Piette, A. (22 May 2023). Journée annuelle des doctorants de l'école doctorale près le FNRS (ED3 ) en "Langues, lettres et traductologie" - Session 2: Sciences du langage - Présidence de séance [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle des doctorants, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Piette, A. (2021). Journée des doctorants de l'école doctorale 3bis : Sesion 3: 'Traduction, sciences du langage' - Présidence de séance. |
Piette, A. (2020). Journée des Doctorants.es de l'Ecole doctorale Langues, Lettres et Traductologie (ED3bis) : Président de la session 5. |
Piette, A. (2018). BAAHE 2018 Conference 'Intensity'. |
Piette, A. (2018). Rencontre avec Qiu Xiaolong. |
Piette, A. (2018). Rencontre avec Son Excellence Ronald J. Gidwitz, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis d'Amérique auprès du Royaume de Belgique. |
Piette, A. (27 October 2017). Correction politique, neutralité, activisme: le traducteur et l'interprète entre conscience professionnelle et conscience sociale dans un univers politiquement correct [Paper presentation]. Colloque international - 60e anniversaire ESIT, Paris, France. |
Piette, A., & Vande Meersche, F. (2017). Les Eclaireurs. |
Piette, A. (20 April 2017). Les enjeux liés à l'interprétation et leurs implications pour la formation [Paper presentation]. 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the MoU Universities Network - UN Language Professionals Today and Tomorrow, New York, United States - New York. |
![]() ![]() | SERRET, P., & Piette, A. (2016). Le pari réussi - Comment il a convaincu en masse. L'Avenir - Le Courrier de l'Escaut. |
Flament, J., & Piette, A. (2016). Les élections américaines analysées par Alain Piette de l'UMONS, Directeur du centre 'American Studies Center'. |
Piette, A. (2016). Entretien avec Alain Piette, doyen de la Faculté de traduction et interprétation (FTI) - Ecole d'interprètes internationaux (EII), Université de Mons (UMONS). Le Linguiste (revue 1/2016). |
Piette, A. (19 November 2015). Les Nouvelles du front: l'enseignement de la traduction et de l'interprétation en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles vu du poste avancé de la FTI-EII de l'Université de Mons [Paper presentation]. Colloque international 'La Traduction et l'interprétation à la croisée des chemins', Bruxelles/Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Piette, A. (23 October 2014). La professionnalisation des études universitaires - L'exemple de la traduction/interprétation - Table ronde : Table ronde regroupant des représentants des divers instituts de traduction/interprétation belges et etrangers [Paper presentation]. La professionnalisation des études universitaires - L'exemple de la traduction/interprétation, Liège (ULg), Belgium. |
Piette, A. (2012). La Naissance des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. In A. Staquet & A. Staquet (Ed.), 56. Le XVIIIe siècle : Quand la lumière de la raison remplace l'illumination divine (pp. 7-15). Presses Universitaires de Mons. |
Piette, A. (28 October 2011). Conceptualisation et noeuds de subjectivité en traduction: Présidence de séance [Paper presentation]. Conceptualisations et noeuds de subjectivité en traduction, UMONS, Belgium. |
Piette, A. (01 February 2010). The Bologna Process in the Field: Student (Im)Mobility in European Higher Education - The Case of Translators and Interpreters. Translation and Interpreting Studies, XIII (2), 171-181. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Piette, A. (2007). Belgium: Belgium. In L. Alexandre (Ed.), Global Perspectives on the United States: A Nation by Nation Survey (pp. 43-45). Berkshire Publishing Group. |
![]() ![]() | Piette, A. (2005). Canon with a Vengeance? The (Re-)Affirmation of David Mamet's Ethnicity. In C. Den Tandt (Ed.), Reading without Maps? Cultural Landmarks in a Post-Canonical Age (pp. 192-203). Peter Lang Pub Inc. |
Piette, A. (2005). L'enseignement de la traduction et de l'interprétation au vingt-et-unième siècle: le retour du pendule? : Réflexions Plurielles - Pour dissiper le flou. Sources-Cibles, 159-161. |
![]() ![]() | Piette, A. (2005). Translation and National Cultures : A Case Study in Theatrical Translation. In Translation and Cultural Change (pp. 111-118). Amsterdam/Philadelphia, United States: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Bruce Barton's 'Imagination in Transition - Mamet's Move to Film'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Myles Weber's 'David Mamet in Theory and Practice'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Elizabeth Gleick's 'Yes, Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Devin Gordon's 'Mamet's on a Classic Caper'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Philip Hanson's 'Against Tribalism: The Perils of Ethnic Identity in Mamet's 'Homicide''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 May 2005). Christopher Bigsby's 'The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (29 April 2005). Joel Stein's 'Q+A: David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (29 April 2005). Gerald Fraser's 'Mamet's Plays Shed Masculinity Myth'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (2005). Anonymous's 'Moreover: Is It Life Or Is It Mamet?'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies. |
