

Main Referenced Co-authors
TELLE, Emilie  (9)
VICENZUTTO, Audrey  (9)
PHAM HOANG, Thierry  (6)
Guay, Jean-Pierre (2)
Bolle, Louise (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (8)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)

Publications (total 11)

The most downloaded
Vicenzutto, A., Telle, E., Gandibleux, L., & Pham hoang, T. (07 November 2023). Le vécu émotionnel des policiers belges : Quels constats ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de la Chaire ENPQ-UQTR, Mont-Tremblant, Canada.

Vicenzutto, A., Telle, E., & Gandibleux, L. (2023). Projet de recherche « Vécu émotionnel chez les policiers » : Synthèse [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Vicenzutto, A., Telle, E., Gandibleux, L., & Pham hoang, T. (07 November 2023). Le vécu émotionnel des policiers belges : Quels constats ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de la Chaire ENPQ-UQTR, Mont-Tremblant, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Vicenzutto, A., Telle, E., & Gandibleux, L. (2023). Présentation des résultats du Projet Vécu émotionnel chez les policiers [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle du personnel, Courcelles, Belgium.

Gandibleux, L., Telle, E., Vicenzutto, A., & Pham hoang, T. (08 September 2023). The emotional experience of police officers: The impact of potentially traumatic events identified during the career on the development of a mental disorder [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Telle, E., Gandibleux, L., Bolle, L., & Vicenzutto, A. (08 September 2023). What police bashing is? A reflection on elaboration of a research project investigating Police bashing in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Gandibleux, L., Raiche, A.-P., Guay, J.-P., & Pham hoang, T. (07 September 2023). The development of Autonomous Virtual Agents (AVA) to train Justice professionals in Risk and Needs Assessment [Paper presentation]. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Gandibleux, L., Telle, E., & Vicenzutto, A. (02 June 2023). L'impact des évènements potentiellement traumatiques sur le stress pathologique [Paper presentation]. Journée Police, Mons, Belgium.

Gandibleux, L., Telle, E., Vanderbèque, P.-P., & Vicenzutto, A. (02 June 2023). Le risque suicidaire chez les policiers [Paper presentation]. Journée Police, Mons, Belgium.

Gandibleux, L., Joao, D. S. G., Pham Hoang, T., & Guay, J.-P. (2022). La formation des professionnels de la Justice à l'évaluation du risque et des besoins : le développement d'Agents Virtuels Autonomes (AVA) [Paper presentation]. Les collaborations scientifiques Québec/Wallonie-Bruxelles : Regards vers l'avenir, Montréal, Canada.

Telle, E., Vicenzutto, A., Gandibleux, L., & Pham Hoang, T. (13 January 2021). Stress pathologique et événements potentiellement traumatiques chez les policiers [Paper presentation]. Colloque international de psychocriminologie et victimologie : Pratiques et recherches en psychocriminologie et victimologie - Evolutions, innovations, perspectives, Rennes, France.
Peer reviewed

Telle, E., Vicenzutto, A., Degrie, F., Gandibleux, L., & Pham Hoang, T. (13 January 2021). Emotional experience of police officers: Gender comparison [Poster presentation]. 20th International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Annual Conference (IAFMHS), Krakovia, Poland.
Peer reviewed

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