
Cheron Guy

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie > Service de Neurosciences

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education > Service d'Electrophysiologie

Main Referenced Co-authors
Hoellinger, Thomas (23)
Cebolla, A.M. (21)
Castermans, Thierry  (19)
Duvinage, Matthieu  (19)
Dan, Bernard (18)
Main Referenced Keywords
BCI, Eye Movements, Foot Drop, Human Locomo- tion, PCPG, Phase-resetting, Prosthesis, Stroke. (1); biomechanics -medical/clinical engineering (1); Brain-Computer Interface, P300, walk, artifact, spatial filter (1); Brain-Computer Interfaces (1); Brain-Computer Interfaces, Human Gait, PCPG, Neuroprosthesis, Rehabilitation. (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
BIOSYS - Biosys (5)
CIPSE - Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en Psychophysiologie et Electrophysiologie de la cognition (2)
CREMH - Mind & Health (1)
UMHAP - Centre de Recherche UMONS-Ambroise Paré (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurology (44)
Laboratory medicine & medical technology (15)
Electrical & electronics engineering (9)
Physics (3)
Chemistry (2)

Publications (total 80)

The most downloaded
Cheron, G., Ristori, D., Marquez-Ruiz, J., Cebolla, A. M., & Ris, L. (09 February 2022). Electrophysiological alterations of the Purkinje cells and deep cerebellar neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, Feb 9.

The most cited

327 citations (OpenAlex)

WANG, S., Wang, L., Meijneke, C., van Asseldonk, E., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., Ivanenko, Y., La Scaleia, V., Sylos Labini, F., Molinari, M., Tamburella, F., Pisotta, I., Thorsteinsson, F., Ilzkovitz, M., Gacent, J., Nevatia, Y., Hauffe, R., Zanov, F., & Van Der Kooij, H. (30 October 2014). Design and control of the MINDWALKER exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23 (2), 277-286.

Duvinage, M., Cubeta, J., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (In press). A Quantitative Comparison of the Most Sophisticated EOG-based Eye Movement Recognition Techniques [Paper presentation]. IEEE SSCI series, Singapour, Singapore.

Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (In press). EEG AND HUMAN LOCOMOTION: Descending Commands and Sensory Feedback Should be Disentangled From Artifacts Thanks to New Experimental Protocols (Position Paper) [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, subconference of the 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2012), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.

Cheron, G., Márquez-Ruiz, J., & Dan, B. (In press). Oscillations, timing, plasticity and learning in the cerebellum. Cerebellum, 1-17.
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Cheron, G., Ris, L., & Cebolla, A. M. (2023). Nucleus incertus provides eye velocity and position signals to the vestibulo-ocular cerebellum: a new perspective of the brainstem-cerebellum-hippocampus network. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 17, 1180627. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2023.1180627
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Cheron, G., Ristori, D., Marquez-Ruiz, J., Cebolla, A. M., & Ris, L. (09 February 2022). Electrophysiological alterations of the Purkinje cells and deep cerebellar neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, Feb 9.
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Cebolla, A. M., & Cheron, G. (27 August 2019). Understanding Neural Oscillations in the Human Brain: From movement to consciousness and vice & versa. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Peer reviewed

Petit, G., Cebolla, A. M., Fattinger, S., Petieau, M., Summerer, L., Cheron, G., & Huber, R. (02 May 2019). Local sleep-like events during wakefulness and their relationship to decrease in alertness in 5 astronauts on the International Space Station. NPJ Microgravity, 5.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G., Leroy, A., Cheron, J., & Ris, L. (01 March 2019). Electrical Brain System Perspective for Alzheimer Disease Prevention and Therapy. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinsonism, 9:1. doi:10.4172/2161-0460.1000463
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G., Márquez-Ruiz, J., Cheron, J., Prigogine, C., AMMANN, C., Lukowski, R., Ruth, P., & Dan, B. (2018). Purkinje cell BK-channel ablation induces abnormal rhythm in deep cerebellar nuclei and prevents LTD. Scientific Reports, (8).

