
Brihaye Thomas

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Service de Mathématiques effectives

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Mathématiques effectives

Université de Mons - UMONS > Faculté des Sciences > Logique mathématique

Main Referenced Co-authors
BRUYERE, Véronique  (26)
Geeraerts, Gilles (26)
Bouyer, Patricia (22)
Raskin, Jean-François (18)
Bertrand, Nathalie (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
General Earth and Planetary Sciences (4); General Environmental Science (4); Computer Science (all) (2); Computer Science - Computer Science and Game Theory (2); Reachability (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CREMMI - Modélisation mathématique et informatique (134)
CERMI - Microfinance (2)
AGIF - Algèbre, Géométrie et Interactions fondamentales (1)
URBAINE - Urbanisation Revitalisation Bâtiment Architecture Innovations Espaces (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (162)
Mathematics (52)
Computer science (12)
Architecture (3)
Energy (3)

Publications (total 205)

The most downloaded
Allard, J., Rosseel, A., Sadoine, L., Faraji, J., Brihaye, T., Capizzi Filippo, Nteziyaremye, B., Bordes, F., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (2023). Technical Impacts of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Community on Electricity Distribution Grids. Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution 2023 (CIRED2023).

The most cited

113 citations (OpenAlex)

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Markey, N. (01 June 2006). Improved undecidability results on weighted timed automata. Information Processing Letters, 98 (Issue 5), 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2006.01.012

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathématiques, vote et démocratie (Institut Saint Pierre de Leuze - octobre 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathématiques, vote et démocratie (Institut Saint Charles de Peruwelz - mai 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathématiques, vote et démocratie (Maison des Phénix - avril 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathématiques, vote et démocratie (JMS 2024, UMONS - mars 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathipulations, l'atelier (JMS 2024, UMONS - mars 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathipulations (Ursulines, Mons - février 2024).

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathipulations (Athénée Royal, Mons - janvier 2024).

Sadoine, L., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (2024). Impact of retail electricity prices and grid tariff structure on the operation of resources scheduling in Renewable Energy Communities. 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe). doi:10.1109/ISGTEUROPE56780.2023.10407533
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T. (2024). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel (Athénée Royal, Mons - janvier 2024).

Meurisse, Q., Koutra, S., Mélot, H., Laplume, D., Becue, V., Brihaye, T., Cenci, J., Coszach, E., De Smet, I., & Rivière, C. (2024). Building functionality assignment in dense and compact blocks using graph theory and game theory [Paper presentation]. Urban Complex Systems 2021, Lyon, France.
Editorial reviewed

Brihaye, T., & Dumenil, M. (2023). Théorie des jeux - Episode 82 de la série de podcasts Sciences, Arts et Curiosités (Saison 6) MUMONS.

Sadoine, L., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (19 December 2023). Presentation Slides "Impact of retail electricity prices and grid tariff structure on the operation of resources scheduling in Renewable Energy Communities" [Paper presentation]. 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference (ISGT-2023), Grenoble, France.

Brihaye, T., Goeminne, A., Main, J., & Randour, M. (December 2023). Reachability Games and Friends: A Journey Through the Lens of Memory and Complexity (Invited Talk). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 284, 1:1-1:26. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2023.1
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Sadoine, L., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (2023). Towards decentralized models for day-ahead scheduling of energy resources in Renewable Energy Communities. In Operations Research Proceedings 2022 (pp. 321–329). Springer, Cham.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Pinchinat, S., & Terefenko, A. (18 July 2023). Sémantique Formelle à Deux Joueurs pour Arbres d'Attaque [Paper presentation]. CNIA 2023 - Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, PFIA.

Allard, J., Rosseel, A., Sadoine, L., Faraji, J., Brihaye, T., Capizzi Filippo, Nteziyaremye, B., Bordes, F., Vallée, F., & De Grève, Z. (2023). Technical Impacts of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Community on Electricity Distribution Grids. Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution 2023 (CIRED2023).
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T. (01 June 2023). My first steps among Attack-Defense Trees [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Automata, Concurrency and Timed System.

