
Urbain Jerome

Main Referenced Co-authors
DUTOIT, Thierry  (24)
DUPONT, Stéphane  (20)
Cakmak, Huseyin  (13)
Wagner, Johannes (11)
Mancini, Maurizio (10)
Main Referenced Keywords
cough (1); detection (1); Interactive Visualization (1); Multimedia Navigation (1); Segmentation (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (24)
BIOSYS - Biosys (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Library & information sciences (34)
Electrical & electronics engineering (16)
Computer science (7)
Laboratory medicine & medical technology (4)
Languages & linguistics (1)

Publications (total 50)

The most downloaded
El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Speech-Laughs: an HMM-based Approach for Amused Speech Synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.

The most cited

101 citations (OpenAlex)

Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Kothare, M. V., Vande Wouwer, A., & Kothare, S. V. (01 March 2009). Algorithms for sleep-wake identification using actigraphy : a comparative study and new results. Journal of Sleep Research, 18 (1), 85-98.

Dupont, S., Cakmak, H., Curran, W., Dutoit, T., Hofmann, J., McKeown, G., Pietquin, O., Platt, T., Ruch, W., & Urbain, J. (2016). Laughter Research: A Review of the ILHAIRE Project. In Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems. Springer International Publishing.

El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Speech-Laughs: an HMM-based Approach for Amused Speech Synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Synchronization rules for HMM-based Audio-Visual laughter synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Bantegnie, E. (2014). FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 3 - Project Objectives, Work Progress and Achievements.

Ruch, W., Platt, T., Hofmann, J., Niewiadomski, R., Urbain, J., Mancini, M., & Dupont, S. (18 November 2014). Gelotophobia and the Challenges of Implementing Laughter into Virtual Agents Interactions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 (928). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00928
Peer reviewed

Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Bantegnie, E. (2014). FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 3 - Project Management and Use of Resources.

Urbain, J., Dupont, S., Pelachaud, C., & McKeown, G. (2014). Laughter Similarity Browsing - FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 1.5.

Mancini, M., Ach, L., Bantegnie, E., Baur, T., Berthouze, N., Datta, D., Ding, Y., Dupont, S., Griffin, H., Lingenfelser, F., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., Urbain, J., Volpe, G., & Wagner, J. (2014). Laugh When You're Winning. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.
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Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2014). The AV-LASYN Database : A synchronous corpus of audio and 3D facial marker data for audio-visual laughter synthesis [Paper presentation]. LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Urbain, J. (2014). Acoustic Laughter Processing [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Bollepalli, B., Urbain, J., Raitio, T., Gustafson, J., & Cakmak, H. (2014). A Comparative Evaluation of Vocoding Techniques for HMM-based Laughter Synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2014). Evaluation of HMM-based visual laughter synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings, 4578 - 4582. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854469
Peer reviewed

Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., Charlier, A., Denti, M., Dutoit, T., & Dupont, S. (2014). Arousal-Driven Synthesis of Laughter. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
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Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Mancini, M., Griffin, H., Cakmak, H., Ach, L., & Volpe, G. (2013). Multimodal Analysis of Laughter for an Interactive System. In Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (pp. 183-192). Springer.

Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Ach, L. (2013). FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 2 - Project Objectives, Work Progress and Achievements.

Mancini, M., Niewiadomski, R., Volpe, G., Aung, H., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Ruch, W., Wagner, J., Lingenfelser, F., André, E., & Pelachaud, C. (2013). FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 2.2 - Improved Multimodal Analysis and Recognition.

Drugman, T., Urbain, J., Bauwens, N., Chessini Bose, R., Valderrama, C., Lebecque, P., & Dutoit, T. (09 September 2013). Objective Study of Sensor Relevance for Automatic Cough Detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 17 (3), 699-707.
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Urbain, J. (04 September 2013). Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Laughter and its Application to Laughter Synthesis [Paper presentation]. Fifth biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Genève, Switzerland.

Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2013). Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Laughter and its Application to Laughter Synthesis [Paper presentation]. Fifth biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Genève, Switzerland.

Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Huang, J., Ding, Y., Datta, D., Bantegnie, E., Ach, L., Mancini, M., Pelachaud, C., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2013). FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 3.2 - Improved Multimodal Audio-Facial-Gestural Laugh Generation and Synthesis.

Urbain, J. (23 July 2013). An overview of automatic acoustic laughter processing [Paper presentation]. 13th International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications, Magdeburg, Germany.

Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Mancini, M., Griffin, H., Cakmak, H., Ach, L., & Volpe, G. (2013). Multimodal Analysis of laughter for an Interactive System [Paper presentation]. INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium.

Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2013). Evaluation of HMM-Based laughter synthesis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Niewiadomski, R., Hofmann, J., Urbain, J., Platt, T., Wagner, J., Piot, B., Cakmak, H., Pammi, S., Baur, T., Dupont, S., Geist, M., Lingenfelser, F., McKeown, G., Pietquin, O., & Ruch, W. (2013). Laugh-aware virtual agent and its impact on user amusement [Paper presentation]. Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2013), Saint Paul, United States - Minnesota.

