
Wijsen Jef

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service des Systèmes d'information

Main Referenced Co-authors
Koutris, Paraschos (14)
DECAN, Alexandre  (8)
Pijcke, Fabian  (7)
Maslowski, Dany  (5)
Ouyang, Xiating (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Computer Science - Databases (4); Conjunctive query (2); conjunctive query (2); Consistent query answering (2); primary key (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (42)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (77)
Computer science (11)
Political science, public administration & international relations (2)
Education & instruction (1)
Library & information sciences (1)

Publications (total 89)

The most downloaded
Capon, C., Lecomte, N., & Wijsen, J. (2022). Computing H-Partitions in ASP and Datalog. In Workshops co-located with the 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2022).

The most cited

204 citations (OpenAlex)

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2005). Database repairing using updates. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 30 (3), 722-768. doi:10.1145/1093382.1093385

Fan, Z., Koutris, P., Ouyang, X., & WIJSEN, J. (26 May 2023). LinCQA: Faster Consistent Query Answering with Linear Time Guarantees. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 1 (1), 38:1--38:25. doi:10.1145/3588718
Peer reviewed

Amezian el khalfioui, A., & Wijsen, J. (2023). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Conjunctive Queries with Counting. In F. Geerts (Ed.), 26th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2023. Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.ICDT.2023.23
Peer reviewed

Koutris, P., Ouyang, X., & Wijsen, J. (2023). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys on Path Queries. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Koutris, P., Ouyang, X., & Wijsen, J. (2023). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys on Rooted Tree Queries. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Hannula, M., & Wijsen, J. (2022). A Dichotomy in Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Unary Foreign Keys. In PODS 2022 - Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (pp. 437-449). Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3517804.3524157
Peer reviewed

Capon, C., Lecomte, N., & Wijsen, J. (2022). Computing H-Partitions in ASP and Datalog. In Workshops co-located with the 38th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2022).
Peer reviewed

Amezian El Khalfioui, A., & Wijsen, J. (2022). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Conjunctive Queries with Counting. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Fan, Z., Koutris, P., Ouyang, X., & Wijsen, J. (2022). LinCQA: Faster Consistent Query Answering with Linear Time Guarantees. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Tellez Perez, H., & Wijsen, J. (2021). Generalized Weighted Repairs [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Koutris, P., Ouyang, X., & Wijsen, J. (2021). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys on Path Queries [Paper presentation]. ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Virtual event, China.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (02 February 2021). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys in Datalog. Theory of Computing Systems, 65 (1), 122-178.
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Livshits, E., Kimelfeld, B., & Wijsen, J. (01 February 2021). Counting subset repairs with functional dependencies. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 117 (May 2021), 154-164.
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Wijsen, J., & Tellez Perez, H. (2020). Logic-Based Ranking of Assertions in Inconsistent ABoxes [Paper presentation]. dutch belgian database day dbdbd, Brussels (online), Unknown/unspecified.

Amezian El Khalfioui, A., Joertz, J., Labeeuw, D., Staquet, G., & Wijsen, J. (2020). Optimization of Answer Set Programs for Consistent Query Answering by Means of First-Order Rewriting. In M. d'Aquin & S. Dietze, CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. New York, United States: ACM - Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3340531.3411911
Peer reviewed

Wijsen, J., & Tellez Perez, H. (2020). Logic-Based Ranking of Assertions inInconsistent ABoxes [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Description Logics, Online, Greece.

Tellez, H., & Wijsen, J. (2020). Logic-Based Ranking of Assertions in Inconsistent ABoxes [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Description Logics, Virtual event, Greece.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2020). First-Order Rewritability in Consistent Query Answering with Respect to Multiple Keys [Paper presentation]. ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, Portland, United States - Oregon.

Tellez Perez, H., & Wijsen, J. (11 December 2019). Connecting Databases and Ontologies: A Data Quality Perspective [Paper presentation]. Dutch Belgian Database Day, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.

Schewe, S., Schneider, T., & Wijsen, J. (2019). Special issue on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2017). Theoretical Computer Science.
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Gyssens, M., Hellings, J., Paredaens, J., Van Gucht, D., Wijsen, J., & Wu, Y. (01 November 2019). Calculi for Symmetric Queries. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 105, 54-86.
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Wijsen, J. (01 September 2019). Foundations of Query Answering on Inconsistent Databases. SIGMOD Record, 48 (3), 6-16.
Peer reviewed

Tellez Perez, H., & Wijsen, J. (2019). Connecting Databases and Ontologies: A Data Quality Perspective [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Description Logics, Oslo, Norway.

Wijsen, J. (2019). Corrigendum to 'Counting Database Repairs that Satisfy Conjunctive Queries with Self-Joins'.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2019). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys in Logspace [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Database Theory, Lisbon, Portugal.

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2019). Database repairs [Paper presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar 19031 (Logics for Dependence and Independence), Dagstuhl, Germany.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2018). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys in Logspace.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2018). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Conjunctive Queries with Negated Atoms [Paper presentation]. ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, .

Schewe, S., Schneider, T., & Wijsen, J. (2017). Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2017 [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Mons, Belgium.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (01 June 2017). Consistent Query Answering for Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42 (2), 9:1-9:45. doi:10.1145/3068334
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Geerts, F., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (2017). First-Order Under-Approximations of Consistent Query Answers. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2016.10.005
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Wijsen, J. (13 December 2016). Approximations of Consistent Query Answers [Paper presentation]. DaQuaTa International Workshop, Lyon, France.

Chomicki, J., & Wijsen, J. (2016). Consistent Query Answering for Atemporal Constraints over Temporal Databases [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Lyngby, Denmark.

Wijsen, J. (09 September 2016). Certain Query Answering for Primary Keys in First-Order Logic [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (01 March 2016). Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys. SIGMOD Record, 45 (1), 15-22.
Peer reviewed

Geerts, F., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (16 September 2015). First-Order Under-Approximations of Consistent Query Answers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9310, 354-367.
Peer reviewed

Wijsen, J. (06 July 2015). Incomplete Databases with Counting [Paper presentation]. University of Paris 7, Aggreg Annual Meeting, Paris, France.

Wijsen, J. (01 June 2015). The Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering for Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints [Paper presentation]. 34th ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2015, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2015). The Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering for Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries Under Primary Key Constraints [Paper presentation]. 34th ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2015, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Wijsen, J. (29 May 2015). The Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering Under Primary Key Constraints [Paper presentation]. The University of Queensland, DKE Research Collaboration Workshop, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Koutris, P., & Wijsen, J. (2015). A Trichotomy in the Data Complexity of Certain Query Answering for Conjunctive Queries.

Maslowski, D., & Wijsen, J. (17 October 2014). A Dichotomy in the Complexity of Counting Database Repairs [Paper presentation]. Dutch Belgian Database Day (DBDBD14), Anvers, Belgium.

Maslowski, D., & Wijsen, J. (2014). Counting database repairs that satisfy conjunctive queries with self-joins [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT14), Athènes, Greece.

Wijsen, J. (01 March 2014). A Survey of the Data Complexity of Consistent Query Answering under Key Constraints. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8367, 62-78.
Peer reviewed

Greco, S., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (01 January 2014). Certain Query Answering in Partially Consistent Databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7 (5), 353-364.
Peer reviewed

Maslowski, D., & Wijsen, J. (31 December 2013). A Dichotomy in the Complexity of Counting Database Repairs. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 79 (6), 958-983. doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2013.01.011
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Pijcke, F., Wijsen, J., & Greco, S. (29 November 2013). Certain Query Answering in Partially Consistent Databases [Paper presentation]. DBDBD (Dutch and Belgian Database Day), Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Gyssens, M., Paredaens, J., Van Gucht, D., Wijsen, J., & Yuqing, W. (01 September 2013). An Approach towards the Study of Symmetric Queries. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7 (1), 25-36.
Peer reviewed

70 auteurs, A., Liu, W. (Ed.), Subrahmanian, V. S. (Ed.), & Wijsen, J. (Ed.). (2013). Scalable Uncertainty Management: 7th International Conference, SUM 2013. Springer.

Wijsen, J. (01 June 2013). Consistent query answering under primary keys with an application on pattern matching [Paper presentation]. Declarative Approaches for Enumerating Interesting Patterns, Besse-Et-Saint-Anastaise, France.

Wijsen, J. (01 June 2013). Charting the tractability frontier of certain conjunctive query answering [Paper presentation]. 32nd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2013, New York, United States - New York.

Wijsen, J. (2013). Charting the tractability frontier of certain conjunctive query answering [Paper presentation]. 32nd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2013, New York, United States - New York.

Decan, A., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (21 November 2012). Certain Conjunctive Query Answering in SQL [Paper presentation]. The Dutch-Belgian Database Day (DBDBD), Brussels, Belgium.

Decan, A., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (17 September 2012). Certain Conjunctive Query Answering in SQL. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7520, 154-167.
Peer reviewed

Decan, A., Pijcke, F., & Wijsen, J. (17 September 2012). Certain Conjunctive Query Answering in SQL [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), Marburg, Germany.

Wijsen, J. (01 May 2012). Certain conjunctive query answering in first-order logic. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 37 (2).
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Fan, W., Geerts, F., & Wijsen, J. (01 January 2012). Determining the Currency of Data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 37 (4).
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Bruyère, V., Carton, O., Decan, A., Gauwin, O., & Wijsen, J. (01 January 2012). An Aperiodicity Problem for Multiwords. RAIRO: Informatique Théorique et Applications, 46 (1), 33-50.
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Maslowski, D., & Wijsen, J. (2011). Uncertainty That Counts [Paper presentation]. Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS), Ghent, Belgium.

