
Ernotte Pierre

Main Referenced Co-authors
LAURENT, Sophie  (18)
HENOUMONT, Céline  (12)
MAES, Amandine  (5)
STANICKI, Dimitri  (5)
GARIFO, Sarah  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Economics and Econometrics (1); Forestry (1); Materials Chemistry (1); Media Technology (1); MRI (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CMMI - Centre de Recherche en Microscopie et Imagerie Médicale (13)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemistry (17)
Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (6)
Radiology, nuclear medicine & imaging (1)

Publications (total 18)

The most downloaded
Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (06 March 2020). Development of a paraCEST and Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. La journée rencontre des jeunes chimistes de la SRC, Namur, Belgium.

Maes, A., Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (17 October 2024). Development of a new theranostic nanoplatform combining quantitative 19F MRI and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) [Poster presentation]. SRC scientific day, Bioinspired chemistry : from molecules to cells, Mons, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Maes, A., Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Vangijzegem, T., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (October 2024). Development of theranostic nanoplatform suitable for quantitative 19F MRI and tailored for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) [Poster presentation]. Tumor Targeting, Imaging et Radiotherapies, Erquy, France.
Peer reviewed

Maes, A., Ernotte, P., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Vangijzegem, T., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2024). Development of theranostic nanoplatform suitable for quantitative 19F MRI and tailored for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) [Poster presentation]. Tumour Targeting, Imaging, radiotherapies (Canceropole Grand ouest), Erquy, France.
Peer reviewed

Ernotte, P., Maes, A., Stanicki, D., Y.-M. Frapart, & Laurent, S. (2023). Study of spin-spin interactions on a nanoparticle surface to design new EPR imaging probes [Poster presentation]. Oral communication presented at the EPR 2023: International Conference on EPR Spectroscopy and Imaging of Biological Systems, Paris, France, paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (2023). Decrease of the innersphere water molecule exchange rate of paraCEST agents through introduction of carboxylate function [Poster presentation]. EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
Peer reviewed

Garifo, S., Ernotte, P., Maes, A., Stanicki, D., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (2023). Design and Testing of Enzyme Responsive and/or Vectorized Contrast Agents [Paper presentation]. Primogaia, Bordeaux, France.
Peer reviewed

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (18 October 2022). Increase of paraCEST contrast agent efficiency by decreasing their innersphere water molecule kinetics [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de la Société Royale de Chimie.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (06 September 2022). Optimization of the inner-sphere water molecule exchange rate to increase the contrast of paraCEST contrast agents [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs, 11ème édition, Mons, Belgium.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., Boutry, S., & Laurent, S. (06 December 2021). Synthesis and characterization of a bimodal contrast agents for paraCEST and 19F MRI [Paper presentation]. Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists (YBMRS), Congrès virtuel, Belgium.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (14 October 2021). Synthesis and characterization of a bimodal contrast agents for paraCEST and 19F MRI [Poster presentation]. SRC, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, .

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (27 August 2021). Development of a Bimodal ParaCEST-Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. 16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, ESMI, Lokhalle Göttingen, Allemagne, Lokhalle Göttingen, Germany.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (20 May 2021). Development of bimodal contrast agents for paraCEST and 19F MRI' [Poster presentation]. EDT-CHIM 2021 (20 mai), virtual meeting, .

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (30 March 2021). Development of a Biodal ParaCEST-Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (06 March 2020). Development of a paraCEST and Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. La journée rencontre des jeunes chimistes de la SRC, Namur, Belgium.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (2020). Développement d'un agent de contraste pour l'IRM combinant l'imagerie paraCEST et du fluor 19. Chimie Nouvelle.
Peer reviewed

Ernotte, P., Laurent, S., & Henoumont, C. (10 November 2019). Development of a paraCEST and Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. Contrast Media Research Symposium, the Ettore Majorana Foundation and International Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicile, Italy.

Ernotte, P., Henoumont, C., & Laurent, S. (10 October 2019). Development of a paraCEST and Fluorine MRI Contrast Agent [Poster presentation]. SRC Scientific Day, Namur, Belgium.

Ernotte, P., & Laurent, S. (2019). Développement et caractérisation d'un agent bimodal paraCEST-fluor pour l'IRM [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

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