
Riaz Maryam

Main Referenced Co-authors
GABRIELE, Sylvain  (17)
VERSAEVEL, Marie  (16)
Grevesse, Thomas  (6)
Braquenier, Jean-Baptiste (1)
Glinel, Karine (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
micropatterned (3); adhesion (2); cellular properties (2); keratocytes (2); biophysics (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CIRMAP - Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche en Matériaux Polymères (7)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (17)
Chemistry (16)

Publications (total 18)

The most downloaded
Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Mohammed, D., Glinel, K., & Gabriele, S. (12 June 2016). Persistence of fan-shaped keratocytes is a matrix-rigidity-dependent process that require alpha5beta1 integrin engagement. Scientific Reports, 6, 34141.

The most cited

95 citations (OpenAlex)

Versaevel, M., Braquenier, J.-B., Riaz, M., Lantoine, J., & Gabriele, S. (08 December 2014). Super-resolution microscopy reveals LINC complex recruitment at nuclear indentation sites. Scientific Reports, 4, 7362. doi:10.1038/srep07362

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Mohammed, D., Glinel, K., & Gabriele, S. (12 June 2016). Persistence of fan-shaped keratocytes is a matrix-rigidity-dependent process that require alpha5beta1 integrin engagement. Scientific Reports, 6, 34141.
Peer reviewed

Versaevel, M., Braquenier, J.-B., Riaz, M., Lantoine, J., & Gabriele, S. (08 December 2014). Super-resolution microscopy reveals LINC complex recruitment at nuclear indentation sites. Scientific Reports, 4, 7362. doi:10.1038/srep07362
Peer reviewed

Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., Lantoine, J., & Gabriele, S. (2014). Micropatterning Hydroxy-PAAm Hydrogels and Sylgard 184 Silicone Elastomers with Tunable Elastic Moduli. In Methods in Cell Biology (pp. 121). Elsevier.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (28 September 2013). On the mechanism of durotaxis in motile cells [Poster presentation]. 5th European Cell Mechanics Meeting, Obergurgl, Austria.

Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (31 July 2013). On the mechanism of durotaxis in motile cells [Paper presentation]. 50th annual meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Brown University, Providence, United States.

Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (22 May 2013). Cell confinement: putting the squeeze on the nucleus. Soft Matter, 9, 6665-6676.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (2013). Plongée au cours des cellules.

Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (26 October 2012). Understanding the role of cell mechanics in physiopathology [Paper presentation]. 5th CIRMAP Anniversary Workshop, Mons, Belgium.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (05 September 2012). The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells [Poster presentation]. EMBO CONFERENCE PHYSICS OF CELL: FROM SOFT TO LIVING MATTER, Hyères, France.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (02 September 2012). The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells [Poster presentation]. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes advances school on cellular biophysics, Hyères, France.

Riaz, M. (08 July 2012). The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells [Paper presentation]. From Nonlinear physics to biology and medicine, Cargèse, France.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (08 July 2012). The mechanical rigidity of extracellular matrix regulates morphology, direction and Persistence of motile cells [Poster presentation]. From Nonlinear physics to biology and medicine, cargèse, France.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (21 May 2012). Cellular and nuclear mechanical properties probe by adhesion and de-­adhesion dynamics [Poster presentation]. Frontiers in Biological Detection, Mons, Belgium.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., & Gabriele, S. (2012). Etudes des propriétés rhéologiques de cellules vivantes par dé-adhésion. Chimie Nouvelle.

Grevesse, T., Versaevel, M., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (30 January 2012). A simple route towards micro-engineered hydrogels for cell mechanotransduction assays [Paper presentation]. 4th European Cell Mechanics Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (12 December 2011). Relation between endothelial cell shape, structure and function [Paper presentation]. Cell shape changes, Paris, France.

Riaz, M., & Gabriele, S. (13 October 2011). Etude des propriétés rhéologiques de cellules vivantes par dé-adhésion [Paper presentation]. Journée Scientifique Annuelle SRC, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Riaz, M., Versaevel, M., Grevesse, T., & Gabriele, S. (12 October 2011). Cellular  and  nuclear  mechanical properties  probed by  adhesion  and  de-adhesion  dynamics [Poster presentation]. Journées plénières du GDR 3070 'Physique de la cellule au tissu', Lille, France.

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