Piette, A. (29 April 2005). Todd London's 'Mamet vs. Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (29 April 2005). Brendan Gill's 'The Theatre - The Lower Depths'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (2004). Théorique? Pratique? Générale? Spécialisée? La formation du traducteur européen au début du 21e siècle : La formation, les spécialisations et la profession. Sources-Cibles, 33-42. |
Piette, A. (2004). The 1980s. In C. Bigsby (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet (pp. 15). Cambridge University Press. |
Piette, A. (02 April 2004). Deborah R. Geis's 'David Mamet and the Metadramatic Tradition: Seeing 'the Trick from the Back' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (09 August 2003). Howard McNaughton's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (29 July 2003). Diane M. Borden's 'Man Without a Gun - Mamet, Masculinity, and Mystification' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (28 July 2003). Linda Dorff's 'Reinscribing the 'Fairy' - The Knife and the Mystification of Male Mythology in 'The Cryptogram'' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (28 July 2003). Christopher C. Hudgins' 'A Small Price to Pay - Superman, Metafamily, and Hero in Mamet's Oedipal 'House of Games'' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (28 July 2003). Ilkka Joki's 'Mamet's Novelistic Voice' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (26 July 2003). Leslie Kane's 'It's the Way That You Are with Your Children - The Matriarchal Figure in Mamet's Late Work' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (26 July 2003). Robert Skloot's ''Oleanna', or the Play of Pedagogy' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (26 July 2003). Kellie Bean's 'A Few Good Men - Collusion and Violence in 'Oleanna'' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (26 July 2003). Karen C. Blansfield's 'Women on the Verge, Unite!' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (25 July 2003). Imtiaz Habib's 'Demotic Male Desire and Female Subjectivity in David Mamet - The Split Face of the Women in 'Edmond'' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (24 July 2003). Richard Brucher's 'Prophecy and Parody in 'Edmond' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (24 July 2003). Steven Price's 'Disguise in Love - Gender and Desire in 'House of Games' and 'Speed-the-Plow' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (23 July 2003). Janet V. Haedicke's 'Plowing the Buffalo, Fucking the Fruits - (M)Others in 'American Buffalo' and 'Speed-the-Plow' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (23 July 2003). Various Authors' 'David Mamet - 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (23 July 2003). Thomas P. Adler's 'Mamet's 'Three Children's Plays' - Where the Wilder Things Are' in Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (23 July 2003). Patricia Lewis and Terry Browne's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 July 2003). Paul McDonald's 'The 'Unmanning' Word: Language, Masculinity and Political Correctness in the Work of David Mamet and Philip Roth'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 July 2003). Richard Covington's 'David Mamet - The 'Salon' Interview'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (22 June 2003). Jeanne Silverthorne's 'PC Playhouse'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (14 June 2003). Robert Denerstein's 'Games Mamet Plays' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (14 June 2003). Jeremy Isaacs' 'Face to Face' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (14 June 2003). Betty Caplan's 'The Gender Benders'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (14 June 2003). Barbara Schulgasser's 'Mountebanks and Misfits' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (14 June 2003). Renée Graham's 'Mamet with Manners' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (09 June 2003). Charlie Rose's 'A Great Longing to Belong' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (09 June 2003). Charlie Rose's 'On Theater, Politics, and Tragedy' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (09 June 2003). Terry Gross's 'Someone Named Jack' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (09 June 2003). Melvyn Bragg's 'The South Bank Show' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (08 June 2003). Brian Case's 'Hard and Fast' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (08 June 2003). Jay Carr's 'Things Change for David Mamet' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (08 June 2003). Richard