
Gamrath Sébastien

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Physique atomique et astrophysique

Main Referenced Co-authors
QUINET, Pascal  (48)
PALMERI, Patrick  (32)
Godefroid, M.R. (8)
Rauch, T. (6)
Kruk, J.W. (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Astronomy and Astrophysics (2); Astrophysique (2); Physique Atomique (2); Space and Planetary Science (2); astro-ph.SR (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
AGIF - Algèbre, Géométrie et Interactions fondamentales (43)
CRPM - Physique des matériaux (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (60)
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (34)
Philosophy & ethics (1)
Education & instruction (1)

Publications (total 63)

The most downloaded
Li, Y., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Li, Q., Yu, Q., Zhang, M., Zhou, L., & Dai, Z. W. (01 January 2020). Radiative lifetimes, branching fractions, and oscillator strengths of high-lying levels in Re I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, 2953-2958.

The most cited

121 citations (OpenAlex)

Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Serenelli, A., Bautista, M., Plez, B., Heiter, U., Gerber, J. M., Ludwig, H.-G., Basu, S., Ferguson, J. W., Carvajal Gallego, H., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (20 May 2022). Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. IV: The standard composition of the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 661, 140. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142971

Brasseur, M., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (01 April 2024). Radiative decay rates for electric dipole transitions in doubly-, trebly-, and quadruply charged rhenium ions (Re III – V) of interest to nuclear fusion research and kilonova spectral analyses. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 157 (101636), 1-36.
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Gamrath, S. (2023). La création des éléments dans l'Univers - Théorie de la Nucléosynthèse [Paper presentation]. Atelier dans une classe de secondaire.

Zainab, A., Haris, K., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., & Tauheed, A. (July 2023). Critically Evaluated Atomic Data for the Au iv Spectrum. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 267 (1), 12. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/acd117
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Gamrath, S. (2023). Introduction à la nucléosynthèse stellaire : d’où viennent les éléments ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaires Sandwiches du Département de Physique.

Gamrath, S. (2023). Étude théorique de la structure atomique et des paramètres radiatifs des éléments lourds faiblement et moyennement ionisés : Application à la cosmochronologie et à l’analyse spectrale d’objets compacts [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Gamrath, S., Cimino, L., De corte, A., Lhost, G., & Bernardi, M. (2023). Table ronde - La vie d'un doctorant en physique.

Brasseur, M., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (2023). Atomic data calculations for electric dipole transitions in doubly-, trebly- and quadruply-charged rhenium ions (Re III - V) of interest to nuclear fusion research [Poster presentation]. 21st International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas (APIP-21), Vienne, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Gamrath, S., Brasseur, M., & Quinet, P. (2023). Multi-platform atomic data calculations in Re III, Re IV, Re V. Application to nuclear fusion research [Poster presentation]. 54th Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-54), Strasbourg, France.
Editorial reviewed

Brasseur, M., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (2023). Calculated oscillator strengths for spectral lines in Re III - V ions of interest to nuclear fusion research [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (ASOS-14), Paris, France.
Editorial reviewed

Gamrath, S., Carvajal Gallego, H., Bautista, M., Bergemann, M., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (26 September 2022). Radiative Data in Oxygen and Nitrogen Atoms for Solar Photospheric Studies [Poster presentation]. 12th ICAMDATA Conference, Mola Di Bari, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Delplanque, W., Mele, L., Quinet, P., Wajid, A., & Rauch, T. (26 September 2022). New set of calculated oscillator strengths of intermediately ionized caesium and silver for the spectral analysis of hot white dwarfs [Poster presentation]. 12th ICAMDATA Conference, Mola Di Bari, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S. (06 September 2022). Atomic Structures and Radiative Processes in Moderately Charged Heavy Ions. Application to the Study of Astrophysical Objects [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2022, Mons, Belgium.

