
Damman Pascal

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service du Laboratoire Interfaces et Fluides Complexes

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Laboratoire Interfaces et Fluides Complexes

Main Referenced Co-authors
GABRIELE, Sylvain  (16)
SNYDERS, Rony  (15)
THIRY, Damien  (15)
VINX, Nathan  (15)
LECLERE, Philippe  (13)
Main Referenced Keywords
Animals (1); Bees (1); Carbohydrates (1); chemical-physics (1); Chemistry (all) (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CIRMAP - Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche en Matériaux Polymères (36)
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (8)
CRPM - Physique des matériaux (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (74)
Chemistry (66)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (8)
Computer science (5)
Materials science & engineering (3)

Publications (total 122)

The most downloaded
Wei, J., Brau, F., Damman, P., Draux, A., Hua, H.-A. B., Wu, Z., & Wu, J. (15 June 2022). Trade-off mechanism of honey bee sucking and lapping. Soft Matter, 18, 5568-5574. doi:10.1039/d2sm00361a

The most cited

377 citations (OpenAlex)

Brau, F., Vandeparre, H., Sabbah, A., Poulard, C., Boudaoud, A., & Damman, P. (01 January 2011). Multiple-length-scale elastic instability mimics parametric resonance of nonlinear oscillators. Nature Physics, 7 (1), 56-60. doi:10.1038/NPHYS1806

Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Mégret, P., Damman, P., & Caucheteur, C. (In press). Transferrin quantification with plasmonic optical fiber grating immunosensors [Paper presentation]. Europtrode XII, Athens, Greece.

Damman, P., Démery, V., Palumbo, G., & Thomas, Q. (31 December 2024). Algebraic Depletion Interactions in Two-Temperature Mixtures. Physical Review Letters, 133 (26). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.267103
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Wei, J., Rico-Guevara, A., Nicolson, S. W., Brau, F., DAMMAN, P., Gorb, S. N., Wu, Z., & Wu, J. (25 July 2023). Honey bees switch mechanisms to drink deep nectar efficiently. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (30), 2305436120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2305436120
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Dumont, D., Bonneau, H., Salez, T., Raphaël, E., & DAMMAN, P. (08 February 2023). Microscopic foundation of the μ rheology for dense granular flows on inclined planes. Physical Review Research, 5 (1), 013089. doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.5.013089
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Thiry, D., Vinx, N., Robin Dantinne, Damman, P., Leclère, P., Claude Poleunis, Arnaud Delcorte, & Snyders, R. (21 November 2022). Investigating the relationship between the mechanical properties of plasma polymer-like thin films and their glass transition temperature [Paper presentation]. 9th Plasma Science & Entrepreneurship Workshop, York, United Kingdom.

Wei, J., Brau, F., Damman, P., Draux, A., Hua, H.-A. B., Wu, Z., & Wu, J. (15 June 2022). Trade-off mechanism of honey bee sucking and lapping. Soft Matter, 18, 5568-5574. doi:10.1039/d2sm00361a
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Lechantre, A., Draux, A., Hua, H.-A. B., Michez, D., Damman, P., & Brau, F. (21 December 2021). Essential role of papillae flexibility in nectar capture by bees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (19), 2025513118.
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Draux, A., Hua, H.-A. B., Damman, P., & Brau, F. (22 November 2021). Relaxation dynamics of a flexible rod in a fluid. Physical Review Fluids, 6, 114102.
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Vinx, N., Damman, P., Leclère, P., Poleunis, C., Delcorte, A., Cossement, D., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (08 November 2021). Investigating the relationship between the mechanical properties of plasma polymer-like thin films and their glass transition temperature [Paper presentation]. 8th Plasma Science & Entrepreneurship Workshop, Prague, Czechia.

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Leclère, P., Poleunis, C., Delcorte, A., Tessier, P.-Y., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (29 October 2021). Investigating the relationship between the mechanical properties of plasma polymer-like thin films and their glass transition temperature [Paper presentation]. EDT-MAIN/NanoWal: PhD Scientific Day, ULB, Belgium.

