
Babacan Onur

Main Referenced Co-authors
DUTOIT, Thierry  (8)
D'alessandro, Nicolas  (7)
Astrinaki, Maria  (5)
Moinet, Alexis  (3)
Bozkurt, Baris (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
HMM, speech synthesis, statistical parametric speech synthesis, real-time, performative, streaming (1); HMM, speech synthesis, statistical parametric speech synthesis, real-time, performative, streaming, HTS, sHTS, pHTS, Max/MSP (1); MAGE, pHTS, HTS, HMM, speech synthesis, statistical paramet- ric speech synthesis, singing synthesis, real-time, performative, streaming (1); MAGE, pHTS, HTS, HMM, speech synthesis, statistical parametric speech synthesis, singing synthesis, real-time, performative, streaming (1); Statistical Modelling, Hidden Markov Models, Motion Cap- ture, Speech, Singing, Laughter, Realtime Systems, Mapping (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Library & information sciences (6)
Mathematics (5)
Electrical & electronics engineering (2)
Computer science (1)
Physics (1)

Publications (total 11)

The most downloaded
D'alessandro, N., Babacan, O., Bozkurt, B., Dubuisson, T., Holzapfel, A., Kessous, L., Moinet, A., & Vlieghe, M. (01 September 2008). RAMCESS 2.X framework - expressive voice analysis for realtime and accurate synthesis of singing. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2 (2), 133-144. doi:10.1007/s12193-008-0010-4

The most cited

62 citations (Scopus®)

Babacan, O., Drugman, T., D'alessandro, N., Henrich, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). A comparative study of pitch extraction algorithms on a large variety of singing sounds [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada.

Babacan, O., Drugman, T., D'alessandro, N., Henrich, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). A Quantitative Comparison of Glottal Closure Instant Estimation Algorithms on a Large Variety of Singing Sounds [Paper presentation]. Interspeech, Lyon, France.

D'alessandro, N., Tilmanne, J., Astrinaki, M., Hueber, T., Dall, R., Ravet, T., Moinet, A., Cakmak, H., Babacan, O., Barbulescu, A., Parfait, V., Huguenin, V., Kalayci, E., & Hu, Q. (2013). Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the Sketching of Performative Control with Data. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology.

Babacan, O., Drugman, T., D'alessandro, N., Henrich, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). A comparative study of pitch extraction algorithms on a large variety of singing sounds [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada.

Babacan, O., Frisson, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Improving the Understanding of Turkish Makam Music through the MediaCycle Framework [Paper presentation]. 2nd CompMusic Workshop, Bahçese­hir Üniver­sitesi, Besik­tas, Istan­bul, Turkey.

Babacan, O., Frisson, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Improv­ing the Under­stand­ing of Turk­ish Makam Music through the Medi­a­Cy­cle Frame­work [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2nd CompMusic Workshop, Bahçese­hir Üniver­sitesi, Besik­tas, Istan­bul, Turkey.

Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Dutoit, T., & Fels, S. (01 September 2011). MAGE/pHTS in Collaborative Vocal Puppetry (CoVoP) - Mult-User Performative HMM-based Voice Synthesis on Distributed Platforms. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (3), 59-64.

Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Dutoit, T., & Fels, S. (2011). CoVoP - Collaborative Vocal Puppetry Multi-User Performative Voice Synthesis on Distributed Platorms [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'11, Pilsen, Czechia.

Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2011). sHTS: A Streaming Architecture for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis [Paper presentation]. p3s - International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis, Vancouver, Canada.

Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Picart, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 March 2011). pHTS for Max/MSP: A Stream­ing Archi­tec­ture for Sta­tis­ti­cal Para­met­ric Speech Syn­the­sis. Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4 (1), 7-11.

D'alessandro, N., Babacan, O., Bozkurt, B., Dubuisson, T., Holzapfel, A., Kessous, L., Moinet, A., & Vlieghe, M. (01 September 2008). RAMCESS 2.X framework - expressive voice analysis for realtime and accurate synthesis of singing. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2 (2), 133-144. doi:10.1007/s12193-008-0010-4
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

D'alessandro, N., Babacan, O., Bozkurt, B., Dubuisson, T., Holzapfel, A., Kessous, L., Moinet, A., & Vlieghe, M. (2007). RAMCESS framework 2.0 Realtime and Accurate Musical Control of Expression in Singing Synthesis [Paper presentation]. Similar NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey.

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