
Scardamaglia Mattia

Main Referenced Co-authors
BITTENCOURT, Carla  (55)
SNYDERS, Rony  (44)
Struzzi, Claudia  (44)
Gregoratti, Luca (20)
Colomer, Jean-François (19)
Main Referenced Keywords
electronic properties (2); microscopy (2); spectroscopies (2); carbon nanostructures (1); carbon nanotubes (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CIRMAP - Centre d'Innovation et de Recherche en Matériaux Polymères (37)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (73)
Chemistry (28)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (1)

Publications (total 73)

The most downloaded
Erbahar, D., Susi, T., Rocquefelte, X., Bittencourt, C., Scardamaglia, M., Guttmann, P., Rotas, G., Tagmatarchis, N., Zhu, X., Hitchcock, A. P., & Chris, E. (26 October 2016). Spectromicroscopy of C60 and azafullerene C59N: Identifying surface absorbed water. Scientific Reports, 6, 35. doi:10.1038/srep35605

The most cited

103 citations (Scopus®)

Juvé, V., Scardamaglia, M., Maioli, P., Aurélien, C., Merabia, S., Joly, L., Del Fatti, N., & Vallée, F. (05 November 2009). Cooling dynamics and thermal interface resistance of glass-embedded metal nanoparticles. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80.

Bittencourt, C., & Scardamaglia, M. (2019). Graphene-Based Metal-Free Catalysis. In NaTO Science for peace and Security - A: Chemistry and Biology (pp. 27). Springer.

Susi, T., Scardamaglia, M., Mustonen, K., Mittelberger, A., Al-Hada, M., Amati, M., Sezen, H., Larsen, A., Mangler, C., Meyer, J., Gregoratti, L., Bittencourt, C., & Kotakoski, J. (15 September 2018). Intrinsic core level photoemission of suspended monolayer graphene. Physical Review Materials, 2 (7), 074005. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.074005
Peer reviewed

D'Acunto, G., Ripanti, F., Postorino, P., Betti, M. G., Scardamaglia, M., Bittencourt, C., & Mariani, C. (09 September 2018). Channelling and induced defects at ion-bombarded aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 139, 768-775. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2018.07.032
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Zellzr, P., Amati, M., Sezen, H., Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Bittencourt, C., Lantz, G., Hajlaoui, M., Papalazarou, E., Marino, M., Fanetti, M., Ambrosini, S., Rubini, S., & Gregoratti, L. (2018). Scanning Photoelectron SpectroMicroscopy: A Modern Tool for the Study of Materials at the Nanoscale. Physica Status Solidi A. Applied Research, 1800308. doi:10.1002/pssa.201800308
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Scardamaglia, M., & Bittencourt, C. (25 June 2018). Nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials based metal-free catalysis: a spectroscopic point of view. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9, 2015-2031. doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.191
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Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Reckinger, N., Sezen, H., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Colomer, J.-F., Ewels, C., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (13 November 2017). Probing plasma fluorinated graphene via spectromicroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 31418-31428.
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Scardamaglia, M., Susi, T., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., Di Santo, G., Petaccia, L., & Bittencourt, C. (11 August 2017). Spectroscopic observation of oxygen dissociation on nitrogen-doped graphene. Scientific Reports, 7, 1-11.
Peer reviewed

