
Coussement Grégory

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service des Fluides-Machines

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Fluides-Machines

Main Referenced Co-authors
HIRSCH, Charles (24)
DEBRABANDERE, François (12)
CHODZYNSKI, Kamil  (11)
Nigro, Remy  (11)
Gremmo, Simone  (10)
Main Referenced Keywords
Adjoint methods (1); adjoint methods (1); Aerodynamic designs (1); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (1); Axial Compressor (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
BIOSYS - Biosys (7)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (110)
Mathematics (29)
Mechanical engineering (22)
Cardiovascular & respiratory systems (19)
Computer science (18)

Publications (total 134)

The most downloaded
Avez, C., Coussement, G., Debailleux, L., Delaunois, F., Descamps, F., Ducobu, F., Dumont, E., Lupant, D., Rivière, E., & Vitry, V. (01 June 2017). Les techniques optiques de pointe au service de l'Ingénieur. Polytech.News, 55.

The most cited

30 citations (Scopus®)

Wunsch, D., Nigro, R., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (2015). Quantification of combined operational and geometrical uncertainties in turbo-machinery design [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Canada.

Corso, P., Gremmo, S., Coussement, G., & Chodzynski, K. (In press). Experimental and Numerical Flow Investigation inside an Intracranial Aneurysm with and without Flow-Diverter Stent. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences.
Peer reviewed

Tran, T.-S., Babin, C., Fontaneto, F., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (22 November 2024). Understanding the Flow Field in a Highly Loaded Tandem Compressor Cascade. Journal of Turbomachinery, 147 (6). doi:10.1115/1.4067029
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Tran, T.-S., Babin, C., Fontaneto, F., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (2024). UNDERSTANDING THE FLOW FIELD IN A HIGHLY LOADED TANDEM COMPRESSOR CASCADE. In Turbomachinery - Axial Flow Fan and Compressor Aerodynamics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2024-122461
Peer reviewed

Zampini, L., VASSILIS GEORGOPOULOS, Coussement, G., & Verstraete, T. (03 June 2024). ONE-SHOT OPTIMIZATION FOR THE INVERSE DESIGN OF A QUASI-1D DE LAVAL NOZZLE [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Congress 2024, Lisboa, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Zampini, L., Mueller, L., Lavagnoli, S., Coussement, G., & Verstraete, T. (28 April 2023). GRADIENT-BASED OPTIMIZATION OF A 3D TURBINE VANE FRAME [Paper presentation]. ETC15. doi:10.29008/ETC2023-201

Hottois, R., Châtel, A., Debruyn, T., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (February 2023). Comparing Gradient-Free and Gradient-Based Multi-Objective: Optimization Methodologies on the VKI-LS89 Turbine Vane Test Case. Journal of Turbomachinery, 145 (3). doi:10.1115/1.4055577
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Chodzynski, K. J., Uzureau, P., Nuyens, V., Rousseau, A., Coussement, G., & Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K. (2020). The impact of arterial flow complexity on flow diverter outcomes in aneurysms. Nature Research.
Peer reviewed

Chatel, A., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (2020). Multipoint optimization of an axial turbine cascade using a hybrid algorithm. Journal of Turbomachinery.
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Chatel, A., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (2019). Multipoint Optimization of an Axial Turbine Cascade Using a Hybrid Algorithm [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, United States - Arizona. doi:10.1115/GT2019-91471

Coussement, G., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & CHODZYNSKI, K. (2018). Santé - Prévention cardiovasculaifre - RTBF JT13h.

Coussement, G., Verstraete, T., Mueller, L., & Chatel, A. (2018). SINGLE-POINT OPTIMIZATION OF THE LS89 TURBINE CASCADE USING AN HYBRID ALGORITHM [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Lillestrøm (Oslo), Norway.

Coussement, G. (2018). Une équipe de l'UMONS et ULB obtient une validation internationnale. Live Style Magazine.

