especially for self-archiving. 

Belgian law

The 2018 amendment to the copyright provisions of the Economic Law Code allows affected authors to submit their journal articles in Open Access, regardless of the contract signed with the publisher.

What are my obligations?

Some institutions, research programs and funding agencies make it compulsory to submit in OA the publications resulting from the research that concerns them. This is also the case at the UMONS.

The UMONS mandate

Since 2012, UMONS has applied an institutional mandate of mandatory submission in its open archive, ORBi. This mandate implies: 

  • An obligation for all UMONS members to submit the references of all publications in ORBi;
  • An obligation to deposit the full text of all scientific articles published by UMONS members in ORBi, as soon as they are accepted by the publisher;
  • An obligation to submit doctoral theses in ORBi, prior to the defense (in full text or partial, with at least the table of contents and the abstract);
  • The use of only the references of publications submitted in ORBi for the internal evaluation of researchers

The "Open Access" decree of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation

Since September 2018, the Open Access decree has made it mandatory for articles funded in whole or in part by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to be submitted with Open Access.


The FRS-FNRS mandate makes the Open Access deposit of journal articles mandatory for all recipients of their funding.  

Plan S

Plan S makes it mandatory, as of January 1, 2021, to publish and/or disseminate the full text of all scientific publication submissions funded by the Coalition S member, in Open Access and under an open license.  

Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe

The mandate requires Open Access to peer-reviewed scientific publications addressing the results of Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe-funded research.  

User of the site

What can readers of the site do?

Users of the directory may read, download, copy, distribute and print any piece of work as long as they respect the basic rights of the authors of the University of Liège. Also, Open Access to a full text on ORBi is subject to the acceptance of a user license under which users agree to:

  • Indicate, in any citation, the source of the work and the name(s) of the author(s)
  • Not to modify, transform or adapt the work, without the explicit authorisation of the author
  • Not to use the work for commercial purposes (i.e. with the primary intention or purpose of obtaining commercial advantage or financial compensation)
  • Not to use the work in such a way as to interfere with its exploitation in other forms

Which licenses for files uploaded to ORBi?

ORBi licence

For any document available in Open Access on ORBi, the author must sign the submission application in order to authorise the electronic diffusion of their publication.

If several authors are involved, they will all have to sign the license in order for the reference to be made available on Open Access. The license will be sent to them via the email address indicated by the submitter for each co-author.

Creative Commons licences

These licenses used in Gold Open Access publication allow to define permitted uses for the readers. If a publication is under a free license, it can be indicated as such on ORBi and distributed under the same license.

See the different types of CC licenses on

We take care to respect the rights of each participant as much as possible. If you feel you have been wronged, please inform the ORBi team and we will immediately restrict access to the disputed document while we investigate the case. 


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