Bautista, M., Bergemann Maria, Carvajal Gallego, H., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (06 September 2022). Atomic radiative data for oxygen and nitrogen for solar photospheric studies. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 665, 18. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243875
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Gamrath, S. (16 August 2022). Systematic Calculations of Oscillator Strengths of Intermediatly Ionized Trans-Iron Elements for the Spectral Analysis of Hot White Dwarfs [Paper presentation]. EUROWD22: 22nd European Workshop on White Dwarfs.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S. (07 June 2022). New radiative data in nitrogen and oxygen atoms : a nice example of a multi-platform approach of atomic calculations allowing to refine solar photospheric studies [Paper presentation]. Excellence Of Science MANASLU Kickoff Meeting.

Ma, H., Liu, M., Geng, Y., Wang, T., Yu, Z., Zheng, H., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., & Dai, Z. (01 June 2022). Experimental and Theoretical Radiative Parameters of Highly Excited Odd-parity Levels in Ir ii. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 260 (2), 56. doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ac721a
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Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Serenelli, A., Bautista, M., Plez, B., Heiter, U., Gerber, J. M., Ludwig, H.-G., Basu, S., Ferguson, J. W., Carvajal Gallego, H., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (20 May 2022). Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. IV: The standard composition of the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 661, 140. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142971
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Rosolen, G., Daubie, E., Devouge, S., Gamrath, S., & Delplace, T. (2022). Journées Math-Sciences : 'Explorons des phénomènes physiques'.

Cimino, L., De Corte, A., Gamrath, S., & Martin, E. (2022). Un doctorat en physique : Séance d'introduction et table ronde.

Bautista, M. A., Magg, E., Bergemann, M., Serenelli, A., Plez, B., Gerber, G., Ludwig, H. G., Basu, S., Ferguson, J., Carvajal Gallego, H., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (2022). A revisit of the standard composition of the Sun [Poster presentation]. 240th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Pasadena, United States - California.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S. (16 December 2021). Electronic structures and radiative processes in heavy atoms and ions with applications to some astrophysical hot topics [Paper presentation]. Excellence of Science - EOS - EVEREST workshop, Mechelen, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Palmeri, P., Delplanque, W., Rauch, T., & Wajid, A. (02 December 2021). Systematic Calculations of Oscillator Strengths in Moderately Charged Heavy Ions for the Spectral Analysis of Hot White Dwarfs [Paper presentation]. General Scientific Meeting 2021 of the Belgian Physical Society, Hasselt, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., & Palmeri, P. (06 July 2021). A new set of oscillator strengths in moderately charged indium ions for the spectral analysis of hot white dwarfs [Paper presentation]. 52nd Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-52), Zagreb, Croatia.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., & Palmeri, P. (06 July 2021). Oscillator strengths in doubly- and trebly-ionized gold deduced from core-polarization-corrected pseudo-relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations [Paper presentation]. 52nd Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-52), Zagreb, Croatia.

Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Palmeri, P., Wang, K., & Godefroid, M. R. (06 July 2021). Calculated oscillator strengths for radiative transitions of cosmochronological interest in singly ionized thorium (Th II) [Paper presentation]. 52nd Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-52), Zagreb, Croatia.

Li, Y., Geng, Y., Liu, M., Ma, H., Wu, Y., Zhang, L., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., & Dai, Z. (01 June 2021). Radiative parameters of high-lying levels in neutral rhodium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503, 5085-5090.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S. (21 May 2021). Calculated Radiative Parameters of Cosmochronological Interest in Th+ and U+ [Paper presentation]. Atomic physics data and their impact on astrophysics, cosmochronology, including the Kilonova feature - EOS Everest Project, Brussels, Belgium.

Ducobu, L., & Gamrath, S. (2021). Pas si élémentaire mon cher Watson - Investigation au coeur de paradoxes.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (25 March 2021). Atomic structures and radiative processes in moderately charged heavy ions. Application to the study of astrophysical objects [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.

