Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Duprez, M.-E., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Poupin, C., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (21 September 2020). Evaluation of the performance of catalytic oxidation of VOCs by a mixed oxide at a semi-pilot scale. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99, 108-119. doi:10.1002/cjce.23887 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Duprez, M.-E., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (07 November 2019). Study of a mixed oxide catalyst performance for the catalytic oxidation of VOCs at pilot scale [Poster presentation]. 6ème Edition Wallonie/Nord de France de la Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs GEPROC - UGéPE, Mons, Belgium. |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Duprez, M.-E., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (15 October 2019). Evaluation des performances de l'oxydation catalytique de COV par un oxyde mixte à l'échelle pilote [Paper presentation]. 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2019), Nantes, France. |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Duprez, M.-E., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (18 June 2019). Evaluation of the performance of catalytic oxidation of VOCs by a mixed oxide at pilot scale [Poster presentation]. Summer School Catalysis: from understanding to applications, Albi, France. |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (29 October 2018). Study of a mixed oxide catalyst performance for the catalytic oxidation of VOCs at pilot scale [Poster presentation]. GEPROC Scientific Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Heymans, N., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., & De Weireld, G. (18 July 2018). Evaluation of the performance of catalytic oxidation of VOCs by a mixed oxide at pilot scale [Paper presentation]. 7th edition of the North-European workshop for the abatement of VOCs, Namur, Belgium. |
Fonseca E Silva Tavares R, R., Scutenaire, X., Brunet, J., Genty, E., Thomas, D., Decroly, A., Heymans, N., Siffert, S., Cousin, R., & De Weireld, G. (23 June 2017). Evaluation of the performance of catalytic oxidation of VOCs by a mixed oxide at pilot scale [Paper presentation]. 6ème workshop Nord-Européen sur le traitement des COV, Dunkerque, France. |