Brihaye, T. (2023). Mathipulations (Institut Saint Charles, Péruwelz - mai 2023).

Brihaye, T. (2023). L'addiction aux jeux de hasard - Intervention lors du journal télévisé de Télé MB du 12 mai 2023.

Brihaye, T. (2023). Mathipulations (Sainte-Marie, Namur - mars 2023).

Brihaye, T. (2023). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel (Sainte-Marie, Namur - mars 2023).

Brihaye, T., & Dumenil, M. (2023). Les biais cognitifs - Episode 59 de la série de podcasts Sciences, Arts et Curiosités (Saison 5) MUMONS.

Brihaye, T., & Goeminne, A. (2023). Multi-weighted Reachability Games. In O. Bournez (Ed.), Reachability Problems - 17th International Conference, RP 2023, Proceedings. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-45286-4_7
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T. (2023). Quand les jeux mènent aux Prix Nobel (Ursulines - Mars 23).

Brihaye, T. (2023). Mathipulations (JMS23).

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Reghem, G. (2023). Quantitative Reachability Stackelberg-Pareto Synthesis Is NEXPTIME-Complete. In O. Bournez (Ed.), Reachability Problems - 17th International Conference, RP 2023, Proceedings. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-45286-4_6
Peer reviewed

Sadoine, L., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (2023). Valuing the Electricity Produced Locally in Renewable Energy Communities through Noncooperative Resources Scheduling Games. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Brihaye, T. (2022). Mathipulations (Bervoets - Décembre 22).

Sadoine, L., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (15 November 2022). Towards decentralized models for day-ahead scheduling of energy resources in Renewable Energy Communitie [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the COMPLEX Doctoral School, Mons, Belgium.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Randour, M., Rivière, C., & Vandenhove, P. (November 2022). Decisiveness of stochastic systems and its application to hybrid models. Information and Computation, 289 (B), 104861. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2021.104861
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Brihaye, T., Pinchinat, S., & Terefenko, A. (20 September 2022). Adversarial Formal Semantics of Attack Trees and Related Problems. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 370, 162 - 177. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.370.11
Peer reviewed

Sadoine, L., Hupez, M., De Grève, Z., & Brihaye, T. (07 September 2022). Towards decentralized models for day-ahead scheduling of energy resources in Renewable Energy Communities [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Brihaye, T. (12 July 2022). Théorie des jeux, évolution et applications [Paper presentation]. Rencontre annuelle du GT vérif.

Brihaye, T. (2022). Mathipulations.

De Smet, I., Meurisse, Q., Brihaye, T., Cenci, J., Laplume, D., Mélot, H., & Rivière, C. (2022). Compacts typo-morphologies by use of local search methods [Paper presentation]. ISUF 2019 XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form: Cities as Assemblages, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Brihaye, T. (2022). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2022). Les méthodes de vote.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., Lefaucheux, E., & Monmege, B. (2022). ONE-CLOCK PRICED TIMED GAMES WITH NEGATIVE WEIGHTS. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18 (3), 17:1 - 17:51. doi:10.46298/lmcs-18(3:17)2022
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Brihaye, T. (2021). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Comment les maths t'aident à réaliser des défis dignes de Fort Boyard ou d'Harry Potter ?

Brihaye, T. (2021). Trouver le vainqueur de Condorcet.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Thomasset, N. (30 June 2021). On relevant equilibria in reachability games. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 119, 211-230.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Brihaye, T. (2021). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Théorie des jeux, mathématiques et psychologie.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Théorie des jeux, mathématiques et psychologie.