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Leclère, P., Bresson, B., Fretigny, C., Poleunis, C., Delcorte, A., Cossement, D., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (11 October 2021). Investigating the relationship between the mechanical properties of plasma polymer-like thin films and their glass transition temperature. Soft Matter, 17 (44), 10032-10041.
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Dumont, D., Soulard, P., Salez, T., Raphaël, E., & Damman, P. (10 November 2020). Microscopic Picture of Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in Dense Granular Flows. Physical Review Letters, 125, 208002-1, -6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.208002
Peer reviewed

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Leclère, P., Tessier, P.-Y., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (06 March 2020). Tuning the mechanical properties of plasma polymers: an important step toward the control of the materials morphology [Paper presentation]. 13th One-day meeting of the Young Chemists of the SRC, Namur, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Vinx, N., Leclère, P., Damman, P., Tessier, P.-Y., & Snyders, R. (11 February 2020). The wrinkling concept applied to plasma polymers: an innovative way forcontrolling the nano-architecture of materials [Paper presentation]. PSE ('Plasma Surface Engineering' Satellite), Prague, Czechia.

Thiry, D., Vinx, N., Leclère, P., Damman, P., Tessier, P.-Y., & Snyders, R. (03 December 2019). The Wrinkling Concept Applied to Plasma Polymers: an Innovative Approach for the Fabrication of Flexible Electrodes [Paper presentation]. 2019 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Moerman, D., Leclère, P., Cossement, D., Satriano, C., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (26 September 2019). An innovative approach for micro/nano structuring plasma polymer films [Paper presentation]. Plathinium 2019, Antibes, France.

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Leclère, P., Tessier, P.-Y., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (13 September 2019). From the growth temperarture control to the nanostructuring of plasma polymer films [Paper presentation]. Recent advancements on plasma-based methods for nanomaterials engineering, Mons, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Vinx, N., Damman, P., Tessier, P.-Y., & Snyders, R. (01 September 2019). Recent advances in the control of the nano-architecture of organic-based thin films [Paper presentation]. Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.

Lechantre, A., Michez, D., & Damman, P. (25 June 2019). Collect of nectar by bumblebees: How physics of fluid demonstrates the prominent role of tongue's morphology. Soft Matter, 15, 6392-6399.
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Vinx, N., Damman, P., Moerman, D., Robert, D., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (05 March 2019). How to generate and tune the plasma polymer film nanostructure ?: Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.

Reis, P. M., Brau, F., & Damman, P. (14 December 2018). The mechanics of slender structures. Nature Physics, 14, 1150-1153. doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0369-4
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Demery, V., Pham Dinh, H., & Damman, P. (03 July 2018). Cylinder morphology of a stretched and twisted ribbon. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 98, 012801. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.98.012801
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Vinx, N., Damman, P., Moerman, D., Bresson, B., Fretigny, C., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (20 June 2018). The substrate temperature: a key parameter for tuning the mechanical properties of plasma polymer films [Paper presentation]. EMRS, Strasbourg, France.

Vinx, N., Damman, P., Bresson, B., Fretigny, C., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (27 March 2018). The substrate temperature: a key parameter for tuning the mechanical properties of plasma polymer films [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Université de Valenciennes, France.

Dumont, D., Houze, M., Rambach, P., Salez, T., Patinet, S., & Damman, P. (23 February 2018). Emergent Strain-Stiffening in Interlocked Granular Chains. Physical Review Letters, 120, 088001 1- 5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.088001
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Vinx, N., Damman, P., Bresson, B., Fretigny, C., Snyders, R., & Thiry, D. (07 February 2018). The substrate temperature: a key parameter for tuning the mechanical properties of plasma polymer films [Poster presentation]. International workshop on Plasma diagnostics and Modelling, Mons, Belgium.

Vinx, N., Thiry, D., Damman, P., & Snyders, R. (30 July 2017). Tailoring the properties of plasma polymer varying the substrate temperature: a step toward the fabrication of micro/nano pattern [Poster presentation]. 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Montreal, Canada.

Houze, M., & Damman, P. (10 February 2017). Predation with the tongue through viscous adhesion, a scaling approach. Soft Matter, 13 (10), 2120-2124. doi:10.1039/C7SM00134G
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Damman, P. (2017). Instability of Thin Films, From Fluids to Solids. In Ecole de Physique des Houches, Soft Interfaces. Oxford University Press.

