Lowenthal, F. (In press). Non Verbal Communication Devices and Language Acquisition or Re-Acquisition. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems. Peer reviewed |
Lowenthal, F. (18 December 2015). Non verbal communication devices and language acquisition or re-acquisition. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, 28, 159-173. Peer reviewed |
Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., Lowenthal, F. (Ed.), & Lefebvre, L. (Ed.). (2015). Language and Recursion. Springer, New York. |
Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., Lowenthal, F. (Ed.), & Lefebvre, L. (Ed.). (2014). Language and Recursion. Springer, New York. |
Lowenthal, F. (2014). Thank you, Ted. In Mathematics & Mathematics Education : Searching for Common Ground (pp. 351-356). Editions Springer. |
Lowenthal, F., & Lefebvre, L. (2014). Nonverbal Communication Devices, Language, Cerebral Flexibility, and Recursive Exercises. In F. Lowenthal & L. Lefebvre (Eds.), Language and Recursion (pp. 39-55). Springer, New York. |
Fortemps, P., Lowenthal, F., & Wautié, V. (2014). Computer Simulations of Recursive Exercises for a Nonverbal Communication Device. In Language and Recursion. Springer. |
Lowenthal, F. (2014). Synthesis of the Main Discussions. In F. Lowenthal & L. Lefebvre (Eds.), Language and Recursion (pp. 195-228). Springer, New York. |
Bellon, T., & Lowenthal, F. (14 October 2013). Evaluation de la représentation du corps chez les personnes schizophrènes par jugement sémantique : vers un nouvel outil diagnostique ? Information Psychiatrique, 89, 675-84. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Bellon, T., Lowenthal, F., & Lefebvre, L. (12 March 2013). La schizophrénie : la caractériser par le langage et la représentation du corps [Poster presentation]. 7ième Matinée des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F. (29 April 2012). Justification in mathematics and language acquisition [Paper presentation]. Mathematics and Education, Beer-Sheva, Israel. |
Lowenthal, F., Fortemps, P., & Wautie, V. (04 September 2011). Brain and language acquistion research : Construction of recursive exercises for non verbal communication devices [Paper presentation]. 17th Meeting of the european society for cognitive psychology (ESCOP 2011), San Sebastian, Spain. |
Lowenthal, F. (2011). Complexité du langage : que peut-on faire ? [Paper presentation]. 8th international congress of the European Union for Systemics, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F. (2011). Non-verbal Communication Devices and Language Acquisition for Re-acquisition [Paper presentation]. Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS)'11, Liège, Belgium. |
Haelewyck, M.-C., Depover, C., Lowenthal, F., Hendrick, S., Gaugue, J., Desmet, H., Lahaye, W., De Lièvre, B., & Van Daele, A. (22 March 2011). Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education. : Développement [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs, UMons, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F. (2011). NVCDs, language acquisition and reacquisition, and recursive exercises [Paper presentation]. Language and Recursion, Mons, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F., Fortemps, P., & Wautie, V. (16 March 2011). Brain and Lanquage Acquisition research : Construction of recursive exercises for Non Verbal Communication Devices [Paper presentation]. Language and Recursion, Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium. |
Simoes Loureiro, I., Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., & Vaivre Douret, L. (01 January 2010). Etude des caractéristiques psychologiques, psychobiologiques des enfants à haut potentiel. Enfance: Psychologie, Pédagogie, Neuropsychiatrie, Sociologie, 1, 27-44. Peer reviewed |
Lowenthal, F. (2010). Language and Recursion. In Proceedings of CASYS09 conference (pp. 10). American Institute of Physics. |
Bellon, T., & Lowenthal, F. (03 September 2009). Evaluation body representation in schizophrenic persons using semantic judgment [Paper presentation]. 16th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2009), Cracovie, Poland. |
Lowenthal, F., Simon, O., Tremblez, A., & Trappeniers, J. (02 September 2009). Non verbal communication devices car favor language, reading and number acquisition [Paper presentation]. 16th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2009), Cracovie, Poland. |
