
Demuynck Maryse

Université de Mons - UMONS > Administration > Service de l'Administration et Valorisation de la Recherche

Main Referenced Co-authors
Aubry, Philippe (4)
Dupont, Vedi (4)
Erauw, Jean-Pierre (4)
GONON, Maurice François  (4)
Signe goumwe, Stella  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
femmes, STIM (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CRIM - Ingénierie des matériaux (4)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Materials science & engineering (2)
Human resources management (1)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 5)

The most downloaded
Signe Goumwe, S., Gonon, M., Demuynck, M., Erauw, J.-P., Aubry, P., Dupont, V., & Mitshiabu, L. (04 June 2018). Microstructural characterization of Ti-Al-C MAX phases obtained by SPS [Poster presentation]. CIMTEC2018; 04/06-08/06, Perugia, Italy.

Demuynck, M., & Dupont, C. (2024). Questions de genre dans le monde scientifique. Pourquoi les femmes seraient-elles moins crédibles? [Paper presentation]. Soirée-débat « Matrimoine et féminisme », Mons, Belgium.

Signe Goumwe, S., Gonon, M., Demuynck, M., Erauw, J.-P., Mitshiabu, L., Aubry, P., & Dupont, V. (13 December 2019). Evaluation of Rietveld method applied to XRD patterns for microstructural characterization of MAX-phases [Poster presentation]. BCerS Annual Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Signe Goumwe, S., Gonon, M., Mitshiabu, L., Erauw, J.-P., Demuynck, M., Aubry, P., & Dupont, V. (03 July 2018). Evaluation of Rietveld method applied to XRD patterns for microstructural characterization of MAX-phases [Poster presentation]. 5th Researchers' Workshop of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.

Signe Goumwe, S., Gonon, M., Demuynck, M., Erauw, J.-P., Aubry, P., Dupont, V., & Mitshiabu, L. (04 June 2018). Microstructural characterization of Ti-Al-C MAX phases obtained by SPS [Poster presentation]. CIMTEC2018; 04/06-08/06, Perugia, Italy.

Signe Goumwe, S., Gonon, M., Erauw, J.-P., Dupont, V., Aubry, P., & Demuynck, M. (27 March 2018). Influence of molar composition and sintering conditions on Ti2AlC/Ti3AlC2 MAX phases synthesized by SPS [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.

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