Pham Dinh, H., Demery, V., Davidovitch, B., Brau, F., & Damman, P. (01 September 2016). From Cylindrical to Stretching Ridges and Wrinkles in Twisted Ribbons. Physical Review Letters, 117, 104301 (1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.104301
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Brau, F., Lanterbecq, D., Zghikh, L.-N., Bels, V., & Damman, P. (20 June 2016). Dynamics of prey prehension by chameleons through viscous adhesion. Nature Physics, 12, 931-935. doi:10.1038/NPHYS3795
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Sabbah, A., youssef, A., & Damman, P. (16 May 2016). Superhydrophobic Surfaces Created by Elastic Instability of PDMS. Applied Sciences, 6, 152 (1-8. doi:10.3390/app6050152
Peer reviewed

Damman, P. (2015). Elastic Instability and Surface Wrinkling. In Polymer Surfaces in motion. Editions Springer.

de Haan, L., Leclère, P., Damman, P., Schenning, A. P. H. J., & Debije, M. G. (19 May 2015). On-demand wrinkling patterns in thin metal films generated from self-assembling liquid crystals. Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1360-1365.
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Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Damman, P., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (15 January 2014). Highly sensitive detection of molecular interactions with plasmonic optical fiber grating sensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 51, 249-254.
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Pilate, J., Renoirt, J. M., Caucheteur, C., Raquez, J. M., Meyer, F., Mégret, P., Dubois, P., & Damman, P. (16 December 2013). Tilted fiber Bragg gratings as a new sensing device for in situ and real time monitoring of surface-initiated polymerization. Polymer Chemistry, 5, 2506-2512.
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Pilate, J., Renoirt, J.-M., Caucheteur, C., Raquez, J. M., Meyer, F., Mégret, P., Dubois, P., & Damman, P. (16 December 2013). Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings as new sensing device for in situ and real time monitoring of surface-initiated polymerization. Polymer Chemistry, 5 (7), 2506-2512.
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Lanterbecq, D., van deun, R., Morarescu, R., Damman, P., & Kolaric, B. (06 July 2013). Resonance Secondary Radiation enhanced by quadrupole mode of plasmonic arrays. Optics Communications, 308, 152-158.
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Brau, F., Damman, P., Diamant, H., & Witten, T. (31 May 2013). Wrinkle to fold transition: influence of the substrate response. Soft Matter, 9, 8177-8186. doi:10.1039/c3sm50655j
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Pilate, J., Voisin, V., Caucheteur, C., & Damman, P. (2013). In situ detection with plasmonic optical fiber Biosensors [Paper presentation]. Bio-sensing technology, Sitges, Spain.

Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Damman, P., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (08 April 2013). Macromolecular plasmonic detection with gold-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings [Poster presentation]. COST TD1001, Padova, Italy.

Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Damman, P., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (12 March 2013). Macromolecular plasmonic detection with gold-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Damman, P., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (2012). Quantitative macromolecular interactions detection with plasmonic optical fiber biosensors [Paper presentation]. 17th annual symposium of the IEEE photonics Benelux chapter (IPS 2012), Mons, Belgium.

Damman, P. (07 October 2012). Dynamics of thin sheets : Crumpling, wrinkling and cracking [Paper presentation]. 17Th fall seminar on Nonlinear Dynamics, Bayreuth, Germany.

Kolaric, B., Desprez, S., Brau, F., & Damman, P. (10 July 2012). Design of curved photonic crystal using swelling induced instabilities. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 22 (32), 16205-16208.
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Zghikh, L.-N., Damman, P., Lanterbecq, D., Brau, F., Nonclercq, D., Remy, C., Vangysel, E., & Bels, V. (29 June 2012). Modulation of food capture in Iguana iguana (Iguanidae, Squamata) [Paper presentation]. Colloque Society for Experimental Biology, Salzbourg, Austria.

Olivier, A., Meyer, F., Raquez, J. M., Damman, P., & Dubois, P. (28 June 2012). Surface-initiated controlled polymerization as a convenient method for designing functional polymer brushes: From self-assembled monolayers to patterned surfaces. Progress in Polymer Science, 37 (2012), 157-181.
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Damman, P. (24 June 2012). How Geometry Controls the Tearing of Adhesive Thin Films on Curved Surfaces [Paper presentation]. GDR MePhy, Agay, France.

Morarescu, R., Lanterbecq, D., Kolaric, B., Shen, H., Maes, B., & Damman, P. (24 May 2012). Exploiting the Localized Surface Plasmon Modes in Gold Triangular Nanoparticles for BioApplications [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Biological Detection, Mons, Belgium.

Morarescu, R., Shen, H., Vallée, R. A. L., Maes, B., Kolaric, B., & Damman, P. (20 April 2012). Exploiting the localized surface plasmon modes in gold triangular nanoparticles for sensing applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 22, 11537-11542.
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Voisin, V., Pilate, J., Damman, P., Mégret, P., & Caucheteur, C. (2012). Macromolecular detection of Streptavidin with gold-coated Tilted FBG refractometers [Paper presentation]. SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium.

Martina, D., Creton, C., Damman, P., Jeusette, M., & Lindner, A. (03 April 2012). Adhesion of soft viscoelastic adhesives on periodic rough surfaces. Soft Matter, 8, 5350-5357. doi:10.1039/c2sm07059f
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Pilate, J., Voisin, V., Olivier, M.-G., Caucheteur, C., Mégret, P., Dubois, P., & Damman, P. (2012). Macromolecular plasmonic detection with gold-coated tilted fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. Europtrode XI, Barcelone, Spain.

Damman, P. (10 February 2012). Wrinkling, Folding and Tearing : Shaping thin sheets [Paper presentation]. Lorentz Instituut Seminar, Leiden, Netherlands.

Renoirt, J.-M., Pilate, J., Caucheteur, C., Debliquy, M., Olivier, M.-G., Damman, P., Dubois, P., & Mégret, P. (2011). In situ dynamic polymerization monitoring using silanized tilted fiber Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter, Symposium 2011, Ghent, Belgium.

Kruglova, O., Brau, F., Villers, D., & Damman, P. (12 October 2011). How Geometry Controls the Tearing of Adhesive Thin Films on Curved Surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 107, 164303-1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.164303
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Damman, P. (20 September 2011). Elasticity and geometry in thin sheets [Paper presentation]. MMEC seminar series, MIT, Cambridge, United States.

Damman, P. (16 September 2011). Shaping thin sheets from elasticity and geometry [Paper presentation]. PSE seminar, UMASS, Amherst, United States.

Coppee, S., Gabriele, S., Jonas, A. M., Jestin, J., & Damman, P. (08 July 2011). Influence of Chain Interdiffusion Between Immiscible Polymers on Dewetting Dynamics. Soft Matter, 7, 9951-9955.
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Renoirt, J.-M., Pilate, J., Caucheteur, C., Damman, P., Dubois, P., & Mégret, P. (2011). In situ polymerization monitoring using tilted fibre Bragg gratings [Paper presentation]. IEEE Photonics Society Annual Workshop, Mons, Belgium.

Vandeparre, H., Pineirua, M., Brau, F., Roman, B., Bico, J., Gay, C., Bao, W., Lau, C. N., Reis, P. M., & Damman, P. (02 June 2011). Wrinkling Hierarchy in Constrained Thin Sheets from Suspended Graphene to Curtains. Physical Review Letters, 106, 224301. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.224301
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Becker, P., Hennebert, E., Lejeune, A., Van de Weerdt, C., Martial, J., Lanterbecq, D., Jeusette, M., Damman, P., Archambeau, C., & Flammang, P. (19 May 2011). Inspired by marine adhesives: production and characterization of green adhesion promoters for metal coating [Poster presentation]. Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (Scientific workshop of COST Action TD0906), Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Vandeparre, H., Desbief, S., Lazzaroni, R., Gay, C., & Damman, P. (12 May 2011). Confined wrinkling: impact on pattern morphology and periodicity. Soft Matter, 7, 6878-6882. doi:10.1039/c1sm05411b
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Damman, P. (26 April 2011). Sculpted thin sheets [Paper presentation]. Centre Interdisciplinaire de phénomènes nonlinéaires et de systèmes complexes, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Damman, P. (21 March 2011). Self-similar pattern from Elastic Instability of Thin Sheets [Paper presentation]. American Physical Society March Meeting, Dallas, United States - Texas.

Damman, P. (19 March 2011). Morphogenèse élastique [Paper presentation]. séminaire, ESPCI, France.