Gamrath, S., & Cimino, L. (2021). Un doctorat en physique : Premier contact.

Gamrath, S., Jandrain, T., Lagasse, M., Martinet, B., & Tiberi, L. (2021). Quand les doctorants se mettent à nu.

Liggins, F. S., Pickering, J. C., Nave, G., Kramida, A., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (01 January 2021). New Ritz wavelengths and transition probabilities of parity forbidden [Mn II] lines of astrophysical interest. Astrophysical Journal, 907 (69).
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Gamrath, S., Godefroid, M. R., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., & Wang, K. (18 July 2020). Spectral line list of potential cosmochronological interest deduced from new calculations of radiative transition rates in singly ionized thorium (Th II). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, 4507-4516. doi:10.1093/mnras/staa1740
Peer reviewed

Rauch, T., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Demleitner, M., Knörzer, M., Werner, K., & Kruk, J. W. (01 May 2020). New Cu IV - VII oscillator strengths and the first detection of copper and indium in hot white dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 637.
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Löbling, L., Maney, M. A., Rauch, T., Quinet, P., Gamrath, S., Kruk, J. W., & Werner, K. (13 January 2020). First discovery of trans-iron elements in a DAO-type white dwarf (BD-22°3467). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 528-548.
Peer reviewed

Li, Y., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Li, Q., Yu, Q., Zhang, M., Zhou, L., & Dai, Z. W. (01 January 2020). Radiative lifetimes, branching fractions, and oscillator strengths of high-lying levels in Re I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, 2953-2958.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Godefroid, M. R., & Quinet, P. (25 November 2019). Theoretical Calculations of Oscillator Strengths for Radiative Transitions of Cosmochronological Interest in Singly Ionized Thorium : Preliminary Results [Paper presentation]. New Frontiers in Atomic, Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysics, Solvay Institutes, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (07 November 2019). Preliminary Calculations of Radiative Parameters of Cosmochronological Interest in Singly Ionized Thorium (Th II) [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Excellence of Science (EOS) Project on Heavy Element Research for Nuclear, Atomic and Astrophysics Studies (EVEREST), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (01 July 2019). A new set of transition probabilities and oscillator strengths for VUV spectral lines in moderately charged copper ions from Cu3+ to Cu6+ [Paper presentation]. 40th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics (VUVX-40), San Francisco, United States.

Rauch, T., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Hoyer, D., Werner, K., & Kruk, J. W. (01 July 2019). Heavy-metal abundances in DO-type white dwarfs. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 519, 175-180.
Peer reviewed

Bieron, J., Brage, T., Chen, C. Y., Del Zanna, G., Ekman, J., Froese Fischer, C., Gaigalas, G., Gamrath, S., Godefroid, M. R., Hartman, H., Jönsson, P., Li, J., Palmeri, P., Papoulia, A., Quinet, P., Rynkun, P., Schiffmann, S., Si, R., Wang, K., & Zhang, C. Y. (23 June 2019). Computational atomic structure with GRASP towards heavy atoms and ions of astrophysical interest [Paper presentation]. 13th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (ASOS-13), Shanghai, China.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (22 May 2019). Relativistic Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of radiative rates in the La I spectrum [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Wang, Q., Yu, Q., Zhang, M., & Dai, Z. (08 April 2019). Experimental measurements of radiative lifetimes and semi-empirical calculations of decay rates for highly excited levels in Ba I [Paper presentation]. 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP-13), Florence, Italy.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (08 April 2019). Large-scale atomic structure and radiative parameter calculations in neutral lanthanum [Paper presentation]. 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP-13), Florence, Italy.

Bieron, J., Brage, T., Chen, C. Y., Del Zanna, G., Ekman, J., Froese Fischer, C., Gaigalas, G., Hartman, H., Gamrath, S., Li, J., Godefroid, M. R., Jönsson, P., Palmeri, P., Papoulia, A., Quinet, P., Rynkun, P., Schiffmann, S., Si, R., Wang, K., & Zhang, C. Y. (04 April 2019). Computational atomic structure developments with GRASP towards heavy atoms and ions of astrophysical interest [Paper presentation]. 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP-13), Florence, Italy.

