
Rafailidis Dimitrios

Main Referenced Co-authors
Crestani, Fabio (7)
Aliannejadi, Mohammad (1)
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (6)
CRTI - Centre de Recherche en Technologie de l'Information (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (8)

Publications (total 8)

The most downloaded
Rafailidis, D. (2018). A Multi-latent Transition Model for Evolving Preferences in Recommender Systems. Expert Systems with Applications.

The most cited

42 citations (Scopus®)

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). Learning to Rank with Trust and Distrust in Recommender Systems [Paper presentation]. ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy.

Aliannejadi, M., Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2018). A Collaborative Ranking Model with Multiple Location-based Similarities for Venue Suggestion [Paper presentation]. International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, Tianjin, China.

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2018). Friend Recommendation in Location-based Social Networks via Deep Pairwise Learning [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Barcelona, Spain.

Rafailidis, D. (2018). A Multi-latent Transition Model for Evolving Preferences in Recommender Systems. Expert Systems with Applications.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). A Collaborative Ranking Model for Cross-Domain Recommendations [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Pan Pacific Singapore, Singapore.

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). Recommendation with Social Relationships via Deep Learning [Paper presentation]. International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). Multiple Random Walks for Personalized Ranking with Trust and Distrust [Paper presentation]. TPDL 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). A Regularization Method with Inference of Trust and Distrust in Recommender Systems [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Machine Learning, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Rafailidis, D., & Crestani, F. (2017). Learning to Rank with Trust and Distrust in Recommender Systems [Paper presentation]. ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy.

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