Morarescu, R., Englert, L., Kolaric, B., Damman, P., Vallée, R. A. L., Baumert, T., Hubenthal, F., & Trager, F. (2011). Tuning nanopatterns on fused silica substrates: a theoretical and experimental approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
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Olivier, A., Raquez, J. M., Damman, P., & Dubois, P. (01 January 2011). Semi-crystalline poly (e-caprolactone) brushes on gold substrate via 'grafting from' method : new insights with AFM characterization. European Polymer Journal, 47, 31-39. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2010.04.022
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Brau, F., Vandeparre, H., Sabbah, A., Poulard, C., Boudaoud, A., & Damman, P. (01 January 2011). Multiple-length-scale elastic instability mimics parametric resonance of nonlinear oscillators. Nature Physics, 7 (1), 56-60. doi:10.1038/NPHYS1806
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Olivier, A., Meyer, F., Desbief, S., Verge, P., Raquez, J. M., Lazzaroni, R., Damman, P., & Dubois, P. (01 January 2011). Reversible positioning at submicrometre scale of carbon nanotubes mediated by pH-sensitive poly(amino-methacrylate) patterns. Chemical Communications, 47, 1163-1165. doi:10.1039/c0cc04256k
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Damman, P. (10 December 2010). Complex Morphogenesis from Elastic Instability of Thin Sheets [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d'Alembert, Paris, France.

Damman, P. (03 September 2010). Wrinkling instability and singularities in thin sheets [Paper presentation]. Patterns on Thin Sheets Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, United States.

Vandeparre, H., Gabriele, S., Brau, F., Gay, C., Parker, K. K., & Damman, P. (02 July 2010). Hierarchical wrinkling patterns. Soft Matter, 6, 5751-5756. doi:10.1039/c0sm00394h
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Damman, P. (20 June 2010). Morphogenesis from elastic instability of rigid membranes [Paper presentation]. New Trends on Growth and Form, Agay, France.

Damman, P. (20 May 2010). Shaping From Capillary and Elastic Instability [Paper presentation]. Capillary shaping of solutes, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands.

Damman, P. (15 May 2010). Sculpting Surfaces with Elastic Instability [Paper presentation]. Understanding adhesion: From Nature to man-made devices, FANAS workshop, Alberobello, Italy.

Desbief, S., Grignard, B., Detrembleur, C., Rioboo, R., Vaillant, A., Seveno, D., Voué, M., De Coninck, J., Jonas, A. M., Jérôme, C., Damman, P., & Lazzaroni, R. (02 February 2010). Superhydrophobic Aluminum Surfaces by Deposition of Micelles of Fluorinated Block Copolymers. Langmuir, 26 (38), 2057-2067. doi:10.1021/la902565y
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Kolaric, B., Vandeparre, H., Desprez, S., Vallée, R., & Damman, P. (21 December 2009). In situ tuning the optical properties of a cavity by wrinkling. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 043119. doi:10.1063/1.3298740
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Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Damman, P., & Gabriele, S. (30 November 2009). Nos cellules roulent des mécaniques. Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 3, 17-19.

Versaevel, M., Gabriele, S., & Damman, P. (17 July 2009). Insights into endothelial cells mechanotransduction from microfluidics [Poster presentation]. 7th European Biophysics Congress, Genoa, Italy.

Damman, P. (19 March 2009). Micro-Origami: Elastic Instability of Polymer Films [Paper presentation]. American Physical Society, 2009 APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, United States.

Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Damman, P., & Gabriele, S. (17 March 2009). Mechanical Investigation of Single Living Cells [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Gabriele, S., Coppee, S., Reiter, G., & Damman, P. (14 January 2009). On the Mechanics of Rim Instabilities in Viscoelastic Polymer Thin Films. European Physical Journal. Special Topics, 166, 55-61.
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Reiter, G., Al Akrass, S., Hamieh, M., Damman, P., Gabriele, S., Vilmin, T., & Raphaël, E. (14 January 2009). Dewetting as an investigative tool for studying properties of thin polymer films. European Physical Journal. Special Topics, 166, 165-172.
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Derue, G., Serban, D. A., Leclère, P., Melinte, S., Damman, P., & Lazzaroni, R. (01 October 2008). Controlled Nanorubbing of Polythiophene Thin Films for Field-Effect Transistors. Organic Electronics, 9 (5), 821-828. doi:10.1016/j.orgel.2008.05.024
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Damman, P. (29 September 2008). Pattern Formation at a Micrometer Scale [Paper presentation]. EBioAdI Workshop, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Vandeparre, H., & Damman, P. (19 September 2008). Wrinkling of Stimuloresponsive Surfaces: Mechanical Instability Coupled to Diffusion. Physical Review Letters, 101, 124301-1/4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.124301
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Damman, P. (10 September 2008). Micro-Origami and Liquid-liquid Instability: Pattern Formation at a Micrometer Scale [Paper presentation]. PolyFilm Workshop, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Damman, P. (19 August 2008). Micro origami and liquid-liquid instability, Pattern formation at a micrometer scale [Paper presentation]. International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico.

