
Bricteux Laurent

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service des Fluides-Machines

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Fluides-Machines

Main Referenced Co-authors
DE PAEPE, Ward  (48)
Winckelmans, Gregoire (43)
Bénard, Pierre (25)
PAPPA, Alessio  (25)
Chatelain, Philippe (23)
Main Referenced Keywords
Large-eddy simulations (4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (3); Actuator Line Method (2); Control strategies (2); Engineering (all) (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (108)
Energy (57)
Mechanical engineering (47)
Computer science (10)
Chemistry (2)

Publications (total 174)

The most downloaded
Pappa, A., Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (21 February 2022). How do water and CO2 impact the stability and emissions of the combustion in a micro gas turbine? - A Large Eddy Simulations comparison. Energy, 248, 123446.

The most cited

119 citations (Scopus®)

Duponcheel, M., Bricteux, L., Manconi, M., Winckelmans, G., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (01 August 2014). Assessment of RANS and improved near-wall modeling for forced convection at low Prandtl numbers based on LES up to Reτ=2000. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 75, 470-482.

Tene Hedje, P.* , Bricteux, L., Bechane, Y., & Lavagnoli, S. (2024). Large Eddy Simulations of a High-Speed Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade at Subsonic and Transonic Mach Numbers. In Turbomachinery - Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery; Ducts, Noise, and Component Interactions. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2024-127182
Peer reviewed

Coquelet, M., Lejeune, M., Bricteux, L., van Vondelen, A. A. W., van Wingerden, J.-W., & Chatelain, P. (10 October 2024). On the robustness of a blade-load-based wind speed estimator to dynamic pitch control strategies. Wind Energy Science, 9 (10), 1923 - 1940. doi:10.5194/wes-9-1923-2024
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De Meulenaere, R., Verleysen, K., Pappa, A., Bioche, K., De paepe, W., Bricteux, L., & Blondeau, J. (2024). Exploring the impact of stochastic transient phases on the NO emissions from NH3/H2 mixture rich combustion in gas turbines. Results in Engineering, 102798. doi:10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102798
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PAPPA, A., Verhaeghe, A., Bénard, P., DE PAEPE, W., & Bricteux, L. (15 August 2024). Adaptive mesh refinement towards optimized mesh generation for large eddy simulation of turbulent combustion in a typical micro gas turbine combustor. Energy, 301, 131550. doi:10.1016/
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Verhaeghe, A., Bricteux, L., Demeyer, F., Blondeau, J., & De paepe, W. (28 June 2024). Retrofitting an existing Combined Cycle Gas Turbine with Post-combustion Carbon Capture: Assessment of solvent selection impact on performance [Paper presentation]. Turbo Expo 2024, London, United Kingdom. doi:10.1115/GT2024-125053
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De paepe, W. (03 April 2024). Flashback prevention in a micro Gas Turbine fueled by hydrogen without any combustor redesign -- a Large-Eddy Simulation study [Paper presentation]. 27th Journées d'étude of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Brussels, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De paepe, W. (12 October 2023). Flashback prevention in a micro Gas Turbine fueled by hydrogen without any combustor redesign [Paper presentation]. ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2023, Liège, Belgium.

Mendoza morales, M. J., Verhaeghe, A., Bricteux, L., Blondeau, J., & De paepe, W. (28 September 2023). Is Blue Hydrogen a Better Alternative Than Post-Combustion Carbon Capture for Combined Cycle Gas Turbines? A Thermodynamic Point of View [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Boston, United States - Massachusetts. doi:10.1115/gt2023-101986
Peer reviewed

Tene hedje, P.* , Bechane, Y., Lavagnoli, S., & Bricteux, L.*. (28 September 2023). WALL RESOLVED LARGE-EDDY SIMULATIONS OF HIGH-SPEED LOW-PRESSURE TURBINE CASCADES. Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Volume 13B: Turbomachinery — Axial Flow Turbine Aerodynamics, 13. doi:10.1115/GT2023-101251
Peer reviewed

Verhaeghe, A., Mendoza morales, M. J., Blondeau, J., Demeyer, F., Bricteux, L., & De paepe, W. (26 June 2023). Thermodynamic Assessment of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine With Exhaust Gas Recirculation Under Part-Load Operation Toward Carbon Capture Penalty Reduction [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Boston, United States. doi:10.1115/gt2023-101902
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De paepe, W. (26 June 2023). Fast Prediction of Combustor Stability Limits in Humidified Micro Gas Turbines Using Hybrid 0D/1D Model [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Boston, United States. doi:10.1115/gt2023-103904
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De paepe, W. (21 April 2023). Large Eddy Simulation of flashback prevention in a hydrogen-fueled micro Gas Turbine [Paper presentation]. 12th CECI Users Meeting, Mons, Belgium.

