Automatic technique; Data Sharing; Network devices; Resource service; Semantic descriptions; Sensors and actuators; Service description; Service discovery; Service selection; Services composition; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Abstract :
[en] The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) allows the integration of everyday devices such as tags, sensors, and actuators into the Internet. IoT also provides handy and automatic techniques to interoperate ad-hoc, heterogeneous, and mobile networks and simplify data sharing among devices by abstracting their capabilities as services. Nevertheless, the large number and heterogeneity of encompassed networks/devices and the diversity of the offered resources/services make the IoT service description, discovery, selection, and composition a challenging task. To deal with these issues, we introduce, in this article, a semantic middleware for IoT applications based on service composition. Such a solution supports the semantic description of IoT resources, including services and user requests, and provides a modular, end-to-end, and loosely coupled request resolution process that comprises a context-aware service discovery, a semantic service selection, and an automatic lightweight service composition. The proposal is illustrated and extensively evaluated on a restricted smart-city scenario. Obtained results show that the proposed service discovery, selection, and composition sub-processes improve the scalability of equivalent state-of-the-art solutions by around 15 (Formula presented.), 20 (Formula presented.), and 40 (Formula presented.), respectively.
R300 - Institut de Recherche en Technologies de l'Information et Sciences de l'Informatique R450 - Institut NUMEDIART pour les Technologies des Arts Numériques
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