
Poivre Mélanie

Main Referenced Co-authors
DUEZ, Pierre  (23)
NACHTERGAEL, Amandine  (17)
BELAYEW, Alexandra  (7)
Shikov, Alexander (7)
Atsapkina, Anastasia (6)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology (27)
Chemistry (9)
Biotechnology (1)
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (1)
Zoology (1)

Publications (total 27)

The most downloaded
Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Bunel, V., Okusa Ndjolo, P., & Duez, P. (2017). Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of herbal products. In O. Pelkonen, P. Duez, P. M. Vuorela, H. Vuorela, O. Pelkonen (Ed.), P. Duez (Ed.), P. M. Vuorela (Ed.), ... H. Vuorela (Ed.), Toxicology of Herbal Products (pp. 179-216). Springer.

The most cited

108 citations (Scopus®)

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (23 April 2017). Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents. Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, 18 (3), 194-214. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1600299

Poivre, M., Antoine, M.-H., Twyffels, L., Kryshen, K., Atsapkina, A., Shikov, A., Nachtergael, A., Duez, P., & Nortier, J. (10 May 2020). Potentialisation par Magnolia officinalis des effets cytotoxiques, mutagènes et génotoxiques d'Aristolochia baetica mesurés in vitro sur la cellule tubulaire proximale HK-2 [Poster presentation]. 5ème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation, Liège, Belgium.

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (23 April 2017). Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents. Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, 18 (3), 194-214. doi:10.1631/jzus.B1600299
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Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Bunel, V., Okusa Ndjolo, P., & Duez, P. (2017). Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of herbal products. In O. Pelkonen, P. Duez, P. M. Vuorela, H. Vuorela, O. Pelkonen (Ed.), P. Duez (Ed.), P. M. Vuorela (Ed.), ... H. Vuorela (Ed.), Toxicology of Herbal Products (pp. 179-216). Springer.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (09 August 2016). Harmful plant combination: implication of the traditional Chinese herb Hou Po (Magnolia officinalis) in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp [Poster presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China.

Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (09 August 2016). Indirect genotoxicity of herbal medicines [Paper presentation]. The 5th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum-Summit on Compendium of Materia Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong, China.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (11 July 2016). Harmful plant combination: implication of Magnolia officinalis bark in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp [Poster presentation]. Phytopharm 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Charles, C., & Duez, P. (19 May 2016). Interference with DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity [Paper presentation]. 10th International Scientific Conference 'Vital Nature Sign', Vilnius, Lithuania.

Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Charles, C., & Duez, P. (19 May 2016). Interference with DNA damage repair and translesion synthesis: a possible mechanism for natural products chemoprevention and indirect genotoxicity [Paper presentation]. 10th International Scientific Conference 'Vital Nature Sign', Vilnius, Lithuania.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (18 May 2016). Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of two traditional Chinese herbs (Aristolochia baetica and Magnolia officinalis) and their characterization [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Antoine, M.-H., Nortier, J., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (22 April 2016). Implication of the traditional Chinese antioxidant herb Magnolia officinalis in the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Aristolochia sp [Poster presentation]. The FNRS contact group 'Oxidative Processes and Antioxidants' - New Frontiers in Oxidative Stress and Redox Regulation, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (24 March 2016). Les huiles essentielles en aromathérapie : mythe ou réalité ? [Paper presentation]. Exposition plantes médicinales (SciTech2), UMONS, Belgium.

Misselyn, A., Wynsberghe, D., Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (2016). Les plantes médicinales : tradition culturelle et recherche de pointe.

Hennebert, E., Poivre, M., Pamart, L., & Michez, D. (2016). Syllabus des travaux pratiques du cours d'Eléments de Botanique.

Poivre, M., Boisson, S., & Duez, P. (26 September 2015). Doctorat et écoles doctorales (BURUNDI-R.D.CONGO-RWANDA) [Paper presentation]. Réunion ARES-CCD, Kigali, Rwanda.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Belayew, A., & Shikov, A. (24 September 2015). Preliminary assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of an association Aristolochia baetica - Magnolia officinalis [Paper presentation]. Applied Biotechnology in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Atsapkina, A., Kryshen, K., Belayew, A., Shikov, A., & Duez, P. (24 September 2015). 'Preliminary assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of an association Aristolochia baetica - Magnolia officinalis' [Poster presentation]. Applied Biotechnology in Africa, Kigali, Rwanda.

Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (13 August 2015). In vitro genotoxicity tests point to an unexpected and harmful effect of a Magnolia and Aristolochia association. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 174, 178-186. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2015.07.045
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Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (12 July 2015). Preliminary assessment of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of an association Aristolochia - Magnolia [Poster presentation]. Joint meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association, The TCM Chemistry Specialty Committee and the TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Mons, Belgium.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (22 May 2015). A preliminary assessment of traditional Chinese herbs cytotoxicity and genotoxicity [Poster presentation]. Journée d'études UMHAP - from lab to bedside, UMONS, Belgium.

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (18 May 2015). Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels [Poster presentation]. Première Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer 'La nutrition', Mons, Belgium.

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (12 May 2015). Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer (JSPH1), Mons, Belgium.

Lebailly, M., Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., & Duez, P. (05 May 2015). Determination of purity requirements for Chinese medicinal plants [Poster presentation]. Présentation des posters pour les étudiants en Master Chimie de l'UMONS, Mons, Belgium.

Poivre, M., & Duez, P. (29 April 2015). Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de produits naturels [Paper presentation]. Finale UMONS du concours 'Ma thèse en 180 secondes', Parc d'aventures scientifiques et de société (Pass), Frameries, Belgium.

Poivre, M., Nachtergael, A., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (10 March 2015). « Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of traditional Chinese herbal extracts » [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Poivre, M. (2014). Allocution du discours de fin d'étude pour les étudiants en Sciences Pharmaceutiques.

Nachtergael, A., Poivre, M., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (18 July 2014). A preliminary assessment of traditional Chinese herbs cytotoxicity and genotoxicity [Poster presentation]. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the GP-TCM Research Association and the 5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis of WFCMS, Nanjing, China.

Poivre, M. (2014). Génotoxicité de plantes médicinales utilisées en médecine traditionnelle chinoise [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

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