Keywords :
circular economy; colorimetry; sustainability; Color intensity; Color stability; Colored pigments; Dispersibilities; Hiding power; Metallic aluminum; Mixed oxide; Red iron oxide; Type structures; Materials Science (all); Physics and Astronomy (all); Electrical and Electronic Engineering; General Physics and Astronomy; General Materials Science
Abstract :
[en] Green chromium and red iron oxides are technically important pigments due to their high color intensity, good dispersibility in paints, and superior hiding power. We report on the synthesis of colored pigments of mixed oxides with a corundum-type structure. The pigments are obtained via the addition of coloring ions to boehmite from recycled metallic aluminium. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the crystallographic phase. Additionally, the oxidation state 3+ responsible for the greenish (chromium) and reddish (iron) coloration of the mixed oxides was confirmed by XPS and visible-light absorption measurements. The colorimetric stability of the oxides in acid and alkaline environments was evaluated. After 240 h of exposure to harsh environments, both pigments demonstrated stability and showed no strong color difference.
Funding text :
D. F. L. H, J. d. O. P., and N. B. appreciate the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 for a graduate scholarship, D. F. L. H. thanks UMONS for the PhD grant, J. d. O. P. thanks the FNRS for mobility grant (2021/V6/5/003–JG/MF–726). C. B. is a Research Associate of the FRS-FNRS, Belgium. C. B. and J. P. thank the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research under the FRFC contract EQP 40002995 (PHOTOFUN). F. J. A. is thankful for a CNPq Productivity grant (308625/2019-6) and the grants CNPq–427127/2018-1 and Fundação Araucária–CBPA-001/ 2016 project NARROWW (CONFAP-WBI).
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