Stayton's 'A Mamet Metamorphosis' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Ernest Leogrande's 'A Man of Few Words Moves On to Sentences' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Henry Hewes, David Mamet, John Simon, and Joe Berush's ''Buffalo' on Broadway' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Steven Dzielak's 'I Just Kept Writing' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Jim Lehrer's 'A Community of Moviegoers' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Ben Brantley's 'Pulitzer-Power Playwright Takes on Screen Challenge' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (07 June 2003). Dan Yakir's 'The Postman's Words' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (04 June 2003). Ross Wetzsteon's 'David Mamet: Remember That Name' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 June 2003). David Mamet's 'Wilson - A Consideration of the Sources - Containing the Original Notes, Errata, Commentary, and the Preface to the Second Edition'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 June 2003). Leslie Kane's 'Introduction' to Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (04 June 2003). Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (04 June 2003). Mark Zweigler's 'Solace of a Playwright's Ideal' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (09 May 2003). Michael Billington's 'Dream Sequence' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet in Conversation'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (15 December 2002). Alain Piette's 'The Flexing of Muscles and Tongues: Thug Rituals and Rhetoric in David Mamet's 'American Buffalo''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (08 September 2002). Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Introduction' in 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (31 August 2002). Christopher C. Hudgins and Leslie Kane's 'Gender and Genre - Essays on David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (31 August 2002). Leslie Kane and Gay Brewer's ''Bibliography' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (22 August 2002). David Mamet's 'Mamet on Playwriting'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (22 August 2002). Gerald Weales's 'American Theater Watch, 1983-1984'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 August 2002). Matthew C. Roudané's 'Theatrician of the Ethical? The Plays of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 August 2002). Yun-Cheol Kim's 'Degradation of the American Success Ethic: 'Death of a Salesman', 'That Championship Season', 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 August 2002). Deborah R. Geis's 'The Theater as 'House of Games': David Mamet's (Con) Artistry and the Monologic Voice'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Daniel Forbes's 'Dirty Dealing - In a Rash of New Plays about the World of Business, Greed and Deception Are the Bottom Line'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Jennifer Allen's 'David Mamet's Hard Sell - A Driven Playwright Gives America the Business'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Paul Lawley's ''Glengarry Glen Ross' by David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Philip C. Kolin's 'Mitch and Murray in 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Hilary DeVries's 'In David Mamet's Hands a Pen Becomes a Whip'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (21 August 2002). Kathy Fletcher's ''American Buffalo' by David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (20 August 2002). Christopher C. Hudgins's 'Comedy and Humor in the Plays of David Mamet' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (20 August 2002). Ruby Cohn's 'How Are Things Made Round?' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (20 August 2002). Peter Hasenberg's ''Always Be Closing': Struktur und Thema von David Mamets 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (20 August 2002). Hersh Zeifman's 'Phallus in Wonderland: Machismo and Business in David Mamet's 'American Buffalo'' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (20 August 2002). Mary Cantwell's 'David Mamet - Bulldog of the Middle Class'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (2002). Translation Onscreen: The Economic, Multicultural, and Pedagogical Challenges of Dubbing and Subtitling. In E. Hung (Ed.), Teaching Translation and Interpreting 4 (pp. 189195). John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Piette, A. (2002). The Flexing of Muscles and Tongues: Thug Rituals and Rhetoric in David Mamet's 'American Buffalo'. In M. Maufort & F. Bellarsi (Eds.), Crucible of Cultures - Anglophone Drama at the Dawn of a New Millenium (pp. 91-100). Peter Lang. |