Bellon, T., Lowenthal, F., & Nespoulous, J.-L. (03 June 2009). Evaluation body representation in schizophrenic persons using semantic judgement [Poster presentation]. 2009 Baps Annual meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Simoes Loureiro, I., Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., & Vaivre Douret, L. (02 June 2009). Le trouble déficitaire de l'attention chez l'enfant à haut potentiel : étude exploratoire. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 102, 188-194. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lowenthal, F., Simon, O., & Tremblez, A. (2009). Maîtrise des compétences en lecture et en calcul au deuxième cycle de l'enseignement fondamental. Recherche en Pédagogie : Ministère de la Communauté française. Peer reviewed |
Lefebvre, L., & Lowenthal, F. (2008). Neuropsychologie Cognitive. |
Lefebvre, L., Baleriaux, D., PAQUIER, P., & Lowenthal, F. (2008). Developing Language Abilities by a non-verbal training : A fmRI study. |
Bordignon, T., & Lowenthal, F. (2008). Construction de l'habileté à dénombrer par l'enfant. Ministère de la Communauté française. |
Bellon, T., Lowenthal, F., & Nespoulous, J.-L. (23 July 2007). Body consciousness assessment by the evaluation of descriptive discourse produced by schizophrenic people : a working hypothesis [Poster presentation]. Toward Science of consciousness, Budapest, Hungary. |
Lefebvre, L., Balériaux, D., Paquier, P., & Lowenthal, F. (2007). Influence of a probabilistic perception and production training on subcortical activations [Paper presentation]. Journées des Sciences de la Parole, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Lefebvre, L., Balériaux, D., Paquier, P., & Lowenthal, F. (01 March 2007). Influence of a probabilistic perception and production training on subcortical activations [Poster presentation]. Journées des Sciences de la Parole, Charleroi, Belgium. |
Lefebvre, L., Lowenthal, F., Baleriaux, D., & Paquier, P. (10 November 2006). Basal Ganglia : a crossroad between verbal and non-verbal activities ? Acta Neurologica Belgica, 106, 65-66. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lefebvre, L., Balériaux, D., Paquier, P., & Lowenthal, F. (01 November 2006). Basal ganglia : a crossroad between verbal and non-verbal activities ? [Poster presentation]. NeuroBelgium2006, Genval, Belgium. |
Bordignon, T., Vandeputte, C., & Lowenthal, F. (2006). Comment favoriser le développement cognitif et la structuration de la pensée chez des enfants présentant un retard mental ? In Déficience intellectuelle : savoirs et perspectives d'action (pp. 253-262). Presses Inter Universitaires. |
Lefebvre, L., Balériaux, D., Lowenthal, F., & Metens, T. (01 September 2006). Changing brain activations during language tasks after a non-verbal training : An fMRI study [Poster presentation]. Multilingual Neuroimaging Research in Brussels and Europe. State of the Art and Policy Implications, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F., & Vandeputte, C. (2006). Une remédiation cognitive pour l'acquisition des prérequis de la lecture et du nombre [Paper presentation]. Congrès X-fragile -Europe, Liège, Belgium. |
Lowenthal, F. (2006). Quels outils cognitifs pour les enfants handicapés ? In Handicap, cognition et prise en charge individuelle (pp. 129-148). Publications de l''Université de Rouen et du Havre. |
Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., & Soetaert, M. (2003). Manipulations of Concrete Representations of Formal Systems, Language Development, Reading and other Cognitive Skills [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference 03, Osnabrück, Germany. |
Lowenthal, F., Lefebvre, L., & Soetaert, M. (01 September 2003). Manipulations of Concrete Representations of Formal Systems, Language Development, Reading and other Cognitive Skills [Poster presentation]. Proceedings of European Cognitive Science Conference 03, Osnabrück, Germany. |
Lefebvre, L., & Lowenthal, F. (01 June 2002). Des outils pour favoriser une réorganisation cérébrale [Poster presentation]. Société d'Anatomie Fonctionnelle Cérébrale (SAFC), Paris, France. |
Lowenthal, F., & Harmegnies, B. (1986). The ob-serving computer. In Pragmatics and Education (pp. 239-250). Plenum Press. |
Harmegnies, B., & Lowenthal, F. (1985). Dynamical mazes and the ob-serving computer [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Noordwijkerhout , Netherlands. |
Harmegnies, B., & Lowenthal, F. (01 January 1984). Dispositifs de communication non-verbale et ordinateurs. Grkg. Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft, Heft 3 (25), 115-124. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |