
Bertolucci Coelho Leonardo

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Science des Matériaux

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Science des Matériaux

Main Referenced Co-authors
OLIVIER, Marjorie  (44)
Mouanga, Maixent (9)
Recloux, Isaline (9)
Druart, Marie-Eve  (8)
Montagne, Alex (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
AA2024 (1); GDOES (1); Plasma electrolytic oxidation (1); Sol-gel sealing (1); SVET (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (45)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Mechanical engineering (37)
Education & instruction (15)
Chemistry (9)
Materials science & engineering (3)

Publications (total 46)

The most downloaded
Bertolucci Coelho, L., Stephania, K., Meijas, A., Noirfalise, X., Montagne, A., Van Gorp, A., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (25 January 2020). Mechanical and corrosion characterization of industrially treated 316L stainless steel surfaces. Surface and Coatings Technology, 382 (2020).

The most cited

66 citations (Scopus®)

Prince, L., Rousseau, M.-A., Noirfalise, X., Dangreau, L., Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (21 February 2021). Inhibitive effect of sodium carbonate on corrosion of AZ31 magnesium alloy in NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, Volume 179.

Akbarzadeh, S., Bertolucci coelho, L., Dangreau Lisa, Alex Lanzutti, Fedrizzi Lorenzo, & Olivier, M.-G. (20 September 2023). Self-healing plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coating developed by an assembly of corrosion inhibitive layer and sol-gel sealing on AA2024 [Paper presentation]. SMT35, Hamburg, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Arrighi, C., Nguyen, T. T., Paint, Y., Savall Catherine, Bertolucci Coelho, L., Creus, J., & Olivier, M.-G. (01 September 2022). Influence of inhibitive species on the corrosion resistance of Zn-Fe sacrificial coatings [Paper presentation]. EUROCORR2022, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Prince, L., Rousseau, M.-A., Noirfalise, X., Paint, Y., Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (04 July 2022). Mécanisme de corrosion de l’alliage AZ31: Importance du pH initial de l’électrolyte et couches inhibitrices [Paper presentation]. Journées d'électrochimie 2022.
Peer reviewed

Kossman, S., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Montagne, A., Meijas, A., Van Gorp, A., Coorevits, T., Touzin, M., Druart, M.-E., Staia, M., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (01 March 2021). The effect of the substrate surface state on the morphology, topography and tribocorrosion behavior of Si/Zr sol-gel coated 316L stainless steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 406 (126666).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Prince, L., Rousseau, M.-A., Noirfalise, X., Dangreau, L., Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (21 February 2021). Inhibitive effect of sodium carbonate on corrosion of AZ31 magnesium alloy in NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, Volume 179.
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Kossman, S., Montagne, A., & Olivier, M.-G. (10 October 2020). Communication-a new approach for SVET analysis combined with in situ scratching. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 167 (13).
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Fava, E., Kooijman, A. M., Garcia-Gonzalez, Y., & Olivier, M.-G. (07 October 2020). Molybdate as corrosion inhibitor for hot dip galvanised steel scribed to the substrate: A study based on global and localised electrochemical approaches. Corrosion Science, 175.
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Kossman, S., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Meijas, A., Montagne, A., Van Gorp, A., Coorevits, T., Touzin, M., Poorteman, M., Olivier, M.-G., Iost, A., & Staia, M. (15 September 2020). Impact of industrially applied surface finishing processes on tribocorrosion performance of 316L stainless steel. Wear, 456-457.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Kossman, S., Montagne, A., & Olivier, M.-G. (09 September 2020). SVET measurements combined with in-situ scratch approaches [Paper presentation]. Virtual Eurocorr2020, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Prince, L., Rousseau, M.-A., Paint, Y., Noirfalise, X., Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (08 September 2020). Study on the effect of sodium carbonate salt as corrosion inhibitor for protection of AZ31 Magnesium alloy [Paper presentation]. Virtual Eurocorr2020, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Bonin, L., Vitry, V., Olivier, M.-G., & Bertolucci Coelho, L. (09 June 2020). Covid-19: effect of disinfection on corrosion of surfaces. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 55:8, 693-695.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Stephania, K., Meijas, A., Noirfalise, X., Montagne, A., Van Gorp, A., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (25 January 2020). Mechanical and corrosion characterization of industrially treated 316L stainless steel surfaces. Surface and Coatings Technology, 382 (2020).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Prince, L., Rousseau, M.-A., Noirfalise, X., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (12 September 2019). Comparative study on the effect of cerium, lanthanum and lithium salts corrosion inhibitors for the protection of AZ31 magnesium alloys [Paper presentation]. Eurocorr 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Santos Silva Filho, R., Santos de Jesus, M. E., Magella Fernandes Costa Rossi e Silva, I., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Olivier, M.-G., & Capelossi, V. R. (11 September 2019). Corrosion protection of galvanized steel by vinyltriethoxysilane with cocoa bark powder [Poster presentation]. Eurocorr 2019, Sevilla, Spain.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Fava, E., & Olivier, M.-G. (11 September 2019). Selection of corrosion inhibitors for a hot-dip galvanised steel/mild steel galvanic couple exposed to NaCl solution [Paper presentation]. Eurocorr 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
Peer reviewed

