Identification of five acylated anthocyanins and determination of antioxidant contents of total extracts of a purple-fleshed Ipomoea batatas L. variety grown in Burkina Faso
Kaboré, D.S.; Hema, A.; Kabré, al.
2021 • In International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 22 (7), p. 48-66
[en] Anthocyanins are bioactive compounds, which thanks to their anti-free radical properties, can protect the human body against oxidative stress. The latter can cause many diseases, such as cancer, aging. The extract of the green cap purple variety of the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is active against the radical ABTS. Its antioxidant content is estimated at 0.183 mg E TEAC/ g fresh material. The characterization of anthocyanins was performed by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-UV (HPLC-MS-UV) and high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) analyses. These analyses allowed the identification of five anthocyanic compounds. These are: cyanidin 3-(6''-caffeoyl- 6'''-p-hydroxybenzoyl sophoroside) -5-glucoside; cyanidin 3-(6''-feruloyl 6'''-caffeoyl sophoroside) -5-glucoside; peonidin 3-(6'''-caffeoyl sophoroside)-5-glucoside; peonidin 3-(6''-caffeoyl-6'''-p-hydroxybenzoyl sophoroside) -5-glucoside; and peonidin 3-(6''-feruloyl -6'''-caffeoyl sophoroside)-5-glucoside.
Duez, Pierre ; Université de Mons > Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie > Service de Chimie thérapeutique et Pharmacognosie
Nacro, M.
Language :
Title :
Identification of five acylated anthocyanins and determination of antioxidant contents of total extracts of a purple-fleshed Ipomoea batatas L. variety grown in Burkina Faso
Publication date :
25 September 2021
Journal title :
International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Research unit :
M136 - Chimie thérapeutique et Pharmacognosie
Research institute :
R550 - Institut des Sciences et Technologies de la Santé R100 - Institut des Biosciences