Piette, A. (11 April 2002). Elaine Showalter's 'Acts of Violence - David Mamet and the Language of Men'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (05 April 2002). Desmond Christy's 'A Man for the Forgotten Frontier' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (02 April 2002). Leslie Kane's 'Chronology' in 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 April 2002). Matthew C. Roudané's 'Mamet's Mimetic's' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (02 April 2002). Leslie Kane's 'Introduction' to 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (02 April 2002). Michael Hinden's ''Intimate Voices': 'Lakeboat' and Mamet's Quest for Community' in Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet - A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (16 March 2002). Michael L. Quinn's 'Anti-Theatricality and American Ideology: Mamet's Performative Realism'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (07 March 2002). Ruby Cohn's 'Phrasal Energies - Harold Pinter and David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (07 March 2002). Richard K. Sherwin's 'Framed'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (05 March 2002). Carla J. McDonough's 'David Mamet: The Search for Masculine Space'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (01 March 2002). John E. Booth's 'Advice to the Critic'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (28 February 2002). David Kennedy Sauer's ''Oleanna' and 'The Children's Hour': Misreading Sexuality on the Post/Modern Realistic Stage'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (26 February 2002). Michael Blakemore's 'Death Defying Director - Backstage Notes'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (26 February 2002). John Lahr's 'David Mamet - The Art of Theater XI'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (24 February 2002). Dennis Carroll's 'MAMET, David (Alan)'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (23 February 2002). Samuel G. Freedman's 'The Gritty Eloquence of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (22 February 2002). Richard Hornby's 'Theatre Review'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 February 2002). Arthur Holmberg's 'The Language of Misunderstanding'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 February 2002). Anne Dean's 'Musings on Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (22 February 2002). Gerald M. Berkowitz's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (22 February 2002). Fred Schruers's ''The Untouchables''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (21 February 2002). Daniel Mufson's 'Sexual Perversity in Viragos'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (19 February 2002). Warren Rosenberg's 'Jewish Men with Guns: Remasculinization in Contemporary Jewish American Literature and Film'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (03 September 2001). Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet's 'Glengarry Glen Ross' - Text and Performance'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 and 403. |
Piette, A. (27 August 2001). John Lahr's 'Fortress Mamet - Where Did the Playwright Get His Gift for the Swagger of American Speech?'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (29 June 2001). John Heilpern's 'How Good Is David Mamet Anyway? Writings on Theater--and Why It Matters'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (29 June 2001). Johan Callens's ''You've gotta be where you are' - David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (29 June 2001). Gaylord Brewer's ''Hoffa' and 'The Untouchables': Mamet's Brutal Orders of Authority'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (29 June 2001). Howard Pearce's 'Plato in Hollywood: David Mamet and the Power of Illusions'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (29 June 2001). Thomas E. Porter's 'Postmodernism and Violence in Mamet's 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (2001). Belgian Luxembourg American Studies Association. In Dictionary of Literary Biography - Yearbook: 2001 (pp. 434-435). Gale Editor. |
Piette, A. (2001). Langue et culture dans le contexte de la globalisation - Le concept de 'langue mondiale' - L'Anglais langue mondiale? Pas nécessairement une mauvaise chose! [Paper presentation]. Diversité linguistique comme facteur de compréhension mutuelle interculturelle et de stabilité démocratique, Minsk, Belarus. |
Piette, A. (2001). FERNAND CROMMELYNCK, infatigable explorateur des grands mythes de l'histoire du théâtre occidental. In Des cultures et des hommes (pp. 227-231). iph Editions. |
Perilleux, G., & Piette, A. (2001). Introduction. In Des cultures et des hommes (pp. 9-10). iph Editions. |
