
Godart Pascal

Main Referenced Co-authors
CARLIER, Stéphane  (1)
Rozen, Lionel (1)
Valente, Federica (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Atrioventricular Block (1); Atrioventricular Block/diagnosis (1); Atrioventricular Block/etiology (1); Atrioventricular Block/therapy (1); Cardiac Conduction System Disease (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Cardiovascular & respiratory systems (1)

Publications (total 1)

The most downloaded
Valente, F., Rozen, L., Carlier, S., & Godart, P. (29 September 2022). An uncommon case of complete AV block. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 22 (1), 429. doi:10.1186/s12872-022-02866-5

The most cited

1 citations (OpenAlex)

Valente, F., Rozen, L., Carlier, S., & Godart, P. (29 September 2022). An uncommon case of complete AV block. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 22 (1), 429. doi:10.1186/s12872-022-02866-5

Valente, F., Rozen, L., Carlier, S., & Godart, P. (29 September 2022). An uncommon case of complete AV block. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 22 (1), 429. doi:10.1186/s12872-022-02866-5
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