Coussement, G., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & CHODZYNSKI, K. (2018). Une innovation révolutionnaire dans le domaine de la santé au CHU - Télé Sambre.

Coussement, G., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & CHODZYNSKI, K. (2018). Un coeur mécanique d'étude contre les maladies cardiovasculaires - RTBF auvio Vivacité.

Coussement, G. (2018). Montigny-le-Tilleul: un coeur mécanique pour éviter des tests sur les animaux.

Coussement, G., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & CHODZYNSKI, K. (2018). Prouesse de conception d'un coeur mécanique - RTBF Radio (RTBF auvio).

Coussement, G. (2018). Alternative à l'expérimentation animale à l'essai au CHU. La Nouvelle Gazette.

Coussement, G. (2018). Cette machine carolo va aider l'humanité à voyager vers Mars. DH.

Coussement, G. (2018). Cette machine carolo va aider l'humanité à voyager vers Mars. La Libre.

Carlier, S., Saussez, J., Scalia, A., Chodzynski, K., Nishio, S., Thayse, K., Brunner, P., Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., & Coussement, G. (10 March 2018). IN VIVO, IN VITRO AND IN SILICO COMPARISON OF TWO DEVICES TO MEASURE FRACTIONAL FLOW RESERVE [Paper presentation]. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, Orlando, United States - Florida.

Chatel, A., Verstraete, T., & Coussement, G. (05 March 2018). Single-point optimization of the LS89 turbine cascade using a hybrid algorithm [Paper presentation]. 9th Symposium on the doctoral research of the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gremmo, S., Gael, V., Jean-François, R., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (20 September 2017). Robust partial remeshing strategy for position management and body motion in CFD simulations [Poster presentation]. 26th International Meshing Roundtable, Barcelona, Spain.

GONZALEZ HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., TARTINVILLE, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (01 August 2017). Extension of the Non-Linear Harmonic method for the study of the dynamic aeroelasticity of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 73, 100-124.
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Avez, C., Coussement, G., Debailleux, L., Delaunois, F., Descamps, F., Ducobu, F., Dumont, E., Lupant, D., Rivière, E., & Vitry, V. (01 June 2017). Les techniques optiques de pointe au service de l'Ingénieur. Polytech.News, 55.

Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (2017). Uncertainty Quantification in Internal Flows Applied to Manufacturing Tolerances (AIAA 2017-1200): Uncertainty Quantification in Internal Flow [Paper presentation]. 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevin, Texas, United States - Texas. doi:10.2514/6.2017-1200

GONZALEZ HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (05 December 2016). CFD Methodology for Wind Turbines Fluid-Structure Interactions [Paper presentation]. BERA Wind - PhD Days, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

GONZALEZ HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (05 December 2016). CFD Methodology for Wind Turbines [Poster presentation]. BERA Wind - PhD Days, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (2016). Robust design of Rotor 37 with geometric and operational uncertainties.

Coussement, G. (2016). Une mobilité académique de coopération au développement au Cambodge : Une expérience riche de confrontation et d'ouverture à d'autres systèmes académiques. POLYTECH.NEWS (n° 54).

CHODZYNSKI, K., EKER, O. F., VANROSSOMME, A. E., Ribeiro de Sousa, D., Coussement, G., Vanhamme, L., DUBOIS, F., BONAFE, A., Chopard, B., Courbebaisse, G., & Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K. (18 October 2016). Does the gravity orientation of saccular aneurysms influence hemodynamics? An experimental study with and without flow diverter stent. Journal of Biomechanics, PII S0021-9290(16)31088-0. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.10.007
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Chodzynski, K., Gremmo, S., EKER, O. F., Lalmand, J., Aminian, A., Ribeiro de Sousa, D., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & Coussement, G. (2016). Hemodynamic numerical simulations of the disturbance due to intracoronary flow measurements by a Doppler guide wire. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. doi:10.1186/s12938-016-0234-6
Peer reviewed

GONZALEZ-HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2016). Rotor-tower interactions of DTU 10MW reference wind turbine with a non-linear harmonic method. Wind Energy. doi:10.1002/we.2027
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Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (21 September 2016). Uncertainty Quantification of manufacturing variability applied to the IC-09 (Aerodynamic High Pressure Compressor Rotor Blade Design) [Paper presentation]. 2nd UMRIDA UQ and RDO Symposium & Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.

Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (20 September 2016). Robust Design Optimization of the BC-01 (Rotor 37) test case and Best Practices for RDO in engineering practice [Paper presentation]. 2nd UMRIDA UQ and RDO Symposium & Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.

GONZALEZ-HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2016). CFD Study of DTU 10MW RWT Aeroelasticity and Rotor-Tower Interactions. In MARE-WINT New Materials and Reliability in Offshore Wind Turbine Technology (pp. 309-334). Springer International Publishing.

Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (06 April 2016). Manufacturing Tolerances in Industrial Turbo-Machinery Design [Paper presentation]. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Nigro, R., & Coussement, G. (28 January 2016). Uncertainty quantification of simultaneous operational and geometrical uncertainties in turbomachinery design practice [Paper presentation]. Journée de l'Institut Energie, Mons, Belgium.

Wunsch, D., Nigro, R., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (2015). Uncertainty quantification of simultaneous operational and geometrical uncertainties in turbomachinery design practice [Paper presentation]. 11th International Gas Turbine Congress, Toranomon Hills, Tokyo, Japan.

GONZALEZ-HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2015). A new, high fidelity offshore wind turbines aeroelasticity prediction method with considerable CPU time reduction [Paper presentation]. EWEA Offshore, Copenhague, Denmark.

Gremmo, S., Antonik, I., Corso, P., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2015). Partial remeshing strategy for CFD simulations when large displacements of moving bodies are taken into account. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Chodzynski, K., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., Lalmand, J., Aminian, A., Vanhamme, L., Ribeiro de Sousa, D., Gremmo, S., Bricteux, L., Renotte, C., Courbebaisse, G., & Coussement, G. (2015). An in vitro test bench reproducting coronary blood flow signals. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. doi:10.1186/s12938-015-0065-x
Peer reviewed

Wunsch, D., Nigro, R., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (2015). Quantification of combined operational and geometrical uncertainties in turbo-machinery design [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal, Canada.

Coussement, G., & Carlier, S. (22 May 2015). De l'écoulement sanguin dans les sténoses coronaires et les anévrysmes et de l'utilisation de nouveaux stents pour les traiter [Paper presentation]. Première Journée d'Etudes UMHAP, Mons, Belgium.

Corso, P., & Coussement, G. (22 May 2015). Outils de modélisation haute-fidélité de l'hémodynamique pour la prévention des embolies cérébrales d'origine cardiaque à l'aide de stents-filtres [Poster presentation]. Première Journée d'Etudes UMHAP, Mons, Belgium.

GONZALEZ-HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (10 March 2015). A new, high fidelity offshore wind turbines aeroelasticity prediction method with considerable CPU time reduction [Poster presentation]. EWEA Offshore, Copenhague, Denmark.

GONZALEZ-HORCAS, S., DEBRABANDERE, F., TARTINVILLE, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2015). Hybrid Mesh Deformation Tool for Offshore Wind Turbines Aeroelasticity Prediction. In CFD for Wind and Tidal Offshore Turbines (pp. 83-94). Editions Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16202-7_8

Gremmo, S., Antonik, I., Nigro, R., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2014). Partial Remeshing Strategy for CFD Simulations when Large Displacements are Taken into Account. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Wunsch, D., Nigro, R., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (08 October 2014). Propagation of generalized geometrical uncertainties in an integrated CFD design environment by means of a sparse collocation method [Paper presentation]. Dresdner Probabilistik Workshop, Dresden, Germany.