Platt, T., Hofmann, J., Ruch, W., Niewiadomski, R., & Urbain, J. (2012). Experimental standards in research on AI and humor when considering psychology [Paper presentation]. AAAI Technical Report FS-12-02 Artificial Intelligence of Humor, Washington, DC, United States - District of Columbia.

Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Development of HMM-based acoustic laughter synthesis [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Dublin, Ireland.

Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Measuring instantaneous laughter intensity from acoustic features [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Dublin, Ireland.

Drugman, T., Urbain, J., Bauwens, N., Chessini Bose, R., Aubriot, A.-S., Lebecque, P., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Audio and Contact Microphones for Cough Detection [Paper presentation]. 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2012), Portland, United States - Oregon.

Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Hofmann, J., Bantegnie, E., Baur, T., Berthouze, N., Cakmak, H., Cruz, R. T., Dupont, S., Geist, M., Griffin, H., Lingenfelser, F., Mancini, M., Miranda, M., McKeown, G., Pammi, S., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., Platt, T., ... Wagner, J. (2012). Laugh Machine [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'12, Metz, France.

Niewiadomski, R., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Finding out the audio and visual features that influence the perception of laughter intensity and differ in inhalation and exhalation phases [Paper presentation]. 4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on EMOTION SENTIMENT & SOCIAL SIGNALS, Satellite of LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2011). A Phonetic Analysis of Natural Laughter, for Use in Automatic Laughter Processing Systems [Paper presentation]. Fourth bi-annual International Conference of the HUMAINE Association on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2011), Memphis, United States - Tennessee.

Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Urbain, J. (2011). LoopJam [Paper presentation]. NEM 2011, Torino, Italy.

Drugman, T., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (01 September 2011). Assessment of Audio Features for Automatic Cough Detection [Poster presentation]. Eusipco 2011, Barcelona, Spain.

Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Urbain, J., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2011). MEDIABLENDER : INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA SEGMENTATION. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (1), 1-6.

Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (28 September 2010). AVLaughterCycle: Enabling a virtual agent to join in laughing with a conversational partner using a similarity-driven audiovisual laughter animation. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4 (1), 47-58. doi:10.1007/s12193-010-0053-1
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Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). La base de données AVLaughterCycle [Paper presentation]. XXVIIIèmes Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, Mons, Belgium.

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). The AVLaughterCycle database [Paper presentation]. Seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta.

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2009). AVLaughterCycle: an audiovisual laughing machine. Proceedings of the 5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, 79-87.

Gilroy, S. W., Cavazza, M., Niiranen, M., André, E., Vogt, T., Urbain, J., Benayoun, M., Seichter, H., & Billinghurst, M. (2009). PAD-based multimodal affective fusion [Paper presentation]. Third International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Urbain, J., Dubuisson, T., Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Sebbe, R., & D'alessandro, N. (2009). AudioCycle : a similarity-based visualization of musical libraries [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New-York, United States - New York.

Dupont, S., Dubuisson, T., Mills, J., Moinet, A., Siebert, X., Tardieu, D., & Urbain, J. (26 June 2009). LaughterCycle. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2 (2), 23-32.

Dupont, S., Dubuisson, T., Urbain, J., Sebbe, R., D'alessandro, N., & Frisson, C. (2009). Audiocycle : browsing musical loop libraries [Paper presentation]. International workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Chania, Greece.

Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (2009). Generating robot/agent backchannels during a storytelling experiment [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'09), Kobe, Japan.

Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Kothare, M. V., Vande Wouwer, A., & Kothare, S. V. (01 March 2009). Algorithms for sleep-wake identification using actigraphy : a comparative study and new results. Journal of Sleep Research, 18 (1), 85-98.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Urbain, J., Dupont, S., Niewiadomski, R., Dutoit, T., & Pelachaud, C. (27 February 2009). Towards a virtual agent using similarity-based laughter production [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary workshop on laughter and other Interactional Vocalisations in speech, Berlin, Germany.

Dupont, S., D'alessandro, N., Dubuisson, T., Frisson, C., Sebbe, R., & Urbain, J. (26 December 2008). AudioCycle: Browing Musical Loop Libraries. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1 (4), 119-127.

Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (01 September 2008). Project # 3.4 : multimodal feedback from robots and agents in a storytelling experiment. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1 (3), 109-118.

Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (2008). Multimodal feedback from robots and agents in a storytelling experiment [Paper presentation]. International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Paris, France.

Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Vande Wouwer, A., Kothare, M. V., & Kothare, S. V. (2007). Algorithms for Sleep-Wake Identification using Actigraphy: A Comparative Study and New Results [Paper presentation]. 21st Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, United States.

Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Vande Wouwer, A., Kothare, M. V., & Kothare, S. V. (13 March 2007). Actigraphy as a way of distinguishing sleep from wake [Paper presentation]. 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, Belgium.

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