
Gervasi Julien

Main Referenced Co-authors
THOMAS, Diane  (26)
HANTSON, Anne-Lise  (18)
COLET, Jean-Marie  (9)
Kartheuser, Benoît (9)
DUBOIS, Lionel  (8)
Main Referenced Keywords
Catalysis (1); dimensionnement (1); micropolluants organiques persistants (1); photodégradation catalytique (1); Photoreactor (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (17)
Chemical engineering (9)
Chemistry (8)
Environmental sciences & ecology (3)
Education & instruction (2)

Publications (total 29)

The most downloaded
Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Colet, J.-M., De Luca, D., & Gervasi, J. (29 January 2018). Occurrence accrue des micropolluants organiques persistants dans les eaux naturelles et potables. : Quels effets sur la santé ? Quels traitements choisir pour les éliminer ? [Paper presentation]. 3ièmes Journées Médicales, Pharmaceutiques et Odontologiques du Burkina Faso, 29/1/2018-1/2/2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

The most cited

45 citations (OpenAlex)

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (24 June 2014). Simulation of the post-combustion CO2 capture with Aspen Hysys software: study of the different configurations of an absorption-regeneration process for the application to cement flue gases. Energy Procedia, 63, 1018-1028. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.109

Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Colet, J.-M., De Luca, D., & Gervasi, J. (29 January 2018). Occurrence accrue des micropolluants organiques persistants dans les eaux naturelles et potables. : Quels effets sur la santé ? Quels traitements choisir pour les éliminer ? [Paper presentation]. 3ièmes Journées Médicales, Pharmaceutiques et Odontologiques du Burkina Faso, 29/1/2018-1/2/2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Gervasi, J. (2018). Conception d'un procédé photcatalytique d'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOPs) en vue de l'application de potabilisation des eaux naturelles [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Nguyen Thuy, D., To Thi Xuan, H., Gervasi, J., Paint, Y., & Olivier, M.-G. (12 January 2018). Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by hydrotalcites modified with different organic cqrboxylic acids for organic coatings. Progress in Organic Coatings, 124, 256-266.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (03 October 2017). Design of a photocatalytic process for the removal of persistent organic micropollutants for the drinkwater's production from natural water [Paper presentation]. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelone, Spain.

Nguyen Thuy, D., To Thi Xuan, H., Yoann, P., Gervasi, J., Gonon, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (05 September 2017). Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by hydrotalcites modified with different organic inhibitors studied in chloride neutral solution [Paper presentation]. EUROCORR2017, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Gervasi, J., Beauvois, M., Ronneau, R., Colet, J.-M., Devalckeneer, A., Delsinne, V., & Kartheuser, B. (2017). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport scientifique de fin de projet.

Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Gervasi, J., Beauvois, M., Ronneau, R., Colet, J.-M., Devalckeneer, A., Delsinne, V., & Kartheuser, B. (2017). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (7 ème semestre).

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (13 July 2017). Dimensionnement d'un réacteur photocatalytique en vue de l'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOPs) [Paper presentation]. 16ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017), Nancy, France.

Gervasi, J., Hantson, A.-L., Baudart, F., Ronneau, R., & Thomas, D. (2017). Evaluation de l'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOPs) par photocatalyse hétérogène en vue du dimensionnement d'une installation laboratoire [Paper presentation]. 16ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017), Nancy, France.

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (04 July 2017). Design of a photocatalytic process for the removal of persistent organic micropollutants (POMs) for the drinking water's production [Poster presentation]. 4 ème Journée des Chercheurs de l'Institut Matériaux, Mons, Belgium.

Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Gervasi, J., Baudart, F., Ronneau, R., Colet, J.-M., Devalckeneer, A., Delsinne, V., & Kartheuser, B. (2017). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (6 ème semestre).

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (06 October 2016). Procédé photocatalytique d'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOPs) en vue de l'application de potabilisation des eaux naturelles [Paper presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs - EDT GEPROC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Gervasi, J., Baudart, F., Colet, J.-M., Devalckeneer, A., Delsinne, V., & Kartheuser, B. (2016). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (5 ème semestre).

Gervasi, J., Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Baudart, F., Kartheuser, B., Colet, J.-M., & Devalckeneer, A. (2016). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (4 ème semestre).

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (15 October 2015). Développement d'un procédé photocatalytique d'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOPs) en vue de l'application de potabilisation des eaux naturelles [Poster presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs, Saint-Quentin, France.

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (29 September 2015). Design of a photocatalytic process for the removal of persistent organic micropollutants for the drinkwater'sproduction from natural water [Paper presentation]. 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE 10), Nice, France.

Pierrot, G., Gervasi, J., Laribi, S., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (09 September 2015). Post-combustion CO2 capture: optimization of the absorption-regeneration process for the application to cement flue gases [Poster presentation]. 3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC3), Regina, Canada.

Hantson, A.-L., Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., Kartheuser, B., Randoux, T., Podrecca, M., & Colet, J.-M. (2015). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (3ème semestre).

Hantson, A.-L., Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., Kartheuser, B., Randoux, T., Colet, J.-M., & Podrecca, M. (2015). Projet WaterPOP - 1er Rapport scientifique.

Pierrot, G., Gervasi, J., Laribi, S., Dubois, L., Meunier, N., De Weireld, G., & Thomas, D. (07 July 2015). Innovative solvents for the post-combustion CO2 capture absorption-regeneration process applied to cement plant flue gases [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XIII), Singapore, Singapore.

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (2015). Simulations with different process configurations for the CO2 capture applied to cement flue gases [Paper presentation]. 7th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Tarragona, Spain.

Hantson, A.-L., Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., Kartheuser, B., Randoux, T., & Podrecca, M. (2015). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (2ème semestre).

Gervasi, J., Thomas, D., & Hantson, A.-L. (23 October 2014). Développement d'un procédé photocatalytique d'élimination de micropolluants organiques persistants (MOP) en vue de l'application de potabilisation des eaux naturelles [Poster presentation]. Journée des jeunes chercheurs, Ecole doctorale GEPROC, Université de Mons, Belgium.

Dubois, L., Gervasi, J., & Thomas, D. (09 October 2014). Screening tests of new hybrid solvents for the post-combustion CO2 capture process by chemical absorption [Paper presentation]. Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT- 12), Austin, United States - Texas.

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (08 October 2014). Simulation of the post-combustion CO2 capture with Aspen Hysys software: study of different configurations of an absorption-regeneration process for the application to cement flue gases [Poster presentation]. Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT- 12), Austin, United States - Texas.

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (2014). Study of the potential of new hybrid solvents for the post-combustion CO2 capture process [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption 2014, Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Hantson, A.-L., Gervasi, J., Kartheuser, B., Podrecca, M., Thomas, D., Colet, J.-M., & Randoux, T. (2014). Projet WaterPOP - Rapport d'activités (1ier semestre).

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (24 June 2014). Simulation of the post-combustion CO2 capture with Aspen Hysys software: study of the different configurations of an absorption-regeneration process for the application to cement flue gases. Energy Procedia, 63, 1018-1028. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.109
Peer reviewed

Gervasi, J., Dubois, L., & Thomas, D. (24 June 2014). Screening tests of new hybrid solvents for the post-combustion CO2 capture process by chemical absorption. Energy Procedia, 63, 1854-1862. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.193
Peer reviewed

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