El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., & Rossignol, M. (2022). Rôle de la conscience de soi et de la distinction soi-autrui dans la prise de perspective. Canadian Psychology, 63 (3), 431–444. doi:10.1037/cap0000295 Peer reviewed |
Rossignol, M., El Bouragui, K., & Besche-Richard, C. (02 September 2020). Behavioral and physiological correlates of recognizing and sharing other's emotions [Paper presentation]. 50th EABCT Congress . September 2-5, Athens, Greece. |
Bodart, A., Ommeneti, J., Lefebvre, L., El Bouragui, K., & Rossignol, M. (01 July 2020). Electrodermal reactivity and emotional appraisal in adults with autistic spectrum disorders [Poster presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society 2020 Mid-Year Meeting', Vienna, Austria (2020), Vienna, Austria. |
Héraut, J., El Bouragui, K., Bodart, A., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (01 June 2020). Biased affective ratings and reduced electrodermal responses in women with fibromyalgia [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Helsinki, Finland, June 2020 (postponed to May 2021 because of the COVID outbreak), Helsinki, Finland. |
Héraut, J., El Bouragui, K., Bodart, A., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (10 May 2020). Biased affective ratings and reduced electrodermal responses in women with fibromyalgia. e-Poster presented at the virtual conference [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K. (2019). Rôle de la prise de perspective et de la flexibilité cognitive dans les déficits empathiques: Application à la dépression sous-clinique [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. https://orbi.umons.ac.be/handle/20.500.12907/17224 |
Wauthia, E., Lefebvre, L., Huet, K., Blekic, W., El Bouragui, K., & Rossignol, M. (04 June 2019). Examining the hierarchical influences of the Big-Five dimensions and Anxiety Sensitivity on anxiety symptoms in children. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01185 Peer reviewed |
Blekic, W., Wauthia, E., Simoes Loureiro, I., El Bouragui, K., Kandana Arachchige, K., Udoh, M., Veys, L., Taverne, M., Soeffers, I., Messaoudi, Y., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (05 March 2019). Extension de l'International Affective Picture System (IAPS) : validation d'images à caractère violent [Paper presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (17 November 2018). Des avatars au service de la prise de perspective : vers un nouveau paradigme pour réduire les affects dépressifs [Poster presentation]. 45ème journée scientifique de l'AEMTC (Association pour l'Etude, la Modification et la Thérapie du Comportement), Mons, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (16 November 2018). Avatars supporting perspective taking improvement: toward a new paradigm to reduce depressive affects (El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., Wauthia, E., Blekic, W., ... Rossignol, M., Trans.) [Poster presentation]. From self-knowledge to knowing others: Insights from psychological and neuroscientific tools, Brussels, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (19 July 2018). Can poor empathic skills be explained by cognitive flexibility deficits in depression ? [Poster presentation]. ESCAN 2018-4th International Conference of European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Leiden, Netherlands. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (05 July 2018). Des avatars au service de la prise de perspective : vers un nouveau paradigme pour réduire les affects dépressifs [Poster presentation]. SFP 2018-59ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Psychologie, Reims, France. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (18 May 2018). Can poor empathic skills be explained by cognitive flexibility deficits in depression ? [Paper presentation]. BAPS 2018-Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Gent, Faculty of Psychological and Educational Science, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (2018). Contribution de la centration sur soi et de la flexibilité cognitive aux déficits empathiques dans les troubles dépressifs. Séminaires du laboratoire Cognition, Santé, Société (C2S) de l'Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes (URCA), Reims, le 20/04/2018. |
El Bouragui, K., Rossignol, M., & Besche-Richard, C. (2018). Finale UMONS du concours 'Ma thèse en 180 secondes'. Les malheurs de Sophie, avec ou sans mouchoirs : petit guide de l'empathie. |
Blekic, W., Wauthia, E., El Bouragui, K., Ris, L., & Rossignol, M. (2017). Attentional variability and mnesic bias in post-traumatic stress disorder. A pictorial dot-probe study [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science (BAPS), Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified. |
El Bouragui, K., Wauthia, E., Simon, A., & Rossignol, M. (19 October 2017). Processing of Emotional Facial Expressions (EFE) in Paediatric Anxiety: Are Child Faces More Noteworthy than Adult Faces? Acta Psychopathologica, 3 (4:34), 1-7. doi:10.4172/2469-6676.100106 Peer reviewed |
El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (11 October 2017). Links between empathic skills and executive control in depression : The contribution of physiological measures [Poster presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vienne , Austria. |
Wauthia, E., El Bouragui, K., & Rossignol, M. (2017). Stress et anxiété, application à la problématique des acouphènes. Présentation orale à la Société Belgique Acouphène. Ath. |
Blekic, W., Wauthia, E., El Bouragui, K., Ris, L., & Rossignol, M. (01 June 2017). Attentional variability and mnesic bias in post-traumatic stress disorder. A pictorial dot-probe study [Paper presentation]. GREPACO-13ème édition de la réunion annuelle du GREPACO (Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopatholie Cognitive, Université de Lille 3, France. |
El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (01 June 2017). Les déficits de cognition sociale, une cible potentielle de prise en charge des troubles dépressifs [Poster presentation]. GREPACO-13ème édition de la réunion annuelle du GREPACO (Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopatholie Cognitive, Université de Lille 3, France. |
Blekic, W., Wauthia, E., El Bouragui, K., Ris, L., & Rossignol, M. (31 May 2017). Attentional variability and mnesic bias in post-traumatic stress disorder. A pictorial dot-probe study [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science (BAPS), Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified. |
El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (31 May 2017). Effect of depression on the occulomotor inhibition in a non-clinical sample [Poster presentation]. BAPS-Belgian Association for Psychological Science, 31 mai 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Blekic, W., Wauthia, E., El Bouragui, K., Ris, L., & Rossignol, M. (31 May 2017). Attentional variability and mnesic bias in post-traumatic stress disorder. A pictoral dot-probe study [Poster presentation]. BAPS-Belgian Association for Psychological Science, 31 mai 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Besche-Richard, C., Lefebvre, L., & Rossignol, M. (22 May 2017). Effect of depression on the oculomotor inhibition in a non-clinical sample [Poster presentation]. 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Ghent, Ughent, Belgium. |
El Bouragui, K., Lefebvre, L., Wauthia, E., & Rossignol, M. (08 October 2016). Effect of anxiety on inhibition processes and emotional judgment of social and non-social stimuli in a non-clinical sample [Poster presentation]. 6th Belgian Brain Congress - 8 octobre 2016, Mons, Belgium. |
Rossignol, M., El Bouragui, K., & Wauthia, E. (06 July 2016). Alerting, orienting and conflict monitoring in children with anxiety disorders : Evidences from an emotional Attention Network Task [Paper presentation]. 37th Conference of the Stress ans Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Zagreb, Croatia. |
El Bouragui, K., Rendon De La Cruz, A., & Rossignol, M. (23 June 2016). IDENTIFICATION DES EXPRESSIONS FACIALES ÉMOTIONNELLES (EFE) chez les enfants présentant un Trouble Déficitaire de l'Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDA/H) [Poster presentation]. 4ème colloque international de langue française sur le TDA/H, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Wauthia, E., Miceli, A., El Bouragui, K., & Rossignol, M. (18 May 2016). Influence du type d'anxiété pédiatrique sur le traitement émotionnel et les capacités d'inhibition [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France. |
Wauthia, E., Miceli, A., El Bouragui, K., & Rossignol, M. (18 May 2016). Influence du type d'anxiété pédiatrique sur le traitement émotionnel et les capacités d'inhibition [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs, Valenciennes, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, France. |