
Sentil Ahlam

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie

Principaux co-auteurs référencés
MICHEZ, Denis  (7)
RASMONT, Pierre  (7)
LHOMME, Patrick  (6)
Christmann, Stefanie (5)
BENCHARKI, Youssef  (4)
Principaux mots-clés référencés
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (3); Insect Science (3); wild bees (3); Agronomy and Crop Science (2); Ecology (2);
Principales disciplines référencées
Zoologie (8)
Agriculture & agronomie (4)
Entomologie & lutte antiravageur (2)

La plus téléchargée
51 téléchargements
El Abdouni, I., Lhomme, P., Christmann, S., Dorchin, A., Sentil, A., Pauly, A., Hamroud, L., Ihsane, O., Reverte saiz, S., Patiny, S., Wood, T. J., Bencharki, Y., Rasmont, P., & Michez, D. (11 July 2022). Diversity and Relative Abundance of Insect Pollinators in Moroccan Agroecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.866581

La plus citée

12 citations (Scopus®)

Sentil, A., Lhomme, P., Michez, D., Reverte Saiz, S., Rasmont, P., & Christmann, S. (28 February 2022). 'Farming with Alternative Pollinators' approach increases pollinator abundance and diversity in faba bean fields. Journal of Insect Conservation, 26, 401-414.

Bencharki, Y., Christmann, S., Lhomme, P., Ihsane, O., Sentil, A., El Abdouni, I., Hamroud, L., Rasmont, P., & Michez, D. (19 December 2023). 'Farming with alternative pollinators' approach supports diverse and abundant pollinator community in melon fields in a semi-arid landscape. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 38. doi:10.1017/S1742170522000394
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Sentil, A. (19 October 2023). Wild vegetation and Marketable Habitat Enhancement Plants support pollinator diversity in Moroccan farmlands [Paper presentation]. European Congress of Entomology.

Hamroud, L., Lhomme, P., Christmann, S., Sentil, A., Michez, D., & Rasmont, P. (10 October 2023). Conserving wild bees for crop pollination: efficiency of bee hotels in Moroccan cherry orchards (Prunus avium). Journal of Apicultural Research, 62 (5), 1123-1131. doi:10.1080/00218839.2022.2046528
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Sentil, A. (07 February 2023). Wild vegetation and Marketable Habitat Enhancement Plants support pollinator diversity in Moroccan farmlands [Paper presentation]. Ecoflor.

Reverte saiz, S.* , Miličić, M.* , Ačanski, J., Andrić, A., Aracil, A., Aubert, M., Balzan, M. V., Bartomeus, I., Bogusch, P., Bosch, J., Budrys, E., Cantú-Salazar, L., Castro, S., Cornalba, M., Demeter, I., Devalez, J., Dorchin, A., Dufrêne, E., Đorđević, A., ... Vujić, A.*. (2023). National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation. Insect Conservation and Diversity. doi:10.1111/icad.12680
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi
* Ces auteurs ont contribué de façon équivalente à la publication.

Sentil, A., Reverte saiz, S., Lhomme, P., Bencharki, Y., Rasmont, P., Christmann, S., & Michez, D. (November 2022). Wild vegetation and ‘farming with alternative pollinators’ approach support pollinator diversity in farmland. Journal of Applied Entomology, 146 (9), 1155 - 1168. doi:10.1111/jen.13060
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

El Abdouni, I., Lhomme, P., Christmann, S., Dorchin, A., Sentil, A., Pauly, A., Hamroud, L., Ihsane, O., Reverte saiz, S., Patiny, S., Wood, T. J., Bencharki, Y., Rasmont, P., & Michez, D. (11 July 2022). Diversity and Relative Abundance of Insect Pollinators in Moroccan Agroecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.866581
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Sentil, A., Wood, T. J., Lhomme, P., Hamroud, L., El Abdouni, I., Ihsane, O., Bencharki, Y., Rasmont, P., Christmann, S., & Michez, D. (24 March 2022). Impact of the “Farming With Alternative Pollinators” Approach on Crop Pollinator Pollen Diet. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.824474
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

Sentil, A., Lhomme, P., Michez, D., Reverte Saiz, S., Rasmont, P., & Christmann, S. (28 February 2022). 'Farming with Alternative Pollinators' approach increases pollinator abundance and diversity in faba bean fields. Journal of Insect Conservation, 26, 401-414.
Peer reviewed vérifié par ORBi

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