Brihaye, T. (2021). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 January 2021). Constrained existence problem for weak subgame perfect equilibria with omega-regular Boolean objectives. Information and Computation, 278 (104594).
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Brihaye, T., Delgrange, F., Oualhadj, Y., & Randour, M. (14 December 2020). Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (4), 13:1-13:30. doi:10.23638/LMCS-16(4:13)2020
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Meurisse, Q., De Smet, I., Mélot, H., Laplume, D., Brihaye, T., Rivière, C., Coszach, E., Cenci, J., Koutra, S., & Becue, V. (2020). Recherche locale et théorie des jeux appliqués à la création de typo-morphologies compactes. SHS Web of Conferences. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20208203004
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., Raskin, J.-F., & van den Bogaard, M. (05 November 2020). The Complexity of Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 16 (4), 8:1-8:43.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Randour, M., Rivière, C., & Vandenhove, P. (21 September 2020). Decisiveness of Stochastic Systems and its Application to Hybrid Models. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 326, 149-165. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.326.10
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Brihaye, T., & Goeminne, A. (01 September 2020). On Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Turn-Based Reachability Timed Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12288. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-57628-8_6
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Hallet, M., & Le Roux, S. (2020). On the Termination of Dynamics in Sequential Games. Information and Computation.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Brihaye, T. (2020). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel.

Brihaye, T. (2020). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2020). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel.

Brihaye, T. (2020). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2019). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel.

Brihaye, T. (2019). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et monde réel.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Hallet, M., Monmege, B., & Quoitin, B. (2019). Dynamics on Games: Simulation-Based Techniques and Applications to Routing [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, .

Brihaye, T. (25 November 2019). Game theory, Evolution and Network [Paper presentation]. 68NQRT, Rennes, France.

Brihaye, T. (13 September 2019). Théorie des jeux, évolution et réseaux informatique [Paper presentation]. 13ème Journée des Doctorants en Mathématiques du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Université de Lens, France.

Brihaye, T., Delgrange, F., Oualhadj, Y., & Randour, M. (20 August 2019). Life is Random, Time is Not: Markov Decision Processes with Window Objectives. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 140, 8:1-8:18. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CONCUR.2019.8
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Thomasset, N. (2019). On Relevant Equilibria in Reachability Games. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., Raskin, J.-F., & van den Bogaard, M. (2019). The Complexity of Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Thomasset, N. (2019). On Relevant Equilibria in Reachability Games [Paper presentation]. Reachability Problems, Brussels, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., Raskin, J.-F., & van den Bogaard, M. (2019). The Complexity of Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Brihaye, T. (2019). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2019). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2019). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T., De Pril, J., Labie, M., & Périlleux, A. (01 February 2019). Positive vs Negative Incentives for Loan Repayment in Microfinance: A Game Theory Approach. Review of Development Economics, 23, 577-597.
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Brihaye, T. (2019). Retour vers le futur: à toi de jouer!

Brihaye, T. (2019). Quand les jeux mènent aux Prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., Milchior, A., & Monmege, B. (2018). Efficient Algorithms and Tools for MITL Model-Checking and Synthesis [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Melbourne, Australia.

Brihaye, T. (2018). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (30 August 2018). Mathipulations [Paper presentation]. 44e congrès de la Société Belge des Professeurs de Mathématique d'expression française, Athénée Robert Catteau de Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Raskin, J.-F. (2018). Constrained existence problem for weak subgame perfect equilibria with omega-regular Boolean objectives.

Brihaye, T. (13 July 2018). Stochastic o-minimal hybrid systems [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Multi-objective Reasoning in Verification and Synthesis, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Goeminne, A., & Raskin, J.-F. (2018). Constrained Existence Problem for Weak Subgame Perfect Equilibria with Omega-Regular Boolean Objectives [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Brihaye, T. (2018). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (01 May 2018). When are Stochastic Transitions Systems Tameable ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du département d'informatique de l'Université de Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Brihaye, T. (2018). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et Prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (30 March 2018). When are Stochastic Transitions Systems Tameable ? [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact Conception de systèmes informatiques corrects, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (2018). Mathématiques, modéles et réalité.

Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Carlier, P. (2018). When are stochastic transition systems tameable? Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Hallet, M., & Le Roux, S. (2017). Dynamics and Coalitions in Sequential Games [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, Rome, Italy.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., & Monmege, B. (2017). Timed-Automata-Based Verification of MITL over Signals [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, Mons, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., & Monmege, B. (2017). MightyL : A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, Heidelberg, Germany.

Brihaye, T. (2017). Mathipulations.

Brihaye, T. (2017). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et Prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2017). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2017). Quand les jeux mènent au prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (08 September 2016). Decisive Stochastic Processes [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (06 September 2016). About Banach-Mazur games [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Liège, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Estiévenart, M., Geeraerts, G., Ho, H.-M., Monmege, B., & Sznajder, N. (2016). Real-time Synthesis is Hard! Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., & Monmege, B. (2016). Pseudopolynomial iterative algorithm to solve total-payoff games and min-cost reachability games. Acta Informatica.
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Bertrand, N., Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., & Carlier, P. (2016). Decisive Stochastic Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Rome, Italy.

Bertrand, N., Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., & Carlier, P. (28 June 2016). Decisiveness and stochastic timed automata [Paper presentation]. 12th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP'16), Gênes, Italy.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (2016). Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russia.

Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (2016). Composition of stochastic timed automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Dhar, A. K., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., & Monmege, B. (01 April 2016). Efficient Energy Distribution in a Smart Grid using Multi-Player Games. SHS Web of Conferences, 78, 09008.

Bertrand, N., Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., & Carlier, P. (23 March 2016). Decisiveness and stochastic timed automata [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du groupe de travail Vasco-Mexico du LSV, ENS Cachan, Cachan, France.

Brihaye, T. (2016). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2016). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Bertrand, N., Bouyer-Decitre, P., Brihaye, T., & Carlier, P. (26 February 2016). Decisiveness and stochastic timed automata [Paper presentation]. Centre Fédéré en Vérification (ULB), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Boulanger, N., Grosjean, P., & Mens, T. (2016). COMPLEXYS - Research Institute for Complex Systems: Multidisciplinarity serving society. Belgian Research in Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., Lefaucheux, E., & Monmege, B. (2015). Simple Priced Timed Games Are Not That Simple [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Bangalore, India.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., Monmege, B., Pérez, G., & Renault, G. (2015). Quantitative Games under Failures [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Bangalore, India.

Brihaye, T., Haddad, A., & Menet, Q. (2015). Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and sets of probability 1. Information and Computation.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Brihaye, T. (2015). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (28 October 2015). A brief introduction to evolutionnary game theory [Paper presentation]. Sixth Cassting meeting, Cachan, France.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Meunier, N., & Raskin, J.-F. (10 September 2015). Weak Subgame Perfect Equilibria and their Application to Quantitative Reachability [Paper presentation]. 24th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2015), Berlin, Germany.

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Haddad, A., & Monmege, B. (2015). To Reach or not to Reach? Efficient Algorithms for Total-Payoff Games [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Madrid, Spain.

Brihaye, T. (2015). Thomas Brihaye, professeur d'analyse à Mons et à... Port-au-Prince ! Daily Science.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Meunier, N., & Raskin, J.-F. (2015). Weak Subgame Perfect Equilibria and their Application to Quantitative Reachability [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference for Computer Science Logic, Berlin, Germany.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (09 June 2015). Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. Annual seminar of the LSV, Dourdan, France.

Brihaye, T. (09 May 2015). About Banach-Mazur games [Paper presentation]. AutoMathA 2015 : Jewels of Automata : from Mathematics to Applications, Leipzig, Germany.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (08 May 2015). Compositional Design of Stochastic Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. Méthodes formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (2015). Les ordinateurs quantiques, quelles conséquences pour la complexité algorithmique ?