Brandelet, A., Ducobu, L., & Gamrath, S. (2019). Pas si élémentaire... Mon cher Watson.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (05 March 2019). Investigation of atomic processes in heavy elements for hot research topics in astrophysics [Paper presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (01 March 2019). Radiative transition parameters in atomic lanthanum from pseudo-relativistic Hartree-Fock and fully relativistic Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations. Atoms, 7 (38), 1-17.
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Wang, Q., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Yu, Q., Zhang, M., & Dai, Z. (04 January 2019). Radiative lifetime measurements and semi-empirical transition parameter calculations for high-lying levels in Ba I. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 225, 35-38.
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Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (31 October 2018). Semi-empirical calculations of oscillator strengths in U II [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Excellence of Science (EOS) Project on Heavy Element Research for Nuclear, Atomic and Astrophysics Studies (EVEREST), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Zhou, L., Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Zhang, M., & Dai, Z. (15 September 2018). Experimental and theoretical radiative lifetimes, branching fractions, transition probabilities and oscillator strengths of some highly-excited odd-parity levels in Ir I. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 238 (3), 1-12.
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Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (15 August 2018). Calculated oscillator strengths for the strongest lines of cosmochronological interest in the visible spectrum of singly ionized uranium (U II). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, 4754-4760.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (22 July 2018). HFR+CPOL and MCDHF oscillator strengths of strong electric dipole (E1) lines of U+ of interest in cosmochronology [Paper presentation]. 26th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP-26), Barcelone, Spain.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Bouazza, S., & Godefroid, M. R. (20 July 2018). MCDHF calculations of isotope shifts in neutral antimony. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 218, 38-45.
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Bernardi, M., Deprince, J., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (09 July 2018). Influence of Comprehensive Atomic Structure and Continuum Lowering on the Ionization Balance of a High-Density Tungsten Plasma [Paper presentation]. 50th Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-50), Cracovie, Poland.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (09 July 2018). Calculated Oscillator Strengths for Radiative Transitions of Cosmochronological Interest in Singly Ionized Uranium (U II) [Paper presentation]. 50th Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS-50), Cracovie, Poland.

Bernardi, M., Deprince, J., Gamrath, S., & Quinet, P. (11 April 2018). Influence of comprehensive atomic structure on the ionization balance of a high density tungsten plasma [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Anvers, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (11 April 2018). Radiative decay rates for transitions of cosmochronological interest in singly ionized uranium [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Anvers, Belgium.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., & Quinet, P. (07 March 2018). Structure atomique et paramètres radiatifs dans l'uranium ionisé. Application à la cosmochronologie [Paper presentation]. Journée Doctorale Transfrontalière, Reims, France.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Bouazza, S., & Godefroid, M. R. (17 July 2017). High-precision relativistic calculations of isotope shifts in neutral antimony [Paper presentation]. 49th Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems, Durham, Unknown/unspecified.

Gamrath, S., Palmeri, P., Quinet, P., Bouazza, S., & Godefroid, M. R. (17 May 2017). MCDHF calculations of isotope shifts in neutral antimony [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Mons, Belgium.

Rauch, T., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Hoyer, D., Werner, K., & Kruk, J. W. (01 April 2017). Heavy metals resisting gravity in white dwarfs ? Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 509, 183-187.
Peer reviewed

Rauch, T., Gamrath, S., Quinet, P., Lobling, L., Hoyer, D., Werner, K., Kruk, J. W., & Demleitner, M. (06 March 2017). Stellar laboratories. VIII. New Zr IV-VII, Xe IV-V and Xe VII oscillator strengths and the Al, Zr and Xe abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE0503-289. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 599.
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