Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (In press). Operationalization of urban resilience to floods: Review of current practices pour la revue Journal of Flood Risk Management [Paper presentation]. Journal of Flood Risk Management, . |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2014). Making Urban Flood Resilience More Operational : A review of current practices. Proceedings of ICE. Water Management. ![]() |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2013). Urban design contribution to neighbourhood flood resilience: Proposition of a model analysis, International Conference on Flood REsilience [Paper presentation]. Experiences in Asia and Europe, Exeter, United Kingdom. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2013). Contributing to urban resilience to floods with neighbourhood design: the case of Am Sandtorkai/Dalmannkai in Hamburg. Journal of Flood Risk Management. ![]() |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Amdal, J., Diab, Y., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2013). Application du modèle DS3 au système d'assainissement pluviale à l'échelle du quartier [Paper presentation]. 8 ème Conférence Internationale Novatech, Lyon, France. |
Becue, V., El Hiki, L., & Balsells Mondejar, M. (2013). Rotterdam et New Orléans, des stratégies face au risque d'inondation. : Revue élement 08, Université de Mons. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2013). Améliorer la résilience urbaine face au risque d'inondation : proposition d'une méthodologie [Paper presentation]. Colloque futurs urbains, enjeux interdisciplinaires émergents pour comprendre, projeter et fabriquer la ville de demain, Université de Paris-Est, Marne-La-Vallée, France. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Barroca, B., Amdal, J., Diab, Y., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2013). Analysing urban resilience through the alternative stormwater management options: Application of the conceptual DS3 model at the neighbourhood scale. Water Science et Technology IWA, In Press. Water Science and Technology. ![]() |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Becue, V., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., & Serre, D. (2013). Flood resilience assessment of New Orleans neighborhood over time. : Reslience and urban risk management. In Resilience and Urban Risk Management. Taylor & Francis Group, London. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Becue, V., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., & Serre, D. (2012). Flood resilient city conception : a review of existing methods and tools [Paper presentation]. 43 rd ESReDA Seminar on land Use planning and Risk-Informed Decision Making, Rouen, France. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Becue, V., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., & Serre, D. (2012). A méthodology to enhance flood resilience of the urban system [Paper presentation]. 6th Urban Ressearch and Knowledge symposium on Rethinking cities : Framing the Future, Barcelone, Spain. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Amdal, J., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., Becue, V., & Serre, D. (2012). Resilience concepts at the neighborhood level in post-Katrina New Orleans [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, Melbourne, Australia. |
Balsells Mondejar, M., Becue, V., Barroca, B., Diab, Y., & Serre, D. (2011). Flood resilience assessment of New Orleans neighborhood over time [Paper presentation]. International conference. 'How the concept of resilience is able to improve urban risk management ? A temporal and a spatial analysis', Paris, France. |