De Freitas, F. G., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Kossman, S., Montagne, A., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (11 September 2019). Improvement of the corrosion and mechanical properties of stainless steel by sol-gel hybrid coatings : a first approach [Poster presentation]. Eurocorr 2019, Sevilla, Spain.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Stephania, K., Meijas, A., Poorteman, M., & Olivier, M.-G. (02 July 2019). Effet des traitements de surface industriels sur le comportement en tribocorrosion de l'acier inoxydable 316L [Paper presentation]. Journées d'Electrochimie 2019, Tolouse, France.
Peer reviewed

Olivier, M.-G., & Bertolucci Coelho, L. (01 July 2019). Etude et contrôle des couplages galvaniques rencontrés dans les structures aéronautiques par techniques électrochimiques locales et généralisées [Paper presentation]. JDE 2019, Toulouse, France.
Peer reviewed

Stephania, K., Meijas, A., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Van Gorp, A., & Montagne, A. (26 June 2019). Effect of surface treatments on tribocorrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel [Poster presentation]. SMT33, Naples, Italy.

Pezzato, L., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Bertolini, R., Settimi, A. G., Brunelli, K., Olivier, M.-G., & Dabalà, M. (27 May 2019). Corrosion and mechanical properties of plasma electrolytic oxidationcoated AZ80 magnesium alloy. Materials and Corrosion, 70 (11), 2103-2112. doi:10.1002/maco.201910847
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Taryba, M., Alves, M., Noirfalise, X., Montemor, F., & Olivier, M.-G. (17 April 2019). The corrosion inhibition mechanisms of Ce(III) ions and triethanolamine on graphite-AA2024-T3 galvanic couples revealed by localised electrochemical techniques. Corrosion Science, 150, 207-217.
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Hacha, M., Paint, Y., & Olivier, M.-G. (19 February 2019). Highlighting the effect of the aluminium alloy self-corrosion on the AA2024-T3/Ti6Al4V galvanic coupling in NaCl media. Surfaces and Interfaces, 16, 15-21.
Peer reviewed

