
Picart Benjamin

Main Referenced Co-authors
DUTOIT, Thierry  (14)
Drugman, Thomas  (12)
Tilmanne, Joëlle  (9)
Denby, Bruce (6)
DUPONT, Stéphane  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
Expressive Speech (8); Speaking Style Adaptation (7); Speech Synthesis (7); Voice Quality (7); HTS (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (6)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (18)
Library & information sciences (6)
Computer science (4)
Mathematics (2)

Publications (total 28)

The most downloaded
Picart, B., Brognaux, S., & Dupont, S. (2015). Analysis and Automatic Recognition of Human Beatbox Sounds: a Comparative Study. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.

The most cited

38 citations (Scopus®)

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). The AVLaughterCycle database [Paper presentation]. Seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta.

Picart, B., Gosselin, B., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Vallée, F. (2016). Application of Signal Processing Techniques for the Generation of Wind Profiles Dedicated to Electrical System Planning Tools [Paper presentation]. 51st International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, UPEC 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.

Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Roussel, P., Denby, B., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Dupont, S., Laraba, S., Picart, B., Tits, M., Tilmanne, J., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Charisis, V., Volioti, C., Stergiaki, A., Manitsaris, A., ... Manitsaris, S. (2016). The i-Treasures Intangible Cultural Heritage dataset [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Movement and Computing, Thessaloniki, Greece.

De Grève, Z., Exizidis, L., Hupez, M., Klonari, V., Picart, B., Toubeau, J.-F., & Vallée, F. (19 November 2015). Smart Grids: The Big Data Challenge [Paper presentation]. Chaire ORES « Smart Grids - Smart Metering », Journée d'études « Evolution vers les réseaux intelligents: opportunités, synergies et défis », Mons, Belgium.

Picart, B., Brognaux, S., & Dupont, S. (2015). Analysis and Automatic Recognition of Human Beatbox Sounds: a Comparative Study. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Al Kork, S., Ugurca, D., Sahin, C., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Adda-Decker, M., Xu, K., Denby, B., Roussel, P., Picart, B., Dupont, S., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Dagnino, F., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Stone, M., & Yilmaz, E. (2015). A Novel Human Interaction Game-Like application to Learn, Perform and Evaluate Modern Contemporary Singing: Human Beat Box [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, .

Yilmaz, E., Ugurca, D., Sahin, C., Dagnino, F., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Al Kork, S., Xu, K., Denby, B., Roussel, P., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Adda-Decker, M., Dupont, S., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., ... Grammalidis, N. (2015). Novel 3D Game-like Applications Driven by Body Interactions for Learning Specific Forms of Intangible Cultural Heritage [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, .

Brognaux, S., Picart, B., & Drugman, T. (2014). Speech synthesis in various communicative situations: Impact of pronunciation variations [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2014, Singapore, Singapore.

Denby, B., Al Kork, S., Hakoun, A., Xu, K., Roussel, P., Stone, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Glushkova, A., Gatziaki, V., Volioti, C., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Adda-Decker, M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., ... Manitsaris, S. (2014). First Report on ICH Capture and Analysis - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.1.

Denby, B., Al Kork, S., Hakoun, A., Xu, K., Roussel, P., Stone, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Glushkova, A., Gatziaki, V., Volioti, C., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Adda-Decker, M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., ... Manitsaris, S. (2014). First Version of ICH Capture and Analysis Modules - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.2.

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2014). Automatic Variation of the Degree of Articulation in New HMM-based Voices. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 307 - 322. doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2302742
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Charisis, V., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Chantas, G., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Cotescu, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Katsouli, E., Glushkova, A., Volioti, C., Pozzi, F., Crevier-Buchman, L., ... Picart, B. (2014). Assessment Plan - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 7.1.

Picart, B. (2013). Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Based on the Degree of Articulation [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (17 October 2013). HMM-based speech synthesis with various degrees of articulation: A perceptual study. Neurocomputing, Volume 132, 142 - 147. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2012.10.040
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Picart, B., Brognaux, S., & Drugman, T. (2013). HMM-based Speech Synthesis of Live Sports Commentaries: Integration of a Two-Layer Prosody Annotation [Paper presentation]. 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8), Barcelona, Spain.

Brognaux, S., Picart, B., & Drugman, T. (2013). A New Prosody Annotation Protocol for Live Sports Commentaries [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France.

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (29 April 2013). Analysis and HMM-based synthesis of hypo and hyperarticulated speech. Computer Speech and Language, Volume 28 (Issue 2), 687 - 707. doi:10.1016/j.csl.2013.04.008
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Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Statistical Methods for Varying the Degree of Articulation in New HMM-based Voices [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.

Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Reactive and Continuous Control of HMM-based Speech Synthesis [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Assessing the Intelligibility and Quality of HMM-based Speech Synthesis with a Variable Degree of Articulation [Paper presentation]. The Listening Talker (LISTA) workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (07 November 2011). Perceptual Effects of the Degree of Articulation in HMM-based Speech Synthesis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7015, 177 - 182. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25020-0_23
Peer reviewed

Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2011). Continuous Control of the Degree of Articulation in HMM-based Speech Synthesis [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2011, Firenze, Italy.

Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Picart, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 March 2011). pHTS for Max/MSP: A Stream­ing Archi­tec­ture for Sta­tis­ti­cal Para­met­ric Speech Syn­the­sis. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (1), 7-11.

Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (28 September 2010). AVLaughterCycle: Enabling a virtual agent to join in laughing with a conversational partner using a similarity-driven audiovisual laughter animation. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4 (1), 47-58. doi:10.1007/s12193-010-0053-1
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Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2010). Analysis and Synthesis of Hypo and Hyperarticulated Speech [Paper presentation]. 7th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Kyoto, Japan.

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). La base de données AVLaughterCycle [Paper presentation]. XXVIIIèmes Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, Mons, Belgium.

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). The AVLaughterCycle database [Paper presentation]. Seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta.

Asaei, A., Picart, B., & Bourlard, H. (2010). Analysis of Phone Posterior Feature Space Exploiting Class-Specific Sparsity and MLP-based Similarity Measure. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings, 4886 - 4889. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495121
Peer reviewed

Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2009). AVLaughterCycle: an audiovisual laughing machine. Proceedings of the 5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, 79-87.

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