Tene hedje, P.* , Sergio Lavagnoli, & Bricteux, L.*. (09 March 2023). WALL RESOLVED LARGE-EDDY SIMULATIONS OF THE SPLEEN LOW-PRESSURE BLADE CASCADE [Poster presentation]. VKI PhD Symposium, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., Blondeau, J., & De paepe, W. (2023). Carbon Capture Performance Assessment Applied to Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Under Part-Load Operation. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 145 (4). doi:10.1115/1.4055664
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Coquelet, M., Moens, M., Duponcheel, M., Van Wingerden, J. W., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (2023). Simulating the helix wake within an actuator disk framework: verification against discrete-blade type simulations. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2505 (1), 012017. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2505/1/012017
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Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., & De Paepe, W. (06 November 2022). Absorption-based carbon capture energy penalty reduction for micro gas turbine applications: investigation of advanced carbon capture configurations [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Energy -ICAE2022, Bochum, Germany. doi:10.46855/energy-proceedings-10163
Peer reviewed

Bioche, K., Blondeau, J., & Bricteux, L. (15 October 2022). Large eddy simulation investigation of pressure and wall heat loss effects on rich ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion in a gas turbine burner. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (85), 36342 - 36353. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.08.196
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Coquelet, M., Lejeune, M., Moens, M., Riehl, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (15 June 2022). Tackling control and modeling challenges in wind energy with data-driven tools [Paper presentation]. IUTAM Symposium on Data-driven modeling and optimization in fluid mechanics.

Verhaeghe, A., Pappa, A., De Paepe, W., Bénard, P., & Bricteux, L. (03 June 2022). Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion using Adaptive Mesh Refinement in a typical micro Gas Turbine Combustor [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de thermique 2022.
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (03 June 2022). Can flashback be avoided through humidification in an original micro Gas Turbine combustor? - 0D/1D predeterminations and 3D LES validation [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique. doi:10.25855/SFT2022-058
Peer reviewed

Vigny, U.* , Tene Hedje, P., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Bricteux, L., Zeoli, S., & Benard, P. (02 June 2022). A new wake detection methodology to capture wind turbine wakes using adaptive mesh refinement and Large Eddy Simulation. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2265 (2), 022005. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2265/2/022005
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Tene Hedje, P.* , Zeoli, S., Vigny, U., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Benard, P., & Bricteux, L.*. (02 June 2022). Large Eddy Simulation of HAWT and VAWT performances in the vicinity of a building [Poster presentation]. TORQUE 2022, Delft, Netherlands.

Tene Hedje, P.* , Zeoli, S., Vigny, U., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Benard, P., & Bricteux, L.*. (02 June 2022). Large Eddy Simulation of HAWT and VAWT performances in the vicinity of a building. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2265 (4), 042078. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2265/4/042078
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Vigny, U.* , Benard, P., Tene Hedje, P., Houtin Mongrolle, F., Bricteux, L., & Zeoli, S. (June 2022). A new wake detection methodology to capture wind turbine wakes using adaptive mesh refinement and large eddy simulation [Poster presentation]. TORQUE 2022, Delft, Netherlands.

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (25 May 2022). Towards flashback prevention in an original micro Gas Turbine combustor fueled by H2 - 0D/1D predeterminations and 3D LES validation [Paper presentation]. BERA H2 & FC PhD and Reaserchers Day of Laborelec.

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (16 May 2022). Towards flashback prevention in an original micro Gas Turbine combustor fueled by H2 - 0D/1D predeterminations and 3D LES validation [Poster presentation]. Hydrogen Research Event.

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (May 2022). Humidification towards flashback prevention in an original H2 fueled micro Gas Turbine combustor - 0D/1D predeterminations and LES validation [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion.
Peer reviewed

Coquelet, M., Moens, M., Bricteux, L., Crismer, J.-B., & Chatelain, P. (01 May 2022). Performance assessment of wake mitigation strategies. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2265 (3), 032078. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2265/3/032078
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Verhaeghe, A., Pappa, A., De Paepe, W., Bénard, P., & Bricteux, L. (30 March 2022). Towards fully automatic mesh generation for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in a typical micro Gas Turbine Combustor [Paper presentation]. 26th Journées d'Etudes of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute.
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (30 March 2022). Humidification towards flashback prevention in an original H2 fueled micro Gas Turbine combustor - 0D/1D predeterminations and LES validation [Paper presentation]. 26th Journées d'Etudes of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute.
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (21 February 2022). How do water and CO2 impact the stability and emissions of the combustion in a micro gas turbine? - A Large Eddy Simulations comparison. Energy, 248, 123446.
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Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., Blondeau, J., & De Paepe, W. (2022). Carbon Capture Performance Assessment Applied to Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Under Part-Load Operation [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Peer reviewed

Coquelet, M., Bricteux, L., Moens, M., & Chatelain, P. (2022). A reinforcement-learning approach for individual pitch control. Wind Energy. doi:10.1002/we.2734
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Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., & De Paepe, W. (29 November 2021). First step towards a more efficient carbon-clean micro gas turbine: solvent selection and process parameters optimization [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand.
Peer reviewed

Bioche, K., Bricteux, L., Bertolino, A., Parente, A., & Blondeau, J. (16 November 2021). Large Eddy Simulation of rich ammonia/hydrogen/air combustion in a gas turbine burner. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (79), 39548-39562.
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Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., & De Paepe, W. (19 October 2021). Amine solvent selection and carbon capture process configuration optimisation for micro gas turbines [Paper presentation]. 6th Post Combustion Capture Conference.
Peer reviewed