Piette, A. (26 April 2001). David Mamet's ''True and False: Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (24 April 2001). David Mamet's ''Jafsie and John Henry - Essays''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (24 April 2001). Leon Wieseltier's 'Machoball Soup'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (23 April 2001). Leslie Kane's 'Weasels and Wisemen: Ethics and Ethnicity in the Work of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Johan Callens's 'Mr. Smith Goes to Chicago: Playing Out Mamet's Critique of Capitalism in 'American Buffalo''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Mel Gussow's 'Talking About Writing for the Theater'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Jean-Jacques Weber's 'Three Models of Power in David Mamet's 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Bella Merlin's 'Mamet's Heresy and Common Sense: What's True and False in 'True and False''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Christopher C. Hudgins's ''Lolita 1995': The Four Filmscripts'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Bert Cardullo's 'Medium Cool'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 403. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Martin Schaub's 'Magic Meanings in Mamet's 'Cryptogram''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (27 March 2001). Andrea Sachs and Suzanne Washburn's 'Tough Talk on Entertainment'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (2000). New Versus Old and the Ensuing Confusion in Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell'. In A. Sinner & J. Weber (Eds.), English Studies 9 - A Tribute to Armand Michaux (pp. 133-142). Centre universitaire de Luxembourg. |
Piette, A. (2000). Fernand Crommelynck: dramaturge belge ou français? In E. Labeau (Ed.), France-Belgique: des frères ennemis de la langue de chez nous?Université Laval - Centre International de Recherche en Aménagement Linguistique. |
Piette, A. (29 June 1999). Geoffrey Norman and John Rezek's 'Playboy Interview: David Mamet, a Candid Conversation with America's Foremost Dramatist'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (1999). Tirez les premiers Messieurs les Anglais: les avatars de la traduction anglaise de l'oeuvre dramatique de Fernand Crommelynck. Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme, (92-93-94), 131-139. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1999). L'univers falstaffien de Fernand Crommelynck. In P. Piret (Ed.), Fernand Crommelynck (pp. 90-95). Le Cri. |
Dupont, D., Perilleux, G., Piette, A., Dupont, D. (Ed.), Perilleux, G. (Ed.), & Piette, A. (Ed.). (1999). Au plaisir du texte : Etudes de sémiologie, de linguistique et de littérature. PUM - Didier Erudition. |
Piette, A. (1999). Petite et grande mort d'un artiste, 'Sortie de l'acteur' par Michel de Ghelderode. In D. Dupont, G. Perilleux, A. Piette, D. Dupont (Ed.), G. Perilleux (Ed.), ... A. Piette (Ed.), Au plaisir du texte (pp. 251-262). PUM - Didier Erudition. |
Piette, A. (1999). Preface: Of Films and Human Nature. In B. Cardullo, Practical Film Criticism - An Enlightened Approach to Moviegoing - Volume I. The Edwin Mellen Press. |
Piette, A. (23 March 1999). Thomas A. Goggans's 'Laying Blame: Gender and Subtext in David Mamet's 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Craig Stewart Walker's 'Three Tutorial Plays: 'The Lesson', 'The Prince of Naples', and 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Nick James's 'Suspicion - Why Is David Mamet Dabbling in Edwardiana? On the Set of 'The Winslow Boy', the Director Talks to Nick James about Cricket, the Horse Guards and Personal Rectitude'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Richard Badenhausen's 'The Modern Academy Raging in the Dark: Misreading Mamet's Political Incorrectness in 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Danny Leigh's 'The Method Is Bullshit'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Steven Drukman's 'Peter Riegert - Speaking of Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). David Mamet's 'Three Uses of the Knife - On the Nature and Purpose of Drama'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (18 February 1999). Steven Ryan's ''Oleanna': David Mamet's Power Play'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 June 1998). Philip C. Kolin's 'David Mamet's 'Writing in Restaurants': An Index to Names, Key Concepts, and Places'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 June 1998). Alain Piette's 'In the Loneliness of Cities: the Hopperian Accents of David Mamet's 'Edmond''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 June 1998). David Mamet's 'Business Is Business'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (03 June 1998). The Face in the Mirror - Faust as a Self-Deceived Actor. Literature Film Quarterly, 26 (2), 136-141. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1998). 'Othello' Revisited: Crommelynck's Farcical Treatment of Shakespeare's Characters. In G. Lernout & M. Maufort (Eds.), Interpreting Minority - A Comparative Approach (pp. 136-145). Vlaamse Vereniging voor Algemene en Vergelijkende Literatuurwetenschap. |
Trintignant, J.-L. (1998). Jean-Louis Trintignant - The Actor, a Witness of His Time (Piette, A., Trans.). In B. Cardullo, H. Geduld, R. Gottesman, ... L. Woods (Eds.), Playing to the Camera - Film Actors Discuss Their Craft. Yale University Press. |
