![]() ![]() | SIMON-LORIERE, E., Montagutelli, X., Lemoine, F., Donati, F., Touret, F., Bourret, J., Prot, M., Munier, S., Attia, M., Conquet, L., Nguyen, S., amara, F., Maisa, A., Fournier, L., Brisbarre, A., dehan, O., Levillayer, L., Gunalan, V., Fonager, J., ... Paquin, A. (2022). Rapid characterization of a Delta-Omicron SARS-CoV-2 recombinant detected in Europe. Research Square. doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1502293/v1 |
![]() ![]() | Kahvecioglu, Z. C.* , Bruynbroeck, M., Gheysen, L., Journé, F., Laurent, S., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C.*. (22 September 2021). Delivery of a drug molecule to thyroid cancer cells via EGFR targeting [Poster presentation]. 'Adaptation of the tumour and its ecosystem to radiotherapies' workshop ,September 22nd-25th, 2021, Manoir de Kerdréan, Le Bono, France. ![]() |
![]() ![]() | Kahvecioglu, Z. C., Gheysen, L., Journe, F., Laurent, S., Saussez, S., & Burtea, C. (21 May 2021). Toward the development of peptide inhibitors targeted to PI3K/AKT signalling pathway for the therapy of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma [Poster presentation]. 27th Porto Cancer meeting Stemness & Metastasis: Advances in Research and Clinical Translation, Porto, Portugal. |
Gheysen, L., Soumoy, L., Trelcat, A., Verset, L., Journe, F., & Saussez, S. (2021). New Treatment Strategy Targeting Galectin-1 against Thyroid Cancer. Cells. |
![]() ![]() | Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (2020). Combinatorial therapies in Thyroid cancer: An Overview of Preclinical and Clinical Progresses. cells. ![]() |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (07 February 2020). Combination of targeted therapies implicating p53 reactivator, PRIMA -1Met and SRC inhibitor, dasatinib in anaplastic thyroid cancer [Poster presentation]. BACR Annual meeting, Jette, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (29 January 2020). Combination of targeted therapies including p53 reactivator, PRIMA 1Met and SRC inhibitor, dasatinib in thyroid cancer [Poster presentation]. Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie 2020, Campus Woluwe, UCL, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (25 October 2019). Combination of targeted therapies implicating p53 reactivator, PRIMA -1Met and SRC inhibitor, dasatinib in anaplastic thyroid cancer [Poster presentation]. 4th annual symposium of the ULB-cancer research center, Brussels, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Descamps, G., Seminerio, I., Furgiuele, S., Soumoy, L., & Trelcat, A. (2019). Wonder Researchers , Communication audiovisuelle, Journée des doctorants, Mons, 2019. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (14 March 2019). New combination of targeted therapies for thyroid cancer treatment [Poster presentation]. 7th ICHNO Head and Neck oncology, Barcelona, Spain. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (01 February 2019). Combination of p53 reactivator and SRC inhibitor in thyroid cancer treatment [Poster presentation]. BACR Annual meeting, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (28 January 2019). Combination of p53 reactivator and SRC inhibitor in thyroid cancer treatment [Poster presentation]. Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie 2019, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (15 May 2018). Nouvelle combinaison de traitements ciblés dans le cadre du cancer thyroïdien [Paper presentation]. 'La parole aux jeunes chercheurs', Université de Mons, Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (27 March 2018). New targeted therapy combination for thyroid cancer [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Université de Valenciennes, France. |
Claus, C., Juszczak, F., Gheysen, L., & Delcourt, M. (2018). 'ZTC' présentation orale, Journée math sciences Mons. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (01 February 2018). New targeted therapy combination for thyroid cancer [Paper presentation]. Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie 2018, Bruxelles , Belgium. |
Gheysen, L., Saussez, S., & Journe, F. (22 September 2017). New targeted therapy combination for thyroid cancer [Poster presentation]. Second symposium of the ULB cancer research centre (U-CRC), ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium. |