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (12 March 2015). Composition of stochastic timed automata [Paper presentation]. ERC Workshop in Verification, Vienne, Austria.

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Carlier, P., & Menet, Q. (25 February 2015). Composition of stochastic timed automata [Paper presentation]. Frontiers of Formal Methods, Aachen, Germany.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Meunier, N., & Raskin, J.-F. (03 February 2015). Weak subgame perfect equilibria in quantitative games [Paper presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar, 'Non-Zero-Sum-Games and Control', Wadern, Germany.

Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Menet, Q., Baier, C., Groesser, M., & Jurdzinski, M. (2014). Stochastic Timed Automata. Logical Methods in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T. (2014). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (25 September 2014). On alternating timed automata for MITL [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Nancy, France.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (08 September 2014). On MITL and alternating timed automata over infinite words [Paper presentation]. FORMATS - Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, Florence, Italy.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2014). On MITL and Alternating Timed Automata over Infinite Words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Bertrand, N., Brihaye, T., & Genest, B. (2014). Deciding the value 1 problem in 1-clock Decision Stochastic Timed Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Geeraerts, G., Krishna, S. N., Manasa, L., Monmege, B., & Trivedi, A. (2014). Adding negative prices to priced timed games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2014). On MITL and alternating timed automata over infinite words.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2014). On alternating timed automata for MITL [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Nancy, France.

Brihaye, T. (21 May 2014). Deciding the value 1 problem in 1-clock Decision Stochastic Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. Troisième réunion Cassting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (2014). Mathématiques : quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2014). Applications de la théorie des jeux en informatique.

Brihaye, T. (2014). Mathématiques, théorie des jeux et prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (12 March 2014). Banach-Mazur games and fairly correct systems [Paper presentation]. Réunion du NCM - Comité National de Mathématique, Mons, Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (23 January 2014). Multiplayer cost games with simple Nash equilibria [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle du GT jeux du GDR-IM, Paris, France.

Brihaye, T. (2014). Quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (16 October 2013). Time-Bounded Reachability for Monotonic Hybrid Automata: Complexity and Fixed Points [Paper presentation]. ATVA - International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Hanoï, Vietnam.

Brihaye, T., & Menet, Q. (2013). Topology, probability, games and verification. Notes de la cinquième BSSM.

Brihaye, T., Doyen, L., Geeraerts, G., Ouaknine, J., Raskin, J.-F., & Worrell, J. (2013). Time-Bounded Reachability for Monotonic Hybrid Automata: Complexity and Fixed Points. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (30 September 2013). On MITL and alternating timed automata [Paper presentation]. Second Cassting Meeting, Aalborg, Denmark.

Brihaye, T. (19 September 2013). Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and fairly correct systems [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Paris, France.

Brihaye, T. (19 September 2013). On the decidability of priced timed games [Paper presentation]. Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata, Paris, France.

Brihaye, T., & Menet, Q. (2013). Simple strategies for Banach-Mazur games and fairly correct systems [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, Borca di Cadore, Italy.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2013). On MITL and alternating timed automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 47-61.
Peer reviewed

Rivière, C., & Brihaye, T. (17 July 2013). Introduction à la théorie des jeux : Workshop 'Ville numérique et agriculture bio-high-tech', Cité des sciences de Paris [Paper presentation]. Ville numérique et agriculture bio-high-tech, Paris, Cité des Sciences, France.

Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2013). On MITL and alternating timed automata.

Labie, M., Périlleux, A., Brihaye, T., & De Pril, J. (10 June 2013). Positive incentives in microfinance: a game theory approach [Paper presentation]. Third European Research Conference on Microfinance, University of Agder, Norway.

Estievenart, M., Brihaye, T., & Geeraerts, G. (30 May 2013). On MITL and alternating timed automata [Paper presentation]. Méthodes Formelles et Vérification, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T. (2013). Mathématiques: quand les jeux mènent aux prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T. (2013). Quand les jeux mènent au prix Nobel.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., De Pril, J., & Gimbert, H. (25 January 2013). On (Subgame Perfect) Secure Equilibrium in Quantitative Reachability Games. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 9 (1).
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., De Pril, J., & Schewe, S. (06 January 2013). Multiplayer Cost Games with Simple Nash Equilibria. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7734, 59-73.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & De Pril, J. (04 January 2013). On Equilibria in Quantitative Games with Reachability/Safety Objectives. Theory of Computing Systems, 54 (2), 150-189. doi:10.1007/s00224-013-9495-7
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Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Jurdzinski, M., & Menet, Q. (04 December 2012). Almost-Sure Model-Checking of Reactive Timed Automata. Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, QEST 2012, 138-147.
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Brihaye, T. (2012). Trains, sécurité, math et jeux.

Brihaye, T. (2012). Portrait de chercheur -- Thomas Brihaye.

Brihaye, T. (19 September 2012). Almost-Sure Model-Checking of Reactive Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. QEST, Londres, United Kingdom.

Brihaye, T. (02 August 2012). Topologie, probabilité, jeux et vérification de systèmes informatiques [Poster presentation]. Brussels Summer School of Mathematics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Mélot, H. (2012). Non, les ordinateurs ne seront jamais tout-puissants ! Interstices.

Brihaye, T. (2012). Enseigner les mathématiques à Port-au-Prince.

Brihaye, T. (07 June 2012). Almost-Sure Model-Checking of Reactive Timed Automata [Paper presentation]. ERC-Workshop on Quantitative and Game Models for the Synthesis of Reactive Systems, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., De Pril, J., & Gimbert, H. (2012). Subgame Perfection for Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structure, Tallinn, Estonia.

Brihaye, T. (2012). Retour vers le futur, à toi de jouer!

Brihaye, T. (2012). Trains, sécurité, math et jeux.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., Doyen, L., Ducobu, M., & Raskin, J.-F. (2011). Antichain-Based QBF Solving [Paper presentation]. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan.

Brihaye, T., Doyen, L., Geeraerts, G., Ouaknine, J., Raskin, J.-F., & Worrell, J. (2011). On Reachability for Hybrid Automata over Bounded Time. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Stainer, A. (2011). Emptiness and Universality Problems in Timed Automata with Positive Frequency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Doyen, L., Geeraerts, G., Ouaknine, J., Raskin, J.-F., & Worrell, J. (2011). On Reachability for Hybrid Automata over Bounded Time. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Editorial reviewed

Brihaye, T. (16 June 2011). On Reachability for Hybrid Automata over Bounded Time [Paper presentation]. Séminaire 68NQRT, Rennes, France.

Brihaye, T. (02 May 2011). On Reachability for Hybrid Automata over Bounded Time [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de vérification du LIAFA, Paris, France.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Mélot, H. (01 March 2011). Non, les ordinateurs ne seront jamais tout-puissants! : Magazine Elément 05. Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 5.

Brihaye, T. (01 February 2011). Antichain based QBF solving [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du département d'informatique de l'université d'Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & De Pril, J. (2010). Equilibria in Quantitative Reachability Games [Paper presentation]. Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Kazan, Russia. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-13182-0_7

Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Render, E. (11 February 2010). Formal languages properties of o-minimal hybrid systems. RAIRO: Informatique Théorique et Applications, 44 (1), 79-111. doi:10.1051/ita/2010006
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Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Chevalier, F. (2010). O-Minimal Hybrid Reachability Games. Logical Methods in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Chevalier, F. (01 December 2009). Weighted o-minimal hybrid systems. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 4514, 69 - 83. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72734-7_6
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Baier, C., Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., & Brihaye, T. (01 June 2009). When Are Timed Automata Determinizable? Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5556, 43-54. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02930-1_4
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Michaux, C., & Rivière, C. (01 May 2009). Cell decomposition and dimension function in the theory of closed ordered differential fields. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 159 (Issues 1-2), 111-128. doi:10.1016/j.apal.2008.09.029
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Brihaye, T., & Michaux, C. (2009). Economie, environnement et mathématiques.

