Perez Garcia, F., Mens, T., Pinna Puissant, J., & Serebrenik, A. (17 November 2012). Evaluating Software Quality Practices in Europe: Preliminary Results [Paper presentation]. BENEVOL, Delf, Netherlands. |
Perez Garcia, F., Pinna Puissant, J., Mens, T., Kamseu, F., & Habra, N. (2012). Software Quality Practices in Industry: A Pilot Study in Wallonia. |
Pinna Puissant, J. (2012). Resolving Inconsistencies in Model-Driven Engineering using Automated Planning [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. |
Pinna Puissant, J., & Mens, T. (19 August 2012). Resolving Inconsistencies in Model-Driven Engineering using Automated Planning [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Advanced Tools & Techniques for Software Evolution (SATToSE), Koblenz, Germany. |
Pinna Puissant, J., Van Der Straeten, R., & Mens, T. (2012). Badger: A Regression Planner to Resolve Design Model Inconsistencies. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2012). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31491-9_13 Peer reviewed |
Pinna Puissant, J., Mens, T., & Van Der Straeten, R. (2011). Assessing the Kodkod Model Finder for Resolving Model Inconsistencies. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2011). Springer. Peer reviewed |
Pinna Puissant, J., Van Der Straeten, R., & Mens, T. (2011). Comparing Automated Planning Approaches for Model Inconsistency Resolution. |
Pinna Puissant, J., & Mens, T. (09 April 2011). FB: A Fast-Backward Planner to Resolve Design-Model Inconsistencies [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Advanced Tools and Techniques for Software Evolution (SATTOSE), Koblenz, Germany. |
Pinna Puissant, J., Mens, T., & Van Der Straeten, R. (2010). Automated Planning for Resolving Model Inconsistencies - A Scalability Study [Paper presentation]. ME 2010 International Workshop on Models and Evolution, Oslo, Norway. |
Pinna Puissant, J., Mens, T., & Van Der Straeten, R. (2010). Resolving Model Inconsistencies with Automated Planning [Paper presentation]. LWI 2010: 3rd Workshop on Living with Inconsistencies in Software Development, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Mens, T., Tamzalit, D., Hoste, M., & Pinna Puissant, J. (01 June 2010). Amélioration de la qualité de modèles. Une étude de deux approches complémentaires. Technique et Science Informatiques, 29 (4-5), 571-599. doi:10.3166/tsi.29.571-599 Peer reviewed |
Saval, G., Pinna Puissant, J., Heymans, P., & Mens, T. (2009). Some Challenges of Feature-based Merging of Class Diagrams [Paper presentation]. VaMoS workshop, . |