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Colomer, J.-F., Verdini, A., Floreano, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (04 June 2017). Fluorination of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: from CF4 plasma chemistry to surface functionalization. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8 (7), 1723-1733. doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.173
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Struzzi, C., Sezen, H., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Snyders, R., Bittencourt, C., & Scardamaglia, M. (02 June 2017). Fluorine and sulfur simultaneously co-doped suspended graphene. Applied Surface Science, 422, 104-110. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.05.258
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Scardamaglia, M., Susi, T., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., Di Santo, G., Petaccia, L., & Bittencourt, C. (07 March 2017). Spectroscopic observation of oxygen dissociation on nitrogen-doped graphene [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Casanova Chafer, J., Britun, N., Snyders, R., Llobet, E., & Bittencourt, C. (06 March 2017). Gas sensing properties of fluorinated carbon nanotubes [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Sezen, H., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (15 February 2017). Fluorination of suspended graphene. Nano Research, 10 (9), 3151-3163. doi:10.1007/s12274-017-1532-4
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Dervaux, J., Cormier, P.-A., Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Bittencourt, C., Petaccia, L., Cornil, D., Lasser, L., Beljonne, D., Cornil, J., Lazzaroni, R., & Snyders, R. (01 January 2017). Probing the Interaction Between 2-2'-bithiophene-5-carboxylic acid and TiO2 by Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 244704.
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Erbahar, D., Susi, T., Rocquefelte, X., Bittencourt, C., Scardamaglia, M., Guttmann, P., Rotas, G., Tagmatarchis, N., Zhu, X., Hitchcock, A. P., & Chris, E. (26 October 2016). Spectromicroscopy of C60 and azafullerene C59N: Identifying surface absorbed water. Scientific Reports, 6, 35. doi:10.1038/srep35605
Peer reviewed

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (04 September 2016). Experimental observation of oxygen dissociation on nitrogen-doped graphene [Paper presentation]. CMD26, Groningen, Netherlands.

Struzzi, C., Praveen, C., Scardamaglia, M., Verbitskiy, N. I., Fedorov, A. V., Weinl, M., Schreck, M., Grüneis, A., Piccinin, S., Fabris, S., & Petaccia, L. (25 August 2016). Controlled thermodynamics for tunable electron doping of graphene on Ir(111). Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 94 (085427), 1-10. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.94.085427
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Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (05 July 2016). Plasma fluorinated graphene: a spectro-microscopic investigation [Paper presentation]. The 3rd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute -UMONS, Mons, Belgium.

Hernández-Sánchez, D., Scardamaglia, M., Saucedo-Anaya, S., Bittencourt, C., & Quintana, M. (30 June 2016). Exfoliation of graphite and graphite oxide in water by chlorin e6. RSC Advances, 6 (71), 66634-66640. doi:10.1039/c6ra13501c
Peer reviewed

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (06 April 2016). Tuning the electronic properties of graphene by fluorination [Paper presentation]. ChemOnTubes, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (05 April 2016). Fluorination of carbon nanostructures [Poster presentation]. ChemOnTubes, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Osella, S., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., Beljonne, D., & Bittencourt, C. (07 January 2016). Tuning nitrogen species to control the charge carrier concentration in highly doped graphene. 2D Materials, 3 (1).
Peer reviewed

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (10 December 2015). Spectromicroscopy investigation of fluorine and nitrogen doped carbon nanomaterials [Paper presentation]. HeteroNanoCarb2015, Benasque, Spain.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Hemberg, A., Petaccia, L., Colomer, J.-F., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (26 November 2015). Plasma fluorination of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: Functionalization Thermal Stability. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6, 2263-2271. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.232
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Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (12 November 2015). Spectromicroscopy investigation of fluorine and nitrogen doped carbon nanomaterials [Paper presentation]. Synchrotron Radiation Contact Group FNRS, Namur, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (13 October 2015). Plasma Fluorination of carbon nanomaterials [Paper presentation]. NanoCF - Tuning the properties of NanoCarbon with Fluorination, Mons, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (12 October 2015). Electronic properties of fluorinated graphene [Paper presentation]. NanoCF - Tuning the properties of NanoCarbon with Fluorination, Mons, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Sezen, H., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (16 September 2015). Spatially resolved photoemission experiments on fluorinated graphene [Poster presentation]. NanoteC15: Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (14 September 2015). Tuning the electronic properties of graphene by fluorination [Paper presentation]. NanoteC15: Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (14 September 2015). Fluorination of carbon nanostructures [Poster presentation]. NanoteC15: Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Sezen, H., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (11 September 2015). Spatially resolved photoemission experiments on fluorinated graphene [Poster presentation]. BSM Annual Meeting 2015: When Materials Meet Biology, Mons, Unknown/unspecified.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (30 June 2015). Fluorination of carbon nanostructures [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (22 June 2015). Nitrogen ion implantation in Graphene [Paper presentation]. GraphITA, Bologna, Italy.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Reckinger, N., Amati, M., Ewels, C., Colomer, J.-F., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (27 May 2015). Nitrogen ion implantation in carbon nanostructures: Spectromicroscopy investigation [Paper presentation]. The 16th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes (NT15), Nagoya, Japan.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Ligot, S., Colomer, J. F., Osella, S., Beljonne, D., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (08 May 2015). CF4 Plasma Diagnostic and Fluorination of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes [Poster presentation]. NANOWAL (The Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies) and MAIN (The MAterials, Interfaces and Nanostructures Doctoral School) on Nanomaterials and Energy, Mons, Belgium.

Lisi, S., Gargiani, P., Scardamaglia, M., Brookes, N. B., Sessi, V., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (13 April 2015). Graphene-induced magnetic anisotropy of a two-dimensional iron phthalocyanine network. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 1690-1695. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b00260
Peer reviewed

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Ligot, S., Colomer, J. F., Osella, S., Beljonne, D., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (10 March 2015). CF4 Plasma Diagnostic and Fluorination of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Gately, R., Worren, H., Scardamaglia, M., Romeo, T., Bittencourt, C., & Marc, I. H. P. (20 February 2015). Sonication-induced effects on carbon nanofibres in composite materials. RSC Advances, 5, 19587-19595. doi:10.1039/C4RA15033C
Peer reviewed

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (09 February 2015). Spectromicroscopy investigation of nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials [Poster presentation]. Towards Reality in Nanoscale Material VIII, Levi, Finland.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (06 February 2015). Plasma functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes [Poster presentation]. Towards Reality in Nanoscale Material VIII, Levi, Finland.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Aparicio Rebollo, F. J., De Marco, P., Mudimela, P., Colomer, J.-F., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (30 January 2015). Tuning Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Nitrogen Grafting: Chemistry and Chemical stability. Carbon, 83, 118-127. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.11.009
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Struzzi, C., Erbahar, D., Scardamaglia, M., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Lagos, M. J., Van Tendeloo, G., Snyders, R., Ewels, C., & Bittencourt, C. (01 January 2015). Selective Decoration of isolated Carbon Nanotubes by Potassium Evaporation: Scanning Photoemission Microscopy and Density functional theory. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 2518-2527. doi:10.1039/C4TC02478H
Peer reviewed

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Bittencourt, C., & Petaccia, L. (09 December 2014). High-quality graphene on single crystal Ir(111) films on Si(111) wafers: Synthesis and multi-spectroscopic characterization [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact Rayonnement Synchrotron, Namur, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Osella, S., N., R., Colomer, J.-F., Amati, M., Alexey, B., Gregoratti, L., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., Beljonne, D., & Bittencourt, C. (08 December 2014). Tuning nitrogen species: a way to control the doping of N-graphene [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact Rayonnement Synchrotron, Namur, Belgium.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Hemberg, A., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (23 August 2014). Plasma functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes [Paper presentation]. NanoteC14 Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Brussels, Belgium.

(Invited), , & Scardamaglia, M. (21 August 2014). Spectromicroscopy investigation of nitrogen-doped carbon nanomaterials [Paper presentation]. NanoteC14 Carbon Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Brussels, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., N., R., Colomer, J.-F., Snyders, R., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (18 August 2014). Nitrogen implantation in carbon nanostructures: annealing effects and selctivity of sp2 introgen species [Paper presentation]. XXIII International Materials Research, Cancun, Mexico.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Hemberg, A., Jadot, J., Paint, Y., Colomer, J. F., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (02 July 2014). Plasma functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes [Poster presentation]. The 1st Research Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., Aleman Llorente, B., Ewels, C., Amati, M., Pochet, P., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Skaltsas, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Snyders, R., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (01 July 2014). Nitrogen ion casting on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: Tip and sidewall chemical modification. Carbon, 77, 319-328. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.05.035
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Mudimela, P., Scardamaglia, M., Gonzales-Léon, O., Reckinger, N., Snyders, R., Llobet, E., Bittencourt, C., & Colomer, J.-F. (26 June 2014). Gas sensing with gold-decorated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 910-918.
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Scardamaglia, M., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Ewels, C., Pochet, P., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J. F., Skaltsas, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Snyders, R., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (20 June 2014). Nitrogen implantation of suspended graphene flakes: Annealing effects and selectivity of sp2 nitrogen species. Carbon, 73, 371-381.
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Chris, E., Erbahar, D., Wagner, P., Rocquedelte, X., Arenal, R., Pochet, P., Rayson, M., Scardamaglia, M., Bittencourt, C., & Briddon, P. (13 June 2014). Nitrogen segregation in nanocarbons. Faraday Discussions, 173, 215-232. doi:10.1039/C4FD00111G
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Scardamaglia, M., Aparicio Rebollo, F. J., Struzzi, C., Mudimela, P., Colomer, J.-F., Gregoratti, L., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (28 May 2014). Photoemission Response and Annealing Effects of Nitrogen Plasma Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes [Paper presentation]. E-MRS Spring 14 Meeting, Lille, France.