Chodzynski, K., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., & Coussement, G. (17 September 2014). Device for simulating blood flow.

Corso, P., Gremmo, S., & Coussement, G. (2014). Effect of Flow-Diverter stent on in vitro aneurysmal flow [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Prague, Czechia.

Horcas, S. G., DEBRABANDERE, F., Tartainville, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2014). Mesh Deformation Tool for Offshore Wind Turbines - Fluid-Structure Interaction [Paper presentation]. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain.

Corso, P., Coussement, G., Gremmo, S., & Chodzynski, K. (2014). PIV measurements in an intracranial aneurysm silicone model [Paper presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal.

Corso, P., Coussement, G., Gremmo, S., & Chodzynski, K. (23 June 2014). PIV study of aneurysmal flow with and without Flow-Diverter stent and comparison with numerical results [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applications for Image based Measurements, Leipzig, Germany.

Nigro, R., Wunsch, D., Coussement, G., & HIRSCH, C. (26 May 2014). Propagation of combined and geometrical uncertainties in an integrated CFD design environment by means of a sparse collocation method [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Pisa, Italy.

DEBRABANDERE, F., TARTINVILLE, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2013). Extension of the Non-Linear Harmonic method to flow computations around moving and deforming structures [Paper presentation]. International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Bristol, United Kingdom.

Bonvalet, L., Marijns, A., Debast, B., Parks, O., Gérard, G., Coussement, G., & Passelecq, C. (2013). Validation of a geostatistical interpolation model using measurement of particulate matter concentration [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric, Madrid, Spain.

Chodzynski, K., Conotte, S., Vanhamme, L., Van Antwerpen, P., Kerkhofs, M., Legros, J. L., Vanhaeverbeek, M., Van Meerhaeghe, A., Coussement, G., Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., & Legrand, A. (02 April 2013). A new device to mimic intermittent hypoxia in mice. PLoS ONE, 8 (4), 1-10.
Peer reviewed

Bonvalet, L., Marijns, A., Debast, B., Parks, O., Gérard, G., Coussement, G., & Passelecq, C. (11 December 2012). Validation of a geostatistical interpolation model using measurement of particulate matter concentration [Paper presentation]. 4th International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research, WMO - Genève, Switzerland.

Coussement, G. (2012). Computational Fluid Dynamics - Laboratory and exercise notes.

Coussement, G. (2012). Computational Fluid Dynamics - Course notes: Course notes.

Gremmo, S., Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Winckelmans, G., Coussement, G., & Bricteux, L. (2012). Implicit LES of turbulent flows with a high order discontinuous Galerkin method [Paper presentation]. APS-DFD Annual meeting, San Diego, United States.

DEBRABANDERE, F., TARTINVILLE, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (30 September 2012). Fluid-Structure Interaction Using a Modal Approach. Journal of Turbomachinery, 134 (5), 21-26.
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Coussement, G. (2012). Précis de Mécanique des Fluides.

Coussement, G. (2012). Mécanique des Fluides - Livre : Livre de cours.

Coussement, G. (2012). Mécanique des Fluides - Notes de cours : Notes de cours.

Coussement, G. (2012). Techniques Numériques en Mécanique des Fluides - Notes de laboratoire et d'exercices : Notes de laboratoire et d'exercices.

Coussement, G. (2012). Aérodynamique Compressible et Incompressible.

Coussement, G. (2012). Techniques Numériques en Mécanique des Fluides - Notes de cours : Notes de cours.

Coussement, G. (2012). Recueil d'Exercices de Mécanique des Fluides.

Coussement, G. (2012). Mécanique des Fluides - Notes de laboratoire : Labo 2 et 3 : Notes de laboratoire : Labo 2 et 3.

Coussement, G. (2012). Mécanique des Fluides Appliquée et Industrielle.

Coussement, G. (2012). Mécanique des Fluides - Notes de laboratoire - Labo 1 : Notes de laboratoire - Labo 1.

Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Geuzaine, P., Luccioni, R., Bricteux, L., Coussement, G., & Winckelmans, G. (2012). Assessment of LES modeling within a high order Discontinuous Galerkin solver [Paper presentation]. ETMM9: 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, thessaloniki, Greece.

Coussement, G. (2012). Turbomachines : Les fondements - Recueil d'exercices.

Coussement, G. (2012). Turbomachines : Les fondements - Livre.

Coussement, G., & DEGREZ, G. (2012). MECA-H-400 - Introduction à l'étude des écoulements biologiques - Partie 1.

DEBRABANDERE, F., TARTINVILLE, B., HIRSCH, C., & Coussement, G. (2011). Fluid-Structure Interaction Using a Modal Approach [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., Van Antwerpen, P., Chodzynski, K., & Coussement, G. (2010). Modélisation de l'endothélium vasculaire [Paper presentation]. VIème Symposium 'Lipides et athérosclérose', Mons, Unknown/unspecified.

Chodzynski, K., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., Coussement, G., Lalemand, J., & Vanhaeverbeek, M. (2010). An improved device to reproduce in the pulstatile coronary flow conditions measured in humans [Paper presentation]. 78th EAS Congress, Hamburg, Germany.

Coussement, G. (2010). Prototypage virtuel et systèmes d'équations aux dérivées partielles: une métarmorphose technologique [Paper presentation]. Journée des professeurs de mathématiques et de physique, Mons, Belgium.

Coussement, G. (2010). Energie éolienne: Potentiel aérodynamique [Paper presentation]. Cycle Sciences, clés du futur, Mons, Belgium.

Coussement, G. (2009). Introduction à l'étude des écoulements biologiques - Notes de cours.

Coussement, G. (2009). 'Aérodynamique compressible et incompressible' - Vol 1: Dynamique des fluides compressibles - Vol 2: Dynamique des fluides incompressibles : Note de cours avec exercices - Vol 1 et Vol 2 - 3e Bachelier Ingénieur Civil, dominante Mécanique.

Coussement, G. (2009). Livre de mécanique des fluides et d'hydraulique : Version revisée - Edition 2009-2010 - Cours de 'Mécanique des fluides' (3e Bachelier Ingénieur Civil).

Coussement, G. (2009). Recueil d'exercices de mécanique des fluides.

Coussement, G. (2009). 'Techniques numériques en mécanique des fluides' : Note de cours - Certificat des 5e Ingénieurs Civils mécaniciens.

Coussement, G. (2009). Recueil d'exercices de mécanique des fluides avec résolus complets : Version révisée - Edition 2009-2010 - Cours de mécanique des fluides (3e bachelier Ingénieur Civil).

Coussement, G. (2009). Mécanique des Fluides Appliquée et Industrielle - Notes de cours: 1ère Master - Finalité Spécialisée en Génie Energétique.

Coussement, G. (2009). Précis de mécanique des fluides.

Coussement, G. (2009). 'Introduction à l'étude des écoulements biologiques' - Master ULB en BioMécanique : Notes de cours - Partie 1.

Coussement, G. (2009). 'Mécanique des fluides industrielle et appliquée' : Note de cours - Certificat des 4e Ingénieurs Civils mécaniciens.

Coussement, G. (2009). 'Techniques numériques en mécanique des fluides' : Notes de laboratoire et recueil d'exercices.

Wailliez, C., & Coussement, G. (28 May 2009). Experimental study of multilayer stent effects on haemodynamics in abdominal aortic aneurysm [Paper presentation]. 8th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Coussement, G. (2009). Mécanique des fluides - Notes de cours.

Coussement, G. (2009). Mécanique des fluides - Livre du cours.