Verhaeghe, A., Dubois, L., Bricteux, L., Thomas, D., & De Paepe, W. (28 July 2021). Absorption-based carbon capture energy penalty reduction for micro gas turbine application: pre-assessment of the impact of appropriate amine solvent and process selection [Paper presentation]. 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Taormina, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., De Paepe, W., & Bricteux, L. (2021). On the Need for Turbulence Chemistry Interaction Modelling in Highly Resolved Large-Eddy Simulations of Mild Combustion. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. doi:10.1007/s10494-021-00282-x
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Verhaeghe, A., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (07 June 2021). Towards a carbon clean micro gas turbine: Carbon capture penalty reduction using exhaust gas recirculation [Poster presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Peer reviewed

Pappa, A., Nicolosi, F., Verhaeghe, A., Bricteux, L., Renzi, M., & De Paepe, W. (07 June 2021). Performance and emission assessment on a 3kW micro Gas Turbine: comparison of RANS and LES predictions [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Peer reviewed

Vigny, U., Zeoli, S., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Bricteux, L., & Bénard, P. (28 May 2021). Dynamic mesh adaptation to capture wind turbine wake during LES simulations [Paper presentation]. Wind Energy Science Conference, Online, Germany.

Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (26 February 2021). Can water dilution avoid flashback on a hydrogen enriched micro Gas Turbine combustion? - a Large Eddy Simulations study. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143 (4), 041008.
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De Paepe, W., Pappa, A., Montero Carrero, M., Bricteux, L., & Contino, F. (29 September 2020). Reducing waste heat to the minimum: Thermodynamic assessment of the M-power cycle concept applied to micro Gas Turbines. Applied Energy, 279 (1 December 2020), 115898. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115898
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Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (25 September 2020). Can water dilution avoid flashback on a hydrogen enriched micro Gas Turbine combustion? - A Large Eddy Simulations study [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition.
Peer reviewed

Zeoli, S., Balarac, G., Bénard, P., Georis, G., Houtin-Mongrolle, F., & Bricteux, L. (2020). Large eddy simulation of wind turbine wakes using adaptative mesh refinement. Journal of Physics. Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1618/6/062056
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Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., Lartigue, G., Moureau, V., & Reveillon, J. (2020). Actuator line method applied to grid turbulence generation for large-Eddy simulations. Journal of Turbulence.
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Houtin-Mongrolle, F., Bénard, P., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Bricteux, L., & Reveillon, J. (2020). Actuator grid method for turbulence generation applied to yawed wind turbines. Journal of Physics. Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1618/6/062064
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Coquelet, M., Bricteux, L., Lejeune, M., & Chatelain, P. (2020). Biomimetic individual pitch control for load alleviation. Journal of Physics. Conference Series. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1618/2/022052
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Cordier, M., Pappa, A., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., Feldheim, V., & Bricteux, L. (2020). Simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion diluée dans un four de 30kW [Paper presentation]. SFT 2020 28ème colloque français de thermique, Belfort, France.

Bricteux, L., Lejeune, M., & Chatelain, P. (05 March 2020). Biomimetic individual pitch control for load alleviation [Poster presentation]. BERA Wind PhD Day 2020, Gent, Belgium.

Giorgetti, S., Coppitters, D., Contino, F., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Aversano, G., & Parente, A. (28 November 2019). Surrogate-Assisted Modeling and Robust Optimization of a micro Gas Turbine Plant with Carbon Capture. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142 (1), 011010. doi:10.1115/1.4044491
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Coudou, N., Bricteux, L., van Beeck, J., & Chatelain, P. (24 November 2019). Development of wake centerline detection algorithms for the study of wind turbine wake meandering [Paper presentation]. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), Seattle, United States - Washington.

Coquelet, M., Bricteux, L., Lejeune, M., & Chatelain, P. (24 November 2019). Biomimetic individual pitch control for wind turbines [Paper presentation]. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), Seattle, United States - Washington.

Bricteux, L., Zeoli, S., Gazdallah, M., Pianko-Oprych, P., Leroy, G., & Bénard, P. (24 November 2019). LES of microscale winds in complex configurations [Paper presentation]. 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), Seattle, United States - Washington.

De Paepe, W., Montero Carrero, M., Pappa, A., Bricteux, L., & Contino, F. (05 November 2019). Humidified Micro Gas Turbine for Range Extended Electric Vehicles: Thermodynamic Performance Assessment [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, United States - Arizona. doi:10.1115/GT2019-91389
Peer reviewed

Giorgetti, S., Coppitters, D., Contino, F., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Aversano, G., & Parente, A. (05 November 2019). Surrogate-Assisted Modeling and Robust Optimization of a Micro Gas Turbine Plant With Carbon Capture [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, United States - Arizona. doi:10.1115/GT2019-91400
Peer reviewed

De Paepe, W., Pappa, A., Montero Carrero, M., Bricteux, L., & Contino, F. (04 September 2019). Reducing Waste Heat to the Minimum: M-Power cycle concept applied to micro Gas Turbines [Paper presentation]. SUstainable PolyEnergy generation and HaRvesting Conference, Savona, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Giorgetti, S., Parente, A., Bricteux, L., Contino, F., & De Paepe, W. (12 July 2019). Optimal design and operating strategy of a carbon-clean micro gas turbine for combined heat and power applications. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 88, 469-481. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.07.003
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Coquelet, M., Lejeune, M., Moens, M., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (20 June 2019). Local estimation of wind speed and turbulence using wind turbine blades as sensors [Paper presentation]. Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC), Cork, Ireland.

Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., Feldheim, V., & Bricteux, L. (07 June 2019). Validation of the SNB Full-Spectrum Correlated-K Method for LES of MILD Combustion [Poster presentation]. 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, Athens, Greece.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (2019). Effects of the fidelity level of numerical simulations on the wake meandering phenomenon [Paper presentation]. Wake Conference 2019, Visby-Gotland, Sweden.

Pappa, A., De Paepe, W., & Bricteux, L. (25 April 2019). Large eddy Simulation of diluted combustion in micro gas turbines [Paper presentation]. 11th CECI Scientific Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Pappa, A., Cordier, M., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (14 April 2019). How far can we go? Stability assessment of micro Gas Turbine combustion in diluted condition using LES [Paper presentation]. 9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Lybaert, P., & Bricteux, L. (2019). Large Eddy Simulation of a lab-scale 30kW furnace operating in MILD combustion [Paper presentation]. 9th European Combustion Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (2019). Effects of the fidelity level on the numerical reproduction of the wake meandering phenomenon [Paper presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research 2019, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (12 March 2019). Effects of the fidelity level on the numerical reproduction of the wake meandering phenomenon [Paper presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research 2019, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Cagnone, J. S., Zeren, Z., Chatel, A., Rasquin, M., Hillewaert, K., & Bricteux, L. (2019). Assessment of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for LES of Transonic Flows. In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation XI (pp. 83-90). Springer.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Contino, F., Klingmann, J., & Parente, A. (21 January 2019). Experimental Investigation of Lean Premixed Combustion with Exhaust Gas Recirculation in a Swirl-Stabilized Turbine Burner [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Smart Energy Carriers, Naples, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Bénard, P., Viré, A., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., & Bricteux, L. (12 October 2018). Large-eddy simulations of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. SES 2018 55th annual technical meeting, Madrid, Spain.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (20 September 2018). Development of wake meandering detection algorithms and their application to large eddy simulations of an isolated wind turbine [Paper presentation]. 14th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Chatelain, P., Bricteux, L., & Marichal, Y. (22 June 2018). Chatelain Development of wake meandering detection algorithms and their application to large eddy simulations of an isolated wind turbine and a wind farm [Paper presentation]. The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2018), Milan, Italy.

Pappa, A., Cordier, M., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (11 June 2018). Large Eddy Simulation of a Non-Reactive Flow in a Typical Micro Gas Turbine [Poster presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Lillestrøm (Oslo), Norway.
Peer reviewed

Giorgetti, S., Parente, A., Contino, F., Bricteux, L., & De Paepe, W. (11 June 2018). Humidified micro gas turbine for carbon capture applications: Preliminary experimental results with CO2 injection [Paper presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Oslo, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., & Bricteux, L. (2018). Simulation aux grandes échelles de la flamme 'Jet-in-Hot-Coflow' [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Pau, France.

Moureau, V., Bénard, P., Lartigue, G., Bricteux, L., Beaudet, L., & Viré, A. (28 May 2018). Highly resolved large-eddy simulation of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. 44e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique CANUM 2018, cap d'agde, France.

Pappa, A., Cordier, M., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (16 May 2018). LES of Non-Reactive Flow in a Micro Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber [Paper presentation]. 25th 'Journées d'étude' of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Bénard, P., Lybaert, P., & Bricteux, L. (2018). LES of the Jet-in-Hot-Coflow configuration without resorting to Turbulence Chemistry Interaction modeling [Paper presentation]. 25th 'Journées d'étude' of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Contino, F., Bricteux, L., & Parente, A. (15 May 2018). Humidified micro gas turbine for carbon capture applications: Preliminary experimental results with CO2 injection [Paper presentation]. 25th 'Journées d'étude' of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Chatelain, P., & Bricteux, L. (2018). Development of wake meandering detection algorithms and their application to large eddy simulations of a wind turbine [Paper presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research 2018, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Chatelain, P., & Bricteux, L. (06 March 2018). Development of wake meandering detection algorithms and their application to large eddy simulations of a wind turbine [Paper presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research 2018, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Bénard, P., Viré, A., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Beaudet, L., Deglaire, P., & Bricteux, L. (2018). Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbines wakes including geometrical effects. Computers and Fluids.
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Temel, O., Bricteux, L., & van Beeck, J. (2018). Coupled WRF-OpenFOAM study of wind flow over complex terrain. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.
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Giorgetti, S., Parente, A., Bricteux, L., Contino, F., & De Paepe, W. (31 January 2018). Carbon Clean Combined Heat and Power Production from micro Gas Turbines: Thermodynamic Analysis of Different Scenarios. Energy Procedia, 142, 1622-1628. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.540
Peer reviewed

Zeoli, S., Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Colassin, B., & Bricteux, L. (2018). DNS and ILES of wall bounded flows using a discontinuous galerkin method and inlet synthetic turbulence. In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X (pp. 433_439). Springer.

