
Roch Alain

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie > Physique biomédicale

Main Referenced Co-authors
MULLER, Robert  (48)
LAURENT, Sophie  (38)
Vander elst, Luce  (31)
GOSSUIN, Yves  (26)
Gillis, Pierre  (13)
Main Referenced Keywords
ELISA (2); functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles (2); cellular magnetic labeling (1); contrast agents (1); ferritin (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CMMI - Centre de Recherche en Microscopie et Imagerie Médicale (5)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemistry (45)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (14)
Physics (10)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (5)
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology (3)

Publications (total 53)

The most downloaded
Roch, A., Prodéo, J., Pierart, C., Muller, R., & Duez, P. (29 January 2019). The paramagnetic properties of malaria pigment, hemozoin, yield clues to a low-cost system for its trapping and determination. Talanta, 197, 553-557. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.090

The most cited

6192 citations (OpenAlex)

Laurent, S., Forge, D., Port, M., Roch, A., Robic, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis, stabilization, vectorization, physicochemical characterizations, and biological applications. Chemical Reviews, 108 (6), 2064-2110. doi:10.1021/cr068445e

Taboula Kayo, M., Kamdem Simo, M., Tagatsing Fotsing, M., Talla, E., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., Henoumont, C., Yankep, E., Ngenge, T., Keumoe, R., Atchade, A., Menkem Zeukoo, E., Lambert Sameza, M., Roch, A., Muller, R., Fekam Boyom, F., & Mbafor Tanyi, J. (2020). Antifungal potential of extracts, fractions and compounds from Uvaria comperei (Annonaceae) and Oxyanthus unilocularis (Rubiaceae). Natural Product Research. doi:10.1080/14786419.2020.1828409
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Roch, A., Prodéo, J., Pierart, C., Muller, R., & Duez, P. (29 January 2019). The paramagnetic properties of malaria pigment, hemozoin, yield clues to a low-cost system for its trapping and determination. Talanta, 197, 553-557. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2019.01.090
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Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., Roch, A., & Gossuin, Y. (01 April 2017). Magnetic resonance relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles used as contrast agents in MRI: a theoretical review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 9 (6). doi:10.1002/wnan.1468
Peer reviewed

Duez, P., Roch, A., Blankert, B., Okusa, P. N., & Avaert, R. (06 May 2016). Malaria Detection: Pub. No. WO/2016/066754; International Application No PCT/EP2015/075144; Publication Date 06.05.2016; International Filing Date 29.10.2015.

Ye, F., Laurent, S., Fornara, A., Astolfi, L., Qin, J., Roch, A., Martini, A., Toprak, M., Muller, R., & Muhammed, M. (03 December 2012). Uniform mesoporous silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles as a highly efficient nontoxic MRI T2 contrast agent with tunable proton relaxivities. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 7 (5), 460-468. doi:10.1002/cmmi.1473
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Pinho, S., Laurent, S., Rocha, J., Roch, A., Delville, M.-H., Carlos, L., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Geraldes, C. (01 January 2012). Relaxometric Studies of y-Fe203@SiO2 Core Shell Nanoparticles : When the coating Matters. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 116(3), 2285-2291.
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Muller, R., Pinho, S. L., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Geraldes, C. (2011). Coating and its influence on the relaxivity of MRI superparamagnetic nanoparticles [Paper presentation]. Contrast Media Research, CMR 2011, UTMB, Galveston, Texas, United States - Texas.

Pinho, S. L., Laurent, S., Rocha, J., Roch, A., Delville, M., carlos, L. D., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Geraldes, C. (06 October 2011). Coating and its influence on the relaxivity of MRI superparamagnetic nanoparticles [Paper presentation]. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Leipzig, Germany.

Liu, F., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (13 September 2011). Size-controllable synthesis of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and investigation on their magnetic properties [Paper presentation]. Réunion SRC, Institut Meurice, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vander Elst, L., Geraldes, C., Pinho, S., Laurent, S., Roch, A., & Muller, R. (02 June 2011). NMRD profiles of particulate reporters for magnetic resonance molecular imaging. Does the coating matters ? [Paper presentation]. 7th conference on field cycling NMR relaxometry, Turin, Italy.

Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Mahieu, I., Larbanoix, L., Roch, A., Port, M., Rousseaux, O., Ballet, S., Murariu, O., Toubeau, G., Corot, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (29 December 2010). In vitro biomedical applications of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles, including those not related to magnetic properties. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 6 (4), 236-50. doi:10.1002/cmmi.423
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Forge, D., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2010). Development of magnetic chromatography to sort polydisperse nanoparticles in ferrofluids. Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 5 ((3)), 126-132.
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Vuong, Q. L., Roch, A., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (05 July 2009). Simulation of NMR relaxation induced by SPM particles in solution [Poster presentation]. Euromar 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.

Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Hocq, A., Vuong, Q. L., & Roch, A. (01 January 2009). Magnetic resonance relaxation properties of superparamagnetic particles. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 1 (3), 299-310. doi:10.1002/wnan.36
Peer reviewed

Forge, D., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Tellez, H., Gossuin, Y., Renaux, F., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (17 November 2008). Optimization of the Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Contrast Agents by the Design of Experiments Method. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 112 (49), 19178-19185. doi:10.1021/jp803832k
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Laurent, S., Forge, D., Port, M., Roch, A., Robic, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis, stabilization, vectorization, physicochemical characterizations, and biological applications. Chemical Reviews, 108 (6), 2064-2110. doi:10.1021/cr068445e
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Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). Preparation and characterization of organosilane modified magnetite nanoparticles [Poster presentation]. Chimie et matériaux fonctionnels, GFSM (groupe francophone spectrométrie Mössbauer), UCL, Louvian-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). Organosilane modified magnetite nanoparticles : synthesis and characterization [Poster presentation]. COST D38 Metal-Based Systems for molecular imaging application, Sacavém, Portugal.

Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., & Muller, R. (2007). Structure, synthesis and characterization of contrast agents for magnetic resonance molecular imaging. In NMR-MRI, µSR and Mössbauer Spectroscopies in Molecular Magnets (pp. 71-88). Springer-Verlag Italie. doi:10.1007/978-88-470-0532-7_3

Qin, J., Laurent, S., Jo, Y. S., Roch, A., Mikhaylova, M., Bhujwalla, Z. M., Muller, R., & Muhammed, M. (01 January 2007). A High-Performance Magnetic Resonance Imaging T2 Contrast Agent. Advanced Materials, 19 (14), 1874-1878.
Peer reviewed

Diallo, M. S. T., Camara, A. K., Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Baldé, A. M., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). Ethnobotanic and phytochimic investigations of Hymenocardia acida Tul. dand Lantana will camara Linn, plants employed in traditionnal medicine [Poster presentation]. 'New drugs and drug candidates : recent achievements in medicine chemistry', annual meeting on medicinal chemistry of SRC and KVCV, UCB, Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium.

Diallo, M. S. T., Camara, A. K., Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Baldé, A. M., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). Ethnobotanic and phytochimic investigations of Hymenocardia acida Tul. and Lantana will camara Linn, plants employed in traditionnal medicine [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting on medicinal chemistry of SRC and KVCV, UCB, Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium.

Qin, J., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Mohammed, M. (01 January 2007). Monodisperse water-soluble superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles revaled as a high performance T2 contrast agent for MRI [Poster presentation]. European Society for molecular imaging, Second International Conference, (ESMI), Naples, Italy.

Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Renaux, F., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). Optimization of the synthesis of superparamagnetic reporters for molecular imaging applications [Poster presentation]. 5th conference on Field Cycling NMR relaxometry, Turin, Italy.

Qin, J., Laurent, S., Suk, Y., Roch, A., Mikhaylova, M., Muller, R., & Muhammed, M. (2007). Monodisperse Water-Soluble Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Revealed as High-Performance T2 Contrast Agents. Advanced Materials.
Peer reviewed

Forge, D., Laurent, S., Renaux, F., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). Optimization of the synthesis of superparamagnetic reporters for molecular imaging by the experimental design method [Poster presentation]. COST Chemistry D38, 'Metal based systems for molecular imaging applications', Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Qin, J., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Muhammed, M. (01 January 2006). Superparamagnetic iron oxide micelles revealed as high performance T2 contrast agents [Poster presentation]. 'New Developments in Contrast Agent Research', 10th Bi-annual Conference on Molecular Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Intermodality Contrast Agent Research, Vilnius, Lithuania.

De Marco, G., Roch, A., Perreti, I., Gossuin, Y., Lehman, P., Menuel, C., Vallée, J. N., & Muller, R. (01 January 2006). Agents de contraste en IRM : approche théorique des mécanismes de relaxation. Médecine Nucléaire: Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Métabolique, 30, 645-658.
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Forge, D., Tellez, H., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2006). Application of the experiment design method to the synthesis of superparamagnetic colloids [Poster presentation]. Symposium on 'Magnetic separation and nanomagnetics', Université de Karlsruhe, Germany.