Cerchier, P., Pezzato, L., Moschin, E., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Olivier, M.-G., Moro, I., & Magrini, M. (17 September 2018). Antifouling properties of different Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation coatings on 7075 aluminium alloy. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 133, 70-78. doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2018.06.005
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Taryba, M., Alves, M., Montemor, M. D. F., & Olivier, M.-G. (05 September 2018). Unveiling the effect of the electrodes area on the corrosion mechanism of a graphite - AA2024-T3 galvanic couple by localised electrochemistry [Poster presentation]. 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Bologne, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Taryba, M., Alves, M., Montemor, M. D. F., & Olivier, M.-G. (01 July 2018). Unveiling the effect of the electrodes area on the corrosion mechanism of a graphite - AA2024-T3 galvanic couple by localised electrochemistry. Electrochimica Acta, 227, 9-19. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2018.04.187
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Taryba, M., Alves, M., Montemor, M. D. F., & Olivier, M.-G. (27 June 2018). Unveiling the effect of the electrodes area on the corrosion mechanism of a graphite - AA2024-T3 galvanic couple by localised electrochemistry [Paper presentation]. SMT32 - 32nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, San Sebastian, Spain.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (20 May 2018). The inhibition efficiency of different species on AA2024/graphite galvanic coupling models depicted by SVET. Corrosion Science, 136, 292-303.
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Recloux, I., Andreatta, F., Druart, M. E., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Cepek, C., Cossement, D., Fedrizzi, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (25 February 2018). Stability of benzotriazole-based films against AA2024 aluminium alloy corrosion process in neutral chloride electrolyte. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735, 2512-2522. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.11.346
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Cossement, D., & Olivier, M.-G. (20 January 2018). Benzotriazole and cerium chloride as corrosion inhibitors for AA2024-T3: An EIS investigation supported by SVET and ToF-SIMS analysis. Corrosion Science, 130, 177-189.
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Recloux, I., Andreatta, F., Druart, M.-E., Bertolucci Coelho, L., Cepek, C., Cossement, D., & Fedrizzi, L. (2017). Stability of benzotriazole-based films against AA2024 aluminium alloy corrosion process in neutral chloride electrolyte. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.
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Bertolucci Coelho, L., Taryba, M., Montemor, F., & Olivier, M.-G. (26 October 2017). Application of combined spatially-resolved electrochemical techniques to the study of inhibitors for AA2024/graphite galvanic coupling models [Paper presentation]. 3rd e-MINDS Workshop (COST), Barcelone, Spain.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (04 September 2017). The inhibiting action of different species on AA2024/graphite galvanic coupling models studied by SVET [Paper presentation]. EUROCORR2017, Prague, Czechia.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (07 July 2017). A SVET investigation on the corrosion inhibition of AA2024/graphite galvanic coupling [Paper presentation]. SMT31 - International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., & Olivier, M.-G. (04 July 2017). The inhibiting action of different species on AA2024/graphite galvanic coupling models studied by SVET [Poster presentation]. 4th Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., Cossement, D., & Olivier, M.-G. (01 September 2016). A SVET study of the inhibitive effects of benzotriazole and cerium chloride solely and combined on an aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model. Corrosion Science, 110, 153-156.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., Cossement, D., & Olivier, M.-G. (18 August 2016). A SVET study of the inhibitive effects of benzotriazole and cerium chloride solely and combined on an aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Paper presentation]. EMNT2016, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., Cossement, D., & Olivier, M.-G. (13 August 2016). Electrochemical behaviour of a combined BTA/CeCl3 inhibitor system for the corrosion [Paper presentation]. EUROCORR2016, Montpellier, France.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (05 June 2016). The combined action of BTA and CeCl3 on the protection of an Al/Cu galvanic couple model studied by SVET [Poster presentation]. 3rd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (27 May 2016). The combined action of BTA and CeCl3 on the protection of an Al/Cu galvanic couple model studied by SVETs [Poster presentation]. 13th NanoWal Scientific Meeting, Louvain-la-Neuve, Unknown/unspecified.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (18 May 2016). The combined action of BTA and CeCl3 on the protection of an Al/Cu galvanic couple model studied by SVET: Matinée de Chercheurs 2016 [Poster presentation]. Matinée de Chercheurs 2016, Valenciennes, France.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (24 April 2016). Optimization of SVET parameters for the investigation of benzotriazole as corrosion inhibitor on aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Poster presentation]. 9° Jounées-Rencontres des Jeunes Chimistes, Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (07 September 2015). Application of SVET to study the inhibitive effect of benzotriazole and cerium chloride with a model aluminium/copper galvanic coupling system [Paper presentation]. EUROCORR 2015, Graz, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (29 June 2015). Optimization of SVET parameters for the investigation of benzotriazole as corrosion inhibitor on aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Poster presentation]. 2nd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (24 May 2015). Optimization of SVET parameters for the investigation of benzotriazole as corrosion inhibitor on aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Poster presentation]. 11th international symposium on electrochemical methods in corrosion research, Troia, Portugal.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (06 April 2015). Optimization of SVET parameters for the investigation of an aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Poster presentation]. 12th NanoWal Meeting, Mons, Belgium.

Bertolucci Coelho, L., Mouanga, M., Druart, M.-E., Recloux, I., & Olivier, M.-G. (10 March 2015). Optimization of SVET parameters for the investigation of an aluminium/copper galvanic coupling model [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

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