Cancio Isla, W. (1998). Klaus Maria Brandauer - Human Masks Are Dangerous (Boutriau, I., ... Piette, A., Trans.). In B. Cardullo, H. Geduld, R. Gottesman, ... L. Woods (Eds.), Playing to the Camera - Film Actors Discuss Their Craft (pp. 165-169). Yale University Press. |
Piette, A., Cardullo, B., Piette, A. (Ed.), & Cardullo, B. (Ed.). (1998). The Theater of Fernand Crommelynck: Eight Plays. Susquehanna University Press. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Susanna Sonnenberg's 'Joe Cool'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Edward J. Esche's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Philip C. Kolin's 'David Mamet's 'Writing in Restaurants': A Primary and Secondary Bibliography'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Maurice De Bellagente La Palmer's 'Driving Doctor Ford'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Sheila Rabillard's 'The Seductions of Theatricality: Mamet, Tremblay and Political Drama'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Gay Brewer's 'David Mamet and Film: Illusion/Disillusion in a Wounded Land'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Steven H. Gale's 'David Mamet's 'The Verdict': The Opening Cons'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Jeanette R. Malkin's 'Verbal Debris and Deprivation: David Mamet's 'American Buffalo' and 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Jeanne-Andrée Nelson's 'So Close to Closure: The Selling of Desire in 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Carole Zucker's 'An Interview with Lindsay Crouse'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Marc Silverstein's 'We're Just Human: 'Oleanna' and Cultural Crisis'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Leslie Kane's 'Interview with Joe Mantegna'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Sandra Tomc's 'David Mamet's 'Oleanna' and the Way of the Flesh'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Sean Mitchell's 'A Slice of Lemmon'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Steven Price's 'A. T. & T.: Anxiety, Telecommunications and the Theatre of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Bert Cardullo's 'Three Ways to Play House'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Roger Bechtel's 'PC Power Play: Language and Representation in David Mamet's 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Jean Vallely's 'David Mamet Makes a Play for Hollywood'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Ruby Cohn's 'Coda: 'Oh God I Hate This Job''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Dennis Carroll's 'The Recent Mamet Films: 'Business' Versus Communion'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Ann C. Hall's 'Playing to Win: Sexual Politics in David Mamet's 'House of Games' and 'Speed-the-Plow''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Leslie Kane's ''In Blood, In Blood Thou Shalt Remember': David Mamet's 'Marranos''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). David Mamet's 'I Lost It at the Movies'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Laura Kipnis's ''House of Games' - One Born Every Minute'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). Benedict Nightingale's 'More Aristotle Than Hemingway'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (30 September 1997). William F. Van Wert's 'Psychoanalysis and Con Games: 'House of Chance''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 et 403. |
Piette, A. (20 June 1997). In the Loneliness of Cities: The Hopperian Accents of David Mamet's 'Edmond'. Studies in the Humanities, 24 (1 & 2), 43-51. ![]() |
Piette, A. (04 June 1997). Chronique: SHAFER (Yvonne) - 'American Women Playwrights, 1900-1950' (New York: Peter Lang, 1995), un vol., XII-546 p., ill. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 75 (3), 899-900. |
Piette, A. (04 June 1997). Chronique: KANE (Leslie), ed. - 'David Mamet - A Casebook' (New York: Garland, 1992), un vol., XX-310 p. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 75 (3), 884-885. |
Bazin, A., Piette, A., Cardullo, B., & Cardullo, B. (Ed.). (1997). Bazin at Work: Major Essays and Reviews from the Forties and Fifties. Routledge. |
Piette, A., & Cardullo, B. (1997). The Crommelynck Mystery: The Life and Work of a Belgian Playwright. Susquehanna University Press. |
Piette, A. (20 September 1996). Crommelynck and Meyerhold: Two Geniuses Meet on the Stage. Modern Drama, 39 (3), 436-447. ![]() |
