
Randour Mickaël

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Mathématiques effectives

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service du Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Informatique théorique

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > FS - Service du Doyen

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Réseaux et Télécommunications

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Logique mathématique

Main Referenced Co-authors
Bouyer, Patricia (19)
VANDENHOVE, Pierre  (16)
Raskin, Jean-François (14)
MAIN, James  (7)
Oualhadj, Youssouf (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
two-player games on graphs (5); finite-memory strategies (3); Markov decision processes (3); Finite memory (2); finite-memory determinacy (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (114)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mathematics (118)
Computer science (114)
Electrical & electronics engineering (3)

Publications (total 119)

The most downloaded
Bouyer, P., Le Roux, S., Oualhadj, Y., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (2022). Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (1). doi:10.46298/LMCS-18(1:11)2022

The most cited

69 citations (OpenAlex)

Chatterjee, K., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 January 2014). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-Dimensional Quantitative Objectives. Acta Informatica, 51, 129-163. doi:10.1007/s00236-013-0182-6

Main, J., & Randour, M. (December 2024). Different strokes in randomised strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's theorem under finite-memory assumptions. Information and Computation, 301, 105229. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2024.105229
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Randour, M. (11 November 2024). Controllers in Reactive Synthesis: A Strategic Perspective (Invited talk) [Paper presentation]. Journées annuelles du GT Vérif 2024, Lille, France.
Editorial reviewed

Bouyer, P., Casares, A., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (29 August 2024). Half-Positional Objectives Recognized by Deterministic Büchi Automata. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 20 (3), 19:1-19:42. doi:10.46298/lmcs-20(3:19)2024
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Bouyer, P., Oualhadj, Y., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (01 December 2023). Arena-Independent Finite-Memory Determinacy in Stochastic Games. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 19 (4), 18:1-18:51. doi:10.46298/lmcs-19(4:18)2023
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Brihaye, T., Goeminne, A., Main, J., & Randour, M. (December 2023). Reachability Games and Friends: A Journey Through the Lens of Memory and Complexity (Invited Talk). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 284, 1:1-1:26. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2023.1
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Randour, M. (24 August 2023). Half-Positional Objectives Recognized by Deterministic Büchi Automata (Invited Talk) [Paper presentation]. IJCAI 2023, Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Macao, China.
Editorial reviewed

Bouyer, P., Casares, A., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (2023). Half-Positional Objectives Recognized by Deterministic Büchi Automata (Extended Abstract). IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. doi:10.24963/ijcai.2023/713
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Fijalkow, N., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (05 July 2023). How to Play Optimally for Regular Objectives? Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 261, 118:1-118:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2023.118
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Randour, M. (2023). Fascinante, l’IA va bouleverser la recherche et la société ! (interview). Belgium: FNRS.

Capon, C., Goeminne, A., Lecomte, N., Main, J., Randour, M., Staquet, G., Terefenko, A., & Vandenhove, P. (2023). À vous de jouer !

Bouyer, P., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (16 January 2023). Characterizing Omega-Regularity through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs. TheoretiCS, 2, 1-48.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (12 December 2022). The True Colors of Memory: A Tour of Chromatic-Memory Strategies in Zero-Sum Games on Graphs (Invited Talk). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 250, 18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2022.3
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Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Randour, M., Rivière, C., & Vandenhove, P. (November 2022). Decisiveness of stochastic systems and its application to hybrid models. Information and Computation, 289 (B), 104861. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2021.104861
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Bouyer, P., Fijalkow, N., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (2022). How to Play Optimally for Regular Objectives? ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.09703

Bouyer, P., Casares, A., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (06 September 2022). Half-Positional Objectives Recognized by Deterministic Büchi Automata. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 243, 20:1-20:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2022.20
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Randour, M. (2022). Jouer n'est pas qu'un jeu!

Main, J., Meurisse, Q., Randour, M., Staquet, G., Tamines, C., & Vandenhove, P. (2022). À vous de jouer !