Brihaye, T., Da Costa Lopes, A., Laroussinie, F., & Markey, N. (01 February 2009). ATL with Strategy Contexts and Bounded Memory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5407, 92-106. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-92687-0_7
Peer reviewed

Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Markey, N. (2008). Quantitative Model-Checking of One-Clock Timed Automata under Probabilistic Semantics. IEEE proceedings, 55-64. doi:10.1109/QEST.2008.19
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Jurdzinski, M., Lazic, R., & Rutkowski, M. (01 September 2008). Average-Price and Reachability-Price Games on Hybrid Automata with Strong Resets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5215, 63 - 77. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85778-5_6
Peer reviewed

Baier, C., Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Groesser, M. (2008). Almost-Sure Model Checking of Infinite Paths in One-Clock Timed Automata. IEEE proceedings, 217-226. doi:10.1109/LICS.2008.25
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Markey, N., Ghannem, M., & Rieg, L. (2008). Good Friends are Hard to Find! IEEE proceedings, 32-40. doi:10.1109/TIME.2008.10
Peer reviewed

Baier, C., Bertrand, N., Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Groesser, M. (2007). Probabilistic and Topological Semantics for Timed Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 October 2007). On the optimal reachability problem of weighted timed automata. Formal Methods in System Design, 31 (Issue 2), 135-175. doi:10.1007/s10703-007-0035-4
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Brihaye, T., Laroussinie, F., Markey, N., & Oreiby, G. (2007). Timed Concurrent Game Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Henzinger, T. A., Prabhu, V. S., & Raskin, J.-F. (2007). Minimum-Time Reachability in Timed Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Chevalier, F. (2007). Weighted O-Minimal Hybrid Systems Are More Decidable Than Weighted Timed Automata! Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T. (01 January 2007). Words and Bisimulations of Dynamical Systems. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 9 (Issue 2), 11-32.
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Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Chevalier, F. (2006). Control in o-minimal Hybrid Systems. IEEE proceedings, 367-378. doi:10.1109/LICS.2006.22
Peer reviewed

Bouyer, P., Brihaye, T., & Markey, N. (01 June 2006). Improved undecidability results on weighted timed automata. Information Processing Letters, 98 (Issue 5), 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2006.01.012
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Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 March 2006). On model-checking timed automata with stopwatch observers. Information and Computation, 204 (Issue 3), 408-433. doi:10.1016/j.ic.2005.12.001
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Brihaye, T. (01 March 2006). A note on the undecidability of the reachability problem for o-minimal dynamical systems. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 52 (Issue 2), 165-170. doi:10.1002/malq.200510024
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Brihaye, T., & Michaux, C. (31 January 2006). Corrigendum to 'On the expressiveness and decidability of o-minimal hybrid systems' [J. Complexity 21 (2005) 447-478]. Journal of Complexity, 22 (Issue 3), 431-434.
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Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Raskin, J.-F. (01 September 2005). On optimal timed strategies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3829, 49-64. doi:10.1007/11603009_5
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., & Michaux, C. (01 August 2005). On the expressiveness and decidability of o-minimal hybrid systems. Journal of Complexity, 21 (Issue 4), 447-478. doi:10.1016/j.jco.2004.09.003
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Brihaye, T., Bruyère, V., & Raskin, J.-F. (2004). Model-Checking for Weighted Timed Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Editorial reviewed

Brihaye, T., & Bruyère, V. (01 January 2004). Model-Checking for Weighted Timed Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3253, 277-292.
Peer reviewed

Brihaye, T., Michaux, C., Rivière, C., & Troestler, C. (01 January 2004). On O-Minimal Hybrid Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2993, 133-138. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24743-2_15
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