Poulard, C., & Damman, P. (01 December 2007). Control of spreading and drying of a polymer solution from Marangoni flows. Europhysics Letters, 80, 64001-1/5. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/80/64001
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Vandeparre, H., Léopoldès, J., Poulard, C., Desprez, S., Derue, G., Gay, C., & Damman, P. (02 November 2007). Slippery or Sticky Boundary Conditions: Control of Wrinkling in Metal-Capped Thin Polymer Films by Selective Adhesion to Substrates. Physical Review Letters, 99, 188302-1/4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.188302
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Damman, P. (13 September 2007). Wrinkling of thin films - Textured surfaces [Paper presentation]. ECS 2007 - European Coating Society, Paris, France.

Damman, P., Gabriele, S., Coppee, S., Desprez, S., Villers, D., Vilmin, T., Raphael, E., Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., & Reiter, G. (20 July 2007). Relaxation of Residual Stress and Reentanglement of Polymers in Spin-Coated Films. Physical Review Letters, 99 (3), 036101-036104. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.036101
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Damman, P. (14 May 2007). Rubber to viscous friction of polystyrene thin films from dewetting [Paper presentation]. 6th ESF Nanotribology Workshop, Santa Margherita, Italy.

Damman, P. (10 May 2007). Structuration de Films Minces de Polyméres [Paper presentation]. Workshop Micro-optique, plasmonique et applications biologiques, Lille, France.

Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., Hamieh, T., Damman, P., Gabriele, S., Vilmin, T., Raphael, E., & Reiter, G. (11 January 2007). Influence of Substrate Properties on the Dewetting Dynamics of Viscoelastic Polymer Films. Journal of Adhesion, 83 (9), 367-381. doi:10.1080/00218460701282497
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Léopoldès, J., & Damman, P. (26 November 2006). From a two-dimensional chemical pattern to a three-dimensional topology through selective inversion of a liquid-liquid bilayer. Nature Materials, 5, 957-961. doi:10.1038/nmat1787
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Damman, P. (09 September 2006). Instability of fluid in thin films on patterned surfaces [Paper presentation]. ESF conference: Solid/fluid interface, Universitätzentrum, Obergurgl, Austria.

Gabriele, S., Damman, P., Sclavons, S., Desprez, S., Coppée, S., Reiter, G., Hamieh, M., Al Akhrass, S., Vilmin, T., & Raphael, E. (01 June 2006). Viscoelastic Dewetting of Constrained Polymer Thin Films. Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Letters, 44, 3022-3030. doi:10.1002/polb.20919
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Gabriele, S., Sclavons, S., Reiter, G., & Damman, P. (21 April 2006). Disentanglement Time of Polymers Determines the Onset of Rim Instabilities in Dewetting. Physical Review Letters, 96, 156105.
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Damman, P. (23 March 2006). Relaxations of Polymers Confined in Thin Films Determined by Dewetting: Striking Deviations from Bulk Behavior [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on dynamics in confinement, Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France.

Vilmin, T., Raphaël, E., Damman, P., Sclavons, S., Gabriele, S., Hamieh, M., & Reiter, G. (03 February 2006). The Role of Nonlinear Friction in the Dewetting of Thin Polymer Films. Europhysics Letters, 73, 906-912.
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Derue, G., Gabriele, S., Monteverde, F., Coppee, S., Damman, P., Surin, M., Geskin, V., Leclère, P., & Lazzaroni, R. (2006). Structuration of Semiconducting Polymer Thin Films by Nanorubbing [Paper presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'06), Paris, France.

Damman, P., Coppée, G., Derue, S., Desprez, S., Gabriele, S., Léopoldès, S., Sclavons, S., & Villers, D. (01 January 2006). Instabilité des films minces de polymère, Relations avec la dynamique des chaînes. Actualité Chimique, 300, 40-46.
Peer reviewed

Reiter, G., Hamieh, M., Damman, P., Sclavons, S., Gabriele, S., Vilmin, T., & Raphaël, E. (25 September 2005). Residual Stresses in Thin Polymer Films Cause Rupture and Dominate Early Stages of Dewetting. Nature Materials, 4, 754-758.
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Damman, P. (07 July 2005). Nanorheology of constrained polymer chains from viscoelastic dewetting [Paper presentation]. 5th International Discussion Meeting On Relaxations in Complex Systems, Lille, France.