Bouyer, P., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (09 March 2022). Characterizing Omega-Regularity Through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 219, 16:1-16:16. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2022.16
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Randour, M. (27 January 2022). Distances and refinement mechanisms in many-sided reactive synthesis [Paper presentation]. UMONS Formal Methods Reading Group.
Editorial reviewed

Main, J., Randour, M., & Sproston, J. (2022). Timed Games with Bounded Window Parity Objectives. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13465, 165-182. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15839-1_10
Peer reviewed

Main, J., & Randour, M. (2022). Different strokes in randomised strategies: Revisiting Kuhn's theorem under finite-memory assumptions. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 243, 22:1-22:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2022.22
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bouyer, P., Le Roux, S., Oualhadj, Y., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (2022). Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (1). doi:10.46298/LMCS-18(1:11)2022
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Main, J., Randour, M., & Sproston, J. (23 August 2021). Time Flies When Looking out of the Window: Timed Games with Window Parity Objectives. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 203, 25:1-25:16. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2021.25
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Bouyer, P., Oualhadj, Y., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (23 August 2021). Arena-Independent Finite-Memory Determinacy in Stochastic Games. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 203, 26:1-26:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2021.26
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Randour, M. (16 April 2021). Games Where You Can Play Optimally With Finite Memory [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Formal Methods in AI, London, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Delgrange, F., Oualhadj, Y., & Randour, M. (14 December 2020). Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (4), 13:1-13:30. doi:10.23638/LMCS-16(4:13)2020
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Randour, M. (2020). Les éclaireurs : la première ligne de soins, la théorie des jeux et les bugs informatiques. RTBF La Première.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Randour, M., Rivière, C., & Vandenhove, P. (21 September 2020). Decisiveness of Stochastic Systems and its Application to Hybrid Models. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 326, 149-165. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.326.10
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Bouyer, P., Le Roux, S., Oualhadj, Y., Randour, M., & Vandenhove, P. (01 September 2020). Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 171, 24:1-24:22. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2020.24
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Delgrange, F., Katoen, J.-P., Quatmann, T., & Randour, M. (25 April 2020). Simple Strategies in Multi-Objective MDPs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12078, 346-364. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-45190-5_19
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (22 November 2019). Life Is Random, Time Is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LSV working group, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (10 October 2019). Games Where You Can Play Optimally With Finite Memory [Paper presentation]. GT ALGA annual meeting 2019, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (18 September 2019). Games Where You Can Play Optimally With Finite Memory [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Warsaw, Poland.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (12 September 2019). Extending finite-memory determinacy by Boolean combination of winning conditions [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP'19), Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Brihaye, T., Delgrange, F., Oualhadj, Y., & Randour, M. (20 August 2019). Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 140, 8:1-8:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2019.8
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Randour, M. (22 June 2019). Extending finite-memory determinacy by Boolean combination of winning conditions [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Multi-objective Reasoning in Verification and Synthesis -- MoRe 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (2019). Pint of Science Mons 2019 [Paper presentation]. Pint of Science.

Randour, M. (24 April 2019). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LSV seminar, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France.
Editorial reviewed

Delgrange, F., Goeminne, A., Hallet, M., Meurisse, Q., Tamines, C., Thomasset, N., Randour, M., & Van Mieghem, K. (2019). A vous de jouer !

Randour, M. (14 March 2019). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. GAMENET Workshop - Theory and Algorithms in Graph and Stochastic Games, Mons, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (15 January 2019). Journey planning in uncertain environments, the multi-objective way [Paper presentation]. Complex Systems think tank, Mons, Belgium.

Randour, M. (15 January 2019). Journey planning in uncertain environments, the multi-objective way [Paper presentation]. Complex Systems think tank.
Editorial reviewed

Bruyère, V., Hautem, Q., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (2019). Energy Mean-Payoff Games. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 140, 21:1-21:17. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2019.21
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Le Roux, S., Pauly, A., & Randour, M. (10 December 2018). Extending finite-memory determinacy by Boolean combination of winning conditions. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 122, 38:1-38:21. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2018.38
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Randour, M. (19 October 2018). Answering reachability problems in Markov decision processes using learning algorithms [Paper presentation]. L² meeting, Mons, Belgium.

Bouyer, P., Gonzalez, M., Markey, N., & Randour, M. (26 September 2018). Multi-weighted Markov decision processes with reachability objectives. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 277, 250-264. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.277.18
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Randour, M. (2018). Prévenir les bugs informatiques.

Randour, M. (29 May 2018). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning (invited session) [Paper presentation]. GT Vérification, Grenoble, France.
Editorial reviewed

Goeminne, A., Hallet, M., Hautem, Q., & Randour, M. (2018). A vous de jouer !

Bouyer, P., Markey, N., Larsen, K. G., Laursen, S., & Randour, M. (01 March 2018). Average-energy games. Acta Informatica, 55 (2), 91-127. doi:10.1007/s00236-016-0274-1
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Randour, M. (18 January 2018). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. Verification seminar - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (13 September 2017). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning (invited session talk) [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, London, United Kingdom.
Editorial reviewed

Berthon, R., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (10 July 2017). Threshold Constraints with Guarantees for Parity Objectives in Markov Decision Processes. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 80, 121:1-121:15. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2017.121
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Randour, M. (25 April 2017). Bounding Average-Energy Games [Paper presentation]. 20th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2017), Uppsala, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (29 March 2017). Bounding Average-Energy Games [Paper presentation]. MFV seminar - ULB, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (20 March 2017). Rich behavioral models: illustration on journey planning and focus on multi-constraint percentile queries in Markov decision processes (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. Informatik Kolloquium - RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Bruyère, V., Filiot, E., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 January 2017). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games. Information and Computation, 254, 259-295. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2016.10.011
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Bouyer, P., Hofman, P., Randour, M., Markey, N., & Zimmermann, M. (01 January 2017). Bounding Average-energy Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10203, 179-195. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54458-7_11
Peer reviewed

Randour, M., Raskin, J.-F., & Sankur, O. (01 January 2017). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes. Formal Methods in System Design, 50 (2), 207-248. doi:10.1007/s10703-016-0262-7
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Bruyère, V., Hautem, Q., & Randour, M. (13 September 2016). Window parity games: an alternative approach toward parity games with time bounds. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 226, 135-148. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.226.10
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Randour, M. (09 September 2016). Average-energy games [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (24 July 2016). Reconciling Rationality and Stochasticity: Rich Behavioral Models in Two-Player Games [Paper presentation]. GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (19 May 2016). Reachability in Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers [Paper presentation]. MFV seminar - ULB, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (21 April 2016). Planning a journey in an uncertain environment: variations on the stochastic shortest path problem [Paper presentation]. InforTech Scientific Day, Mons, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (07 April 2016). Reachability in Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. IRISA - INRIA Rennes seminar, Rennes, France.
Editorial reviewed

Brenguier, R., Clemente, L., Hunter, P., Pérez, G., Randour, M., Raskin, J.-F., Sankur, O., & Sassolas, M. (17 March 2016). Non-Zero Sum Games for Reactive Synthesis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9618, 3-23. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-30000-9_1
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (28 January 2016). Planning a journey in an uncertain environment [Paper presentation]. Modeling & Simulation Day - Energie and Complexys Institutes - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (11 January 2016). Reconciling Rationality and Stochasticity: Rich Behavioral Models in Two-Player Games [Paper presentation]. GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Markey, N., Randour, M., Sangnier, A., & Stan, D. (01 January 2016). Reachability in Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 55, 106:1-106:14. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2016.106
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Randour, M. (16 September 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Prague, Czechia.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (11 September 2015). Synthesis in Multi-Criteria Quantitative Games (invited talk - Ackermann Award lecture) [Paper presentation]. 24th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2015), Berlin, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (21 July 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes [Paper presentation]. 27th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2015), San Francisco, United States.
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (09 June 2015). Average-energy games [Paper presentation]. Annual seminar of the LSV, Dourdan, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (01 June 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LACL seminar - UPEC, Créteil, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (18 May 2015). Average-energy games [Paper presentation]. FIfth CASSTING meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (13 May 2015). Planning a journey in an uncertain environment: variations on the stochastic shortest path problem [Paper presentation]. EDT Complex Meeting - UNamur, Namur, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (12 March 2015). Average-energy games [Paper presentation]. ERC Workshop in Verification, Vienne, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (25 February 2015). Games with Window Quantitative Objectives [Paper presentation]. Frontiers of Formal Methods (FFM 2015), Aachen, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (05 February 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes [Paper presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar, 'Non-Zero-Sum-Games and Control', Wadern, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (23 January 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes [Paper presentation]. CFV seminar, Brussels, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M., Raskin, J.-F., & Sankur, O. (12 January 2015). Variations on the Stochastic Shortest Path Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8931, 1-18. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-46081-8_1
Peer reviewed

