
Ruelle Eulalie

Main Referenced Co-authors
FIORDALISO, William  (2)
GHISBAIN, Guillaume  (2)
Lefèbvre, Alexandre (2)
Loockx, Martin (2)
MICHEZ, Denis  (2)
Reese, Alexandre  (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Entomology & pest control (1)
Environmental sciences & ecology (1)

Publications (total 2)

Fiordaliso, W., Reverte saiz, S., Ghisbain, G., Wood, T. J., Ruelle, E., Lefèbvre, A., Reese, A., Loockx, M., Michez, D., & Tougeron, K. (12 December 2024). Hiding inequalities behind richness: How urban landscapes shape wild bee communities [Paper presentation]. The Benelux Zoology Congress 2024, Mons, Belgium.

FIORDALISO, W., Reverte saiz, S., GHISBAIN, G., WOOD, T. J., Ruelle, E., Lefèbvre, A., Reese, A., Loockx, M., Tougeron, K., & Michez, D. (2024). Reconciling community-level responses of wild bees to highly anthropized landscapes. (Preprint). doi:10.22541/au.172251690.07903371/v1

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