Wailliez, C., & Coussement, G. (01 September 2008). CFD study of multilayer stent effects on haemodynamics in abdominal aortic aneurysms. European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, 2008-2, 9-14.
Peer reviewed

Coussement, G. (26 August 2008). L'aérodynamique dans le monde de l'éolien [Paper presentation]. Congrès des Sciences 2008, Mons, Belgium.

Wailliez, C., & Coussement, G. (16 May 2008). Influence sur l'hémodynamique du placement d'un stent multicouche dans un anévrisme de l'aorte abdominale [Paper presentation]. Séminaires de Mécanique, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Chodzynski, K., Coussement, G., & Koltuniewicz, A. (06 May 2008). Study and development of an in-vitro technology for testing vascular tissues submitted to physiological flow conditions [Paper presentation]. Colloque Politechnika, Wroclawska, Poland.

Wailliez, C., & Coussement, G. (2007). Numerical sudy of multilayer stent haemodynamic effects in abdominal aortic aneurysm [Paper presentation]. 5th European Symposium of Vascular Biomaterials ESVB2007, Strasbourg, France.

Wailliez, C., & Coussement, G. (2006). CFD study of multilayer stent haemodynamics effects in abdominal aortic aneurysms [Paper presentation]. NCTAM 2006 (mai), .

Coussement, G. (2005). 'Détermination expérimentale des caractéristiques d'un profil sustentateur par mesure de la distribution de pression' : Notes de laboratoires - Cours de 'Aérodynamique compressible et incompressible' - 3e Bachelier Ingénieur Civil, dominante Mécanique.

Yamazaki, H., Yoshida, M., Iwamiya, T., Coussement, G., Troff, B., Ryan, J., & Sagaut, P. (1998). Parallelization and Vectorization of DNS Code and Performance Evaluation [Paper presentation]. NAL Symposium, Tokyo, Japan.

Jacquotte, O. P., Coussement, G., & Catherall, D. (1997). A Variational Method for the Optimization and Adptation of Structured 3D Grids. In Experimentation, Modeling and Coputation in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Chetverushkin et al - Jon Wiley & Son Ltd.

Coussement, G., Troff, B., Ryan, J., Yamazaki, H., Yoshida, M., & Iwamiya, T. (1997). High Performance Comutation for Direct Turbulence Simulation in Computational Fluid Dynamics [Paper presentation]. HPC ASIA '97 Conference and Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea.

Coussement, G. (1996). Euler-Lagrange Formulation of a Mesh Optimization and Adaptation Method and Unification with Some Other Popular Methods. In Numerical Grid Generation for CFS. ED. Soni B.K., Thompson J.F., Haüser J. & Eiseman P.

Coussement, G. (18 November 1996). AS28G Euler case and RAE2822 Navier-Stokes case for mesh adaptation [Paper presentation]. European GARTEUR Action group AD-AG20, 2nd year meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

Coussement, G. (23 September 1996). Exposé des travaux de coopération ONERA/NAL en aérodynamique et aéroacoustique des rotors d'hélicoptères et de parallélisation d'un code de LES et de DNS sur le Numerical Wing Tunnel [Paper presentation]. ONERA Seminar, Paris, France.

Coussement, G. (31 May 1996). ONERA's activities - Numerical Simuation of Unsteady Euler Flow around Multibladed Rotor in Forward Flight Using a Moving Grid Approach - ONERA Calcuations for HSI Noise Prediction for Hover Non-Listing Case [Paper presentation]. NAL (National Space Labratory - Japan), Tokyo, Japan.

Coussement, G. (1996). Collaborative Research Achievement on Rotor Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics During a Three Months Stay at NAL: NAL Report. National Aerospace Laboratory (JAXA) - Press Release.

Coussement, G. (1996). Activity Glimpse and Life Experience During a STA Fellowship Stay at NAL: STA Report. Japan International Science and Technology Center.

Coussement, G. (01 April 1996). Euler-Lagrange Formulation of a Mesh Optimization and Adaptation Method and Unification with Some Other Popular Methods [Paper presentation]. 5th Int. Conf. on Numerical Grid Generation for CFS, Mississippi State University - Starkville, United States.

