Trelcat, J.-F., Basile, N., Gonon, M., RGuiti, M., Courtois, C., & Leriche, A. (2019). Sintering of BaTiO3 powder/sol composite thick films and their dielectric and piezoelectric properties. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. doi:10.1007/s10971-019-05123-y Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonon, M., & Basile, N. (06 September 2016). Processing of Electroactive Components by means of Selective Laser Sintering / Melting (SLS/SLM) [Paper presentation]. CIEC 15, Lyon, France. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2015). Processing of a glass ceramic surface by selective focused beam. Ceramics International, (42), 1720-1727. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2013). LASER TREATMENT ON CERAMIC POWDER COATINGS FOR MICROELECTRONIC COMPONENTS [Paper presentation]. Fifth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Materials, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (29 January 2013). Laser Treatment on ceramic Powder coatings for microelectronic components [Poster presentation]. Fifth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Materials, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., & Gonon, M. (13 December 2012). Traitement Laser sur des Couches de Poudres Céramiques pour la Réalisation de Composants Microélectroniques [Paper presentation]. 3ème Journée Scientifique du Portefeuille Revêtements Fonctionnels, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (01 September 2012). Interaction between laser beam and BaTiO3 powders in selective laser sintering treatments. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32, 3303-3311. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (24 April 2012). A Thermal Study of Laser Conditions for Glass Crystallization [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Symposium on Materials Processing Science with Lasers as Energy Sources, Clausthal, Germany. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (01 March 2012). LASER PARAMETERS STUDY ON BARIUM TITANATE COATING AND GLASS POWDER COMPACT [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC 2012) - Research Fair 2012, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (09 February 2012). Laser parameters study on barium titanate coating and glass powder compact [Poster presentation]. ANNUAL MEETING BCerS, Leuven, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (09 December 2011). Laser parameters study on barium titanate coating and glass powder compact [Poster presentation]. Deuxiéme Journée Scientifique du Porte-Feuille Revêtements Fonctionnels, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (06 December 2011). Selective laser heat treatments for melting and crystallization of glass [Paper presentation]. 3rd French-China Workshop on Functional Materials and Applications, Valenciennes, France. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (23 June 2011). Selective laser heat treatments for melting and crystallization of glass [Paper presentation]. ECERS XII 12th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Basile, N., Van Baekel, A., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (22 June 2011). ELABORATION OF DENSE BATIO3 CERAMICS THIN COMPONENTS [Poster presentation]. ECERS XII 12th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Basile, N., Van Baekel, A., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2011). Selective laser heat treatments for melting and crystallization of glass [Paper presentation]. ECERS XII 12th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Basile, N., Van Baekel, A., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (22 March 2011). LASER USED IN HEAT TREATMENTS ON CERAMIC AND GLASS CERAMIC POWDERS FOR PIEZOELECTRIC APPLICATIONS [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Van Baekel, A., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (07 February 2011). Selective laser treatment of piezoelectric ceramics and glass-ceramics [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Ceramic Society, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., & Van Baekel, A. (09 December 2010). Projet LASESURF : Traitement thermique sélectif par laser de poudres céramique et vitrocéramique [Paper presentation]. Première Journée Scientifique du Portefeuille Revêtements Fonctionnels, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Van Baekel, A., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (18 November 2010). Selective laser treatments on ceramic [Poster presentation]. Ecole doctorale MAIN, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Van Baekel, A., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (07 September 2010). Elaboration of dense ceramics and glass ceramics piezoelectric coatings by selective laser treatments [Paper presentation]. Twelfth European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics (CIEC12), Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Van Baekel, A., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2010). ELABORATION OF DENSE CERAMICS AND GLASS CERAMICS PIEZOELECTRIC COATINGS BY SELECTIVE LASER TREATMENTS [Paper presentation]. Twelfth European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics - CIEC 12, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Van Baekel, A., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (07 September 2010). Selective laser heat treatments for melting and crystallization of glass [Poster presentation]. Twelfth European Inter-Regional Conference on Ceramics (CIEC12), Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., & Van Baekel, A. (20 May 2010). Le frittage et la cristallisation laser [Paper presentation]. Journée thématique laser, Mons, Belgium. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Van Baekel, A., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (19 April 2010). Sintering/melting of BaTiO3 coating by laser heat treatments [Poster presentation]. 1st International Symposium on Materials Processing Science with Lasers as Energy Sources, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Van Baekel, A., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (17 February 2010). Traitement laser sur des couches de poudre de BaTiO3 en vue de réaliser des microcomposants électroniques [Poster presentation]. Matinée des Chercheurs 2010, Brussels, Belgium. |
Basile, N. (2010). Rapport annuel scientifique 2009 pour la région wallonne. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2009). SELECTIVE LASER HEAT TREATMENTS FOR REALIZING COATINGS AND THIN ELECTRIC COMPONENTS - PART 2: SINTERING OF BATIO3 BY SLS (SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING) [Paper presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, Madrid, Spain. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (2009). SELECTIVE LASER HEAT TREATMENTS FOR REALIZING COATINGS AND THIN ELECTRIC COMPONENTS - PART 3: MELTING AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF A PIEZOELECTRIC GLASS CERAMIC [Paper presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, Madrid, Spain. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (15 November 2009). Selective laser heat treatments for realizing coatings and thin electronic components - Part 3: Melting and crystallization of a piezoelectric glass ceramic [Poster presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, Madrid, Spain. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (15 November 2009). Selective laser heat treatments for realizing coatings and thin electronic components - Part 2: Sintering of BaTiO3 by SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) [Poster presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, Madrid, Spain. |
Basile, N., Gonon, M., Petit, F., & Cambier, F. (17 March 2009). Développement de revêtements à fonctionnalités améliorées ou nouvelles par traitement et frittage sélectif laser [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs 2009, Mons, Belgium. |