Scardamaglia, M., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Ewels, C., Pochet, P., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Skaltsas, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Snyders, R., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (28 May 2014). Nitrogen ion casting of suspended graphene flakes: temperature effects and selectivity of sp2 nitrogen species [Poster presentation]. E-MRS Spring 14 Meeting, Lille, France.

Scardamaglia, M., Aparicio Rebollo, F. J., Struzzi, C., Mudimela, P., Colomer, J. F., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Petaccia, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (13 February 2014). Nitrogen Plasma functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes [Poster presentation]. Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials VII, Levi, Finland.

Scardamaglia, M., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Ewels, C., Pochet, P., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Skaltsas, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Snyders, R., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (11 February 2014). Heavily nitrogen-doped suspended graphene flakes: annealingeffects and selectivity of sp2 nitrogen species [Paper presentation]. Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials VII, Levi, Finland.

Scardamaglia, M., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Ewels, C., Pochet, P., Reckinger, N., Colomer, J.-F., Skaltsas, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Snyders, R., Gregoratti, L., & Bittencourt, C. (03 December 2013). Heavily nitrogen-doped suspended graphene flakes: annealing effects and selectivity of sp2 nitrogen species [Paper presentation]. NanoTP meeting Defect, Zagreb, Croatia.

(Invited), , Scardamaglia, M., Aparicio Rebollo, F., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Struzzi, C., Mudimela, P., Colomer, J.-F., Petaccia, L., Gregoratti, L., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (04 September 2013). Plasma-based nitrogen functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes: tips and side walls photoemission response [Paper presentation]. Recent Advances in Spectro­microscopy: Experimental and Theoretical Tools, Mons, Belgium.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Lizzit, S., Dalmiglio, M., Lacovig, P., Baraldi, A., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (23 July 2013). Energetics and Hierarchical Interactions of Metal-Phthalocyanines Adsorbed on Graphene/Ir(111). Langmuir, 29 (33), 10440-10447. doi:10.1021/la401850v
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Scardamaglia, M., Aparicio Rebollo, F., Aleman Llorente, B., Amati, M., Gregoratti, L., Mudimela, P., Colomer, J.-F., Snyders, R., & Bittencourt, C. (29 June 2013). Nitrogen functionalization of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes through rf-plasma: tips and side walls photoemission response [Paper presentation]. 3rd Nanocarbon Composites Symposium NCC13, Tallinn, Estonia.

Struzzi, C., Scardamaglia, M., Angelucci, M., Massimi, L., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (16 May 2013). Energy of Iron-Phthalocyanine on Crystal Surfaces. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica (Il). C, 36 (2), 51-57. doi:10.1393/ncc/i2013-11507-5
Peer reviewed

Struzzi, C., Fedorov, A. V., Verbitskiy, N. I., Nefedov, A., Gärtner, J., Weber, W., Sachdev, H., Scardamaglia, M., Gargiani, P., Lisi, S., Betti, M. G., Mariani, C., Schreck, M., Gsell, S., Wöll, C., Grüneis, A., & Petaccia, L. (23 April 2013). Graphene on Ir/YSZ/Si(111): low-cost synthesis and electronic properties [Poster presentation]. IMAGINENANO2013- Graphene2013 conference, Bilbao, Spain.

