
Lepore Renato

Main Referenced Co-authors
FRERE, Marc  (39)
DUMONT, Eric  (31)
Remy, Marcel  (30)
VANDE WOUWER, Alain  (18)
RENOTTE, Christine  (13)
Main Referenced Keywords
lead-acid battery (2); dynamic modelling (1); fuzzy logic (1); heat pump (1); model free design (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mechanical engineering (45)
Energy (41)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (12)
Chemical engineering (7)
Electrical & electronics engineering (4)

Publications (total 71)

The most downloaded
Chauvy, R., Lepore, R., Fortemps, P., & De Weireld, G. (01 October 2020). Comparison of multi-criteria decision-analysis methods for selecting carbon dioxide utilization products. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 24, 194-210. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2020.07.002

The most cited

54 citations (Scopus®)

Boulvin, M., Vande Wouwer, A., Lepore, R., Renotte, C., & Remy, M. (2003). Modeling and control of cement grinding processes. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (11), 5 p 715-725.

Chauvy, R., Lepore, R., Fortemps, P., & De Weireld, G. (01 October 2020). Comparison of multi-criteria decision-analysis methods for selecting carbon dioxide utilization products. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 24, 194-210. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2020.07.002
Peer reviewed

Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2020). Rapport semestriel PEPSE du bénéficiaire UMONS (Période : 01/01/2020 au 30/06/2020).

Thomas, S., Le, V. L., Baiwir, R., André, P., de Ghélin, O., Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., Frère, M., & Kuborn, X. (2020). Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform for Performance Evaluation of Energy Production, Storage and Distribution Systems for Buildings [Paper presentation]. IBPSA France 2020, Reims, France.

Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2020). Rapport semestriel PEPSE du bénéficiaire UMONS (Période : 01/07/2019 au 31/12/2019).

Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2019). Rapport semestriel PEPSE du bénéficiaire UMONS (Période : 01/01/2019 au 30/06/2019).

Chauvy, R., Lepore, R., Fortemps, P., & De Weireld, G. (25 June 2019). Multi-criteria decision methods for selecting Carbon Capture and Utilization pathways [Poster presentation]. 17th International Conference on CO2 Utilization, Aix la Chapelle, Germany.

Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2019). Journée DEMO projet PEPSE.

Beeckmans, M., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2019). Rapport périodique relatif au projet PEPSE UMONS du bénéficiaire UMONS (1/1/2017 au 31/12/2018).

Skrylnyk, O., Lepore, R., Ioakeimidis, C., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (30 September 2017). State-of-charge observers for lead-acid storage units used in autonomous solar applications. Journal of Energy Storage, 14 (1), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.est.2017.09.006
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Lepore, R., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2017). Electrabel (ENGIE) - Université de Mons : optimisation énergétique du pôle star - rapport final.

Lepore, R., & Dumont, E. (2016). Electrabel (ENGIE) - Université de Mons: Optimisation énergétique du Pole Star: Rapport de 2ème année de la Phase II.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., Renotte, C., & Frère, M. (10 December 2015). Predictive model for HVAC control - Key factors and global sensitivity analysis [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Hyderabad, India.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., Renotte, C., & Frère, M. (2015). Predictive model for HVAC control - Key factors and global sensitivity anamysis [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Hyderabad, India.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2015). Performance modeling and monitoring of a high-temperature air-to-water heat pump with three different heating systems [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., BOIVIN, T., & Frère, M. (2015). Cascade cycle high-temperature heat pump: modelling and validation [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., BOIVIN, T., & Frère, M. (18 August 2015). Cascade cycle high-temperature heat pump [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (18 August 2015). Performance modeling and monitoring of a high-temperature air-to-water heat pump with three different heating systems [Poster presentation]. 24th International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan.

Lepore, R. (2015). Electrabel (ENGIE) - Université de Mons - Optimisation énergétique du Pole Star : Rapport de la phase 2 - 1ère année.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2014). Efficacité énergétique du bâtiment Pole Star : Optimisation des systèmes de chauffage et de rafraîchissement - Phase 1.

Lepore, R. (2014). Energy efficiency of the Pole Star building: Advanced control of the HVAC systems - A preliminary approach.

Lepore, R. (10 September 2014). Intelligent utilization of load shifting and of a heat pump [Paper presentation]. 7nde Warmtepomp Symposium, Sint-Katelijne Waver, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Renotte, C., Dumont, E., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (28 May 2014). Economie de chauffage et de rafraîchissement par load shifting avec une pompe à chaleur [Paper presentation]. 4ème journée thématique de l'Institut de Recherche en Energie - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (28 May 2014). Etude théorique et expérimentale d'une pompe à chaleur à haute température pour la rénovation des bâtiments [Paper presentation]. 4ème journée thématique de l'Institut de Recherche en Energie - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., BOIVIN, T., & Frère, M. (2014). Performance analysis of a cascade high-temperature heat pump used in a single-family dwelling in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Montréal, Canada.

Lepore, R., Renotte, C., Dumont, E., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (2014). Energy cost savings by intelligent utilization of load shifting and of a heat pump [Paper presentation]. 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Montréal, Canada.

Lepore, R., Renotte, C., Dumont, E., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (12 May 2014). Energy cost savings by intelligent utilization of load shifting and of a heat pump [Paper presentation]. 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Montréal, Canada.

Lepore, R., Renotte, C., Frère, M., & Dumont, E. (2013). Energy consumption reduction in office buildings using model-based predictive control [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference of IBPSA, Chambéry, France.

Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2013). ELECTRABEL - GDF SUEZ - Efficacité énergétique des bâtiments : Simulation dynamique du bâtiment Pole Star couplé au système de chauffage-rafraîchissement - Rapport technique.

Lepore, R., Remy, M., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (01 September 2012). Dynamic lumped-parameter model of a heat pump designed for performance optimization. Building Simulation, 5 (3), 233-242.
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Skrylnyk, O., Lepore, R., Remy, M., & Frère, M. (2011). Development of state-of-charge observers for lead-acid storage units for solar-assisted autonomous applications [Paper presentation]. ISES Solar World Congress, Kassel, Germany.

Lepore, R., Remy, M., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2011). Evaluation of the benefits in heat pump design when using a dynamic lumped-parameter model [Paper presentation]. 23rd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Praha, Czechia.

Lepore, R., Remy, M., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2011). Dynamic-lumped parameter model of a heat pump - Sensitivity analysis for performance optimization [Paper presentation]. 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., Renotte, C., & Frère, M. (23 June 2011). Thermique des bâtiments [Paper presentation]. Journée thématique du Pôle Energie, Mons, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Remy, M., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2010). Dynamic lumped-parameter model of a heat pump designed for performance optimization [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liège, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., & Frère, M. (2010). Partenariat d'innovation technologique 6135 : Rapport 1.

Altdorfer, B., Feldheim, V., & Lepore, R. (2010). EPICOOL - Rapport R04 : Protections solaires - Ombrage.

Lepore, R. (2010). Modélisation et contrôle de combi-systèmes et implantation avec le logiciel Matlab.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (2009). Étude d'une pompe à chaleur air/eau installée dans une maison individuelle : modélisation couplée pompe à chaleur/bâtiment et validation expérimentale [Paper presentation]. IXème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes, Lille, France.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Nourricier, S., & Frère, M. (2008). Performance monitoring and modelling of a static air-to-water heat pump installed in a single-family dwelling [Paper presentation]. Heat pump platform Symposium, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium.

Dumont, E., Duprez, M.-E., Lepore, R., Nourricier, S., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (2008). Performance analysis and modeling of a static air-to-water heat pump integrated in a single-family dwelling [Paper presentation]. 9th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Zürich, Switzerland.

Skrylnyk, O., Lepore, R., Renotte, C., & Remy, M. (19 March 2008). State-of-charge observers for lead-acid storage unit in photovoltaic installations [Paper presentation]. 27th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Heeze, Netherlands.

Sellier, J.-P., Renard, F., Dumont, E., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (2008). Pompes à chaleur innovantes à capteur statique extérieur : Rapport 1.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Bogaerts, P. (2007). Receding -horizon estimation and control of ball mill circuits. In Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (pp. 485-493). Springer.

Nourricier, S., Dumont, E., Lepore, R., & Frère, M. (17 April 2007). Implementation of the EBPD in Belgium: Performances of the simplified method for primary energy consumption calculations [Paper presentation]. Low Carbon Urban Built Environment Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Nourricier, S., & Frère, M. (17 April 2007). Integrated Modelling of a Dwelling and its Heating System [Paper presentation]. Low Carbon Urban Built Environment Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Lepore, R., Nourricier, S., Renard, F., Diricq, H., Duprez, M.-E., Dumont, E., Renotte, C., Feldheim, V., & Frère, M. (13 March 2007). Control-oriented model of a dwelling coupled to a water-to-water heat pump system [Paper presentation]. 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., Findeisen, R., Nagy, Z. K., & Allgöwer, F. (01 February 2007). Optimization strategies for a MMA polymerization reactor. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 31, 281-291.
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Anciaux, F., Nourricier, S., Feldheim, V., Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Frère, M., & Lybaert, P. (2007). Modélisation du stockage géothermique et de son utilisation : Rapport final - partie A.

Anciaux, F., Nourricier, S., Feldheim, V., Dumont, E., Lepore, R., Frère, M., & Lybaert, P. (2007). Modélisation du stockage géothermique et de son utilisation : Rapport final - partie B.

Lepore, R. (2006). Le Pôle Energie et l'énergie photovoltaïque - Etude préliminaire.

Lepore, R., Dumont, E., Nourricier, S., Di Pietrantonio, M., & Frère, M. (2006). Audit énergétique du site du moulin de la Hunelle.

Lepore, R. (2006). Nonlinear optimization-based control techniques for cement grinding and polymerization processes [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Findeisen, R., Nagy, Z. K., Remy, M., & Allgöwer, F. (2006). Scheduled optimization of a MMA polymerization process [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Gramado, Brazil.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., Findensen, R., Nagy, Z. K., & Allgöwer, F. (01 January 2005). Optimal Control of a batch MMA Polymerization reactor under model uncertainty [Paper presentation]. 24th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houffalize, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Bogaerts, P. (2004). State and parameter estimation in cement grinding circuits - practical aspects [Paper presentation]. DYCOPS'2004, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., Findeisen, R., & Allgöwer, F. (01 January 2004). On open and closed-loop control of an MMA polymerization reactor [Paper presentation]. 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Helvoirt, Netherlands.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Bogaerts, P. (2004). Software sensor design for cement grinding circuits -practical issues [Paper presentation]. 11th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal processing, Nancy, France.

Lepore, R., Findeisen, R., Nagy, Z. K., Allgöwer, F., & Vande Wouwer, A. (01 January 2004). Optimal open and closed-loop control for disturbance rejection in batch process control [Paper presentation]. BATCHPRO, Poros, Greece.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Bogaerts, P. (19 March 2003). On particle size estimation in cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 22nd Benelux Meeting on systems and control, Lommel, Belgium.

Boulvin, M., Vande Wouwer, A., Lepore, R., Renotte, C., & Remy, M. (2003). Modeling and control of cement grinding processes. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, (11), 5 p 715-725.
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Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., & Remy, M. (01 January 2003). Nonlinear model predictive control of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 22nd Benelux Meeting on systems and control, Lommel, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., & Remy, M. (2003). Nonlinear Model and predictive control of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. IFAC ADCHEM'2003, Hong-Kong, China.

Lepore, R., Findeisen, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Allgöwer, F. (01 January 2003). On open and closed-loop control of a MMA [Paper presentation]. Seizièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier: Polymer Reaction Engineering: modeling,optimisation and control, Lyon, France.

Lepore, R., Remy, M., & Vande Wouwer, A. (01 January 2002). Modeling and predictive control of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 21th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Netherlands.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., & Remy, M. (2002). Modeling and predictive control of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelone, Spain.

Lepore, R., Vande Wouwer, A., Bogaerts, P., & Remy, M. (01 January 2001). Control-oriented modeling in grinding processess: a new approach [Paper presentation]. 20th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houffalize, Belgium.

Boulvin, M., Lepore, R., & Remy, M. (1999). On the unstable behaviour of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. European Control Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Boulvin, M., Lepore, R., & Remy, M. (01 January 1999). Instability of closed-loop cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 18th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Houthalen, Belgium.

Lepore, R., Boulvin, M., Renotte, C., & Remy, M. (1999). On mill flow rate and fineness control in cement grinding circuits: instability and delayed measurements [Paper presentation]. 38th Conference of Metallurgists, Québec, Canada.

Boulvin, M., Renotte, C., Vande Wouwer, A., Remy, M., & Lepore, R. (1998). On the hold-up estimation and control in cement grinding circuit [Paper presentation]. 17th IASTED Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Renotte, C., Vande Wouwer, A., Boulvin, M., Lepore, R., & Remy, M. (1997). Dynamic modeling of cement grinding circuits [Paper presentation]. 16th IASTED International on Modeling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria.

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