Bazin, A. (1996). The Technique of 'Citizen Kane' (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). In R. Gottesman (Ed.), Perspectives on Citizen Kane (pp. 229-237). G.K. Hall & Co. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Dennis Carroll's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). June Schluetter and Elizabeth Forsyth's America as Junkshop: The Business Ethic in David Mamet's 'American Buffalo''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). David Savran's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Robert Storey's 'The Making of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Steven H. Gale's 'David Mamet: The Plays, 1972-1980'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Esther Harriott's 'Interview with David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Leslie Kane's 'Time Passages'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Verna Foster's 'Sex, Power, and Pedagogy in Mamet's 'Oleanna' and Ionesco's 'The Lesson''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Pascale Hubert-Leibler's 'Dominance and Anguish: The Teacher-Student Relationship in the Plays of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Christopher W.E.'s 'Beyond Broadway - A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama': David Mamet. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319 (7). |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jeanne Andrée Nelson's ''Speed-the-Plow' or Seed the Plot? Mamet and the Female Reader'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Marcia Blumberg's 'Eloquent Stammering in the Fog: O'Neill's Heritage in Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Matthew C. Roudané's 'An Interview with David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Park Dixon Goist's 'Ducks and Sex in David Mamet's Chicago'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). David Radavich's 'Man Among Men: David Mamet's Homosocial Order'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Matthew C. Roudané's 'Public Issues, Private Tensions: David Mamet's 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Carla J. McDonough's 'Every Fear Hides a Wish: Unstable Masculinity in Mamet's Drama'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jonathan S. Cullick's ''Always Be Closing': Competition and Discourse of Closure in David Mamet's 'Glengarry Glen Ross''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jocelyn Trigg's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Christine MacLeod's 'The Politics of Gender, Language and Hierarchy in Mamet's 'Oleanna''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Anne Dean's 'David Mamet: Language as Dramatic Action'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jack V. Barbera's 'Ethical Perversity in America: Some Observations on David Mamet's 'American Buffalo''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Illka Joki's 'David Mamet's Drama: The Dialogicality of Grotesque Realism'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). William Herman's 'Theatrical Diversity in Chicago: David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Dorothy H. Jacobs's 'Working Worlds in David Mamet's Dramas'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Richard Eder's 'David Mamet's New Realism'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Esther Harriott's 'David Mamet: Comedies of Bad Manners'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Marc Maufort's 'Narrative Patterns in the Plays of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Alain Piette's 'The Devil's Advocate: David Mamet's 'Oleanna' and Political Correctness'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Edward Lundin's 'Mamet and Mystery'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Thomas R. Whitaker's 'Wham, Bam, Thank You Sam: The Presence of Beckett'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). David Worster's 'How To Do Things with Salesmen: David Mamet's Speech-Act Play'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Johan Callens's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Christopher W.E. Bigsby's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). William W. Demastes's 'David Mamet's Dis-Integrating Drama'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). June Schluetter's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Douglas Bruster's 'David Mamet and Ben Jonson: City Comedy Past and Present'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Nesta Jones and Steven Dykes's 'File on Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Robert James Ventimiglia's 'Recent Trends in American Drama: Michael Christofer, David Mamet and Albert Innaurato'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Timothy J. Wiles's 'Talk Drama: Recent Writers in the American Theater'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Daniel Dervin's ''Edmond': Is There Such a Thing as a Sick Play?'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Thomas King's 'Talk and Dramatic Action in 'American Buffalo''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Ruby Cohn's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). John Ditzky's 'He Lets You See the Thought There: The Theatre of David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Hank Nuwer's 'A Life in the Theatre: David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jeanne Andrée Nelson's 'A Machine Out of Order: Indifferentiation in David Mamet's 'The Disappearance of the Jews''. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Toby Silverman Zinman's 'Jewish Aporia: The Rhythm of Talking in Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Christopher W.E. Bigsby's 'David Mamet: All True Stories'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Kimball King's 'David Mamet'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). David Skeele's 'The Devil and David Mamet: 'Sexual Perversity in Chicago' as a Homiletic Tragedy'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Guido Almansi's 'David Mamet, A Virtuoso of Invective'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). J.-J. Peereboom's 'Mamet from Afar'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Leslie Kane's 'David Mamet: A Casebook'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Madison J. Davis and John Coleman's 'David Mamet: A Classified Bibliography'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Illka Joki's 'Mamet, Bakhtin and the Dramatic: the Demotic as a Variable of Addressivity'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Steve Lawson's 'Language Equals Action'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Steven Price's ''Accursed Progenitor': Samuel Beckett, David Mamet, and the Problem of Influence'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Tony J. Stafford's ''Speed-the-Plow' and Speed the Plough: The Work of the Earth'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Henry Schvey's 'The Plays of David Mamet: Games of Manipulation and Power, and David Mamet: Celebrating the Capacity for Self-Knowledge'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Piette, A. (04 February 1996). Jürgen Wolter's 'David Mamet in German-Speaking Countries: A Classified Bibliography'. Annotated Bibliography for English Studies, 319. |
Bazin, A. (03 June 1995). The Case of Marcel Pagnol (Cardullo, B., ... Piette, A., Trans.). Literature Film Quarterly, 23 (3), 204-208. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1995). The Devil's Advocate: David Mamet's 'Oleanna' and Political Correctness. In M. Maufort (Ed.), Staging Difference - Cultural Pluralism in American Theatre and Drama (pp. 173-187). Peter Lang. |
Bazin, A. (04 June 1994). Film Chronicle: Three Italian Realists (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). North Dakota Quarterly, 62 (1), 96-108. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1993). De l'angélisme du pédagogue au réalisme du marché: le doublage et le sous-titrage dans l'enseignement de la traduction. ATIM-Microplume. |
Bazin, A. (1993). Cinema and Theology (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). In J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Plays, Movies, and Critics (pp. 163-177). Duke University Press. |
Bazin, A. (04 June 1992). Cinema and Theology (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). South Atlantic Quarterly, 91 (2), 393-407. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1992). Shaw and Tragedy: 'The Doctor's Dilemma'. BELL. Belgian Essays on Language and Literature, 81-90. ![]() |
Bazin, A. (03 June 1991). André Bazin: Three Original Reviews (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). New Orleans Review, 18 (3), 14-26. ![]() |
Piette, A. (23 May 1989). Musset's 'Lorenzaccio'. Explicator, 48 (1), 17-20. ![]() |
Bazin, A. (03 June 1988). The Myth of Stalin in the Soviet Cinema (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). New Orleans Review, 15 (3), 5-17. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1986). Michel de Ghelderode's 'La Balade du Grand Macabre': The Triumph of Life. In B. Cardullo (Ed.), Before His Eyes - Essays in Honor of Stanley Kauffmann (pp. 51-56). University Press of America. |
Bazin, A. (03 June 1985). William Wyler, or the Jansenist of Directing (Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). New Orleans Review, 12 (4), 47-59. ![]() |
Piette, A. (1984). 'Frankenstein'. Literature and Performance, (Fall 1984), 69-71. |
Piette, A. (1984). 'An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Plays, WILLINGER, David, ed. Literature and Performance, (Winter 1984), 72-73. |
Kovacs, A. (03 June 1984). Controversies Surrounding Hungarian Filmmaking (Kovacs, A., Piette, A., ... Cardullo, B., Trans.). New Orleans Review, 11 (1), 83-97. ![]() |
Piette, A. (23 May 1984). The Hostage, by Brendan Behan. Theatre Journal, 36 (3), 415-416. |
Piette, A. (23 May 1984). Theater in Brussels - Beckett after the Deluge. Theater, 15 (3), 54-57. |
Piette, A. (1983). 'A Raisin in the Sun'. Yale Reports: Newsletter of the Yale Repertory Theatre. |
Piette, A. (23 May 1983). Shirley Lauro's 'Open Admissions' and Arthur Miller's 'Elegy for a Lady' and 'Some Kind of Love Story'. Theatre Journal, 35 (4), 553-554. |