
Banerji R.S. Christopher

King’s College > Randall Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biophysics

Principaux co-auteurs référencés
BELAYEW, Alexandra  (1)
DECLEVES, Anne-Emilie  (1)
Heher, Philipp  (1)
LEGRAND, Alexandre  (1)
Nguyen, Thuy Hàng  (1)
Principaux mots-clés référencés
DUX4 (1); FSHD (1); HIF1A (1); Muscular dystrophy (1);
Principales disciplines référencées
Biochimie, biophysique & biologie moléculaire (1)

La plus téléchargée
21 téléchargements
Nguyen, T. H., Legrand, A., Decleves, A.-E., Heher, P., Belayew, A., Banerji, R. S. C., Zammit, P., & Tassin, A. (16 June 2022). Relationship between DUX4 and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF1α) in human and murine muscle cells vitro and in vivo [Poster presentation]. FSHD Society international research congress 2022.

Nguyen, T. H., Legrand, A., Decleves, A.-E., Heher, P., Belayew, A., Banerji, R. S. C., Zammit, P., & Tassin, A. (16 June 2022). Relationship between DUX4 and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF1α) in human and murine muscle cells vitro and in vivo [Poster presentation]. FSHD Society international research congress 2022.
Editorial reviewed

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