Randour, M., Raskin, J.-F., & Sankur, O. (01 January 2015). Percentile Queries in Multi-Dimensional Markov Decision Processes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9206, 123-139. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21690-4_8
Peer reviewed

Chatterjee, K., Doyen, L., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 January 2015). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows. Information and Computation, 242, 25-52. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2015.03.010
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Bouyer, P., Markey, N., Randour, M., Larsen, K. G., & Laursen, S. (01 January 2015). Average-energy games. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 193, 1-15. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.193.1
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Randour, M. (11 December 2014). Planning a Journey in an Uncertain Environment: The Stochastic Shortest Path Problem Revisited (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LIF seminar - MOVE research group, Marseille, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (03 September 2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (17 June 2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. IST Austria seminar, Klosterneuburg, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (2014). Synthesis in Multi-Criteria Quantitative Games [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Bruyère, V., Filiot, E., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (05 April 2014). Expectations or Guarantees? I Want It All! A crossroad between games and MDPs. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 146, 1-8. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.146.1
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Randour, M. (05 April 2014). Expectations or Guarantees? I Want It All! A crossroad between games and MDPs [Paper presentation]. SR - International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning, Grenoble, France.
Peer reviewed

Bohy, A., Carlier, P., De Pril, J., Oualhadj, Y., & Randour, M. (2014). Jouer n'est pas qu'un jeu !

Bruyère, V., Filiot, E., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games.

Randour, M. (05 March 2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games [Paper presentation]. STACS - Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Lyon, France.
Peer reviewed

Bruyère, V., Filiot, E., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (March 2014). Meet your expectations with guarantees: Beyond worst-case synthesis in quantitative games. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 25, 199-213. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2014.199
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Randour, M. (23 January 2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. GT Jeux - annual meeting, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (16 January 2014). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LaBRI verification seminar, Bordeaux, France.
Editorial reviewed

Chatterjee, K., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 January 2014). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-Dimensional Quantitative Objectives. Acta Informatica, 51, 129-163. doi:10.1007/s00236-013-0182-6
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Randour, M. (16 December 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LIAFA verification seminar, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (26 November 2013). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. LSV seminar, ENS Cachan, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (19 November 2013). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games [Paper presentation]. Méthodes Formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (28 October 2013). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games (invited talk) [Paper presentation]. Nord Pas de Calais / Belgium Congress of Mathematics, Valenciennes, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (16 October 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. ATVA - International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Hanoï, Vietnam.
Peer reviewed

Chatterjee, K., Doyen, L., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (16 October 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8172, 118-132. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02444-8_10
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (01 October 2013). Meet Your Expectations With Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative Games [Paper presentation]. Second Cassting Meeting, Aalborg, Denmark.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (20 September 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (09 May 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. ERC Workshop on Quantitative Models, Jerusalem, Israel.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (12 April 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. CASSTING European Project kick-off meeting, Paris, France.

Randour, M. (12 April 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. CASSTING kick-off meeting.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (29 March 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. Centre Fédéré en Vérification, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (29 March 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. CFV seminar.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (2013). Jouer n'est pas qu'un jeu !

Randour, M. (08 February 2013). Looking at Mean-Payoff and Total-Payoff through Windows [Paper presentation]. Méthodes Formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (04 September 2012). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-dimensional Quantitative Objectives [Paper presentation]. CONCUR - International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Chatterjee, K., Randour, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (04 September 2012). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-dimensional Quantitative Objectives. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7454, 115-131. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32940-1_10
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (03 September 2012). Automated synthesis of reliable and efficient systems through game theory: a case study [Paper presentation]. ECCS - European Conference on Complex Systems, Brussels, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (03 September 2012). Automated synthesis of reliable and efficient systems through game theory: a case study. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, XVII, 731-738. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00395-5_90
Peer reviewed

Randour, M. (08 June 2012). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-dimensional Quantitative Objectives [Paper presentation]. ERC-Workshop on Quantitative and Game Models for the Synthesis of Reactive Systems, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (18 April 2012). Strategy Synthesis for Multi-dimensional Quantitative Objectives [Paper presentation]. Méthodes Formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Randour, M. (30 November 2011). Strategy Synthesis for Quantitative Objectives [Paper presentation]. Gasics Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Contact ORBi UMONS