
Arcolia Vanessa

Principaux co-auteurs référencés
SAUSSEZ, Sven  (15)
BURTEA, Carmen  (8)
Despretz, Nadège (8)
Fanfone, Déborah  (8)
LAURENT, Sophie  (8)
Principaux mots-clés référencés
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (1); Biomarker (1); Cancer (1); Diagnosis (1); HLTF (1);
Principaux centres et unités de recherche référencés
CMMI - Centre de Recherche en Microscopie et Imagerie Médicale (8)
UMHAP - Centre de Recherche UMONS-Ambroise Paré (2)
CREMH - Mind & Health (1)
Principales disciplines référencées
Oncologie (7)
Médecine générale & interne (5)
Zoologie (4)
Immunologie & maladie infectieuse (3)
Médecine de laboratoire & technologie médicale (2)

La plus téléchargée
116 téléchargements
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Grassi, S., Leroy, B., Martinet, B., Arcolia, V., Isachenko, V., & Hennebert, E. (2021). Influence of risk factors for male infertility on sperm protein composition. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

La plus citée

25 citations (OpenAlex)

Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Grassi, S., Leroy, B., Martinet, B., Arcolia, V., Isachenko, V., & Hennebert, E. (2021). Influence of risk factors for male infertility on sperm protein composition. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Grassi, S., Leroy, B., Martinet, B., Arcolia, V., Isachenko, V., & Hennebert, E. (2021). Influence of risk factors for male infertility on sperm protein composition. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Bisconti, M., Senet, C., Arcolia, V., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (25 March 2021). Mise en évidence de la présence et de l'activité des ribosomes dans les spermatozoïdes humains matures [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
Editorial reviewed

Hennebert, E., Senet, C., Leroy, B., Wattiez, R., Delroisse, J., Flammang, P., Arcolia, V., & Simon, J.-F. (05 March 2019). Ribosome integrity and activity in mature human spermatozoa [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Arcolia, V., Journe, F., Wattier, A., Leteurtre, E., Gabius, H.-J., Remmelink, M., Decaestecker, C., Rodriguez, A., Boutry, S., Laurent, S., & Saussez, S. (01 July 2016). Galectin-1 as a diagnostic marker involved in thyroid cancer progression [Poster presentation]. Symposium of ULB-Cancer Research Centre (U-CRC), Erasme, Belgium.

Arcolia, V., Wattier, A., Remmelink, M., Decaestecker, C., & Saussez, S. (30 January 2016). Involvement of galectin-1 in thyroid cancers [Poster presentation]. BACR Annual Meeting, ULB Erasme, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (11 December 2015). Galectin-1, a potential molecular imaging biomarker of well-differentiated thyroid cancers [Poster presentation]. Bioforum-bioliege, Liège, Belgium.

Wattier, A., Arcolia, V., Doumont, G., Boutry, S., Journe, F., & Saussez, S. (04 December 2015). Development of an orthotopic mouse model of human Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma [Poster presentation]. Televie's researchers seminar: towards new therapies for cancer patients, Gembloux , Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (22 May 2015). Galectin-1, a potential molecular imaging biomarker of well-differentiated thyroid cancers [Poster presentation]. Première Journée d'Etudes UMHAP, Mons, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (22 April 2015). Well-differentiated thyroid cancer diagnostic imaging: development of a non-invasive method by peptidic targeting of galectin-1 [Paper presentation]. Belgium Molecular Imaging Community Congress, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (10 March 2015). Specific strategy of thyroïd cancer diagnosis by galectin-1 targeting [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (31 January 2015). Toward the development of a galectin-1 targeted imaging probe as a useful tool for the thyroid cancer diagnosis [Poster presentation]. ABEC-BVSK Annual meeting (BACR), UCL Woluwé, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (16 January 2015). Thyroid cancer imaging :peptidic targeting of galectin-1 as a diagnostic tool [Poster presentation]. 7th annual meeting ISMRM Benelux, Ghent, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (16 January 2015). Thyroid cancer imaging :peptidic targeting of galectin-1 as a diagnostic tool [Poster presentation]. 7th annual meeting ISMRM Benelux, Ghent, Belgium.

Fanfone, D., Despretz, N., Laurent, S., Arcolia, V., Muller, R., Vander Elst, L., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (30 November 2014). Peptidic targeting of galectin-1 as a useful tool in the thyroid cancer diagnosis [Paper presentation]. EDT-Cancérologie expérimentale:annual mini symposium 'From clinic to lab and vice versa', Liège, Belgium.

Arcolia, V., Paci, P., Dhont, L., Chantrain, G., Sirtaine, N., Decaestecker, C., Remmelink, M., Belayew, A., & Saussez, S. (08 July 2014). Helicase-like Transcription Factor: a new marker of well-differentiated thyroid cancers. BMC Cancer, 14, 492-504.
Peer reviewed

Arcolia, V., Rifaut, C., Remmelink, M., Laurent, G., & Saussez, S. (12 March 2013). Galectin -1: a new potential biomarker for thyroid cancers [Poster presentation]. 7ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Arcolia, V., Rifaut, C., Remmelink, M., Laurent, G., & Saussez, S. (29 January 2013). Galectin -1: a new potential biomarker for thyroid cancers [Poster presentation]. 1ère journée des doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales et Pharmaceutiques, Mons, Belgium.

Capouillez, A., Noel, J., Arafa, M., Arcolia, V., Mouallif, M., Guenin, S., Delvenne, P., Belayew, A., & Saussez, S. (01 May 2011). Expression of the helicase-like transcription factor and its variants during carcinogenesis of the uterine cervix: implications for tumour progression. Histopathology, 58 (6), 984-988.
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

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