Question Categories

Licensing Questions

  • Writing the state of the art: Is it remixing?

Scenario: You are writing a scientific article. In the introduction, you review and cite various scientific articles to present the state of the art in the field. Activities involved:

    Summarize: Condense information from multiple sources.

    Synthesize: Combine information from different articles to provide a cohesive overview.

    Citing: Giving credit to original sources.

> Is it a remix?

    • No, not typically: Writing an introduction that summarizes and cites other works is generally not considered "remix" in the context of Creative Commons licenses. Rather, this process involves reviewing and synthesizing existing knowledge rather than creating a new derivative work by combining elements from different sources in innovative ways. Why isn't it considered a remix?
    • Review vs. Remix: A literature review or state-of-the-art section in a scientific article aims to summarize and integrate existing knowledge to set the stage for new research. It respects the integrity of the original works and does not combine them into a new work in the sense that the "remix" implies it.
    • Citation Practice: Proper citation practices ensure that original authors are credited and that their works are not altered or combined into something new without permission.

Questions about accessing ORBi


  • I can't finish adding a publication.

Only UMONS staff members can add publications.

If you are a student (bachelor's or master's degree), you will be able to identify yourself but you will not be able to submit a document or generate a publication list. If you absolutely need to obtain access to ORBi to generate a list of publications for PhD funding, please contact avre@umons.ac.be with "ORBi - Student Access" in the subject line:

ORBi - Student Access

If you are a UMONS staff member but are unable to complete the addition of your post, please contact support.


Questions about datasets


  • Is it possible to add/reference a dataset on ORBi?

ORBi is a bibliographical repository. Therefore, the "dataset" type is not available on ORBi.

However, it is possible to link a dataset to a publication.

Upon the second step of the deposit, 2. Enrich, you may add your dataset in the field "Dataset":

You must add the URL pointing to your dataset hosted on a data repository. You may add a name and a comment as well.

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