Predatory Journals

Prevention against Predatory Journals with the “Compass to Publish” tool


Dear Researchers,

Publishing your research work in quality journals is essential to ensure their visibility and impact. However, the exponential presence of predatory journals poses a real problem in the academic world. Indeed, these journals, often difficult to identify, exploit researchers by charging high publication fees (APC), without offering a rigorous peer review process or real visibility for the studies presented.

To help you avoid these pitfalls and choose the best journals for your publications, we are delighted to introduce you to a tool developed by the University of Liège: “Compass to Publish

The “Compass to Publish” Test

 This tool is designed to help you assess the degree of authenticity of journals based on a criterion-based diagnosis. Thus, this process allows you to make informed choices about the journals where you publish your work. By simply entering the name of the journal in which you plan to publish, you get a detailed evaluation of its credibility.

How the tool works

The tool analyzes various criteria to assess the quality of journals according to different themes:

  • Trust lists: is it published by a known publishing house?
  • Lists of journals considered predatory: is the journal or the publishing house mentioned in a blacklist?
  • Counterfeits: has the journal not usurped the (e)ISSN of an authentic journal?
  • Referencing and metrics: does the journal have the registered trademark “Impact Factor”?
  • Editorial board: are the members mentioned?
  • Contents and presentation: do the data provided by the journal’s website and/or the publishing house appear legitimate?
  • Communication practices: are you contacted unsolicited by the journal?

Why use “Compass to Publish”?

  • Access to a verified database: by using various resources, the tool allows you to list thousands of academic journals in multiple disciplines;
  • Academic security: ensure that your work is published in high-quality journals, thus increasing their impact and visibility in the scientific community;
  • Resource savings: reduce the risk of wasting time and resources by avoiding predatory journals, which can compromise your research and funding;

In conclusion, this tool invites researchers to undertake a thorough analysis and reflection when choosing journals. We strongly recommend that you use it for all your future submissions. Access the tool via this link: Compass to Publish.

Let’s stay vigilant and contribute together to the integrity of scientific research!

Contact ORBi UMONS