Qin, J., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Muhammed, M. (01 January 2006). Fe2O3@Poly(L,L-lactide) Core-Shell Nanoparticles Synthesized by Surface-initiated In Situ Polymerization [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Krems, Austria.

Muller, R., Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., & Vanderelst, L. (01 May 2005). Develoment of superparamagnetic particles dispersions : basic materials of markers for molecular imaging. Academic Radiology, 12 (Issue 5, S1), 45. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2005.02.033
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Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2005). C-MALISA (cellular magnetic-linked immunosorbent assay), a new application of cellular ELISA for MRI. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 99 (5), 1135-1144. doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2005.02.009
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Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2005). Synthèse et évaluation de la capture cellulaire de particules superparamagnétiques [Poster presentation]. Colloque Nano-hybrides, Autrans, Vercors, France.

Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (01 January 2005). Superparamagnetic colloid suspensions: Water magnetic relaxation and clustering. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 293 (1), 532-539. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2005.01.070
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Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2005). Intérêt des profils NMRD (Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion) pour la caractérisation des particules superparamagnétiques [Poster presentation]. Club Nanomatériaux pour les Sciences du Vivant, Défis et enjeux des colloïdes pour les techniques d'imageries appliquées aux méthodes de diagnostic in vivo, Paris, France.

Gossuin, Y., Burtea, C., Monseux, A., Toubeau, G., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (11 May 2004). Ferritin-induced relaxation in tissues: An in vitro study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 20 (4), 690-697. doi:10.1002/jmri.20152
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Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Control of the synthesis of magnetic fluids by relaxometry and magnetometry. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276, 1711-e1713.
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Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Highly sensitive Streptavidin-based magnetic nanosensors as an useful tool in clinical diagnosis [Poster presentation]. 21th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Copenhague, Denmark.

Laurent, S., Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Ouakssim, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles grafted by vectorizing molecules [Poster presentation]. -, Anvers, Belgium.

Laurent, S., Ouakssim, A., Nicotra, C., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., Cornant, M., Soleil, P., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Influence of the length of the coating molecules on the nuclear magnetic relaxivity of superparamagnetic colloids. Physica Status Solidi A. Applications and Materials Science, 1 ((12)), 3644-3650.
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Laurent, S., Ouakssim, A., Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2003). Vectorized nanoparticles, a powerful class of contrast agent for MRI [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Magnesium, ICM 2003, Rome, Italy.

Muller, R., Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., & Vander Elst, L. (01 January 2003). Field Cycling relaxometry, an efficient tool for the quality control of superparamagnetic particles dispersions [Poster presentation]. 3rd Field Cycling Magnetic Relaxation Conference, Torino, Italy.

Roch, A., Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2003). Relaxometry of nanomagnets suspensions : theories and applications [Poster presentation]. Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Prague, Czechia.

Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2003). Control of the synthesis of magnetic fluids by proton relaxometry [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Magnetism, ICM 2003, Rome, Italy.

Muller, R., Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., & Vander Elst, L. (01 January 2003). Development of Superparamagnetic Particles Dispersions Basic Materials of Markers for Molecular Imaging [Paper presentation]. CMR-2003, San Diego, United States - California.

Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., Gillis, P., & Lo Bue, F. (15 September 2002). Anomalous Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Aqueous Solutions of Ferritin: An Unprecedented First-Order Mechanism. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 48, 959-964. doi:10.1002/mrm.10316
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Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (2002). An evaluation of the contributions of diffusion and exchange in relaxation enhancement by MRI contrast agents. Journal of Magnetic Resonance.
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Gossuin, Y., Colet, J.-M., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 June 2002). Cesium Adsorption in Hydrated Iron Oxide Particles Suspensions: An NMR Study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 157, 132-136. doi:10.1006/jmre.2002.2581
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Gillis, P., Moiny, F., Muller, R. N., & Roch, A. (2002). Water Magnetic Relaxation in Superparamagnetic Colloid Suspensions: The effect of Agglomeration. Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science, 383-392.
Peer reviewed

Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., Gillis, P., Laurent, S., Botteman, F., Bulte, J. W. M., & Muller, R. (01 January 2002). Dy-DTPA derivatives as relaxation agents for very high field MRI: the beneficial effect of a slow water exchange. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 47, 1121-1130.
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Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 December 2001). Relaxation Induced by Ferritin and Ferritin-Like Magnetic Particles: The Role of Proton Exchange. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 43, 237-243.
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Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Lo Bue, F., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 July 2001). Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion of Ferritin and Ferritin-Like Magnetic Particle Solutions: A pH-Effect Study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 46, 476-481.
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Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (31 March 1999). Theory of proton relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 110 (11), 5403-5411.
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