Scardamaglia, M., Lisi, S., Lizzit, S., Baraldi, A., Larciprete, R., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (14 February 2013). Graphene-Induced Substrate Decoupling and Ideal Doping of a Self-Assembled Iron-Phthalocyanine Single Layer. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 117 (6), 3019-3027. doi:10.1021/jp308861b
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Struzzi, C., Fedorov, A. V., Verbitskiy, N. I., Nefedov, A., Gärtner, J., Weber, W., Sachdev, H., Scardamaglia, M., Gargiani, P., Lisi, S., Betti, M. G., Mariani, C., Schreck, M., Gsell, S., Wöll, C., Grüneis, A., & Petaccia, L. (27 January 2013). Low Cost Syntesis of High- Quality Graphene on Ir (111)/ YSZ/ Si(111) [Poster presentation]. EWEG'2013 European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene, Aussois, France.

Struzzi, C., Fedorov, A. V., Nefedov, A., Weber, W., Sachdev, H., Scardamaglia, M., Gargiani, P., Lisi, S., Betti, M. G., Mariani, C., Schreck, M., Gsell, S., Wöll, C., Grüneis, A., & Petaccia, L. (09 December 2012). Low Cost Syntesis of High- Quality Graphene on Ir (111)/ YSZ/ Si(111) [Poster presentation]. NanoTP: 3rd Annual Scientific meeting 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Lizzit, S., Dalmiglio, M., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (18 September 2012). Molecule- Substrate Interaction Strenght of Metal- Phthalocyanines on Graphene/ Ir (111) [Poster presentation]. Nanoforum VIII Edition, Rome, Italy.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Lizzit, S., Lacovig, P., Dalmiglio, M., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (03 September 2012). Adsorption energy of metal-phthalocyanines on graphene/Ir(111) [Poster presentation]. CMD-24 24 th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, (ECOSS-29, CMMP-12, ECSCD-11), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Scardamaglia, M., Struzzi, C., Lizzit, S., Lacovig, P., Dalmiglio, M., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (18 July 2012). Molecule- Substrate Interaction Strenght of Metal- Phthalocyanines on Graphene/ Ir (111) [Poster presentation]. SILS 2012, XX Convegno SILS (Italian Society of Synchrotron Light), Cosenza, Italy.

Scardamaglia, M., Forte, G., Lizzit, S., Baraldi, A., Lacovig, P., Larciprete, R., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (2011). Metal-phthalocyanine array on the moiré pattern of a graphene sheet. Journal of Nanoparticle Research.
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Pino, S., Biasiucci, M., Scardamaglia, M., Gigli, G., Betti, M. G., Mariani, C., & Di Mauro, E. (2011). Nonenzymatic Ligation of an RNA Oligonucleotide Analyzed by Atomic Force Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
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Scardamaglia, M., Forte, G., Gargiani, P., Lizzit, S., Baraldi, A., Larciprete, R., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (17 September 2010). Metal-Phthalocyanine Array on the Moiré Pattern of a Graphene Sheet: Interaction and Molecular Orientation [Paper presentation]. X International conference on 'Nanostructured Materials' (Nano 2010), Rome, Italy.

Scardamaglia, M., Forte, G., Lizzit, S., Baraldi, A., Lacovig, P., Larciprete, R., Mariani, C., & Betti, M. G. (25 June 2010). Metal-phthalocyanine array on the moiré pattern of a graphene sheet: interaction and molecular orientation [Paper presentation]. SILS 2010 XVIII Meeting of the Italian Society for Synchrotron Radiation, Padova, Italy.

Juvé, V., Scardamaglia, M., Maioli, P., Aurélien, C., Merabia, S., Joly, L., Del Fatti, N., & Vallée, F. (23 February 2010). Cooling Dynamics and Thermal Interface Resistance of Glass-Embedded Metal Nanoparticles [Poster presentation]. International Workshop and Winter School: Photoemission, Dijon, France.

Juvé, V., Scardamaglia, M., Maioli, P., Aurélien, C., Merabia, S., Joly, L., Del Fatti, N., & Vallée, F. (05 November 2009). Cooling dynamics and thermal interface resistance of glass-embedded metal nanoparticles. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80.
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