Derue, G., Coppee, S., Gabriele, S., Surin, M., Geskin, V., Montervede, F., Leclère, P., Lazzaroni, R., & Damman, P. (13 May 2005). Nanorubbing of Polythiophene Surfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, 8018-8019.
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Damman, P. (26 January 2005). Instabilité des Films Minces de Polyméres [Paper presentation]. Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Lyon, France.

Coppée, S., Gueskine, V., Lazzaroni, R., & Damman, P. (24 November 2004). Formation of Nanostructured Polymer Surfaces from Combined Relaxation and Crystallization. Macromolecules, 37, 244-247. doi:10.1021/ma034709c
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Damman, P. (21 September 2004). Nanorheology from dewetting of viscoelastic thin films near the glass transition [Paper presentation]. Pattern Formation Through Instabilities in Thin Liquid Films: From Fundamental Aspects to Applications, Max Planck Institut, Dresden, Germany.

Damman, P., Baudelet, N., & Reiter, G. (21 November 2003). Dewetting near the Glass Transition: Transition from a Capillary Force Dominated to a Dissipation Dominated Regime. Physical Review Letters, 91, 216101-1/4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.216101
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Reiter, G., Sferrazza, M., & Damman, P. (14 October 2003). Dewetting of thin polymer films at temperatures close to the glass transition. European Physical Journal E. Soft Matter, 12, 133-138. doi:10.1140/epje/i2003-10031-9
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Damman, P., Coppée, S., Gueskine, V., & Lazzaroni, R. (18 November 2002). What is the mechanism of oriented crystal growth on rubbed polymer substrates ? Topography vs Epitaxy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124, 15166-15167.
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Damman, P., Zolotukhin, M. G., Villers, D., Gueskine, V., & Lazzaroni, R. (01 January 2002). Outer-Surface-Induced Crystallization of Semirigid Polymer Films. Macromolecules, 35, 2-5. doi:10.1021/ma011278u
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Damman, P., Fisher, C., & Kruger, J. K. (18 November 2001). Oriented growth of n-alkane crystals on nanostructured PTFE substrates. Journal of Chemical Physics, 114, 8196-8204.
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Vallée, R. A. L., Damman, P., Dosière, M., Scalmani, G., & Brédas, J.-L. (24 October 2001). joint experimental and theoretical study of the Infra-Red spectra of 2-methyl-4- nitroaniline crystals oriented on nanostructured poly(tetrafluroethylene) substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105, 6064-6069.
Peer reviewed

Vallée, R. A. L., Damman, P., Dosière, M., Toussaere, E., & Zyss, J. (22 April 2001). Orientation and nonlinear optical properties of N-4-nitrophenyl-(L)-prolinol crys- tals on nanostructured poly(tetrafluoroethylene) substrates. Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 5589-5596.
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Damman, P., Vallée, R. A. L., Dosière, M., Toussaere, E., & Zyss, J. (25 March 2001). Oriented crystallization of NLO organic materials. Synthetic Metals, 124, 227-232.
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Vallée, R. A. L., Damman, P., Dosière, M., Toussaere, E., & Zyss, J. (03 October 2000). Orientation and nonlinear optical properties of DAN crystals on PTFE substrates. Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics: Concepts in Modern Optics, 25, 345-351.
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Vandermiers, C., Damman, P., Moulin, J.-F., & Dosière, M. (04 July 2000). Characterization of molecular heterogeneities of LLDPE by multiple crystallization - dissolution. Macromolecules, 41, 2915-2923.
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Vallée, R. A. L., Damman, P., Dosière, M., Toussaere, E., & Zyss, J. (07 May 2000). Non linear optical properties and crystalline orientation of 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline layers grown on nanostructured PTFE substrates. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, 6701-6709.
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Vallée, R. A. L., Damman, P., & Dosière, M. (04 May 2000). Orientation and Non linear Optical properties of 4-(N,N-dimethyl amino)-3-acetamido nitrobenzene crystals on PTFE substrates. Journal of Chemical Physics, 112, 10556-10563.
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