Leroy, A., Petit, G., Zarka, D., Cebolla, A. M., Palmero-Soler, E., Strul, J., Dan, B., Verbanck, P., & Cheron, G. (2018). EEG dynamics and neural generators in implicit navigational image processing in adults with ADHD. Neuroscience, 1-43.
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Brevers, D., Dubuisson, E., Dejonghe, F., Dutrieux, J. F., Petieau, M., Cheron, G., Verbanck, P., & Foucart, J. (2018). Proactive and Reactive Motor Inhibition in Top Athletes Versus Nonathletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1-24.
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Baijot, S., Cevallos, C., Zarka, D., Leroy, A., Slama, H., Colin, C., Deconinck, N., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (2017). EEG Dynamics of a go/nogo tasks in children with ADHD. Brain Sciences, 1-15.
Peer reviewed

Cebolla, A. M., Palmero-Soler, E., Leroy, A., & Cheron, G. (2017). EEG Spectral generators involved in motor imagery : a swLORETA study. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-16.
Peer reviewed

Cebolla, A. M., Palmero-Soler, E., Leroy, A., & Cheron, G. (2017). EEG Spectral generators involved in motor imagery : a swLORETA study. Frontiers in Psychology.
Peer reviewed

Brevers, D., Rogiers, A., Defontaine, A., Cheron, G., Clarinval, A.-M., Foucart, J., Bouchez, A., Bolly, V., Tsartsafloudakis, L., Jottrand, P., Minner, P., Bechara, A., Kornreich, C., & Verbanck, P. (2017). Implementation intention for initiating intuitive eating and active embodiment in obeses patients using a smartphone application. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-9.
Peer reviewed

Sicot, G., Servais, L., Dinca, D., Leroy, A., Prigogine, C., Medja, F., Braz, S., Huguet-Lachon, A., Chhuon, C., Nicole, A., Gueriba, N., Oliveira, R., Dan, B., Furling, D., Swanson, M., Guerrera, C., Cheron, G., Gourdon, G., & Gomes-Pereira, M. (27 June 2017). Downregulation of the glial GLT1 Glutamate Transporter and Purkinje Cell Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Myotonic Dystrophy. Cell Reports, 19 (13), 2718-2729.
Peer reviewed

Leroy, A., Cevallos, C., Cebolla, A. M., Caharel, S., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (2017). Short-term EEG dynamics and neural generators evoked by navigational images. PLoS ONE, 1-26.
Peer reviewed

Hoellinger, T., McIntyre, J., Jami, L., Hanneton, S., Cheron, G., & Roby-Brami, A. (18 April 2017). A strategy of faster movements used by elderly humans to lift objects of increasing weight in ecological context. Neuroscience, 357, 384-399.
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Cheron, G. (06 December 2016). How to measure the psychological 'Flow', a neuroscience perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-6.
Peer reviewed

Cebolla, A. M., Petieau, M., Dan, B., Balazs, L., McIntyre, J., & Cheron, G. (24 November 2016). Cerebellar contribution to visuo-attentional alpha rhythm: insights from weightlessness. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-10.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G. (01 March 2016). Motor imagery in children with cerebral palsy: one step beyond with EEG dynamics. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 58 (3), 223-224.
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Cheron, G., Petit, G., Cheron, J., Leroy, A., Cebolla, A. M., Cevallos, C., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Zarka, D., Clarinval, A.-M., & Dan, B. (07 February 2016). Brain Oscillations in Sport: Toward EEG Biomarkers of Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (246), 1-25.
Peer reviewed

Cevallos, C., Zarka, D., Hoellinger, T., Leroy, A., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (30 December 2015). Oscillations in the human brain during walking execution, imagination and observation. Neuropsychologia, 79 (B), 223-232.
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Cebolla, A. M., & Cheron, G. (01 December 2015). Sensorimotor and cognitive involvement of the beta-gamma oscillation in the frontal N30 component of somatosensory evoked potentials. Neuropsychologia, 79, 215-222.
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Cebolla, A. M., Petieau, M., Cevallos, C., Leroy, A., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (01 December 2015). Long-lasting cortical reorganization as the result of motor imagery of throwing a ball in a virtual tennis court. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G. (2015). From biomechanics to sport psychology: The current oscillatory approach. Frontiers in Psychology, (6).
Peer reviewed

Servais, L., Sicot, G., Dinca, D., Prigogine, C., Leroy, A., Medja, F., Chhuon, C., Huguet, A., Nicole, A., Gueriba, N., Guerrera, C., Cheron, G., Gourdon, G., & Gomes-Pereira, M. (01 October 2015). Neuroglial miscommunication in the cerebellum of a mouse model of myotonic distrophy. Neuromuscular Disorders, 25 (S2), 213.