Coudou, N., Buckingham, S., Bricteux, L., & van Beeck, J. (2017). Experimental Study on the Wake Meandering Within a Scale Model Wind Farm Subject to a Wind-Tunnel Flow Simulating an Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology.
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Coudou, N., Chatelain, P., van Beeck, J., & Bricteux, L. (04 December 2017). Determination of wind-turbine-wake centreline for the analysis of the wake-meandering phenomenon [Poster presentation]. BERA Wind PhD Day 2017, Ghent, Belgium.

Winckelmans, G., Thiry, O., Duponcheel, M., Bricteux, L., & De Visscher, I. (22 November 2017). Turbulent wake vortex system at equilibrium, and its interaction with a ground at Re_Gamma= 2.0x10^5 [Paper presentation]. APS DFD meeting, Denver, United States.

Coudou, N., Chatelain, P., van Beeck, J., & Bricteux, L. (21 November 2017). Determination of wind-turbine-wake centerline for the analysis of the wake-meandering phenomenon [Paper presentation]. APS DFD meeting, Denver, United States.

Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., Zeoli, S., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., & Viré, A. (21 November 2017). Wall modeled LES of wind turbine wakes with geometrical effects [Paper presentation]. APS DFD meeting, Denver, United States.

Coudou, N., Chatelain, P., van Beeck, J., & Bricteux, L. (20 November 2017). Determination of wind-turbine-wake centerline for the analysis of the wake-meandering phenomenon [Paper presentation]. APS DFD meeting, Denver, United States.

Viré, A., Coudou, T., Krishnan, N., Bricteux, L., & Schmehl, R. (2017). Direct Numerical Simulations of Flow Past a Leading-Edge Inflatable Wing [Paper presentation]. Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2017, Freiburg , Germany.

Temel, O., Porchetta, S., Bricteux, L., & van Beeck, J. (2017). RANS closures for non-neutral microscale CFD simulations sustained with inflow conditions acquired from mesoscale simulations. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
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Bénard, P., Bricteux, L., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Beaudet, L., Laine, R., & Viré, A. (2017). Highly resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference 2017, Milan, Italy.

Giorgetti, S., Parente, A., Bricteux, L., Contino, F., & De Paepe, W. (24 August 2017). Carbon-Clean Combined Heat and Power Production from micro Gas Turbines: a Thermodynamic Analysis of Different Scenarios [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Peer reviewed

Bricteux, L., Zeoli, S., & Bourgeois, N. (2017). Validation and scalability of an open source parallel flow solver. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
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Giorgetti, S., Bricteux, L., Parente, A., Blondeau, J., Contino, F., & De Paepe, W. (06 July 2017). Carbon capture on micro gas turbine cycles: Assessment of the performance on dry and wet operations. Applied Energy, 207, 243-253. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.06.090
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Zeoli, S., Bricteux, L., & Gorlé, C. (2017). RANS Turbulence Model Form Uncertainty Quantification for the flow around a wall-mounted cube [Paper presentation]. European-African Conference on Wind Engineering 2017, Liège, Belgium.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Blondeau, J., Contino, F., & Parente, A. (30 June 2017). Carbon clean and flexible energy production using micro gas turbines assessment of the performances [Poster presentation]. ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Charlotte, United States - North Carolina.
Peer reviewed

Bénard, P., Bricteux, L., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Beaudet, L., Laine, R., & Viré, A. (2017). Highly resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, Lyngby, Denmark.

Dias, V., Giorgetti, S., Pochet, M., Bram, S., Bricteux, L., Verhelst, S., Blondeau, J., Jeanmart, H., Contino, F., & Parente, A. (2017). Contribution of chemical storage to the future energy networks [Paper presentation]. 2nd Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business RESRB 2017 conference, wroclaw, Unknown/unspecified.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Parente, A., & Contino, F. (01 June 2017). Carbon Capture on a Micro Gas Turbine: Assessment of the Performance. Energy Procedia, 105, 4046-4052. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.854
Peer reviewed

Chatelain, P., Duponcheel, M., Zeoli, S., Buffin, S., Caprace, D.-G., Winckelmans, G., & Bricteux, L. (2017). Investigation of the effect of inflow turbulence on vertical axis wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. wake conference 2017, Visby-Gotland, Sweden.

Zeren, Z., Chatel, A., Cagnone, J. S., Rasquin, M., Hillewaert, K., & Bricteux, L. (2017). Assessment of high - order discontinuous Galerkin methods on LES simulations of transonic flows [Paper presentation]. Ercoftac workshop on direct and large eddy simulation 11, Pisa, Italy.

Bénard, P., Bricteux, L., Moureau, V., Lartigue, G., Beaudet, L., Laine, R., & Viré, A. (2017). Highly resolved Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Cordier, M., Lupant, D., & Bricteux, L. (2017). Assessment of the Partially Stirred Reactor (PaSR) Model for the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Diluted Combustion [Paper presentation]. 8th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2017), Lacroma in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Temel, O., Bricteux, L., & van Beeck, J. (2017). ASSESSMENT OF EDDY VISCOSITY MODELS FOR THE MULTISCALE MODELLING OF THE NEUTRAL AT MOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Wind Energy Harvesting 2017, Coimbra, Portugal.

