Article (Scientific journals)
Dominance of honey bees is negatively associated with wild bee diversity in commercial apple orchards regardless of management practices
Weekers, Timothy; Marshal, Leon; Leclereq, Nicolas et al.
2022In Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 323
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Abstract :
[en] Commercial apple production relies on managed honey bees (Apis mellifera) for pollination, and on intensive management for pest control. Previous studies have highlighted the potentially detrimental effects of intensive crop management on wild bee diversity in agroecosystems, potentially jeopardizing the pollination services they provide. However, the extent to which honey bee dominance and crop management interact under field-realistic conditions and drive the structure of wild bee assemblages has not been investigated so far. In this study, we measured species richness, as well as the functional and phylogenetic diversity of wild bee assemblages in 36 paired organic and non-organic apple orchards during their flowering season and along a geographic gradient across western Europe. Our results show a strong significant and negative association between honey bee dominance and all wild bee diversity metrics, regardless of local management. Semi-natural habitats had a significant and positive effect on functional diversity, while urbanization and crop cover around the orchards showed no effect on all measured diversity metrics. A greater number of species exhibited less common, or frequent, combinations of functional traits at sites with high honey bee dominance, especially larger bee species with longer tongues. Collectively, we show that wild bee diversity decreases with increasing honey bee dominance, and that this negative association is not buffered by alternative (i.e., organic) management practices in commercial apple orchards. Although organic farming can bring about biodiversity benefits, our study demonstrates that, in the context of commercial apple production, other measures are needed to enhance and harness biodiversity for sustainable and profitable crop production. In particular, a lowered reliance on honey bees and a redesign of orchards through configurational crop heterogeneity and/or the restoration of in-field semi-natural elements are required beyond agricultural input substitution.
Author, co-author :
Weekers, Timothy
Marshal, Leon
Leclereq, Nicolas
Wood, Thomas James  ;  Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Cejas Acuna, Diego Manuel  ;  Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Drepper, Bianca
Hutchinson, Louise
Michez, Denis  ;  Université de Mons > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Zoologie
Molenberg, Jean-Marc
Smagghe, Guy
Vandamme, Peter
Vereecken, Nicolas
Language :
Title :
Dominance of honey bees is negatively associated with wild bee diversity in commercial apple orchards regardless of management practices
Publication date :
01 January 2022
Journal title :
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Publisher :
Elsevier, Netherlands
Volume :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Research unit :
S869 - Zoologie
Research institute :
R100 - Institut des Biosciences
Available on ORBi UMONS :
since 06 December 2021


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