Seddiki, C.* , Walaszczyk, J.* , & Curle, S. (25 October 2024). The CARE LAB experience Reimagining elderly care architecture through English medium instruction [Paper presentation]. Symposium on Collaborative Construction of Knowledge Through EMI, Tapei, Taiwan. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Mbolo ebubu, E. R., Carfagnini, A., Delizee, A., Franchitti, F., & Walaszczyk, J. (24 April 2024). Santé somatique et interprétation : une collaboration plurilingue et interprofessionnelle riche de sens [Paper presentation]. Journée des enseignants 2024, Belgium. |
Valcke, J., Walaszczyk, J., & Ó Ceallaigh, T. J. (03 November 2023). ICLHE educators’ professional development: From experience to expertise [Paper presentation]. ICLHE: Taking Stock and Looking Forward, Vienne, Austria. |
Walaszczyk, J., & Bouchet, B. (25 May 2023). Internationalisation and Language Education: Where is the Missing Link? [Paper presentation]. Looking ahead: Developing academics’ and students’ linguistic and intercultural competence for a globalised world. |
Walaszczyk, J., & Pires de Freitas, A. L. (25 May 2023). Taking a Critical Stand Towards English as a Medium of Education Teaching Practices [Paper presentation]. Looking ahead: Developing academics’ and students’ linguistic and intercultural competence for a globalised world. |
Walaszczyk, J., & Segers, S. (2022). Shifting Assessment Online in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of an ICLHE Undergraduate Course in Medicine. In The Use of Technology in English Medium Education. Springer. |
Valcke, J., Nashaat-Sobhy, N., Sánchez-García, D., & Walaszczyk, J. (01 January 2022). Teacher development to mediate global citizenship in English-medium education contexts. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 1 (1), 65-84. ![]() |
Walaszczyk, J., Arno Macia, E., Cérèse, F., Seddiki, C., Chirimisina, D., Hellenbosch, J., Curle, S., & Usandizaga, M. (09 July 2021). A Sense of Home in Pandemic Times: A COIL Attempt at Building Housing for the Elderly [Paper presentation]. AEFLE TAPP Conference. |
Seddiki, C., & Walaszczyk, J. (2020). FACE AU COVID: CARE LAB (Seddiki, C., ... Walaszczyk, J., Trans.). |
![]() ![]() | Telle, E., Vicenzutto, A., Tiberi, L., & Walaszczyk, J. (13 January 2020). The Holy Trinity: Scientific, educational and personal benefits of EMI classes for students and teachers in psychology (Symposium) [Paper presentation]. ICHLE Symposium 2020 - TRANSDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN ICLHE AND EMI, Mons, Belgium. |
Valcke, J., Walaszczyk, J., & Gustafsson, M. (16 October 2019). Valcke, J., Walaszczyk, J., Gustafsson, M. Stepping out of the silos: Training teachers, training trainers [Paper presentation]. ICLHE Conference, Castellón, Spain. |
Walaszczyk, J., & Hanus, A. (05 April 2019). Podcasting in a CLIL context: voicing teachers' concerns [Paper presentation]. EMI Practices in Europe, Copenhague, Denmark. |
Croé, G., Hanus, A., & Walaszczyk, J. (26 March 2019). Two2Tango: an online tandem course for teacher professionalization in English [Paper presentation]. Hogent International Week, Gand, Belgium. |
Valcke, J., Romero Alfaro, E., Walaszczyk, J., & Peters, C. (07 October 2017). Training teachers to teach in English - Five universities come together [Paper presentation]. ICLHE Conference, Copenhague, Denmark. |