Labie, M., De Corte, J.-M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (In press). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance : Moving Forward with the MacBeth Approach [Paper presentation]. Jeudis de la Recherche, Nantes, France. |
Urgeghe, L., & Labie, M. (In press). Fonds de placement et pratiques de gouvernance en microfinance : risques et potentiels. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
![]() ![]() | De Corte, J.-M., Labie, M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (2013). Microfinance investment vehicles and social performance. In Microfinance: a practitioner's handbook (pp. 165-191). London, United Kingdom: Globe Business Publishing. ![]() |
Labie, M., De Corte, J.-M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (18 April 2013). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance: Moving Forward with the MacBeth Approach [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Seminar, University of Groningen, Netherlands. |
Labie, M., De Corte, J.-M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (27 February 2013). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance: Moving Forward with the MacBeth Approach [Paper presentation]. Measurement of Financial and Social Performance of MIVs, Insitute of Microfinance in Dakha, Bangladesh. |
Labie, M., De Corte, J.-M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (15 February 2013). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance: Moving Forward with the MacBeth Approach [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherche, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. |
De Corte, J.-M., Labie, M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (28 November 2012). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance: Moving from Traditional Techniques to the MACBETH Approach [Paper presentation]. Les Investisseurs Institutionnels : diabolisation ou sacralisation ?, Mons, Belgium. |
Urgeghe, L. (11 October 2012). Microfinance Investment Vehicles' Debt investments and Microfinance Institutions' Performance [Paper presentation]. Frontier of Finance Workshop, Paris - Université Panthéon Sorbonne, France. |
De Corte, J.-M., Labie, M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (2012). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance: Moving forward with the MACBETH Approach. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Urgeghe, L. (2012). Microfinance Investments: What Impedes Social Performance to Play a Key Role in Investment Decisions? |
Urgeghe, L. (2012). Microfinance Investments: What are the Impediments to the Integration of Social performance in Investment Decisions? ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Urgeghe, L. (2011). The Challenge Of The Double Bottom Line: What Can Microfinance Investment Vehicles Learn From The SRI World? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on International Trade and Investment, Le Méridien Hotel, Mauritius. |
Urgeghe, L. (28 November 2011). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance : Moving from Traditional Techniques to the MACBETH Approach [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Facultaire de la FWEG, UMONS, FWEG, Belgium. |
Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (2011). Théorie des organisations - Guide de lecture, 3ème édition. |
Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (07 August 2011). Investissements socialement responsables et microfinance. Revue Management et Avenir, 46 (1768-5958), 280-297. ![]() |
De Corte, J.-M., Labie, M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (2011). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance : Moving from Traditional Techniques to the MACBETH Approach [Paper presentation]. Second International Research Conference on Microfinance, Université de Groningen, Netherlands. |
De Corte, J.-M., Labie, M., Urgeghe, L., & Vansnick, J.-C. (17 June 2011). Microfinance Investment Vehicles and Social Performance : Moving from Traditional Techniques to the MACBETH Approach [Paper presentation]. Second International Research Conference on Microfinance, Université de Groningen, Netherlands. |
Urgeghe, L., & Mersland, R. (20 May 2011). International Investments and Performance of Microfinance Institutions [Paper presentation]. Scientific Colloquium on Social Enterprise, Université de Bocconi, Italy. |
Urgeghe, L. (06 May 2011). Social Performance of the MIVs: What Are the Lessons Learned from the SRI Experience? [Paper presentation]. CERMi Research Seminar, UMONS, FWEG, Belgium. |
Urgeghe, L. (2011). Social performance of the MIVs: What are the lessons learnt from the SRI experience? |
Urgeghe, L. (08 April 2011). The challenge of the double bottom line: what can Microfinance Investment Vehicles learn from the SRI world? [Paper presentation]. The First CR3 Conference, Hanken School of Economics, Finland. |
Urgeghe, L. (23 March 2011). Les thèses du CERMi à l'UMONS [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium. |
Urgeghe, L., & Labie, M. (2011). Social Performance of the MIVs : what are the lessons learned from the SRI experience ? [Paper presentation]. ALFI Microfinance Conference - l'Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d'Investissement, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Urgeghe, L. (22 February 2011). Performance and international investments in microfinance institutions [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Facultaire de la FWEG, UMONS, FWEG, Belgium. |
Urgeghe, L. (2011). Une autre façon d'investir. |
Urgeghe, L. (24 December 2010). Les véhicules d'investissement en microfinance et le défi de la performance sociale. Mondes en Développement, vol.38 2010/4 (152), 69-82. ![]() |
Urgeghe, L., & Mersland, R. (2010). Microbanks' performance and international investments in microfinance. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (2010). Toolbox - Board Internal Assessment Note. |
Labie, M., Toussaint, D., & Urgeghe, L. (2010). Understanding MIVs Markets Changes : Considerations for INCOFIN Strategic Review. |
Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (2010). Management I - Cahier d'exercices, 3ème édition. |
De Schrevel, J.-P., Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (2009). BlueOrchard : Connecting Microfinance to Capital Markets - Sequel. |
Urgeghe, L. (15 March 2009). Commercialisation et financement de la microfinance : quels enjeux de gouvernance ? Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, XLVIII (2009/3), 37-49. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Labie, M., & Urgeghe, L. (2009). Fonds de placement et pratiques de gouvernance en microfinance : risques et potentiels. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |