
Noel Jérôme

Main Referenced Co-authors
VAN PARYS, Laurent  (15)
DESCAMPS, Thierry  (11)
Datoussaïd, Sélim  (9)
Dagrain, Fabrice  (7)
BULTOT, Elodie  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Barcelona Model (1); CLT (1); computer-aided detection (1); control-profile (1); cross-laminated timber (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
URBAINE - Urbanisation Revitalisation Bâtiment Architecture Innovations Espaces (11)
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (5)
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mechanical engineering (16)
Architecture (10)
Environmental sciences & ecology (4)
Earth sciences & physical geography (2)
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (2)

Publications (total 33)

The most downloaded
Leoskool, L., Bultot, E., & Noël, J. (26 March 2012). Pourquoi pas ingénieur ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence de vulgarisation scientifique dans le secondaire, Institut Notre-Dame Séminaire Bastogne, Unknown/unspecified.

The most cited

7 citations (Scopus®)

Descamps, T., & Noël, J. (2009). Semi-rigid analysis of old timber frames: Definition of equivalent springs for joints modeling. Enhancement of the method, numerical and experimental validation. International Review of Mechanical Engineering.

Leoskool, L., Descamps, T., Noël, J., & Puissant, G. (2014). Behaviour of screwed CLT panels, numerical and experimental analyses [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Naples, Italy. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.256

VanParys, L., Noël, J., Deceuster, J., & Kouroussis, G. (01 January 2014). Network approach to assess the impact of ghost-rock karsts located in the neighbourhood of masonry structures. Geologica Belgica, 17 (1), 52-57.
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Dagrain, F., Noël, J., & Marchandise, P. (01 December 2013). Evaluation de l'état de contrainte dans des maillons de chaîne de haveuse. Pierre Actual, 922, 42-46.

Noël, J., Aira, J.-R., & Descamps, T. (03 September 2013). Shear design of notched wood elements [Paper presentation]. SHATIS. 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, Trento, Italy.

VanParys, L., Noël, J., Lamblin, D., Datoussaïd, S., & Tilmant, A. (28 March 2013). Disorders in north transept of the cathedral in Tournai (Be): Structural monitoring, simulations and temporary stabilization. Journal of Heritage Conservation = Wiadomości Konserwatorskie, 32.
Peer reviewed

Descamps, T., Noël, J., Domede, N., VanParys, L., Lamant, N., & Tironi, S. (26 March 2013). Tensile weaknesses replication in soil-structure interaction problems [Paper presentation]. SIMULIA Academic Seminar 2013, Mons, Belgium.

Noël, J., Datoussaïd, S., Dagrain, F., & Huang, H. (12 March 2013). Finite element and granular approaches for the numerical modeling of rock cutting [Paper presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC 2013), Mons, Belgium.

Demelenne, M., Scaillet, J.-C., Bossiroy, D., Hayen, R., VanParys, L., Descamps, T., Noël, J., Sens, A., & Delaunois, F. (12 March 2013). Experimenting a medieval kiln for outlining specificities in the properties of ancient limes [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs ( MDC'2013), Mons, Belgium.

Dagrain, F., & Noël, J. (2013). Assessment of the state of stress in the links of chain saw machines. Diamante Applicazioni & Tecnologia, (71), 73-78.

Descamps, T., & Noël, J. (2012). Techniques d'auscultations et de restaurations d'éléments en bois.

Noël, J. (2012). Report: About the scientific stay in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA).

VanParys, L., Noël, J., Lamblin, D., Datoussaïd, S., & Tilmant, A. (2012). Disorders in north transept of the cathedral in Tournai (BE): structural monitoring, simulations and temporary stabilization [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wroclaw, Poland.

VanParys, L., Noël, J., Lamblin, D., Bultot, E., & Delehouzée, L. (2012). FE 'block & interaction' approach for computing the impact of tower inclinations on the safety of a masonry arch system in the Our Lady cathedral of Tournai (BE) [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Wroclaw, Poland.

Noël, J., VanParys, L., Fihri Fassi, H., Dagrain, F., & Legrain, H. (07 October 2012). Mechanical modeling for ghost-rock phenomena : current limitations and potential interest of meshless non-associated approaches [Paper presentation]. Ghost-rock karst symposium, 7-11 octobre, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.

VanParys, L., Noël, J., Datoussaïd, S., & Kouroussis, G. (06 October 2012). Predicting and quantifying the impact of activated ghost-rocks on unreinforced brick or block masonry walls [Paper presentation]. Ghost-rock karst symposium, 7-11 octobre, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.

VanParys, L., Descamps, T., Noël, J., Bultot, E., & Datoussaïd, S. (2012). Network analysis of Masonry: Indicator Computations for Detecting Soil Defect Impact [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Datoussaïd, S., Noël, J., & Descamps, T. (15 July 2012). Multicriteria Optimal Design of Multibody Systems by Using Evolutionary Strategies [Paper presentation]. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria.

Noël, J., Datoussaïd, S., & Dagrain, F. (09 May 2012). Potential interest of the Barcelona Model for predicting the efficiency of a tool set configuration in geo-material cutting [Paper presentation]. NCTAM, Royal Military School, Brussels, Belgium.

El Jid, R., Fihri Fassi, H., Noël, J., & VanParys, L. (2012). Bi-potential and meshless methods: towards new challenges in soil mechanics [Paper presentation]. 9th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (NCTAM2012), Brussels, Belgium.

Leoskool, L., Bultot, E., & Noël, J. (26 March 2012). Pourquoi pas ingénieur ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence de vulgarisation scientifique dans le secondaire, Institut Notre-Dame Séminaire Bastogne, Unknown/unspecified.

Leoskool, L., Bultot, E., & Noël, J. (09 February 2012). Pourquoi pas ingénieur ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence de vulgarisation scientifique dans le secondaire, Institut Technique Saint Joseph, La Louvière, Belgium.

Descamps, T., VanParys, L., Noël, J., & Dagrain, F. (01 May 2011). Engineering and patrimonial buildings: example of a rewarding interdisciplinary work. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 5 (3), 315-333.
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VanParys, L., & Noël, J. (2010). Construction en génie civil (transparents pour les séances de cours).

VanParys, L., Noël, J., & Leoskool, L. (2010). Béton armé et précontraint (transparents pour les séances de cours).

Noël, J., & Datoussaïd, S. (2010). Crack Office: a practical toolbox for engineering offices confronted to redundant masonry structures subjected to load redistributions [Paper presentation]. 8th international masonry Conference, Dresden, Germany.

Noël, J., & Datoussaïd, S. (2010). Crack pattern in heritage buildings: a practical toolbox [Paper presentation]. Third Euromediteranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterials and Structures, Djerba, Tunisia.

Noël, J. (15 March 2010). Simplified modelling of cracks [Paper presentation]. Simulia Academic Seminar 2010, Leuven, Belgium.

VanParys, L., & Noël, J. (2009). Eléments de mécanique des sols (transparents pour les séances de cours et de travaux pratiques).

Noël, J., Descamps, T., & VanParys, L. (2009). An automatic tool for the modelling of discrete cracking phenomena in masonry structures: Case study on the Magdalene church in Tournai [Paper presentation]. 8th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Descamps, T., & Noël, J. (2009). Semi-rigid analysis of old timber frames: Definition of equivalent springs for joints modeling. Enhancement of the method, numerical and experimental validation. International Review of Mechanical Engineering.
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Noël, J. (17 March 2009). Automatic modelling of discrete cracking phenomena in masonry structures [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2009), Mons, Belgium.

Noël, J., & Dagrain, F. (2008). Convention 5824 de la Région Wallonne - Etude et développement de nouvelles configurations de découpage pour les chaines de haveuses. Rapport d'avancement n°2. Modélisation par la méthode des éléments finis de maillons de chaine de haveuse.

Noël, J., & Descamps, T. (2008). An automatic tool for modelling discrete cracking phenomena in masonry structures : Case study on a Belgian cultual building [Paper presentation]. Journée de Mécanique des Structures, JMS08, Settat, Morocco.

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