
Scohier Martin

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service de Génie Electrique

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté Polytechnique > Service d'Electronique et Microélectronique

Main Referenced Co-authors
DEBLECKER, Olivier  (4)
VALDERRAMA SAKUYAMA, Carlos Alberto  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Dual-Active-Bridge (2); Modulation (2); Railway (2); Active Damping (1); Control (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (4)

Publications (total 4)

The most downloaded
Scohier, M., Deblecker, O., & Valderrama, C. A. (17 October 2022). Triple-Phase-Shift Controlled Dual Active Bridge Converter with Variable Input Voltage in Auxiliary Railway Supply [Paper presentation]. 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany.

Scohier, M., Deblecker, O., & Valderrama, C. A. (27 May 2024). Advanced Control Solutions for Enhanced Power Density of Isolated Multiport Converters in DC Railway [Poster presentation]. European PhD School, Gaeta, Italy.

Scohier, M., Deblecker, O., & Valderrama, C. A. (26 March 2024). Réduction de l'encombrement des convertisseurs auxiliaires ferroviaires via des stratégies de contrôle avancées [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2024, Mons, Belgium.

Scohier, M., Deblecker, O., & Bakhshideh zad, B. (16 October 2023). A Simple and Effective Active Damping Method for Triple-Phase-Shift DAB Converter in DC Railway [Paper presentation]. IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapour, Singapore. doi:10.1109/iecon51785.2023.10312325
Peer reviewed

Scohier, M., Deblecker, O., & Valderrama, C. A. (17 October 2022). Triple-Phase-Shift Controlled Dual Active Bridge Converter with Variable Input Voltage in Auxiliary Railway Supply [Paper presentation]. 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany.
Peer reviewed

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