Coussement, G., & Iwamiya, T. (1996). Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Performances of Helicopter Rotors: JISTEC Report. Japan International Science and Technology Center.

Coussement, G. (1996). Interpolation de surfaces et de courbes par B-Splines : Thèse annexe [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Coussement, G. (1996). Equation d'Euler-Lagrange d'une méthode d'optimisation et d'adaptation de maillages et unification avec d'autres méthodes : Thèse de doctorat [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Jacquotte, O. P., Montigny, F., & Coussement, G. (30 December 1995). Generation, Optimization and Adaptation of Multiblock Strucured Grids for Complex Configurations. Surv. on Math. For Industry, 4, 267-277.
Peer reviewed

Coussement, G. (1994). Grands codes de simulation numérique - Grands codes 3D de l'aérodynamique (SESAME-CANARI-WAVES) - Adaptation de maillages [Paper presentation]. ONERA, Paris, France.

Coussement, G. (1994). Parallel Generation of Multiblock Structured Meshes [Paper presentation]. COSMASE, Toulouse, France.

Jacquotte, O. P., Coussement, G., & Catherall, D. (1993). Evaluation of Mesh and Solution Quality Obtained by Optimization and Adaptation [Paper presentation]. 2nd U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Washington, United States - District of Columbia.

Jacquotte, O. P., Coussement, G., Desbois, F., & Gaillet, C. (30 December 1993). Contribution to the Devlopment of a Multiblock Grid Optimization and Adaption Code. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 44.
Peer reviewed

Coussement, G. (19 April 1993). Parallelization of a Mesh Optimization Code on a RS/6000 Cluster [Paper presentation]. SHARE Europe Spring Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

Coussement, G. (1993). Parallelization of a Mesh Optimization Code on a RS/6000 Cluster [Paper presentation]. SHARE Europe Spring Meeting, Hamburg, Germany.

Coussement, G. (1993). Parallelization of a mesh optimization code on a RS/6000 cluster.

Jacquotte, O. P., & Coussement, G. (30 December 1992). Structured Mesh Adaptation: Space Accuracy and Interpolation Methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 101, 397-432.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Coussement, G. (19 October 1992). 3D Mesh Optimization and Adaptation around ONERA M6 wing [Paper presentation]. ERCOFTAC/GAMM Workshop on 3D Grid Generation for Euler Flow Simulation, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

Coussement, G., & Jacquotte, O. P. (1992). Structured Grid Variational Adaptation: Reaching the Limit? [Paper presentation]. 1st European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

Coussement, G. (23 June 1992). 3D Adaptive Grids fo Transonic Flows [Paper presentation]. AFARP 5, Châtillon, France.

Coussement, G. (19 May 1992). Mesh adaptation for CFD [Paper presentation]. 7th Project Management Committee Meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Coussement, G., & Jacquotte, O. P. (1991). Structured Mesh Adptation: Space Accuracy and Interpolation Methods [Paper presentation]. 2nd Workshop on Reliability and adaptive Methods in Computation Mechanics, Kracow, Poland.

Coussement, G. (12 June 1991). Adaptation and Optimization of Grid in Computational Fluid Dynamics using a Variational Method [Paper presentation]. ONERA Seminar, Paris, France.

Coussement, G. (1990). Grid Generation Around Single and Multiple Element Aerofoils by the Use of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations - Von Karman Institut [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Coussement, G., Johnston, L. J., & Deconinck, H. (1989). Grid Generation Around Single and Multiple Element Aerofoils by the Use of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations: Manual: Theoretical development and user guide.

Coussement, G. (1988). Utilisation Itérative d'une Méthode de Panneaux pour la Résolution du Problème Inverse.

Coussement, G. (1988). Modélisation numérique des écoulements potentiels autour d'obstacles par une méthode des singularités [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

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