De Maesschalk, C., Lacor, C., Paniagua, G., Lavagnoli, S., Remiot, A., & Bricteux, L. (2017). Performance Robustness of Turbine Squealer Tip Designs due to Manufacturing and Engine Operation. Journal of Propulsion and Power.
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Lupant, D., & Bricteux, L. (07 March 2017). Assessment of the Partially Stirred Reactor (PaSR) model for the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of diluted combustion [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (01 March 2017). Numerical and experimental investigations of the meandering phenomenon in wind-turbines wakes [Poster presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Coudou, N., van Beeck, J., Bricteux, L., & Chatelain, P. (01 March 2017). Numerical and experimental investigations of the meandering phenomenon in wind-turbines wakes [Paper presentation]. Symposium of VKI PhD Research, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium.

Coudou, N., Buckingham, S., Bricteux, L., & van Beeck, J. (05 December 2016). Experimental study on the wind-farm wake meandering in an ABL wind tunnel [Poster presentation]. BERA Wind - PhD Days, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Gorlé, C., Zeoli, S., & Bricteux, L. (20 November 2016). RANS turbulence model form uncertainty quantification for wind engineering flows [Paper presentation]. 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland, United States - Oregon.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Bricteux, L., Parente, A., & Contino, F. (11 October 2016). Carbon capture on micro gas turbine: assessment of the performance [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bejing, China.
Peer reviewed

Chatelain, P., Duponcheel, M., Caprace, D.-G., Winckelmans, G., Zeoli, S., & Bricteux, L. (2016). Vortex Particle- Mesh simulations of VAWT wakes over large scales [Paper presentation]. Scientific and technological challenges in offshore vertical axis wind turbines, Delft , Netherlands.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., De Visscher, I., & Winckelmans, G. (2016). LES investigation of the transport and decay of various-strengths wake vortices in ground effect and subjected to a turbulent crosswind. Physics of Fluids.
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Zeoli, S., Gorlé, C., & Bricteux, L. (2016). Turbulence model form uncertainty quantification for bluff body RANS simulations [Paper presentation]. Principal Organizers: 1 8 th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

Cordier, M., Lupant, D., & Bricteux, L. (2016). Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Delft Jet-In-Hot-Coflow (DJHC) flame [Paper presentation]. 24th « Journées d'Etude » of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Giorgetti, S., De Paepe, W., Contino, F., Bricteux, L., & Parente, A. (20 May 2016). CONCERT Project - CarbON CapturE Ready gas Turbine [Paper presentation]. 24th 'Journée d'Etude' of the Belgian Section of the Combustion Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Gorlé, C., Hao, Z., Zeoli, S., & Bricteux, L. (2016). Quantifying Turbulence Model Form Uncertainty in Rans Simulations of Complex Flow and Scalar Transport [Paper presentation]. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Hao, Z., Zeoli, S., Bricteux, L., & Gorlé, C. (2015). Turbulence model form uncertainty quantification in OpenFOAM [Paper presentation]. 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.

De Maesschalk, C., Lacor, C., Paniagua, G., Lavagnoli, S., Remiot, A., & Bricteux, L. (2015). Performance ro- bustness of turbine squealer tip designs due to manufacturing and engine operation [Paper presentation]. ISABE 22nd international symposium on air breathing engines, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.

Contino, F., Jeanmart, H., Coussement, A., Verhelst, S., & Bricteux, L. (2015). Scandale VW: pourquoi frauder sur les émissions polluantes? Le Soir.

Chodzynski, K., Zouaouia-Boudjeltia, K., Lalmand, J., Aminian, A., Vanhamme, L., Ribeiro de Sousa, D., Gremmo, S., Bricteux, L., Renotte, C., Courbebaisse, G., & Coussement, G. (2015). An in vitro test bench reproducting coronary blood flow signals. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. doi:10.1186/s12938-015-0065-x
Peer reviewed

Cordier, M., Bricteux, L., & Lupant, D. (04 May 2015). Large Eddy Simulation of Flameless Combustion [Poster presentation]. Lecture Series : Turbulent Combustion, The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium.

Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (11 March 2015). Implicit LES of free and wall-bounded turbulent flows based on the discontinuous Galerkin/symmetric interior penalty method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 78 (6), 335-354.
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Zeoli, S., & Bricteux, L. (10 March 2015). Numerical prediction of pollutant dispersion and transport in an atmospheric boundary layer [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Cordier, M., Bricteux, L., & Lupant, D. (10 March 2015). Large Eddy Simulation of FLOX turbulent combustion [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Zeoli, S., & Bricteux, L. (25 November 2014). Numerical prediction of pollutant dispersion and transport in an atmospheric boundary layer [Paper presentation]. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, United States - California.

Duponcheel, M., Bricteux, L., Manconi, M., Winckelmans, G., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (01 August 2014). Assessment of RANS and improved near-wall modeling for forced convection at low Prandtl numbers based on LES up to Reτ=2000. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 75, 470-482.
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Ledeganck, R., Zeoli, S., Hantson, A.-L., & Bricteux, L. (01 May 2014). Experimental and numerical investigations on biofuels knocking behavior [Poster presentation]. 23rd journées d'études of the belgian section of the combustion institute; Bruxelles; Belgique; 2014, Bruxelles, VUB, Belgium.