Wijsen, J. (2011). Towards a Foundation of Data Currency (INVITED KEYNOTE SPEECH) [Paper presentation]. 18th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME), Lübeck, Germany.

Fan, W., Geerts, F., & Wijsen, J. (2011). Determining the currency of data [Paper presentation]. 30th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Athens, Greece.

Maslowski, D., & Wijsen, J. (2011). On counting database repairs [Paper presentation]. Logic in Databases (LID), Uppsala, Sweden.

Agier, M., Froidevaux, C., Petit, J.-M., Renaud, Y., & Wijsen, J. (2011). On Armstrong-compliant logical query languages [Paper presentation]. Logic in Databases (LID), Uppsala, Sweden.

Friant, N., Soetewey, S., Demeuse, M., Hourez, J., & Wijsen, J. (01 March 2011). Le système éducatif: un système complexe que l'on peut modéliser. Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 5, 43-45.

Wijsen, J. (01 October 2010). A remark on the complexity of consistent conjunctive query answering under primary key violations. Information Processing Letters, 110 (21), 950-955.
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Decan, A., & Wijsen, J. (10 September 2010). A Variant of Pattern Matching for Multiwords [Paper presentation]. Journées Montoises en Informatique Théorique, Amiens, France.

Bruyère, V., Carton, O., Decan, A., Gauwin, O., & Wijsen, J. (2010). A Variant of Pattern Matching for Multiwords [Paper presentation]. Journées Montoises en Informatique Théorique, Amiens, France.

Markey, N., Wijsen, J., Markey, N. (Ed.), & Wijsen, J. (Ed.). (2010). Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME 2010. IEEE Computer Society.

Wijsen, J. (2010). On the first-order expressibility of computing certain answers to conjunctive queries over uncertain databases [Paper presentation]. ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Indianapolis, United States - Indiana.

Demeuse, M., Wijsen, J., Lafontaine, D., Dandoy, A., Crépin, F., Hourez, J., Franquet, A., & Friant, N. (2010). Développement d'outils de pilotage effectif du réseau de la Communauté française : Recherche 094/09: Rapport intermédiaire de recherche.

Wijsen, J. (01 November 2009). On the consistent rewriting of conjunctive queries under primary key constraints. Information Systems, 34 (7), 578-601. doi:10.1016/
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Wijsen, J. (2009). Temporal dependencies. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems (pp. 2960-2966). Springer.

Wijsen, J. (2009). Temporal integrity constraints. In Encyclopedia of Database Systems (pp. 2976-2982). Springer.

Bruyère, V., Decan, A., & Wijsen, J. (2009). On first-order query rewriting for incomplete database histories [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Bressanone-Brixen, Italy.

Wijsen, J. (2009). Consistent query answering under primary keys: A characterization of tractable queries [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2009, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.

Decan, A., & Wijsen, J. (2008). On first-order query rewriting for incomplete database histories [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Logic in Databases (LID), .

Wijsen, J. (2007). On the consistent rewriting of conjunctive queries under primary key constraints [Paper presentation]. 11th International Symposium on Databases and Programming Languages, DBPL 2007, Viennes, Austria.

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2007). Consistent joins under primary key constraints. CTIT Workshop Proceedings Series, WP07 (08), 63-75.
Peer reviewed

Wijsen, J. (2006). Project-join-repair: An approach to consistent query answering under functional dependencies [Paper presentation]. 22èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, 2006, Lille, France.

Wijsen, J. (2006). Project-join-repair: An approach to consistent query answering under functional dependencies [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference of Flexible Query Answering Systems, FQAS 2006, Milan, Italy.

Wijsen, J. (01 March 2006). Een kort overzicht van data warehousing en OLAP. Cahiers de la Documentation, 60 (1), 19-24.

Wijsen, J. (2005). On condensing database repairs obtained by tuple deletions [Paper presentation]. 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA Workshops 2005), Copenhague, Denmark.

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2005). The conjunctive information in disjunctive databases. Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, L (4), 611-623.
Peer reviewed

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2005). Database repairing using updates. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 30 (3), 722-768. doi:10.1145/1093382.1093385
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Wijsen, J., & Bès, A. (01 January 2003). On query optimization in a temporal SPC algebra. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 44 (2), 165-192.
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Calders, T., Ng, R., & Wijsen, J. (01 January 2002). Searching for dependencies at multiple abstraction levels. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 27 (3), 229-260.

Wijsen, J. (01 January 2001). Trends in Databases: Reasoning and Mining. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 13 (3), 426-438.
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Wijsen, J. (01 January 1999). Temporal FDs on Complex Objects. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 24 (1), 127-176.
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Wijsen, J. (01 January 1998). Reasoning about Qualitative Trends in Databases. Information Systems, 23 (7), 469-493.
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Wijsen, J., & Meersman, R. (01 January 1998). On the Complexity of Mining Quantitative Association Rules. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2 (3), 263-281.
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