Before choosing a license, you must identify the type of document you are attaching:
See our definitions here as well as the description of the different licenses available on ORBi.
In any case, you need to download one of the versions.
If you have published in open access, you can attach the postprint version of the open access editor.
Alternatively, you can attach the postprint editor version but with restricted access. In this case, you must also attach either the author postprint or the author preprint depending on the publisher/journal's terms.
- Check the conditions on the publisher/journal's website
- Use Open Policy Finder to check publishers' licensing policies
Open Policy Finder is a valuable resource for checking the open access policies of different publishers. This tool can help you identify if and under what conditions you can publish your work in open access, such as license type, embargo periods, and more.
PLEASE NOTE: not all publishers or newspapers are listed on Open Policy Finder. You may need to check the terms yourself on the newspaper/publisher's website.
If no conditions are specified, follow the instructions below (Other documents (poster/thesis/course/etc.)).
If your paper is not subject to any restrictions (scientific congress policy, etc.), you must choose a license on your own.
Consider the following questions to help you choose the right license:
○ If yes, avoid licenses with the NonCommercial (NC) condition.
○ If not, choose a NoDerivs (ND) license.
○ If yes, choose a ShareAlike (SA) license.
UMONS recommends CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licenses. The former ensures the maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials, while the latter also ensures that derivative works remain open.
Choosing the right Creative Commons license ensures that your work is shared in conditions that you are comfortable with while maximizing its reach and impact. Use resources like SHERPA/RoMEO to understand publishers' policies and make informed decisions about open access publishing.
For further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the library or the legal department of UMONS.