Jeanmart, H., Duponcheel, M., Bricteux, L., Duquesne, T., Contino, F., & Dias, V. (2013). Simulation of Wood Logs Combustion in a Stove at Peak Pyrolysis Conditions [Paper presentation]. ECM, Lund, Sweden.

Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2013). LES using a discontinuous Galerkin method: isotropic turbulence, channel flow and periodic hill flow [Paper presentation]. Direct and Large eddy simulation 9 (DLES9), Dresden, Germany.

De Visscher, I., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2013). Aircraft vortices in stably stratified and weakly turbulent atmospheres: simulation and modeling. AIAA Journal.
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Winckelmans, G., De Visscher, I., & Bricteux, L. (07 December 2012). Aircraft wake two-vortex system at turbulent equilibrium [Paper presentation]. Ercoftac belgium yearly seminar, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Gremmo, S., Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Winckelmans, G., Coussement, G., & Bricteux, L. (2012). Implicit LES of turbulent flows with a high order discontinuous Galerkin method [Paper presentation]. APS-DFD Annual meeting, San Diego, United States.

Winckelmans, G., De Visscher, I., & Bricteux, L. (2012). Aircraft wake two-vortex system at turbulent equilibrium [Paper presentation]. APS-DFD Annual meeting, San Diego, United States.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., Manconi, M., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (2012). Numerical prediction of turbulent heat transfer at low Prandtl number [Paper presentation]. Eurotherm 2012, Poitiers, France.

Duponcheel, M., Manconi, M., Bricteux, L., Winckelmans, G., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (2012). Assessment of different RANS approaches and near wall modeling strategies for the prediction of turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals: comparison with DNS and LES [Paper presentation]. 20th international conference on nuclear engineering, Anaheim, United States - California.

Carton de Wiart, C., Hillewaert, K., Geuzaine, P., Luccioni, R., Bricteux, L., Coussement, G., & Winckelmans, G. (2012). Assessment of LES modeling within a high order Discontinuous Galerkin solver [Paper presentation]. ETMM9: 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, thessaloniki, Greece.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., Winckelmans, G., Tiselj, I., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (01 May 2012). Direct and large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer at very low Prandtl number: Application to lead-bismuth flows. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 246, 91-97.
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De Visscher, I., Winckelmans, G., Lonfils, T., & Bricteux, L. (07 November 2011). Recent improvement of operational wake vortex models: modeling of in-ground, atmospheric stratification and turbulence effects [Paper presentation]. WakeNet3- Europe Specific Workshop:Operational Wake Vortex Models, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Chatelain, P., Bricteux, L., Backaert, S., Winckelmans, G., Stefan, K., & Koumoutsakos, P. (09 June 2011). Vortex particle mesh methods with immersed lifting lines applied to the Large Eddy Simulation of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. Wake Conference, Gotland University, Sweden.

Jeanmart, H., Bricteux, L., Van Tichelen, K., & Dierckx, M. (28 May 2011). Characterization in water experiments of a ``detached flow'' free surface spallation target. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415, 385-395.
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Dengler, K., Holzapfel, F., Gerz, T., Wiegele, A., De Visscher, I., Winckelmans, G., Bricteux, L., Fischer, H., & Konopka, J. (06 May 2011). Crosswind thresholds supporting wake-vortex-free corridors for departing aircraft. Meteorological Applications, 19 (3), 289-301.
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Chatelain, P., Bricteux, L., Koumoutsakos, P., & Winckelmans, G. (2010). Vortex methods with immersed lifting lines applied to LES of wind turbine wakes [Paper presentation]. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, United States - California.

De Visscher, I., Winckelmans, G., Lonfils, T., Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., & Bourgeois, N. (2010). The WAKE4D simulation platform for predicting aircraft wake vortex transport and decay: description and examples of application [Paper presentation]. AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Winckelmans, G., Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., De Visscher, I., & Lonfils, T. (07 July 2010). Multiscale subgrid modeling and some applications to wake vortex flows and wall bounded flows [Paper presentation]. ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 8, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

De Visscher, I., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2010). LES OF AIRCRAFT WAKE VORTICES EVOLVING IN A STABLY STRATIFIED AND WEAKLY TURBULENT ATMOSPHERE [Paper presentation]. Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., & Bartosiewicz, Y. (2010). Direct and Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer at Very Low Prandtl Number: Application to Lead-bismuth Flows [Paper presentation]. Nuclear Energy For New Europe, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Marichal, Y., Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., Carton de Wiart, C., Winckelmans, G., & Geuzaine, P. (2010). DES of the flow past a pair of cylinder in tandem configuration, Proceedings of the workshop on benchmark problems for airframe noise computations [Paper presentation]. BANC-I workshop, AIAA-NASA, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., & Winckelmans, G. (2010). A new multiscale model with proper behaviour in both vortex flows and wall bounded flows. In Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VII. Editions Springer.