Pelc, K., Cevallos, C., Cebolla, A. M., Lombardo, C., Cheron, G., & Dan, B. (30 May 2015). Functional impairment of somatosensory association cortex in Angelman syndrome. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57 (4), 57-58.
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Pelc, K., Cevallos, C., Cebolla, A. M., Graf von Kalkreuth, C., Dan, J., Gajewska, A., Cheron, G., & Dan, B. (26 May 2015). Maturation of high-density EEG oscillatory visual responses in infants born preterm. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57 (4), 38-39.
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Dan, B., Pelc, K., De Meirleir, L., & Cheron, G. (01 April 2015). Phenotypic plasticity and the perception-action-cognition-environment paradigm in neurodevelopmental genetic disorders. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57 (2), 52-54.
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Dan, B., Pelc, K., Cebolla, A. M., & Cheron, G. (01 April 2015). High-density electroencephalography developmental neurophysiological trajectories. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57 (3), 44-47.
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Petit, G., Cimochowska, A., Cevallos, C., Cheron, G., Kornreich, C., Hanak, C., Schröder, E., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (01 April 2015). Reduced processing of alcohol cues predicts abstinence in recently detoxified alcoholic patients in a three-month follow up period: An ERP study. Behavioural Brain Research, 282, 84-94.
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Erkens, M., Tanaka-Yamamoto, K., Cheron, G., Márquez-Ruiz, J., Prigogine, C., Schepens, J., Nadif Kasri, N., Augustine, G., & Hendriks, W. (09 January 2015). Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type R is required for Purkinje cell responsiveness in cerebellar long-term depression. Molecular Brain, 8 (1).
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Bengoetxea, A., Leurs, F., Hoellinger, T., Cebolla, A. M., Dan, B., Cheron, G., & McIntyre, J. (01 January 2015). Physiological modules for generating discrete and rhythmic movements: Component analysis of EMG signals. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8, 01-16.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G., Márquez-Ruiz, J., Kishino, T., & Dan, B. (19 November 2014). Disruption of the LTD dialogue between the cerebellum and the cortex in Angelman syndrome model: a timing hypothesis. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8 (221), 1-9.
Peer reviewed

WANG, S., Wang, L., Meijneke, C., van Asseldonk, E., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., Ivanenko, Y., La Scaleia, V., Sylos Labini, F., Molinari, M., Tamburella, F., Pisotta, I., Thorsteinsson, F., Ilzkovitz, M., Gacent, J., Nevatia, Y., Hauffe, R., Zanov, F., & Van Der Kooij, H. (30 October 2014). Design and control of the MINDWALKER exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23 (2), 277-286.
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La Scaleia, V., Sylos Labini, F., Hoellinger, T., Wang, L., Cheron, G., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. (20 October 2014). Control of Leg Movements Driven by EMG Activity of Shoulder Muscles. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 (838), 1-9.
Peer reviewed

Zarka, D., Cevallos, C., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (2014). Neural rhythmic symphony of human walking observation: Upside-down and Uncoordinated condition on cortical theta, alpha, beta and gamma oscillations. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 1-19.
Peer reviewed

Bengoetxea, A., Leurs, F., Hoellinger, T., Cebolla, A. M., Dan, B., McIntyre, J., & Cheron, G. (16 September 2014). Physiological modules for generating discrete and rhythmic movements: action identification by a dynamic recurrent neural network. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8 (100).
Peer reviewed

Cebolla, A. M., Palmero-Soler, E., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (15 July 2014). Modulation of the N30 generators of the somatosensory evoked potentials by the mirror neuron system. NeuroImage, 95, 48-60.
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Sylos Labini, F., La Scaleia, V., D'Avella, A., Pisotta, I., Tamburella, F., Scivoletto, G., Molinari, M., WANG, S., Wang, L., van Asseldonk, E., Van Der Kooij, H., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., Thorsteinsson, F., Ilzkovitz, M., Gancet, J., Hauffe, R., Zanov, F., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. (2014). EMG patterns during assisted walking in the exoskeleton. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 1-12.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G., Prigogine, C., Cheron, J., Márquez-Ruiz, J., Traub, R., & Dan, B. (28 March 2014). Emergence of a 600-Hz buzz UP state Purkinje cell firing in alert mice. Neuroscience, 263, 15-26.
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Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2014). About the cortical origin of the low-delta and high-gamma rhythms observed in EEG signals during treadmill walking. Neuroscience Letters.
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Cheron, G., Leroy, A., Palmero-Soler, E., De Saedeleer, C., Bengoetxea, A., Cebolla, A. M., Vidal, M., Dan, B., Berthoz, A., & McIntyre, J. (06 January 2014). Gravity influences top-down signals in visual processing. PLoS ONE, 1, 1-13.
Peer reviewed

Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (01 January 2014). Towards effective non-invasive brain-computer interfaces dedicated to gait rehabilitation systems. Brain Sciences, 4 (1), 1-48.
Peer reviewed

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2013). Performance of the Emotiv Epoc headset for P300-based applications. BioMedical Engineering OnLine.
Peer reviewed

Hoellinger, T., Petieau, M., Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Seetharaman, K., Cebolla, A. M., Bengoetxea, A., Ivanenko, Y., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (2013). Biological oscillations for learning walking coordination: dynamic recurrent neural network functionally models physiological central pattern generator. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
Peer reviewed

Duvinage, M., Cubeta, J., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2013). A Quantitative Comparison of the Most Sophisticated EOG-based Eye Movement Recognition Techniques [Paper presentation]. IEEE SSCI series, Singapour, Singapore.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Seetharaman, K., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2013). A Preliminary Fundamental Study of Ambulatory SSVEP [Paper presentation]. TOBI IV workshop, SION, Switzerland.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Seetharaman, K., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2012). A Subjective Assessment of a P300 BCI System for Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Purposes [Paper presentation]. EMBC 2012 - 34rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, United States - California.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Are current gait-related artifact removal techniques useful for low-complexity BCIs? [Paper presentation]. IEEE World Congress On Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), Brisbane, Australia.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Jiménez-Fabian, R., Hoellinger, T., Petieau, M., Verlinden, O., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Human Walk Modeled by PCPG to Control a Lower Limb Neuroprosthesis by High-Level Commands. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
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Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., De Saedeleer, C., Seetharaman, K., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2012). A P300-BASED QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EMOTIV EPOC HEADSET AND A MEDICAL EEG DEVICE [Paper presentation]. 9th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Jimenez, R., Hoellinger, T., De Saedeleer, C., Petieau, M., Seetharaman, K., Cheron, G., Verlinden, O., & Dutoit, T. (2012). A Five-State P300-based Foot Lifter Orthosis: Proof of Concept [Paper presentation]. 3rd IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics conference (ISSNIP), Manaus, Brazil.

Cheron, G., Duvinage, M., De Saedeleer, C., Castermans, T., Bengoetxea, A., Petieau, M., Seetharaman, K., Hoellinger, T., Dan, B., Dutoit, T., Sylos Labini, F., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. (2011). Forthcoming Strategies for Clinical Translation in Neurorehabilitation: From spinal central pattern generators to cortical network: integrated BCI for walking rehabilitation. Neural Plasticity.
Peer reviewed

Cheron, G., Verlinden, O., Dutoit, T., Clarinval, A., Rustin, C., Jimenez, R., Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., De Saedeleer, C., & Petieau, M. (02 December 2011). INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT CUSTOMISED FOOT ORTHOSIS [Poster presentation]. 10th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering - joint meeting with IEEE EMBS Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium.

Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Hoellinger, T., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2011). Modeling Human Walk by PCPG for Lower Limb Neuroprosthesis Control [Paper presentation]. 5th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Cheron, G., Duvinage, M., Castermans, T., Leurs, F., Cebolla, A. M., Bengoetxea, A., De Saedeleer, C., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Seetharaman, K., Draye, J.-P., & Dan, B. (2011). Recurrent Neural Networks for Temporal Data Processing: Toward an Integrative Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network for Sensorimotor Coordination Dynamics. In Recurrent Neural Networks (pp. 67-80).

Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., De Saedeleer, C., Seetharaman, K., Bengoetxea, A., Cheron, G., & Dutoit, T. (2011). Optimizing the performances of a P300-based Brain-Computer Interface in ambulatory conditions. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.
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Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., Hoellinger, T., Petieau, M., Dutoit, T., & Cheron, G. (2011). An analysis of EEG signals during voluntary rhythmic foot movements [Paper presentation]. 5th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Bengoetxea, A., Dan, B., Leurs, F., Cebolla, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Gillis, P., & Cheron, G. (21 December 2010). Rhythmic muscular activation pattern for fast figure-eight movement. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, 754-765.
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Castermans, T., Cheron, G., & Verlinden, O. (2009). Une prothèse de jambe intelligente.

Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Nonclercq, D., Vander Elst, L., Toubeau, G., Cheron, G., & Muller, R. (10 December 2006). Using iron oxide nanoparticles to magnetically label neurons and astrocytes [Poster presentation]. 5th Scientific Meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnology (NanoWal) on « Microscopies and Spectroscopies of nanostructures », Namur, Belgium.

Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Nonclercq, D., Vander Elst, L., Toubeau, G., Cheron, G., & Muller, R. (01 January 2006). Utilisation de particules d'oxyde de fer pour le marquage magnétique de neurones et d'astrocytes [Poster presentation]. 20èmes Journées franco-belges de Pharmacochimie, Lille, France.

Servais, L., Bearzotto, B., Schwaller, B., Dumont, M., De Saedeleer, C., Dan, B., Barski, J.-J., Schiffmann, S. N., & Cheron, G. (01 January 2005). Mono and dual-frequency fast cerebellar oscillation in mice lacking either parvalbumin and/or calbindin D_28k. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22, 861-70.
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Boutry, S., Laurent, S., Dufief, M.-P., Vander Elst, L., Cheron, G., & Muller, R. (10 December 2004). Traçage des connexions neuronales par IRM au moyen d'un agent de contraste superparamagnétique [Poster presentation]. Assemblée générale annuelle de la SRC, 'Structures moléculaires et propriétés des matériaux', Liège, Belgium.

Draye, J.-P., Pavisic, D., Cheron, G., & Libert, G. (15 October 1997). An inhibitory weight initialization improves the speed and quality of recurrent networks learning. Neurocomputing, 16 (3), 207-224.
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Draye, J.-P., Cheron, G., Bourgeois, M., Pavisic, D., & Libert, G. (15 September 1997). Improved identification of human shoulder kinematics with muscle biological filters. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1211, 417-428.
Peer reviewed

Draye, J.-P., Cheron, G., Libert, G., & Godaux, E. (15 May 1997). Emergence of clusters in the hidden layer of a dynamic recurrent neural network. Biological Cybernetics, 76 (5), 365-374.
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Draye, J.-P., Cheron, G., Bourgeois, M., Pavisic, D., & Libert, G. (15 January 1997). Improved identification of complex temporal systems with dynamic recurrent neural networks. Application to the identification of electromyography and human arm trajectory relationship. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 7 (1), 83-102.
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Cheron, G., Draye, J.-P., Libert, G., & Bourgeois, M. (15 June 1996). A Dynamical Neural Network Identification of Electromyography and Arm Trajectory Relationship during Complex Movements. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 43 (5), 552-558.
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Draye, J.-P., Cheron, G., Libert, G., & Godaux, E. (15 May 1996). Improvements of the Neural Network Simulation of the Vestibulo-Oculomotor Integrator. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 781, 594-599.
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Draye, J.-P., Pavisic, D., Cheron, G., & Libert, G. (15 May 1996). Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks: a Dynamical Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 26 (5), 692-706.
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Cheron, G., Saussez, S., Gerrits, N., & Godaux, E. (12 September 1995). Existence in the nucleus incertus of the cat of horizontal-eye-movement-related neurons projecting to the cerebellar flocculus. Journal of Neurophysiology, 74 (3), 1367-72.

Draye, J.-P., Pavisic, D., Cheron, G., & Libert, G. (15 July 1995). Adaptative time constants improve the prediction capability of recurrent neural network. Neural Processing Letters, 2 (3), 12-16.
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Draye, J.-P., Cheron, G., Libert, G., & Godaux, E. (15 June 1994). Supervised neural network simulation of the integrator of the oculomotor system. Journal of Biomechanics, 27 (6), 775-776.
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Dumont, M., Cheron, G., & Godaux, E. (24 May 1993). Non linear forecasting of cats eye movements time series [Poster presentation]. ECAL 93, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Dumont, M., Cheron, G., & Godaux, E. (1993). Non linear forecasting of cats eye movements time series [Paper presentation]. ECAL 93, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Godaux, E., & Cheron, G. (1989). Le Mouvement. Medsi-McGraw-Hill.

Desmedt, J. E., & Cheron, G. (1980). Somatosensory pathway and evoked potentials in normal human aging. In: Clinical uses of cerebral, brainstem and spinal somatosensory evoked potentials. In Progress in Clinical Neurophysiology (pp. 162-169). Desmedt, John E.

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