autoencoders; data enhancement; denoising; mHAT cycle; micro gas turbine; systems engineering; Auto encoders; Data enhancement; De-noising; Digital solutions; Energy systems; MHAT cycle; Micro gas turbine; Micro-gas; Neural-networks; Performance management; Engineering (all)
Abstract :
[en] Globally the energy sector is being transformed by innovations based on decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. These encompass transitioning towards a future with distributed generation systems having an increased share of renewables, artificial intelligence, and digital solutions. Micro-gas turbines are a competitive enabling technology in distributed power generation owing to benefits like fuel flexibility, reduced operation and maintenance costs, and emissions. However, its economic performance stumbles when not running in combined heat and power mode, requiring cycle modifications to increase electrical efficiency. The humidified micro-gas turbine is one such modification that shows great potential. For its viability in digitalized future energy systems with ever-growing amounts of data, there needs to be reliable and deployable advanced tools for performance and health management. This requires access to sufficient quality data, making data quality management an essential need. Therefore, the study presented in this paper investigates the use of a special type of artificial neural network called an autoencoder for data enhancement of a humidified micro-gas turbine. Data from 15 sensors has been enhanced by denoising for use in any subsequent data-driven insight and decision. To achieve this, different neural network models have been developed and compared to predict the denoised values. The auto-encoder network model that can best produce satisfactory denoised results has been identified as having 3 bottleneck and 6 mapping layer nodes. Furthermore, a systems engineering framework has been adopted for effective information and complexity management amongst all stakeholders. The framework sets a foundation for employing model-based systems engineering concepts in developing digital solutions. The results demonstrate the functionality of deploying denoising autoencoders with a systems engineering approach for data quality management of the humidified micro-gas turbine. The outcomes from this work can be used for data-driven performance and health management of the humidified micro-gas turbine. This will improve the system’s reliability and promote its use in energy systems of the future.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Jamil, Ahmad; Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
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