Dolfi, A., Canat, G., Valla, M., Augere, B., Besson, C., Goular, D., Lombard, L., Cariou, J., Durecu, A., Fleury, D., Bricteux, L., brousmiche, S., Lugan, S., & Macq, B. (01 December 2009). Pulsed 1.5-m LIDAR for Axial Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection Based on High-Brightness Large-Core Fiber Amplifier. IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 15, 441-450.
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Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., De Visscher, I., & Winckelmans, G. (2009). Multiscale Models for Large Eddy Simulation of AircraftWake Vortices Under Various Atmospheric Conditions [Paper presentation]. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Floride, United States - Florida.

Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., & Winckelmans, G. (2009). A new multiscale model for both free vortex flows and wall bounded flows. Physics of Fluids.
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brousmiche, S., Bricteux, L., Winckelmans, G., Macq, B., & Piotr, S. (2009). Modeling of wake-vortex detection by a ground-based fiber LIDAR system. In Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Intech.

Cocle, R., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2009). Scale-dependence and asymptotic very high Reynolds number behavior of multiscale subgrid models. Physics of Fluids.
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De Visscher, I., Bricteux, L., Winckelmans, G., Caliaro, S., & Vilbajo, T. (2009). Large eddy simulations of aircraft wake vortices in a stably stratified atmosphere [Paper presentation]. Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), Seoul, South Korea.

brousmiche, S., Bricteux, L., Piotr, S., Macq, B., Craeye, C., & Winckelmans, G. (2009). Parameters Estimation of Wake Vortices in Ground Effect [Paper presentation]. Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Toulouse, France.

De Visscher, I., Bricteux, L., Winckelmans, G., Caliaro, S., & Vilbajo, T. (2009). Large eddy simulations of aircraft wake vortices in a stably stratified atmosphere [Paper presentation]. Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), Seoul, South Korea.

Winckelmans, G., & Bricteux, L. (2008). Modified law of the wall leading to turbulent channel flow universal velocity profiles valid down to Retau= 395 [Paper presentation]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, United States - Texas.

Duponcheel, M., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2008). Improving the near-wall behavior of multiscale models for LES [Paper presentation]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Antonio, United States - Texas.

Cocle, R., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2008). Spectral behavior of various subgrid-scale models in LES at very high Reynolds number. In Free Preview Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations. Editions Springer.

Georges, L., Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., Geuzaine, P., & Winckelmans, G. (28 May 2008). LES of wake vortices in ground effect without and with wind, and also comparing different multiscale subgrid models [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Fundamental Issues Related to Aircraft Wakes (FAR-Wake Workshop), Marseille, France.

Louagie, T., Georges, L., Geuzaine, P., Bricteux, L., Duponcheel, M., Lonfils, T., & Winckelmans, G. (2008). Numerical simulation of wake vortex flows: RANS-LES of a fuselage wake and LES of wake vortices in ground effect with and without wind [Paper presentation]. 43rd conference on applied aerodynamics, Poitiers, France.

Bricteux, L., Cocle, R., Duponcheel, M., Georges, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2007). Assessment of multiscale models for LES : spectral behaviour in very high Reynolds number turbulence and cases with aircraft wakes vortices [Paper presentation]. Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-5), TUM, Garching, Germany.

brousmiche, S., Bricteux, L., Piotr, S., Macq, B., & Winckelmans, G. (2007). Numerical simulation of a heterodyne Doppler LIDAR for wind measurements in a turbulent atmospheric boundary layer [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Geosciences And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2007), Sensing and Understanding our Planet, Barcelona, Spain.

Lugan, S., Bricteux, L., Macq, B., Piotr, S., & Winckelmans, G. (2007). Simulation of LIDAR-based aircraft wake vortex detection using a bi-Gaussian spectral model [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Geosciences And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2007), Sensing and Understanding our Planet, Barcelona, Spain.

Winckelmans, G., Cocle, R., Dufresne, L., Capart, R., Bricteux, L., Daeninck, G., Lonfils, T., Duponcheel, M., Desenfans, O., & Georges, L. (2006). Direct numerical simulation and large eddy simulation of wake vortices: going from laboratory conditions to flight conditions [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS), Egmond an zee, Netherlands.

Duponcheel, M., Lonfils, T., Bricteux, L., & Winckelmans, G. (2006). Simulation of three-dimensional wake vortices in ground effect using a fourth order incompressible code [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on theoretical and applied Mechanics (NCTAM 2006), Mons, Belgium.

Winckelmans, G., Georges, L., Bricteux, L., & Jeanmart, H. (2006). The Sampling-based dynamic procedure for LES without filtering: validation using finite differences. In Free Preview Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VI. Editions Springer.

Winckelmans, G., Dufresne, L., & Bricteux, L. (2005). LES investigation of aircraft wake two-vortex system in low level atmospheric turbulence [Paper presentation]. 58th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Chicago, United States - Illinois.

Winckelmans, G., Georges, L., Bricteux, L., & Jeanmart, H. (2004). Sampling-based dynamic procedure for LES in physical space [Paper presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, United States - Washington.

Tournour, M., Rossion, J.-P., Bricteux, L., Mc Culloch, C., & Mc Gann, I. (2003). Accelerating FEM and BEM acoustic solutions. WIT: Transactions on the Built Environment. doi:10.2495/AC030341
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Bricteux, L.* , Tene Hedje, P., & Zeoli, S. (n.d.). Simulations de vent à la micro-échelle.

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